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Effective Learning Environments Observation Tool® (eleot®)

Environment E: Progress
Monitoring & Feedback
Why It Matters: Establishing “feedback loops” within the classroom is one of the most powerful ways for teachers
and students to communicate about learning taking place in the moment, thereby providing opportunities for learners to
apply content correctly as defined by specified learning outcomes. The process of setting and communicating learning targets,
providing aligned activities, sharing appropriate feedback, and assessing progress toward targets has a proven impact on
student achievement.

What to Understand What Learners Do What Observers Do

• Progress monitoring, as it is used • Make use of references such • Listen for students to make
within eleot®, refers to formative as rubrics and criteria lists statements about their use of
activities that provide information during collaborative activities, checklists, learning targets, and/or
regarding student progress toward in discussions with teachers, other tools that help keep them on
a learning goal. or as a guide while working track.
• The impact of feedback on • Pay attention to students’
student learning varies greatly • Ask and answer questions questions or comments when
depending on the kind and quality about lesson content as well given instructions to complete any
of feedback provided (Hattie and as expectations for outcomes, type of an assessment.
Timperley, 2007). including ways in which content
• Listen for discussions about
will be assessed.
• “Teachers not only must be clear the content that demonstrate
about what they want students to • Share peer feedback aligned to students’ understanding.
learn; they also must know typical learning objectives or specific
• Listen for student feedback on
student steps and missteps toward criteria from rubrics or other
their individual or group learning
this goal” (Moss & Brookhart, learning resources.
targets or learning objectives.
• Reflect on learning progress based
• See if students appear clear or
on specified learning objectives or
confused about the feedback
received, expectations to improve
their work, and/or purpose of the
lesson. © 2020 Cognia, Inc.

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