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1. CHED MEMO No. 1 S.

● The CHED Memo, no. 1 is a set of rules and guidelines for the implementation of
the Gender and Development (GAD) focus area in all areas of the CHED's
activities, including but not limited to the programs, policies, and activities being
conducted by the Commission. This memo is an important step in the right
direction for the country, especially for women. It is a good way to address issues
that have been overlooked for too long, such as gender inequality in education
and the lack of access to resources for women. This memo will help make sure
that these issues are addressed and that our country can be more inclusive for

2. CEDAW (2018)
○ The Committee on the Elimination of Discrimination against Women (CEDAW) is
a UN body that aims to address and prevent discrimination against women. It
stated that women are often subjected to violence, including sexual violence and
harassment. Many women are also subject to forced marriages or domestic
servitude. CEDAW recommends that governments recognize these problems
and implement policies that address them—from passing laws prohibiting
violence against women and establishing shelters for victims of abuse to
providing care for survivors of sexual assault.

3. 1987 Constitution, Article 2., Section 14

● The 1987 Philippine Constitution, Art. 2, Sec. 14 states that "The State shall
pursue a policy of full employment, industrialization and economic development
through peaceful and equitable industrial relations." By pursuing such a policy,
the state will help to improve gender equality by ensuring that women are able to
have access to jobs that are appropriate for their various skills and interests. This
can be achieved through education programs in schools, community centers and
other educational facilities. These programs should aim at helping women
acquire the necessary skills so that they may enter into the workforce with
confidence and ability. The government should also provide financial assistance
for those who wish to start their own businesses or form cooperatives. This will
allow them to provide for themselves and their families without having to rely on
someone else for financial support.

4. RA 7192 and IRR 1992

● The RA 7192 and IRR 1992 are among the most important laws in the
Philippines. They are both concerned with gender equality and development, and
they have been very influential in shaping the country's attitudes toward these
issues. The RA 7192 was enacted in 1991 to improve the situation of women and
children in society. It required that all government agencies provide services to
women and children, as well as provide for their education, health care, and
employment. The IRR 1992 was a law passed in 1992 that provided greater
protection to Filipinos who faced discrimination based on race or ethnicity; it also
provided more resources for groups working on behalf of racial minorities.

5. Beijing Platform for Action 1995

● The Beijing Platform for Action, which was adopted by the United Nations in
1995, is a strategy to advance women's rights and gender equality. It was
created to address issues related to gender equality and women's empowerment,
which were seen as critical to sustainable development. In particular, the Beijing
Platform addresses issues such as economic empowerment, reproductive health,
violence against women and girls, and other concerns related to women's rights.

6. RA 1970 Magna Carta for Women

● The Magna Carta for Women is a document that highlights the importance of
gender equality in all areas of society, and it's part of a larger movement toward
recognizing the rights of women around the world. The document was drafted by
women who wanted to ensure that their voices were heard. The focus on gender
equality is important because it allows people to recognize that there are certain
aspects of society that need to be addressed in order to bring about social
change. The Magna Carta for Women also highlights how important it is to have
an active role in shaping government policies, even if those policies do not
always reflect what you would like them to be.

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