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(Đề này gồm 04 trang, có 50 câu trắc nghiệm)
Mã đề: 001

Họ, tên thí sinh:..................................................................... Số báo danh: .............................

Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word whose underlined part differs from the
other three in pronunciation in each of the following questions.
Question 1: A. introduced B. established C. reserved D. impressed
Question 2: A. pioneer B. story C. propose D. temporary

Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word that differs from the other three in the
position of primary stress in each of the following questions.
Question 3: A. podium B. salary C. colony D. commercial
Question 4: A. status B. pleasure C. success D. legal

Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct answer to each of the following
Question 5: He was in so much debt that he had to _________ his house and move into a cheaper apartment.
A. give up B. turn off C. look up D. get over
Question 6: The company was started ten years ago by two young computer _________.
A. enthusiasm B. enthusiastic C. enthusiastically D. enthusiasts
Question 7: Fishing techniques became so effective that some species are _________ extinction.
A. in need of B. in case of C. in search of D. in danger of
Question 8: _________ you study for the coming exams, _________ you will do it.
A. The harder / the better B. The hardest / the best
C. The more hardly / the better D. The more / the more
Question 9: The terrorist attacks were calculated to _________ terrible destruction.
A. make B. create C. cause D. do
Question 10: There is no evidence of his direct _________ in the bombing.
A. conservation B. involvement C. civilization D. appeal
Question 11: By the time we _________ to the train station, Susan _________ for us for more than two hours.
A. get / will wait B. got / was waiting
C. will get / has been waiting D. got / had been waiting
Question 12: The second chapter _________ to describe his early career.
A. fills in B. goes on C. takes off D. turns on
Question 13: Experts are trying to track down the source _________ contamination in the water supply.
A. of B. with C. for D. in
Question 14: I will come and see you before I _________ for America.
A. had left B. leave C. will have left D. will leave
Question 15: The group is trying to _________ public awareness about homelessness.
A. establish B. lift C. raise D. promote
Question 16: Over 1500 new houses _________ in this city each year. Last year, 1720 new houses _________.
A. are built / were built B. were built/ were being built
C. were built/ were built D. are building / were built
Question 17: No one in the class studies _________ than David. He always gets good marks.
A. seriously B. better C. hard D. carefully
Question 18: You _________ ask a woman about her age. It’s not polite.
A. may B. shouldn’t C. should D. might
Question 19: Food _________ to suit everyone’s taste.
A. need to choose B. should be chosen C. have to choose D. must be choosing

Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word(s) CLOSEST in meaning to the
underlined word(s) in each of the following questions.
Question 20: Due to the discharge of domestic wastewater, river water in Ha Noi has been seriously contaminated.
A. polluted B. hygienic C. sterile D. pure
Question 21: He ran the 100 metres in 9.79 seconds and broke the world record.
A. evidence B. document C. highest level D. history
Xem đáp án tại: Trang 1/4 – Mã đề: 001
Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word(s) OPPOSITE in meaning to the
underlined word(s) in each of the following questions.
Question 22: She was so appalled to see how much damage the storm had caused to her hometown that she burst
into tears.
A. delighted B. shocked C. terrified D. horrified
Question 23: If there’s any doubt about the rocket’s engines, we ought to cancel the launch.
A. certainty B. distrust C. fear D. suspicion

Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the underlined part that needs correction in each
of the following questions.
Question 24: You have been working hard all day, so you can’t be tired now.
A. hard B. have been working C. can’t D. tired
Question 25: The more rice we export, the more rich our country becomes.
A. becomes B. export C. more rich D. more rice
Question 26: It was only a small fire, and I was able to put it off quite easily.
A. easily B. put it off C. It was D. was able

Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the option that best completes each of the following
Question 27: James is commenting on Martha’s new hairstyle.
James: Your new hairstyle is gorgeous. It really flatters your style of fashion.
Martha: _________
A. No, thanks. I can take care of myself this time. B. That’s a silly joke. You know what fashion is?
C. Thanks. I’m glad most of my friends say so. D. Who cares about that? You can do as you wish.
Question 28: Carolina and Josephine are talking about teenagers of today.
Carolina: Nowadays teens don’t read as much as their elder brothers and sisters did.
Josephine: _________. They do a lot of reading on the Net, not just surfing for fun.
A. I don’t quite agree B. Yes, that’s the way I see it, too
C. I totally agree with you D. Right. You can say that again

Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct word
or phrase that best fits each of the numbered blanks from 29 to 33.
One reason freshwater fisheries receive less attention than their marine counterparts may be because they
are concentrated in low-income countries. These poor countries are considered unimportant (29) _____ they don’t
export much fish. Just 16 nations, mostly in Asia and Africa, account (30) _____ 80 percent of the world’s
reported wild freshwater catch of 12 million tons per year. However, that total is likely to be vastly
underestimated, since many catches that are not for sale by fishers in countries from Congo to Cambodia are not
For at least 200 million people around the world, freshwater fish (31) _____ their primary source of
animal protein, according to the new report.
These fish may also be hampered by an image problem. While big animals with appealing images on
land and in the oceans have attracted conservation resources, (32) _____ freshwater fish have received the same
“We can see and appreciate the way a gorilla cares for its young or marine turtles come up on the beach
to lay their eggs, but we don’t have that connection with freshwater fish, (33) _____ often lives in murky rivers
out of sight,” says Zeb Hogan, a fish biologist at the University of Nevada, Reno, and a National Geographic
(Adapted from
Question 29: A. although B. so that C. because D. if
Question 30: A. at B. for C. of D. to
Question 31: A. require B. remove C. provide D. produce
Question 32: A. few B. many C. little D. much
Question 33: A. who B. when C. that D. which

Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct answer
to each of the questions from 34 to 38.
Only picture books which have human characters can teach moral and social lessons to children, a study
by scientists in Canada has found. According to the research, the moral messages of stories have a less powerful

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effect on children when the characters are animals or non-human, even if the creatures are humanlike. The
fascinating study throws into the spotlight thousands of iconic children’s books with non-human leads, like The
Very Hungry Caterpillar, The Gruffalo and The Enormous Crocodile.
Explaining the results, lead researcher Dr Patricia Ganea from the Ontario Institute for Studies in Education
said: “Many people believe children find stories with human-like animals captivating and relatable, but what we’re
finding is that this is not the case.” “Overall, children were more likely to act on the moral of the story when it
featured a human character.” She said so much of children’s books and movies feature human-like animals that it
is important to be aware that social lessons could be lost. “Books that children can easily relate to increase their
ability to apply the story’s lesson to their daily lives,” she said. “It is important for educators and parents to choose
carefully when the goal is to teach real-world knowledge and social behaviours through storybooks.”
(Adapted from
Question 34: The writer mentioned The Very Hungry Caterpillar, The Gruffalo and The Enormous Crocodile as
examples of _________.
A. Children’s books in which main characters are humans
B. Children’s books that are best-sellers
C. Children’s books in which main characters are animals
D. Children’s books that teach moral lessons
Question 35: What did Dr Patricia Ganea mean when she said “… this is not the case”?
A. Children find stories with human-like animals less captivating and relatable.
B. Many people believe children find stories with human-like animals captivating and relatable.
C. Parents are right when they think stories with human-like animals are more interesting to children.
D. Stories with human-like animals are more interesting to children.
Question 36: The word “featured” in paragraph 2 is closest in meaning to _________.
A. painted as illustrations B. included as a special part
C. excluded from the book D. criticized for being simple
Question 37: Which of the following is NOT true according to the passage?
A. Social lessons could be lost if children’s books and movies feature human-like animals.
B. The Gruffalo is one of the thousands of children’s books that are examined in the study.
C. Children are more likely to learn the moral lessons in the books that they easily relate to.
D. Children’s books and movies rarely feature human-like animals.
Question 38: What could be the best title for the passage?
A. New Findings on Moral Story Books B. A New Trend in Writing
C. Science Lessons in Children’s Books D. Children’s Books – The Best Moral Teachers

Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct answer
to each of the questions from 39 to 45.
To achieve and maintain physical fitness, people should eat a balanced diet and exercise regularly. A
balanced diet includes all the nutrients the body needs to remain healthy. Nutritionists have developed various
guidelines to encourage good nutrition.
Physical education programs in schools help children develop good fitness habits. In the United States, the
President's Council on Physical Fitness and Sports recommends that all elementary and high schools provide a
period of at least 20 to 30 minutes of vigorous exercise daily. An effective school program also offers team sports,
courses in health care, and performance tests to measure students' progress in physical fitness.
Health experts recommend at least 20 minutes of vigorous aerobic exercise three to five times per week for
adults to develop and maintain aerobic power and to help control body fat, cholesterol, and glucose tolerance. But
a less vigorous exercise program can also have important health benefits, especially for reducing the risk of heart
disease. Such a program should include 30 minutes or more of moderate exercise--such as walking, easy bicycling,
or gardening--at least five days a week. Men over age 40, women over 50, and anyone with risk factors or symptoms
of heart or lung disease should check with their physicians before starting a vigorous exercise program.
(From World Book, 2015)
Question 39: Which of the following options is this article mainly about?
A. Physical Education in the USA B. Going on a healthy diet
C. Improving mental health D. Developing physical fitness
Question 40: What are the two elements that ensure physical fitness?
A. Play and work must be in balance B. Vigorous workout and moderate exercise
C. Playing sport and taking part in fitness activities D. Healthy eating and regular exercise for fitness
Question 41: Which of the following can best define “Nutritionist” as used in paragraph 1?
A. an agent or a dealer who trades in healthy organic food and foodstuffs
B. an instructor with whom you can consult about working out at a gym

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C. a medical doctor who specialises in treating heart and lung disease
D. an expert giving sensible advice on food and diet related to good health
Question 42: Which of these is NOT mentioned in paragraph 2 about the US high school physical education
A. Taking courses in health care and playing team sports
B. Checking improvement in physical fitness
C. At least 20 to 30 minutes of exercise every day
D. Daily 30-minute lunch break at school
Question 43: As discussed in paragraph 3, energetic aerobic exercise can help control all of these EXCEPT
A. fat in the body B. heart and lung disease C. harmful cholesterol D. glucose tolerance
Question 44: What does the expression “Such a program” in paragraph 3 refer to?
A. 20 minutes of vigorous aerobic exercise B. A less vigorous fitness program
C. Checking with physicians D. Walking and gardening
Question 45: What can be inferred from the passage, especially the last paragraph?
A. Walking and bicycling are both vigorous forms of exercise.
B. You can consult an expert about your physical fitness program.
C. Vigorous physical exercise is good for those people over 50 years old.
D. Light and Moderate fitness activities are no good for anyone.

Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the sentence that is closest in meaning to each of
the following questions.
Question 46: I’m disappointed that you didn’t tell me the truth.
A. You shouldn’t have told me the truth. B. You ought to have not told me the truth.
C. You ought not to have not told me the truth. D. You should have told me the truth.
Question 47: The match has been put off until tomorrow because of bad weather.
A. The match is not going to be held tomorrow because of bad weather.
B. The match has been cancelled for tomorrow because of bad weather.
C. The match has been postponed until tomorrow because of bad weather.
D. The match has been sold out for tomorrow because of bad weather.
Question 48: They made him stay in quarantine for two weeks.
A. He was made to stay in quarantine for 2 weeks. B. He was made stayed in quarantine for two weeks.
C. He is made to stay in quarantine for two weeks. D. He was made stay in quarantine for two weeks.

Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the sentence that best combines each pair of
sentences in the following questions.
Question 49: He is tired. He gets angry easily.
A. The more he is tired, the angrier he gets easily.
B. The more tired he is, the more angrily he gets easily.
C. The more tired he is, the easily he gets angry.
D. The more tired he is, the more easily he gets angry.
Question 50: My computer is out of order. I will ask Jack to fix it.
A. I will have Jack to fix my computer. B. I will have my computer fixed by Jack.
C. I will get my computer to be fixed by Jack. D. I will get Jack fix my computer.

----------- THE END ----------

Xem đáp án tại: Trang 4/4 – Mã đề: 001

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