Telenor REPORT

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Submitted to Abdul Wali Khan University Mardan in the partial fulfillment of the requirements for
the degree of







SESSION 2013-2017

An internship report submitted to Abdul Wali Khan University Mardan in partial fulfillment
of the requirements for the degree of

SESSION: (2013-2017)

Approved By:

Name & Sign: …………………………… Internship Supervisor

Name & Sign: ………………………….. Internship Coordinator

Name & Sign: ………………………… Program Coordinator

Name & Sign: ………………………... External Examiner






SESSION 2013-2017

To My Parents

There are many people who deserve recognition for their support in doing my

internship. First of all I thank to my supervisor Name of Supervisor who provided a very

kind support and encouragement in completing my internship. I must say that his wealth of

knowledge, experience and kindness proved a great help for me in doing my internship.

Without his encouragement and support it would be impossible for me to complete this task.

His valuable support and help in this internship is undeniable. I appreciate his knowledge

and support that you provided me at every single step of my internship. I am also thankful

to my other teachers who always guided me in right direction and helped me whenever


I am also profoundly thankful to my friends whose support always been great source

of motivation for me. In addition, I also thank and appreciate my class mates who were

always supportive to me. I must not forget to thank my best friend whose love and trust

always raises my morale. Thanks for being in my life.

I am very thankful to the respondents for providing me the data whenever I needed

during my internship. Without their support I would be impossible to complete my


Student name
CHAPTER 1.......................................................................................................................................1
INTRODUCTION TO ORGANIZATION................................................................................................1
1.1 The Telenor Group.....................................................................................................................3
1.1.1 Mobile..........................................................................................................................3
1.1.2 Fixed-line......................................................................................................................4
1.1.3 Broadcast.....................................................................................................................5
1.3 History:.......................................................................................................................................6
1.4 Achievements......................................................................................................................7
1.5 organizational structure.....................................................................................................11
1.6 Organizational Chart of Telenor.........................................................................................13
1.7 MANAGEMENT HIERARCHY...............................................................................................14
CHAPTER 2.....................................................................................................................................15
SERVICES PROVIDED BY TELENOR IN PAKISTAN.............................................................................15
2.1 Introduction.......................................................................................................................15
2.2 Prepaid Services.................................................................................................................15
 Talk Shawk.................................................................................................................................15
 Azadi..........................................................................................................................................15
 Djuice.........................................................................................................................................16
 Value Added Services By Telenor Prepaid................................................................................16
SMS: This service help customers to text their friends and family..............................................16
Caller Line Identification (CLI): This service help customers to identify the number calling in by
displaying that number on their handset............................................................................................17
2.3 Postpaid Services...............................................................................................................17
 Package A or Economy..............................................................................................................17
 Package C or Special..................................................................................................................18
 Package D or Classic..................................................................................................................18
 Value Added Services By Telenor Postpaid..............................................................................18
SMS: This service helps customers to text their friends and family.............................................18
Caller Line Identification (CLI): This service helps customers to identifythe number calling in by
displaying that number on their handset............................................................................................19
2.4 Recharge............................................................................................................................19
Recharge services are provided by Telenor in two ways:..................................................................19
 Easy-Load...................................................................................................................................19
 Scratch Card...............................................................................................................................19
 Coverage and Market Share of Telenor....................................................................................19
Telenor is now providing its services in more than 214 cities and high ways. The market share of
Telenor is about 10% that is there are round about 4 million customers of Telenor customers in
 Services In Which Telenor Has An Edge Over Other Companies..............................................19
 Table Competitive Landscape...................................................................................................21
 Growth In The Mobile Industry.................................................................................................22
CHAPTER 3.....................................................................................................................................23
3.1 Operational Departments..................................................................................................23
3.2 Market Share.....................................................................................................................24
3.3 Marketing Analysis.............................................................................................................25
3.3.1 Electronic Media........................................................................................................26
3.3.2 Print Media.......................................................................................................................27
3.4 Competitor Analysis...........................................................................................................27
Major Competitors:............................................................................................................................27
SWOT ANALYSIS.............................................................................................................................30
4.1 SWOT Analysis...................................................................................................................30
4.2 Strength.............................................................................................................................30
4.3 Weakness...........................................................................................................................31
4.4 Opportunities.....................................................................................................................31
4.5 Threats...............................................................................................................................31
CHAPTER 5.....................................................................................................................................32
INTERNSHIP ACTIVITIES..................................................................................................................32
5.1 Introduction.......................................................................................................................32
5.2 Tasks performed at Telenor client care Department.........................................................32
5.2.1 Customer 'Administration office................................................................................33
5.2.2 Service Connection actuation.....................................................................................33
5.2.3 Easy burden................................................................................................................33
5.2.4 Dispute Resolution.....................................................................................................34
5.2.5 Billing Information......................................................................................................34
5.2.6 Security and Confidentiality of Information...............................................................34
5.2.7 Making Phone Calls for Confirmations.......................................................................34
5.2.8 Data Entry..................................................................................................................34
5.2.9 Dispatching Letters.....................................................................................................35
5.2.10 Managing Visitors.......................................................................................................35
5.2.11 Working with Documents...........................................................................................35
5.3 Main Findings Of The Study...............................................................................................35
5.4 Suggestions........................................................................................................................36
5.5 Conclusion.........................................................................................................................37

The internship report is the necessary part of the BBA program, and every student has to do
internship of two months in any organization of repute after successful completion of the
internship work a student is required to write whatever practices and practical work he has
done in his internship work. The main purpose of the internship report is to familiarize student with
contemporary Human resource practices and techniques being adopted by the organization.
In the report a student has to do three types of analysis of the organization such as General
Analysis, Human resource Management Analysis, and SWOT Analysis of the respective
organization. In my opinion an organization has to develop proper and effective performance
appraisal system to improve the performance of their employees and company as well. An
organization has to choose a transformational leader so as to accelerate the performance towards
goal achievement. Telenor is one of the largest telecommunication companies in Pakistan. The
socio-economic growth of a developing country depends mainly on the telecommunication
sectors and involvement in information technology, telemarketing and E-commerce makes it
an integrate organ of the overall development of the country. Telenor also continues to be the
largest CDMA (code division multiple access) operator in country with 0.8 million v-fone
customers. Currently major initiatives have been taken by Telenor to upgrade its network,
introduce a range of new value added services, develop a portfolio of information
technology, internet, national long-haul network, carrier services, write label services, EVO
wireless broad band, broad band IPTV (Smart TV). The company consists of around 2000
telephone exchange across country providing largest fined line network. GSM (group special
mobile) CDMA and internet are other resources of PTCL, making it a gigantic organization.
The government of Pakistan sold 26/- shares and control of the company to Etisalat in
2006( the government of Pakistan retained 62% of the shares while remaining
12% are held by the general public (


First Quarter Report Telenor 2005 states that, "The Telenor administrations were
propelled March fifteenth in Islamabad, Rawalpindi and Karachi. Multi week later Lahore,
Faisalabad and Hyderabad were added to the versatile system. By April twentieth the system
was stretched out to Gujaranwala, covering an aggregate of 35 million individuals. The all
out number of representatives in Telenor Pakistan is today 760. Chief Tore Johnsen
underlines that Telenor has an amazingly forceful take off arrangement of structure 1800
base stations and inclusion in 175 urban communities by year end 2005. The gathered
capital costs till year end 2007 are determined to 600-700 million USD (barring permit
payments).The generally speaking money related outcomes for first Quarter 2005 from
Telenor ASA show 7.2% income development to 15.3 billion Norwegian Kroner(NOK)
contrasted and 1Q 2004.Profit before expenses and minority premiums; 2.8 billion NOK.(1
NOK = 9.21 PKR).

Third Quarter Report Telenor 2006 states that, "The Telenor's incomes expanded by 35
percent contrasted with the second from last quarter of 2005, coming to NOK 23.9 billion.
The hidden income development was 12 percent. The detailed EBITDA was NOK 9.1
billion while benefit before charges was NOK 6.1 billion. During the quarter, the all out
number of versatile memberships expanded by 9,000,000, arriving at 105 million. In light of
the solid outcomes and positive advancement in the second from last quarter of 2006, the
viewpoint for the entire year has been balanced contrasted with the report for the past
quarter. For 2006, Telenor expects an income development of around 35 percent with an
EBITDA edge before other pay and costs of around 36 percent. Capital use, as an extent of
incomes, is relied upon to associate with 20 percent".

The News, international, Pak, Oct 6, 2006, the select meeting of the President and CEO of
Telenor International Jon Fredrik Baksaas was imprinted in which with respect to the picture

of Telenor he stated, " The genuine observation will create over some undefined time frame.
We are additionally gaining from the Pakistani market as we did from the other twelve. The
addressable market in the early periods of this development is not the same as that are
because of come. Regardless of whether we are being viewed as class arranged that must be
recognition and that must not really be a needed one from the start. We need to have an
expansive client advance and that is we embraced a fragmented, directed administration
contributions, Dejuice is a model. We comprehend that individuals look for shabby
arrangements yet we are conveying focused arrangements. The worldwide tax that the
Telenor is contributions is thought to be as focused as we can to enter the market in the best
way. 2005 was an effective year for our organization as the development multiplied and we
figured out how to receive the greatest in return"., Pak-Oct 4, 2006, President General Pervez Musharraf meeting with

Telenor delegation was reported in which he said that, “Pakistan is the most secure nation
for outside venture including that the administration is giving best offices to the remote
financial specialists. The media transmission part is advancing in a progressive way. I value
the venture made by Telenor in Pakistan, referencing that the quantity of cell phone clients
has topped 40 million and the segment is consistently advancing, which is the express
evidence of the remote financial specialists enthusiasm for this segment. The administration
is giving every single imaginable office to the speculators".

The News, international, Pak, Oct 5, 2006, the Prime Minister Shaukat Aziz meeting with
Fredrik Baksaas, President and CEO of Telenor Norway at the PM House, the Prime
Minister stated, " Pakistan is equipped to turn into the territorial center point of IT and
Telecom business in perspective on the accessibility of exceptionally gifted human capital,
simplicity and diminished expense of working together and its reality class framework.
Deregulation, privatization and opening up of media transmission segment have animated
extraordinary development pulling in outside speculations and making telecom division the
quickest developing part of our economy. Portable part has indicated development of more
than 100 percent in most recent two years. This, combined with the motivations gave to the
Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) segment, has made a tremendous
scope of chances for all sections of the business. The utilization of mobile phones among the

low-salary supporters is developing in the nation. In rustic regions the legislature is giving
the office of telephones through the arrangement of remote nearby circle".


Telenor is one of the largest portable administrators worldwide with the interests of 12
versatile administrators across Europe and Asia, which at the end of 2005 established a full
support base of 82.7 million.

Telenor is Norway's largest media communications organization and one of the fastest-
growing suppliers of portable correspondence administration worldwide. Telenor is likewise
the largest provider of TV benefits in the Nordic location. In 2005, 57% of the group's
revenue came from versatile activities. Telenor has versatile activities in one of the world's
fastest-growing markets and the domestic market. Norway is the most progressive planet on
the planet today.

Revenue for 2005 increased to NOK 68.9 billion - a growth of 14% over 2004. At the end of
2005, Telenor used 27,600 people (male year) - 16,700 of which were used outside of

1.1.1 Mobile

Telenor is a main supplier of interchanges administrations and one of the quickest

developing portable administrators around the world.

At the end of the year, in 2005, Telenor controlled the interests of portable activities in
Norway, Denmark, Sweden, Ukraine, Hungary, Montenegro, Thailand, Malaysia,
Bangladesh and Pakistan. Telenor also has a minority interest in versatile activities in Russia
and Austria.

As per Telenor's system of merging its situation in global portable by getting control of
chosen worldwide versatile activities, and so as to boost the advantage of cross-fringe

cooperative energies and increment generally benefit, Telenor likewise made new
acquisitions in 2005.

In October, Telenor partnered with Vodafone Group to acquire Vodafone Sweden for a
backup of the idea for NOK 8,170 million, including an offer of responsibility.

Successful October 26, 2005, Telenor increased its financial stake in Total Access
Communication (DTAC) in Thailand by 56.9 percent. After further exchange depending on
the critical offers required, by the end of 2005, Telenor's financial contribution had been
69.3 percent.

Telenor's versatile duties are slowly becoming apparent in Asia and Eastern and Central
Europe, and to guarantee exemplary growth, Telenor has named dedicated executive vice
presidents for these areas. Telenor has likewise strengthened the joint appointment of
operational and HR personnel in each nation, in which the gathering has worked under the
management of two new executive vice presidents in group executive management.

During 2005, Telenor effectively extracted various cross-fringe cooperative energies during
the gathering. Ideal limits and general innovations for the use of the system have been
effectively realized on each of the collective activities, and the emphasis is on adopting new
developments to improve the quality of Telenor administration and reduce costs. Gives.

Therefore, in order to harmonize the direction of the gathering client across all business
sectors, Telenor has developed a specific division model that empowers more and more
powerful focus, while also leveraging all over the world. Provides a more comprehensible
understanding of markets. Telenor has created a system that offers offsets with the idea of
creating purpose-driven partnerships and upgrading the show-to-show method.

Revenue from sound administration includes traffic charges, interconnection costs and
improved charges. Most of Telenor's portable activities make up the best part of its revenue
from sound management, and Telenor focuses on growing new products, management, and
activities to expand Telenor's client base and enable higher utilization. Is kept.

1.1.2 Fixed-line

Telenor is Norway's fixed-line driving provider of media communications benefits, and is

firmly in the fast-growing Nordic market for broadband administration.

In Norway, Telenor manages retail and customer service for both private and business
clients. The offer incorporates easy (PSTN) and advanced (ISDN) fixed line communication,
as the Internet benefits from broadband voice over Internet Protocol (VoIP), accessed
through Internet PSTN / ISDN and computerized endorser lines (xDSL). Yes, it involves
respect and administration. Lines

In July 2005, at NOK 4.5 billion and NOK 1.3 billion, individually, Telenor achieved a
strong position in the fastest growing broadband markets in Sweden and Denmark.
Broadband Budget is the second largest supplier of broadband management, with Triple
Internet advantages over Fast-Internet, VoIP and Internet Protocol (IP) TVs over All-IP
Fiber and XDSL arrangements. Play "" is offered. Cybersecurity is Denmark's third largest
broadband provider, providing XDSL-based Internet access and voice administration to both
private and business clients.

On February 8, 2006, Telenor increased its stake in Sweden's private voice and broadband
supplier GlocalNet AB by 13.1 million (NOK 118 million) to 13.5 percent, to confirm a 50.1
percent occupancy plot. Maybe. Secrecy has launched an essential idea for every unusual
offering at GlocalEnt AB. This offer is valid until April 21, 2006. As of March 28, 2006,
Telenor has a 96.6 percent ownership stake for Glucolate.

In the last quarter of 2005, Telenor lost $ 63 million from its jobs in the Czech Republic and

Telenor owns 20.3% ownership for Recorded Fixed Line Administrator Golden Telecom.

1.1.3 Broadcast

Telenor is the primary supplier of TV and broadcasting administration to buyers and efforts
in the Nordic district.

Telenor in addition works to organize communications nationally in Norway and is the main
supplier of satellite telecom benefits in the Nordic location, utilizing three geographical
satellites. Telenor's key goal is to further strengthen the broadcast situation in the Nordic

Telenor Broadcast has provided TV broadcast administration to more than 3,000,000 family
units and organizations in the Nordic area, which is the level needed to authenticate those
with Direct-to-Home (DTH) satellite dishes, "Money Pay "and premium pay TV
management. In Norway and Sweden, Telenor offers digital TV supporters additional levels
of TV administration, pay TV and internet administration, and in Denmark, similar
governance links are offered through LinkedIn. Goes OE Kabel TV was purchased in
November 2005. In Finland, Telenor offers premium pay TV administration to supporters of
Computerized World TV (DTT) access. Telenor additionally offers the benefits of TV
through the Special Satellite Acquisition Wire TV System (SMAT TV), which serves
different habitats, for example, from affiliated countries. Individuals and the Reception
Apparatus Association.

Telenor's full-fledged auxiliary canal is a central TV content merchant in the digital Nordic
region, offering a wide range of national and global TV stations to these family units that are
submitted to their TV administration. Rely on DTH, Link, DTT or SMAT TV.


The history and foundation of Telenor is, in many respects, the history and foundation of the
Norwegian people. For over a hundred years, media communication has been the main
influence of the culture of today's Norwegian culture. Physical work involves building a
foundation and managing, yet their real activity is to build relationships between individuals.

Telenor was initially developed in 1855 as a business model by the name of provider of
broadcast management, Telegraphicut, in 1848 the main ideas for a broadcast within the
Royal Norwegian Navy were advanced, however by 1852 The plan was open, and in 1852
the Norwegian parliament agreed to arrange transmission construction across the country.
The telemarketer originated from Christiania (now Oslo) to Sweden (in close connection

with Sweden near Norway), similarly between Christiania and Darmian. By 1857 the
transmission had reached Bergen via Surlandate, and by 1871 it had come to Kirkness. Link
associations were opened for Denmark in 1867 and Britain in 1869. This ship was most
important for the Maritime Sea, which can now use the electronic transmission in the other
part of the division between the different regions and achieve a very different location
within the contact.

In 1994, the then Norwegian Telecom was established as an open organization. In December
2000, the organization was mostly private and the stock was recorded in trade. This change
occurred during the 1990s as a permanent adjustment to Norwegian telecoms advertising,
which has been a free challenge to all administrations since 1998. Telenor has effectively
protected its solid position in the Norwegian market. '

Telenor's worldwide solid expansion is based on Driving Aging Skills, purchased in the
Norwegian and Nordic markets, one of the most extraordinarily created innovation exhibits
on the planet. Globalization is based on solid positions in satellite correspondence, versatile
interchanges and residential Internet exercises. Telenor has long been the world's driving
provider for satellite interchange. Norway and the Nordic district are bleeding versatile
correspondence improvements, and the use of the Internet has made rapid progress in this

Telenor is the forerunner of versatile interchanges. The Manual Portable Communication

Administration was introduced in Norway in 1966, a program included in the NMT
program, which came out in 1981. Its computerized successor, the GSM, was introduced in
1993, and the third era versatile system, UMTS, was put forward for business use in 2004.


2005: In March, he stepped up his Greenfield versatile activity in Pakistan, which had a 1.9
million membership at the end of 2005. In the Nordic location, he has remarkably improved
his general position through versatile administrator Vodafone Sweden, and the cyber city
that broadcasts in Denmark, and in Sweden by Bradb and Dare. He further expanded his

financial offerings at DTAC in Thailand, and because of this he was able to strengthen the

2004: Telenor opens the first UMTS portable system in Norway. The remaining offers in
Kosmut were sold at a profit of NOK 2.6 billion. Telenor agreed to abolish the Portable
Correspondence Framework in Pakistan. Productivity program Delta 4 has ended, bringing
in more than NOK 4 billion investment funds.

2003: Consent agreement to protect 100% sonophone in Denmark by purchasing Belsaut. In

addition, Telenor owns 25% of the Commonwealth-Kamblega establishment in Russia,
which is later merged with Golden Telecom, in which Telenor gained 19.5% enthusiasm.
Telenor eliminated half of its offering (9%) in the Greek portable administrator Cosmot with
a profit of NOK 2.1 billion. Another versatile union, StarMap, has been created, with nine
European portable administrators as individuals.

2002: June Frederick Buckas takes over as CEO of Tormod Herminson in April. The Central
Command was launched in Oslo in September, after which more than 6,000 delegates
entered. The effectiveness program Delta 4, which is expected to reduce the cost of Telenor
by NOK 4 billion between 2001 and 2004, has been introduced. Catalog requests have been
opened for administration hostility. Telenor sparked his interest in vampel work.

2001: Proprietary shares in Germany and Ireland are sold with a profit of NOK 21 billion.
The stake is also sold in the North West GSM, but Telenor increased its offer in Hungarian
Penn by 100% and Malaysia's DG by 61%. CommSat protects mobile communications from
the lock head and turns into the world's largest administrator of portable satellite
administration. Telenor acquired half of Canal Digital's stay and transformed it into a Nordic
area driving player on satellite dish and link TV supply. Telenor Media is offering 5.8
billion NOK to Texas Pacific Group. The UMTS system opens in December. Telenor
ISDN's arrest on 800,000 letters Telenor is the world leader in ISDN entry routes, and found
a record of half infiltration in the private and shopper markets.

2000: Part of Telenor AS is made private on December 4, the posting is the largest in
Norway so far. The occupation offer for the state is 77.7%. The deal generated NOK 15.1

billion in revenue. Telenor contracts with TAC / UCOM (30% in TAC and 25% in parent
organization UCOM) in Thailand.

1999: Norwegian and Swedish states December 16 choose to mediate the merger of Telenor
and Telea. Portable administration WAP is offered. Telenor acquired 33% of Versatile
Administrator DG in Malaysia.

1998: The last part of the business model imposed on broadcast communications is over:
The Norwegian media communications market has been opened for full challenge.

1997: Broadcast communication system is fully digitalized. Telenor goes to a consortium to

build portable systems in Ukraine and Germany, and opens versatile systems in Bangladesh
and Ireland, as well as licenses in Greece and Austria.

1996: Telenor was allowed to develop GSM arrangements in Montenegro and Bangladesh.

1995: Norwegian Telecommunications changes its name to Telenor. Northwest GSM, which
owns a 13% stake in Telenor, officially opens in St. Petersburg, Russia. Telenor signed a
satellite system development agreement in the Czech Republic.

1994: Norwegian telecommunications transforms into an open company. Telenor introduced

ISDN (Integrated Services Digital Network). ISDN is a modern copper-based modern
access. The administration shifts to success and generates significant revenue for Telenor.
Universal Media presents the Winter Games as a "mobile phone Olympics" in Lille Hammer
- 25,000 cell phones were used.

1993: The GSM Framework for Norwegian Telecommunications is officially opened in

Telebole's own system. Pannen GSM is designed for versatile communication in Hungary,
with Norwegian telecommunications offering 14%.

1992: Norwegian Telecommunications buys the satellite "Thor", positions it in the West,
and develops a complete program for TV sign rotation. There are several reconstruction
steps that affect about 6,000 man-years in a four-year timeframe.

1991: Two licenses for GSM portable communications are issued in Norway. One goes to
Telecommunications, claims 100% via Norwegian Telecommunications, different from

1988: Infrastructure banning approval of Norwegian telecommunication phone sets closes.

1985: The automation of the Norwegian broadcast communication system is ended.

1981: The cellphone is mechanized, and the NMT is pushed forward.

1976: Norwegian Telecom launches satellite associations from the North Sea to oil

1975: Push cache phone introduced in Norway.

1974: The last private phone organization, the Endbo Telephone Association, has been
replaced by Norwegian Telecommunications.

1969: The Norwegian Telegraph Administration changes its name to the Norwegian
Telecommunication (Telemarketer), and information is transmitted to the system.

1967: The last private city trade by the Norwegian Telegraph Administration, Mandal.

1966: Manual cell phone introduced.

1946: Telecom administration demonstrates in Norway.

1933: Red phone main booth shown.

1932: Talking clock administration introduced.

1920: Basic programmed trades are introduced in Norway (ended in 1985).

1918: Early programmed trade unfolds.

1909: Storage compartment phone arranged, Telephone Walkberry - a collective
administration, ready.

1906: Telecommunication that uses radio waves to officially begin between Raj and Sarjan.
It is the first of its kind in Europe.

1901: Norwegian Telegraph Administration takes control over phone trading in Christiania.

1893: Principal universal phone line arranged between Christiania and Stockholm.

1886: Bell and the Christian Telephone Association exchange with the Christian Telephone

1880: International Bell Company launches traffic in Oslo

1878: Urban areas Arundel and Tweed stand are connected by phone contacts.

1877: The famous open display of the Bell Phone Set takes place in Bergen in June.

1870: Telegraphy arrives in the far north of Norway in uniform, confirming the inclusion of
lines nationwide.

1869: A cable association with Britain begins.

1867: Cable association with Denmark begins.

1855: The first broadcast line of the Norwegian Telegraph Administration officially opens
on January 1, between Darmian and Christiania.


Organizing is a piece of the board that includes building up deliberate structure of
jobs for the individuals to top off an undertaking. It is a procedure of separating the general
duties of the endeavor into individual assignments/exercises and after that getting them set
up together in units or office or gatherings alongside the designation of power to an
administrator of a unit/division/gathering.

Hierarchical structure includes a formalized intestinal structure of jobs/position. This
isn't simply the end in its; fairly mean which help achieve certain destinations.

Organizational Structure of Telenor


Director Director Director Director

MIS Operations Finance HR

Regional Regional
General General General

Manager Manager Manager

Area Manager Area Manager Area Manager

Customer Service Customer Service Customer Service

Custome Credit Custome Customer Credit

r Managem r Service Managem
Service ent Service ent


A chart characterizes the line of expert in an association and its departmentation. It is a kind
of visual introduction of the authoritative structure. It determines the obligations and duties
of the faculty of the association. The Organizational diagram of HBL is given beneath.

This is the thing that Telenor looks from the hierarchical chain of command perspective.
There are 7 unique offices each headed by a General Manager. They report legitimately to
the CEO. At that point there are three BUMs (Business Unit Managers) who report
legitimately to the CEO yet they are additionally coordinated and dependable to answer to
every one of the GMs of the 7 different divisions. BUMs are isolated topographically into
three divisions.



If we look in to the services that are provided by Telenor Pakistan, these are of three types:

 Prepaid Services.
 Postpaid Services.
 Recharge Services.
a) Easy-Load

b) Scratch Card


In the product line of prepaid services we have:

 Talk Shawk
 Azadi
 Djuice
 Talk Shawk

Talk Shawk is newly introduced another exciting prepaid package by Telenor, with amazing
call rates, freedom to recharge through Easyload and a lot more. Unlike prepaid Azadi, the
balance validity is limited in the case of Telenor Talk shawk based on recharge and it also
offers 30 Sec billing. In addition to this it also offer two friends and family numbers on any
network to which you can call at lower rates than normal Tailk Shawk rates. This product is
only for Pakistani customers of Telenor.

 Azadi
Prepaid Azadi is initially launched product of Telenor Pakistan. In the case of prepaid
Azadi the validity of balance is unlimited and there is no 30 Sec billing case like Talk
Shawk. The distinguish feature of prepaid Azadi is different first minute and second onward

minutes billing second minute and onward minutes cost less than first minute. It does not
offer any friends and family numbers unlike other two prepaid services Talk Shawk and
Djuice. It is also for Pakistani customers only.

 Djuice
Djuice like its name is very interesting and existing product of Telenor. In the world where
ever Telenor is providing its services this product is provided by Telenor including Pakistan.
The important features of Djuice are its low rate SMS and five favourate friends and family
Telenor numbers to which you can call at lower rates than normal Djuice rates. The balance
validity is limited in the case of Telenor Dejuice based on recharge like Telenor Talk

 Value Added Services By Telenor Prepaid

Following are the services, which are provided by every Telenor Prepaid connection:

Total Recharge Flexibility: With easy-load and scratch cards customers can now recharge
for as little as Rs. 10 to Rs. 1000.

GPRS: This service give customer’s high speed WAP on their handset and Internet
connectivity anytime, anywhere.

MMS: This service help customers to enjoy sending and receiving Multi Media Messages.

Exciting Downloads: This service help customers to select and receive the latest ring tones,
pictures, background themes and games.

Telenor WAP Portal: This service keep customers up to date with the latest happenings in
news, entertainment, sport, downloads and much more.

SMS: This service help customers to text their friends and family.

Bubble Message: This service help customers to send voice message to any mobile number.

International Roaming: This service help customers to stay connected even if they are

Conference Calling: This service help customers to initiate multi-party conference calls
with as many as three people.

Caller Line Identification (CLI): This service help customers to identify the number
calling in by displaying that number on their handset.

Call Forwarding: This service help customers to forward their calls to their Voice Mail
Account or to any other Telenor mobile phone.

Call Waiting: This service help customers to put an ongoing call on hold to receive another
incoming call.


Telenor's Postpaid gives clients the opportunity of getting more while saving money.
Telenor Postpaid offers one of a kind highlights like across the nation level call rate, most
reduced month to month line lease, free missed call cautions and significantly more. GPRS
administrations combined with the biggest meandering office in more than 125 nations,
Telenor Postpaid will undoubtedly make clients life progressively agreeable and associated.
In the product line of postpaid services we have four different packages different form each
other on the bases of different line rents, call, SMS & MMS rates and free call minutes and
SMS & MMS. These are :

 Package A or Economy.
 Package B or Favorite.
 Package C or Special.
 Package D or Classic.

 Package A or Economy
In this postpaid package the line rent is Rs.250 lower than other packages. But the call, SMS
& MMS rates are higher than other packages. And also there are less free call minutes, SMS
& MMS than others.

 Package B or Favorite
In this postpaid package the line rent is Rs.500 lower than other two packages ( C & D )
except package A. But the call, SMS & MMS rates are higher than the packages C & D
except package A. And also there are less free call minutes, SMS & MMS than the packages
C & D except package A.

 Package C or Special
In this postpaid package the line rent is Rs.1000 higher than earlier two packages ( A & B )
except package D. But the call, SMS & MMS rates are lower than the packages C & D
except package A. And also there are more free call minutes, SMS & MMS than the
package A & B except package D.

 Package D or Classic
This postpaid package charges the highest line rent that is Rs.1500 than other three
packages. But the call, SMS & MMS rates are lowest than the other three packages. And
also there are more free call minutes, SMS & MMS than the other three packages.

 Value Added Services By Telenor Postpaid

Following are the services which are provided by every Telenor Postpaid connection:

GPRS: This service give customers high speed WAP on their handset and Internet
connectivity anytime, anywhere.

MMS: This service helps customers to enjoy sending and receiving Multi Media Messages.

Exciting Downloads: This service help customers to select and receive the latest ring tones,
pictures, background themes and games.

Telenor WAP Portal: This service keep customers up to date with the latest happenings in
news, entertainment, sport, downloads and much more.

SMS: This service helps customers to text their friends and family.

Bubble Message: This service help customers to send voice message to any mobile number.

International Roaming: This service help customers to stay connected even if they are

Conference Calling: This service helps customers to initiate multi-party conference calls
with as many as three people.

Caller Line Identification (CLI): This service helps customers to identifythe number
calling in by displaying that number on their handset.

Call Forwarding: This service help customers to forward their calls to their Voice Mail
Account or to any other Telenor mobile phone.

Call Waiting: This service help customers to put an ongoing call on hold to receive another
incoming call.

Recharge services are provided by Telenor in two ways:

 Easy-Load Or
 Scratch Card

 Easy-Load
For the first time in Pakistan any mobile company introduced such facility. Since then it has
become a prominent feature of Telenor services. With Telenor easy-load customers con
recharge their balance from Rs.10 to Rs.1000 by just paying amount along with their
number to retailer or customer relation officer at Telenor sale centers.

 Scratch Card
Customers can also recharge their balance through scratch cards of Rs.100, 250, 500, 750 or
1000 just following the procedure defined by Telenor.

 Coverage and Market Share of Telenor

Telenor is now providing its services in more than 214 cities and high ways. The market
share of Telenor is about 10% that is there are round about 4 million customers of Telenor
customers in Pakistan.

 Services In Which Telenor Has An Edge Over Other Companies
In the industry the services in which the company has an advantage over the other
companies are called Unique Service Provider (USP). Following are the services in which
Telenor has an edge over the other companies:

 Miss Call Alert: It is such a facility that if your mobile is off in coming calls would
be receive as a message when you will switch on your mobile..
 Unlimited Validity: That is your balance does not expire.
 Easy-Load: That is now you can recharge as low as Rs.10.
 3 Different Prepaid Packages: That is with Telenor you have 3 different prepaid
packages Taik Shawk, Azadi and Dijuice.
 Edge Four Faster GPRS Service: That is now with Telenor you have four time
faster GPRS service than normal. But it is mobile set supported facility.
 No Extra Charges For Conference call: That is Telenor does not charge any extra
charges for conference call between three.
 Call In One – Connects On First Try 99 Of 100 Times Telenor To Telenor: That is
instant connectivity.
 Crystal Clear Voice: That is now with Telenor you can enjoy and listen crystal clear

 Table Competitive Landscape

Mobilink U- Fone Paktel Insta Warid Telenor


Network ** ** ** * *** ***


Coverage *** ** *** *** * *

Customer ** * * * ** ***

Services ** ** *** * *** **

International ** * ** ** ** ***

Financial ** *** * * *** ***


Brand Image *** ** * * ** **

Good ***

Fair **

Poor *

This table is taken from PTCL.

 Growth In The Mobile Industry
In the past five years a tremendous growth in mobile industry has seen. It is seen that

 In the year 2000-01the number of subscribers in mobile industry are 0.7 mill.
 In 2001-02 customer increase to 1.7 million I.e. 142 % increase.
 In the year 2002-03 it increases to 42% % and the figure goes to 2.4 million.
 In 2003-04 it reaches to 5 million and the increase is 108%.
 In 2004-05 this increase jump to almost 20 million and that is 300% of the

In 2005-06 it was assume that this figure goes to 40 million. Which is not a big change as
the industry is growing very rapidly. And still the further growth is expected in the industry
looking in to the past experiences. And it is also estimated that there are about 65 million
potential mobile user customers in the country out of, which only 40 million customers have
been targeted so far.



In April 2004, Norwegian Portable Telecom Administrator, Telenor, made an offer and
eventually obtained a permit to arrange a sale in Pakistan. The winning offer of 1 291
million confirmed one of two new national licenses in Pakistan for versatile activity. Telenor
has validated a 15-year permit, which is irrevocable upon application for similar
compensation. Only half of the permit is payable in the base year, and the equity in the next
ten years. Additional charges for Telenor include 2.5% of annual gross income. This permit
includes activities for Global System for Mobile Communications (GSM), General Packet
Radio Service (GPRS) and Global Global Evolution (ADGE) innovation data rates for this

Pakistan has the 6th largest population on the planet - about 150 150 million. There are
currently four portable administrators in the nation. The portable entrances to the portion of
the deal are only 2.3%, with 3.4 million supportive bases, while the infiltration in the fixed
line was around 2.4%. There are many geographical regions in Pakistan without adding a
phone. In Pakistan, with a positive economic growth and naturally less portable infiltration,
high growth in the versatile department is normal.

Telenor's past practices in Asia have focused on improving external-assisted versatile

systems, so the current movement is a continuation of their result-oriented approach.
Telenor has set up a business-to-business organization in Pakistan called Telenor Pakistan
Private Limited. In the latest information, Telenor estimates interest rates to raise up to $ 1
billion in the Pakistan Portable Foundation..


The tasks of Telenor are isolated into eight unique offices, which are as per the following:

1. HR Department

2. Administration & Security Department

3. Sales & Marketing Department
4.Customer Services & Corporate Affairs
5.Technical & Finance

Besides, these divisions are additionally partitioned into sub offices to ease activities inside
Telenor. Likewise all real choices are taken midway, in Islamabad. These choices for
instance incorporate, the financing required by Telenor (neighborhood and outside), choices
with respect to import of products and so forth.

Operational offices are situated in all the four principle locales:

1. North
2. South
3. Central
4. AJK


Market Shares Dec 2018

Pakistan market has nearly 97 million subscribers as of Dec 2018.

At the top is Mobilink, the Pakistani unit of Egypt-based telecom organization Orascom. It
has been working in Pakistan since 1994. Supporter offer is 31.5%.

Norway's Telenor, an ongoing contestant with around a billion US dollar interest in Pakistan
has been progressing nicely, in light of its ongoing acquiring report. It has about 23% of the
piece of the pie.

Warid, claimed by the Abu Dhabi gathering of the United Arab Emirates and sister of
Wateen gathering is number 4 with 19% market of supporters. As of late it offered 30%
offer to SingTel.

Ufone, an entirely claimed auxiliary of Pakistan Telecommunication Co. Ltd (PTCL), is

currently under the influence of Etisalat gathering of UAE. It has 19% of supporter share.
For those in Pakistan it is the one organization where they can without much of a stretch
contribute locally.


In the present contemporary business world, showcasing assumes a significant job. Telenor
that has various rivals in the versatile business, need to utilize their advertising plan and
techniques viably to draw in client dedication.

The promoting division at Mobilink foresees, and fulfills the client's correspondence needs.
This incorporates purchaser conduct investigate and making an interpretation of this
examination into administrations and valuing plans. The Marketing group likewise helps in

distinguishing new business openings and creates plans to misuse those productively. It
likewise structures and actualizes brand methodologies and correspondence plans.

The significant manners by which Mobilink markets itself and its items are through the
following ways:

 Electronic media

 Print media

3.3.1 Electronic Media

The thing that current associations promote their goods and administration is through TV,
because it is cheap as well as on the basis that visual and audio guides help advance its

Telenor employs great advertising efforts on TV to promote its products. Although these
advertisements portray the realism of development, they will generally demonstrate
Pakistan's heritage. Pakistan's heritage and its relatives mean Telenor, just like Pakistan's
most beloved cell organization.

Telenor has, for a long time, sought to create different roles for its brands: Tolkshak and the
device, in order to identify them with other supporting brands. Telenor's Talk Shock image
relies heavily on two variables to establish the value of its image: brand ministers promoting
its style and complexity, and a tasteful taste that makes it all talk. Has promoted image
correspondence. The air thus played through the aspirations of young entrepreneurs and the
development of dialogue districts.

Then again, the device creates a picture of the brand's entertainment, which caters to the
nation's youth and youth more and more. Not only that, it has created a picture of security
over the years among legitimate people, complete with the lowest SMS bundles that the
device brings to the table.

The various ways in which Telenor is promoting its products is through its own site and
radio. Telenor's site has been tasked with providing refreshing data about these items, with
pages dedicated to its two brands, TalkShock and the device. In addition, the site features a
similar exhibition, where clients can view a large cluster of print and TV commercials
created by Telenor over the years. In addition to the use of radios to further the bundles of
telenor, more has been used. Advertise on radio, new bundles for the most part audience and
advice audience members on their quest.

3.3.2 Print Media

Print advertising is another original way by which Telenor promotes its products in the
majority. Print media notes cover English and Urdu papers on Pakistan. The messages for
these promotions are for the most part new bundles that Telenor may offer sometime soon..


Major Competitors:


Established to work for Pakistan Telecommunication Mobile Limited (PTML) cell

communications, PTCL has been fully claimed by the organization on January 29, 2001
from Ufone, Islamabad. Started activities. Since its inception, Ufone has moderately
changed the cellphone image, which will require modesty. General Chat Chat Lounge
Ufone's focus is constantly on its prominent clients, meeting with their needs and requests
shortly after meeting the administration. Ufone's slogan has always been "U about it."

In Fun owns 19% of the market and is still seeking maximum revenue through its
advertising efforts.


Warid Telecom is a joint effort between the Abu Dhabi Group and the SingTel Group. In
2004, Warid Telecom International LLC obtained a permit to operate the entire portable
communications system, (WLL) and separately for $ 291 million (Long LDI) and Warid
Telecom. The work was a fundamental effort of International LLC. Warid Pakistan took
over its administration in May 2005 and is based in Lahore.

Abu Dhabi Group is one of the largest business group in the Middle East and the largest
external financial expert in Pakistan. The Abu Dhabi Group joins a key alliance with

Singapore Telecom. As a result of this exchange in July 2007, Telecom Golit Singh Tel
acquired a 30 percent stake in Pakistan's Warid Telecom, earning the US $ 758 million
organization with an estimated $ 2.9 billion. Is. This association is a piece of technology to
help advance the development of Warid Telecom and improve its market position.

In July 2008, Warid's supporters had more than 15 million supporters and were happy to be
fourth in the market, with a share of 18% of the overall industry. In June 2008, Warid
Telecom announced that $ 1.5 billion under this deal and $ 2.5 billion under its management
would develop and modernize its system in Pakistan.


China Mobile Pakistan (CM Pack) is a 100% backup of China Mobile. China Mobile's
overseas Pakistanis came to Malikom to obtain licenses to work in GSM. With aggressive
design to keep up with the rapidly evolving Pakistani market and constant appeal of the
Pakistani client, CM Pak launches the world's largest telecom management experience and
sets the standards and standards of client relations. Out of their responsibility to do so.
Zheng, the main international brand of Chang Mobile, operates in Pakistan.

On January 22, 2007, Malcolm International Cellular SA reported that it would sell 88.86%
of its stake in PakTel Limited to China Mobile for $ 284. On May 4, 2007, PakTel was
renamed CM Pak, and then, on May 16, 2007, China Mobile announced that it had increased
its stake in CM Pak to 100 percent. He later identified PakTel as Zong.

In July 2008, Zong's outsourced supporters exceeded 4 million and were happy to be fifth in
the market with a 5% share in the market. So far CM Pak has put more than US $ 700
million in the telecommunication section in Pakistan and an additional portion of US $ 800
million will be provided to the management section.


Pakistan Mobile Communications Limited (PMCL) operates on the key GSM arrangements
in Pakistan and sends individual and corporate endorsements in the name of "Mobilink" to
premature and postpaid voice and information media transmission management. Provides
the ability to pay. Mobilink spearheaded its activities in August 1994 when it was formed in

1990 as a joint effort between Motorola and the Safe Group and was granted a license for
the versatile telecom framework and administration in July 1992. ‫ ۔‬Later in April 2000,
Oracle Telecom bought a 38.6% stake in PMCL, which later acquired Motorola's offer at
PMCL in February 2001 and turned it into a real investor in the organization at 68.69%.
Increased to. In April 2001, Orscom Telecom assumed control of the organization. As of
December 31, 2007, Oracle Telecom directly placed 100% of Mobilink's Offer Capital on
the detour route, which was fully claimed by OTH. As of December 2007, Mobilink had
completed 39.8% of the pie chunk, making it the market leader in the versatile part of
Pakistan, and by July 2008, its client base was more than 32 million.

Mobilink offers a fully structured duty design that addresses the needs of different
gatherings of individuals, from individuals to corporations and multinationals. To meet this
goal, Mobilink offered both Postpaid (Indigo) for its clients and prematurely (JAZ)

Similarly, Mobilink was the primary sales specialist to work on 100 of the most advanced
GSM innovations in Pakistan and further respond to correspondence for its clients. The
Mobilink system is the most widespread in Pakistan, with more than 1000 urban
communities all over Pakistan, as well as more than 140 of the global administration
working with over 300 colleagues globally. Nations .. In addition, it is more than 66% of the
population and 99% of the population. Mobilink likewise is building its optic fiber backbone
to deliver superior reliance on voice and information quality to its clients and has put more
than $ 2.5 billion into its systems.




The acronym SWOT represents the internal strengths and weaknesses of a company and the
opportunities and threats outside it. The motivation behind such an examination is to
enhance the organization's features so as to counter the holes and deal with the risks and
remove the organization's shortcomings. The SWOT test relies on the assumption that if
administrators carefully evaluate such features, deficiencies, holes and risks, a helpful
technique for guaranteeing rankings is to identify external forces and deficiencies in general.
Would indicate the internal state of an association, although holes and dangers were realized
from the external condition of an association. In the adjoining area, there are plots both
inside and outside of Telenor:


 Human Resources Department.

 GPRS / MMS Services.

 Voice Mail Service.

 Call Waiting Service.

 Call Conferences Service.

 Quality of Service Department.

 Marketing and Sale Department.

 Strong Advertisement.

 Good will of the Company.

 Mass Promotion.

 Standard SIM.

 Market Leader.

 Marketing forces.

 Positive Precipitation.


 Customer Confidence.
 Branding.
 Changing Trends.
 Lack of Behavioral Training Sales Forces.
 High Taxes.
 Poor Services.


 Market Size.
 Increasing demand.
 Growing numbers of Consumers.
 New Recruits.


 Strong Competitor (e.g. Mobilink, Warid, Ufone, Paktel etc)

 Government Policies.
 Buying Power of People.
 New Entrants.



I did my temporary job in the Telenor establishment Bank Road, Saddar, where following
divisions are right now working:

Customer Care

Telenor establishment's fundamental office is client care. Fulfilling clients questions and
encouraging with items and data is the undertaking performed by this office.

Sales and Distribution Department

Promoting office in Telenor establishment was in charge of offers and conveyance to

business customers. Telenor establishment extend deals by circulating sims to approved
vendors and easyloads to little shops in region of nearby individuals. Promoting office track
every single such deal and furnish the business clients with most recent offers and items to
reach to masses.

Finance Department

The account office was extremely little and takes care of the every day consumptions and
offers of establishment. Finance of the representatives is likewise made by this division. At
the end of regular the administrator reports to Telenor Business focus on shopping center
street, Rawalpindi for the benefits or misfortunes.


During my two months of temporary position I performed numerous obligations in Telenor
client care office which added to my experience and learning. Every one of the assignments
that I executed gave me an awareness of other's expectations. Now and again there was an
excessive amount of duty on me; a lot of weight was there. On occasion things were
moderate, yet I needed to work more since I had obscured the lines among work and fun. I
performed following undertakings and obligations during my Internship:

5.2.1 Customer 'Administration office
Telenor realize how significant it is that clients get an attractive administration from their
staff consistently. I was informed by client care administrator Ms. Irem Jafferey how to act
with clients. A portion of the significant things in clients division that I was advised to do

 Be affable, accommodating and approach clients with deference.

 Listen cautiously so as to comprehend and react to clients needs.
 Give clients name and wear a name identification.
 Give them a clarification of clients activities
 Provide exact item data on all Telenor Pakistan administrations and items, and
answer client's inquiries effectively and rapidly.
 Keep guarantees and be straightforward.
 Encourage clients to give their criticism.

5.2.2 Service Connection actuation

Telenor clients merit snappy reaction when they first request their administrations.
Consequently to, guarantee that I filled the new association structure by confirming data
from clients NIC and the clients requesting prepaid associations can have administration
actuated inside a couple of minutes of satisfying all the requesting necessities.

5.2.3 Easy burden

At Telenor I did simple burden for clients in the initial couple of days of my temporary
position. Each exchange produces a number and I keep record of the considerable number of
exchanges of the day. This data was utilized for day by day shutting records of

5.2.4 Dispute Resolution
Telenor establishment endeavors are centered around snappy and proper activity that is
important to take care of the issue and fulfill clients. My obligation was to fulfill clients by
giving legitimate data. My administrator guided me on each issue that came my way from
self-important and inconsiderate clients to genuine questions.

5.2.5 Billing Information

I gave charging data to post pay clients by entering the versatile number in information base
of Telenor. I additionally reconnect the administration if because of wrongdoing, the
administration was detached. Charging and other record data to settle any legitimate
objections was likewise given to clients on solicitation.

5.2.6 Security and Confidentiality of Information

Telenor bend over backward to ensure clients' protection and to guarantee a safe system for
the privacy of their data. What's more clients' close to home data is sheltered with telenor
and be carefully monitored according to laws of Pakistan. For this reason I was given unique
exercise and I marked un undertaking for not unveiling and abusing data.

5.2.7 Making Phone Calls for Confirmations

Gatherings, classes, trainings and suppers are held as often as possible in Telenor where the
board all through Pakistan is welcomed.. The obligation of HR Department is to welcome
worker as a rule through email. My activity was to make telephone calls to the Management
of Telenor establishment reminding them about the gatherings and affirming whether they
are going to make it or not. I gave over to my chief, the names of each one of those
individuals who wouldn't most likely come.

5.2.8 Data Entry

The client care division every day gets various kinds of structures and information including
Sim enrollment structures, Sim substitution structures, criticism structures, objection
structures and so forth. My errand was to enter the information in Telenor database.

5.2.9 Dispatching Letters
Telenor is a brought together association wherein each choice needs to experience the head
office. So a great deal of letters, applications and suggestions were dispatched every day to
Telenor head quarters to Lahore, and Karachi. My chiefs just referenced the city and it was
my business to compose the postal location of Telenor office on an envelope containing the
report and convey it at the gathering to be dispatched.

5.2.10Managing Visitors
Numerous individuals came to visit the client care division for arrangement of their
grievances. I offered data to the clients and take care of the issues by giving them successful
and adequate direction. In client care office, client is constantly given greater need and
regard, and we hear them out with all ears. It was my obligation to fulfill clients on their
everything inquiries with respect to calling call rates, bundle change, VAS, similarity of
handsets and empowering GPRS on their number as per their solicitations.

5.2.11Working with Documents

Office work is about papers and archives. My managers constantly required masterminding
and modifying reports. I helped them in their work by stapling and unclipping records. I
likewise make numerous photocopies of reports. I likewise faxed papers and reports
everywhere throughout the nation and now and then outside the nation. Checking was
likewise a regular employment for me, I used to sweep reports and papers and some of the
time those records were to be faxed to different workplaces of Telenor.


Following are the few important findings of the study:

1. Telenor is caring a good reputation throughout the world wherever it is providing its
services. And always in a hunt for bringing something new for its customers.

2. Telenor is providing for the first time in Pakistan the European quality standards to
its customers, like instant connectivity and clear crystal voice.

3. The introduction of easy-load by Telenor, really makes a difference between Telenor
and other companies here in Pakistan. Although Mobilink has recently introduced it
for its customers but not of Telenor’s standard.

4. Telenor is the fastest growing network here in Pakistan.

5. By introducing three different prepaid packages Azadi, Talk Shawk and Djuice make
Telenor more attractive than other companies.

6. Telenor is the pioneer of many mobile services here in Pakistan, like easy-load,
bubble message, miss call alert (MCA) etc.

7. The growth in the mobile industry is tremendous; on average the growth of

subscribers in the mobile industry is 150% for the past five years.

8. The network of Telenor is improving and the subscribers of the Telenor are
increasing keeping the same pace with the over all growth of the mobile industry.

9. Investment in Telenor Franchise is a profitable business as its customers along with

its network are increasing day by day and Telenor has got so many attractive services
to attract customers towards itself.

10. The hierarchal arrangement of Telenor Franchise is perfect for the people to work as
a team. And allows full support to the Franchisee to manage the franchise and his

In the light of the study made the following suggestions can be made to improve the quality
of the Telenor services and to make invest in Telenor more safe from returns point of view.

i. As price matters a lot in making any product attractive and affordable. In the case of
mobile industry the seen is not very much different. Telenor by lowering the price of
the services and increasing the usage circle of its services can earn high profits from
the Pakistani market. And it is also true for the local investors investing in Telenor.

ii. One another aspect which can increase the sale of any mobile company is the
coverage that it provides to its customers. Telenor being new here in Pakistan lack
coverage in many parts of the country unlike Mobilink. By improving its coverage,
which Telenor is already doing, can attract many customers in its circle.
iii. Since the thing which matters a lot to the customers is the quality of the service not
the price of the service and not even the coverage. As the customers of the Telenor
are increasing, which may cause troubles in the quality of services? But Telenor has
to prove its mettle in this field by keeping the quality of its services same or even
better. And if it will not do this, eventually it will lose its market share as most of the
companies did (e.g Instaphone).
iv. More importantly Telenor not only focus on one of its product but bring some thing
new in all of its products like postpaid of the Telenor requires bit of thought and
effort to make it more economical and attractive than other companies postpaid

Telenor being European company is trying to bring the facilities and services, which it has
provided to its European customers to the Pakistani customers as well. Telenor has really
brought the competition into the mobile industry here in Pakistan after his arrival. With
which not only the prices of the services have drop down but the efforts have also been
made to bring the quality of services to the standard. The thing which always keeps Telenor
alive in the market is its effort to bring something new, attractive and economical for the
customers. But the thing which counts at the end of the day is quality not the quantity.
Telenor has to make the efforts to keep the quality of its services at the high standards along
with its increasing customers. The facilities like easy-load, miss call alert etc in the services
of Telenor are good things, something new for the people of Pakistan. And has become a
trend setter in the mobile industry. But there is always some space for improvement and
Telenor needs improve in its coverage. More importantly Telenor not only focus on one of
its product but bring some thing new in all of its products like postpaid of the Telenor
requires bit of thought and effort to make it more economical and attractive than other
companies postpaid packages.

Telenor is a role model for the foreign investors. And has opened the gate for the foreign
investors to invest in Pakistan and make a good deal in terms of high returns. Telenor has
shown the way to the foreign investors that by giving good services and keeping the high
standards they earn good returns from the Pakistani market. Telenor also offers good
business to the local investors (franchisee and retailers), to invest in Telenor and choose a
good and profit earning business for them. And for customers Telenor offers European’s
quality mobile services and simplicity and variety in the services and they can really enjoy
the true taste of the telecom advancement.


1) Hammad (2006), Sales and Distribution of Telenor, International Islamic University

Islamabad, Pakistan.

2) Steve and W. John, Project Analysis in Developing Countries, Second Edition, 2000,
Macmillan Press LTD.

3) Dasgupta. A. K and Pearce. D. W, Cost-Benefit Analysis: Theory and Practice, First

Edition, 1972, Richard Clay (The Chaucer Press) LTD, Britain.

4) Degarmo. E. Paul, Sullivan. W. G and Bontadelli. J. A, Engineering Economy, Ninth

Edition, 1993, Macmillan publishing Company.

5) Sasson.P. G and Schaffer. W. A, Cost-Benefit Analysis: A Handbook, 1978, Academic

Press New York, USA.

6) Telenor Pakistan, First Quarter Report, 2005, Musikk-husets Forlog A/S Oslo,

7) Telenor Pakistan, Fourth Quarter Report, 2005, Musikk-husets Forlog A/S Oslo,

8) Telenor Pakistan, Third Quarter Report, 2006, Musikk-husets Forlog A/S Oslo,







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