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A. Preposition of time
1. At
Menunjukkan waktu secara spesifik
We are going to watch a movie at night
I get up at 6 o’clock
Come at visit us at noon.
2. On
Menunjukkan hari dan tanggal.
I will see you on Sunday
I was born on 21 December 2001
Don’t forget to come on my birthday
3. In
Menunjukkan Bulan, Tahun, Waktu, Musim dan periode yang lama atau panjang.
My birthday is in September
I was born in 2002
Let’s meet in the evening
I met her in the winter
B. Preposition of place
1. At
Tempat yang spesifik
I work at the bank
See you at the bus stop
I live at national street no. 13
2. On
Pada permukaan vertical atau horizontal (surface)
My bag is on the table
There is a beautiful picture on the wall
3. In
Berada di ruang tertutup, negara, atau suatu area yang luas
My cat is in the bedroom
I live in Indonesia
I have same money in my pocket


On / diatas : a cat is on the table

In / didalam: a bird is on the box

Over / diatas: a bird flies over my head

Under / dibawah: a ball is under the table

Behind / dibelakang: catty is behind the door

Between / diantara: clara is between angga and sinta

In front of / didepan: my book is in front of me

Around / disekitar : Paulo is around the garden

Far / jauh : my house is very far from here

Near / dekat : the hospital is near from hear

Beside / disamping: my laptop is beside me

Among / diantara: Claudia is among her friends

C. Preposition of direction
Menunjukkan arah
Into / kedalam : I kick the ball into the box
From / dari : I took something from my pocket
To / ke: I go to school everyday
Onto/ keatas: she throws the key onto the table
Towards / menuju: yesterday we were walking towards an old house
Through / melewati: I drive my car through a tunnel
Past / melewati : sherill was cycling past my house.
Across/ menyeberangi: we need to walk across this street
Around/mengelilingi: earth moving around the sun
Up / menaiki: we are going to go up the hill
Down/menuruni: we need to go down this road
D. Preposition of agents
Preposisi yang menunjukkan sesuatu terjadi antara pelaku dan Tindakan atau dengan cara,
benda / alat
By / oleh: a story was written by me
With/ dengan: I am going to Bandung next week with my sister
By / oleh: he was hit by a ball
with / dengan: I open the door with a key
of / dari : give me a cup of coffee
to/ untuk: this system is very important
Latihan soal

1. Some students go to school …… car.

2. The little girl is hiding ……. The bushes.
3. My uncle is sick. He is lying …… the bed
4. Jave lies ……… Bali and Sumatera
5. I’ll pick you ……… 10 p.m, OK?
6. We arrived …… Jakarta on Sunday
7. The ball fell …. The river and floated away
8. The soldier …… the office is kind and handsome.
9. The leader ….. the clan is known to be brave
10. Fina got a car …… a bombastic studio


1. By
2. Behind
3. On
4. Between
5. At
6. In
7. Into
8. In
9. Of
10. With

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