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International Journal of Learning and Teaching Vol. 6, No.

3, September 2020

The Role of In-Service Training Programs in

Teachers Development
Seham Defallah Ali Alfaidi and Fatma Ahmed Mohamed Elhassan
Department of Humanities, University of Hafr Al Batin, Quaryah Oliyah, Saudi Arabia
Email: {Sehamalfaidi, faelhassn}

Abstract—This study aimed at exploring the role of in-

service training program in teachers’ development. The B. Statement of the Problem
diversity and continuity of these programs were crucial, as The main problem of this study is that most of in-
well as the educational and personal needs of the teachers. service teacher training programs are not diverse, short-
The study followed the descriptive analytical methods, and term courses, that focus on a single side of teachers’
the questionnaire was used as a tool for data collection. The development, often professional or related to the
sample was five hundred (500) participants chosen from the
teacher’s specialization. In addition, these programs do
teachers of government schools in Saudi Arabia. The results
of the data were analyzed by Statistical Packages for Social not contribute to the educational and personal needs of
Science (SPSS) programme using percentage and means. the teachers’ development.
The results revealed that most of in-service training C. Objectives of the Study
programs focused on a single side of teachers’ development
related to the teachers’ specialization or profession. In This study consists of the following objectives:
addition, these programs did not contribute to the teachers’ To explain that it is important for in-service training
personal and educational needs. The study recommended programs of the teachers’ development to be continuous
that, in-service training programs should not focus on a and diverse.
single side of teacher development, but it should focus on the To clarify that in-service training programs, have to
overall take into consideration the teachers personal and contribute to the educational and personal needs of the
educational needs. In order to make these programs more
teachers’ development.
effective, they should be diverse and continuing
 To suggest recommendations that can help in
improving in-service training programs of the teachers’
Index Terms—ducation, in-service training, teacher needs
D. Questions of the Study
I. INTRODUCTION Are in-service training programs of the teachers’
A. Introduction development continuous and diverse?
Do in-service training programs contribute to the
Education is always considered as the most important
personal and educational needs of the teachers’
aspect in any society, and brings positive change in the
social, political, economic and cultural life of people. In
addition, education has great importance in building E. Hypotheses of the Study
strong and developed societies. Continuous professional H1: Most of in-service training programs of the
development for teachers is the key factor in the success teachers’ development are not continuous and diverse.
of the educational process. Therefore, it is always an H2: Most of in-service training programs do not
urgent educational need that teachers should receive contribute to the educational and personal needs of the
adequate educational and professional training to possess teachers’ development.
knowledge and teaching skills. Thus, in-service teacher
training program is recognized as a vital component in F. Significance of the Study
improving education process among teachers. Mokeira [1] The major concern of this study is to investigate the
describes it as planned courses to improve instructional, role of in-service teacher training programs of teachers’
professional knowledge, interest and skills. Most development and its contribution to the teachers
importantly the programs of training and professional educational and personal needs. In addition, it shows that
development have to be introduced, mentored and the diversity and continuity of these training programs is
evaluated, covered all educational’ needs, on a regular crucial, because professional development of teachers
basis, by experts in the field. increases by the diversity and continuity of teaching
teachers' programs regarding their training background
and needs. The researchers hope that the overall findings
of this study will be useful to everyone involved in
educational process. The findings of the present study are
Manuscript received April 10, 2020; revised July 8, 2020.
expected to encourage the teachers and the planners of

© 2020 International Journal of Learning and Teaching 191

doi: 10.18178/ijlt.6.3.191-195
International Journal of Learning and Teaching Vol. 6, No. 3, September 2020

these programs to be aware that, the need for in-service B. In-service Teacher Training Programs
training in education particularly for teachers are In-service teacher training program is any program or
important to improve the quality of education in activity that designed in order to have a positive impact
educational institution. on the education process which takes place with in
G. Methodology of the Study educational institution. It also, includes all the practices
and experiences that teacher undergoes after joining
The descriptive and analytical method was followed to
teaching profession. It is composed of both professional
conduct the study. The sample of this study consisted of
and subject matter of education. The importance of
five hundred (500) teachers randomly chosen from the
planning in-service teacher training program is designed
government schools in The Eastern Province, in Saudi
to meet particular condition of the educational system and
Arabia. A questionnaire was used as a tool to collect the
professional needs of the teachers [4]. In-service training
data that would prove the hypotheses of the study. The
program is a crucial element for the professional
(SPSS) programme was going to be used for data analysis
development of teacher. It enhances teacher teaching and
using percentages and means.
contributes to view from a new angle to meet classroom
H. Limits of the Study needs [5]. Continuous and efficient training program of
The study was limited to "The Role of In-Service teacher development is the key factor in the success of
Training Programs in Teachers Development". The the educational process. It helps teachers to follow the
sample was taken from the teachers in Saudi Arabia, changes in this process, and enables them to advance in
during the years 2019 to 2020. technologies, development of curricula and modern
teaching techniques. In-service training programs play
II. BACKGROUND significant role in teacher's continuous professional
development. In addition, teacher professional
A. Education development plays a crucial role on the quality of
The word education comes from the Latin word e- education in schools and improve the academic
ducere, which means “to lead out”. It is, indeed, difficult achievements of students [6].
to define the word education. According to Wikipedia In-service training program is important because it
Encyclopedia, education in the broadest sense is any act promotes a very flexible environment, therefore teachers
or experience that has a formative effect on mind, easily adapt with the working situation. it also motivates
character or physical ability of an individual. In its employees or employers and increase creativity in the
technical sense education is a process by which society educational process. In-service training program helps
deliberately transmits its accumulated knowledge, skills teachers to acquire new understanding and instructional
and values from one generation to another. Education is skills to develop their effectiveness in the classroom. In-
an essential component for bringing desired changes in service training places teachers at the center of any
the cultural and social aspects of a nation, and growth of improvement effort in the educational institution.
society is not possible without education. For this reason, According to Owen, [7] “the positive aspect concerning
most of educationists agree that education is the pillar on professional development of teachers are that the program
which the entire fabric of nation resides. Whether a will make sure that learning activities is planned and
society is formed through contract or communication, concentrated on empowering effect teachers to correct
education plays its vital role in preservation and policies, curriculum development, teaching and views on
transmission of social values. The process through which how to achieve high productivity and students’
they are transmitted is educational and the process performance”.
through which people are brought up and made conscious
of their rights and duties are social [2]. C. The Aim and Effect of In-service Teacher Training
Education is a continues process that requires qualified Programs
teacher as an essential component, so as to achieve One of the basic purposes of the in-service teacher
learning goals of the educational process. It is also stated training program is to enable teachers to succeed s in
that the nature of teaching professional makes it their profession, and also to develop professional
necessary for all teachers to engage in continuing knowledge and skills. Teachers have the ability to adopt
professional development programs. One of the important new situations in their professional life, and improve their
functions of a teacher is to motivate their students to skills. In-service training program has great positive
study hard, and to encourage them for lifelong learning. influence in teacher performance and teacher meets the
This process leads to build appropriate human resources students’ needs, so the students' learning outcome will
for the nation. It is necessary for teacher to show interest increase. Moreover, in-service teacher training program
and enthusiasm for continuing professional development. aims at increasing the qualities of the teacher which in
Continuous professional development assesses teachers turn, affect positively the performance of a teacher.
to keep abreast of changes in the educational process. Samupwa [8] studied the effects of in-service teacher
Thus, teacher will be aware of the advancement in training programs on the administrative work and the
technologies and the development of curricula and behavior of teachers in the classroom. The result of this
instructional mode. Continuous professional development study showed that there were significant changes in the
is necessary because it helps in maintaining and teachers’ behavior in their classroom as well as in their
enhancing the quality of the teachers [3]. administrative work context. Teacher’s role is very

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International Journal of Learning and Teaching Vol. 6, No. 3, September 2020

crucial in education quality as they become awareness making this process of learning, of “bringing to the light”
about their responsibilities and duties. There are different what is already there, experiential and conscious” [12].
techniques to measure the quality of teacher training Most often, teachers' educational needs are related to
programs the numbers of indicators that define good the crucial field of their profession and the direct work in
teacher can serve as a direct measure for evaluating the the classroom. They need topics linked to the subject they
effect of training programs. To meet the institutional teach, to didactics, to coping with the class and
needs in term of skills and knowledge, the roles and individuals. There is a need of methods of work with
capacities of teacher can be further improved through in- pupils, computer skills, didactics and teaching
service training. Only the trained teacher can set innovations, consulting, work with parents, work with
educational goals for teaching and can organize plans for people and communication in general, cooperation with
reaching those goals [9]. Harris and Saas [10], conducted colleagues, and so on. Although, the role of today’s
a research study. They studied the effects of teacher teachers has changes, the concept of their job description
training program on the teacher value added services. is being widened and strengthened. Thus, the professional
They concluded that in-service teacher training program development of teachers should comprise a development
has positive influence over teacher productivity in math of their competencies, contributing to the progress of the
class and the teacher gains knowledge and experiences. school, managing teams or projects, having their share in
This study further explored that the teacher with more the decision-making, etc. [13]-[15]. A few principles
teaching experience were more effective as compared to which cannot be ignored when considering the
teacher with less teaching experience. professional development of teachers:
D. Principles of In-service Teacher Training Programs 1) Each teacher has his/her own professional
biography; each teacher must be in a position to
To actualize the set objectives of in-service education
have his/her own personalized development plan.
in any organization some basic principles should be taken
into consideration, as enumerated as follows: 2) Along their career teachers go through professional
1) In-service teacher training program emerges from cycles and a succession of learning experiences.
recognized needs of the school and community. Being professional teachers means not only being
2) All school personnel need in-service education competent and expert teachers, but also being
3) Proper supervisor is an effective means of professionals of knowledge continually learned.
accelerating the in-service professional growth. 3) Teachers are reflective professionals; development
4) Improving the quality of instruction is the immediate implies continuous reflection on experience to
and long range observes of in-service training devise new patterns of action, more conscious and
program. effective.
5) In-service training program leads to a continuous 4) Teachers are not only users of training courses, but
process of re-examination and revision of the also valuable resources to understand and renovate
educational program. Additionally, it encourages the process of teaching. Teacher research is as
participants to attain self-realization through important as academic research.
competence, accomplishment and security. 5) Teachers’ professional well-being must be given
6) In-service education has increasingly become the priority within the teacher policy framework.
concern of state agencies, colleges, and universities, 6) Teacher professional development aims at
school boards, school administrators and teachers. improving student learning and achievement.
7) Supervisors should create an atmosphere that will 7) Teachers are not consumers of training courses;
stimulate a desire on the part of teachers for in- their knowledge and competence are goods for
service growth. investment.
8) In-service training program should provide for 8) Teaching is a profession which adopts advanced
keeping abreast with research and advances in standards not as means of control but as foundations
education of advanced performance.
9) An in-service training program is most effective
when cooperatively initiated and planned [11]. III. METHDOLOGY OF THE STUDY
E. Teachers’ Educational Needs This section is assigned to discuss the procedures
Teachers’ educational needs clearly shown in the roles followed to conduct the study. Sampling, tools of data
of teachers as "managers of the life in the classroom", collection and tools for data analysis will be discussed.
"specialists in the subject and in the delivery of This study adopted the descriptive analytical method.
knowledge", and "assistants in emergency". A teacher
A. The Sample
feels most often like an "educator" or "evaluator" or
"assistant” and is able to transform such feelings into the The sample of this study consisted of five hundred
educational needs. “A teacher is he who supports the (500) teachers randomly chosen from the government
other in discovering the deeper meaning of his own life schools in The Eastern Province, in Saudi Arabia. It is the
and experiences, and hence his own participation in the largest province by area, and the third most populous one
whole. (…) Thus, teaching means nothing other than in Saudi Arabia.

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In order to get all the necessary data, a questionnaire The present study was conducted to explore the role of
was used in this present study. in-service training program in teachers’ development. A
C. The Content of the Questionnaire questionnaire for Saudi teaches was used to collect the
required data, and its results strongly support the study's
The questionnaire was designed to find answers to the
hypotheses. The study has reached the following findings:
questions and prove the hypotheses of this study. It
1) Most of in-service teacher training programs are not
consisted of two parts, the first part got four (4)
continuous and diverse.
statements, while the second part was one open ended
2) Most of in-service teacher training programs do not
question. The aim of the questionnaire was to identify the
contribute to the educational and personal needs of
participants’ knowledge views about in-service teacher
the teachers.
training programs. The questionnaire was designed on
Based on the findings of the study, the following
scale of three options; always, sometimes and never.
recommendations can be made:
D. Results of the Questionnaire 1) In-service teacher training programs should be
The questionnaire reflected the views of the teachers at diversity and continuous. Continues programs result
government Saudi schools. The data was analyzed by more successfully as compared to programs which
Microsoft excel for calculating in order to find percentage have a short spin of life. To allow in-service teacher
for each part. Table I below presented the numbers and training programs to proceed successfully it should
percentage of the teachers responded to the Questionnaire. be a continue process. These programs should not
focus on a single side of teacher development but it
TABLE I. THE TEACHERS’ RESPONSES should focus on the overall development of the
teacher. Programs for continues development must
Statement Never Sometimes Always
therefore take into consideration this diversity in
No % No % No %
order to make teacher training program more
A 279 55.8% 191 38.2% 30 6%
B 422 84.4% 78 15.6% 0 0
2) In--service teacher training programs should
C 389 77.8% 111 22.2% 0 0
carefully be designed in order to meet the
D 351 70.2% 149 29.8% 0 0
educational and personal needs of the teachers, once
E 409 81.8% 91 18.2% 0 0
these needs have been identified proper planning
E. Open-ended Question should be made to asses and support teachers. If
these programs are presented with the idea of
Q. What are the topics that in-service training
increasing educational and professional growth, it
programs have often included?
will broaden teachers’ skills knowledge and result in
F. Discussion and Testing the Hypotheses positive attitude.
According to the statistical analysis of the
questionnaire results, more than half of the teachers APPENDIX
(55.8%) were never given a chance in choosing topics SN. statements Never Sometimes Always
that can be discuss in in-service teacher training programs. A You were given a chance
As for this statement “Most of the teacher training in choosing topics to be
programs that you have attended were ongoing, long term discuss in in-service
teacher training programs.
program” most of the teachers (84.4%) never attended
B Most of the teacher
ongoing, long term program. Most of the teacher training training programs that
programs that (77.8%) of the teachers under investigation you have attended were
have attended did not cover various sides. Both this ongoing, long term
statement and the previous one verified the first program
C Most of the teacher
hypothesis “Most of in-service training programs of the training programs that
teachers’ development are not continuous and diverse”. you have attended
Then, respectively, (70.2%) and (81.8%) of these teachers covered various sides.
claimed that most of teacher training programs that they D Most of teacher training
programs that you have
have attended did not discuss the teachers personal or attended discussed the
educational needs. The results of both these statement teachers’ personal needs.
proved the second hypothesis; “Most of in-service E Most of teacher training
training programs do not contribute to the personal and programs that you have
attended discussed the
cultural needs of the teacher development” The analysis teachers’ educational
of the open ended question showed that most of the needs.
teachers (85%) reported that most of the topics that were
included in the teacher training programs often discussed CONFLICT OF INTEREST
new teaching methodology, new curriculum, students’
assessment or education quality. So, the result of the The authors declared no conflict of interest
open-ended question proved also the second hypothesis.

© 2020 International Journal of Learning and Teaching 194

International Journal of Learning and Teaching Vol. 6, No. 3, September 2020

AUTHOR CONTRIBUATION [15] J. W. Little, “Teacher development and educational policy,” in

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Fatma Elhassan conducted the research; Seham Alfaidi Hargreaves, Eds., London: Falmer Press, 1992.
did the methodology of the research; both researchers
Copyright © 2020 by the authors. This is an open access article
wrote the paper; both has approved the final version. distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution License (CC BY-
NC-ND 4.0), which permits use, distribution and reproduction in any
REFERENCES medium, provided that the article is properly cited, the use is non-
commercial and no modifications or adaptations are made.
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