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"Curriculum is a far broader concept. Curriculum is all those
activities in which children engage under the auspices of the
schools. This includes not only what pupils learn, but how they
learn it, how teachers help them learn, using what supporting
materials, styles and methods of assessment, and in what kind of
(Rodgers, 1989)
Garcia, 1989
Tyler’s Model

Taba’s Model

Kerr’s Model

Wheeler’s Model

Nicholls & Nicholls’ Model

John Goodlad’s Model

The Tyler Model (1949)

the objectives

by which educational experiences

in which order the experiences

how to evaluate the purposes
01 Determining the Objectives
All objectives need to be consistent with the philosophy
BASIC of the school and this is often neglected in curriculum
development. For example, a school that is developing an
PRINCIPLES OF English curriculum may create an objective that students
CURRICULUM will write essays. This would be one of many objectives
& within the curriculum.

02 Developing Learning Experiences
For example, if students need to meet the objective of
writing an essay. The learning experience might be a
demonstration by the teacher of writing an essay. The
students than might practice writing essays. The
The Tyler Model experience (essay demonstration and writing) is
consistent with the objective (Student will write an
03 Organizing the Experiences
Should the teacher demonstrate first or should the students learn by writing
immediately? Either way could work and preference is determined by the
philosophy of the teacher and the needs of the students. The point is that the
teacher needs to determine a logical order of experiences for the students.

04 Evaluating
Now the teacher assesses the students’ ability to write an essay. There are many
ways to do this. For example, the teacher could have the students write an essay
without assistance. If they can do this, it is evidence that the students have
achieved the objective of the lesson.
Taba’s Model (1962)

Diagnosis of learner’s needs

Formulation of objectives

Selection of the content

Organization of the content

Selection of learning experiences

Organization of learning activities

Wheeler’s Model (1967)
Kerr’s Model (1967)
The Nicholls & Nicholls Model (1972)

Situation Analysis

Selection of Objectives

Selection and Organization

of Contents

Selection and Organization

of Methods

Assessment & Evaluation

John Goodlad’s Model (1988)


Funded Knowledge

Conventional Wisdom

The Learner’s Needs &


Subject-centered design

Learner-centered design

Problem-centered design
Subject-centered design

Teachers use subject-centered curriculum design when creating curriculum about a specific subject
material or educational topic. This type of curriculum design focuses on the educational material, rather
than a specific learning style.

Learner-centered design

This is a student-centered design that involves creating a curriculum according to the needs of the student.
A teacher may individual a curriculum plan for each student, or they can create a curriculum design that
involves the entire class.

Problem-centered design

This is another form of student-centered design that focuses on a student's specific educational
challenges. Teachers can use problem-centered design after identifying areas of improvement for a
student's learning. For example, if a teacher notices a student struggling to understand a specific concept,
they can use this curriculum design to help the student better understand the information.
Nation, I.S.P. and Macalister, J. (2010) Language Curriculum Design. Oxford: Routledge.
Richards, J. (2001) Curriculum Development in Language Teaching. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
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