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“Project Hanson” was mentioned in 25 separate emails on the Biden Laptop; accordingly, Hunter was
intimately involved in the transaction beginning, at least, in February of 2015. He inquired about which
law firm in the U.S. BHR had hired. Just seven months later, WANG apparently had advance notice
that BHR’s deal was going to be approved by CFIUS—in her words, the approval was “expected by
Tuesday NY time.” WANG even used acquisitive language to describe the purchase: “On BHR’s side,
Xinzhong and the key deal team members … will be in Detroit to celebrate this milestone together
with AVIC Auto officials and the Target company [Henniges].” Not even a year later, WANG bragged
about the deal in a somewhat candid interview528 with LI: “Henniges is our typical business model.
We set up a joint venture with AVIC529 - they own 51% and we own 49% - and did the acquisition
together. AVIC has industry experience, operations in China, and it knew Henniges well.”530 Firstly,
who would have given BHR advance notice to “expect” CFIUS to approve the deal and, secondly,
how would WANG have known a specific time for the approval? A contact card on the laptop for a
Michael Goodwin from the “CFIUS Office” at the U.S. Commerce Department could provide answers.

528 “Q&A: BHR Partners’ Jonathan Li & Xin Wang,” BHR, March 2016,
529 “A report prepared for the U.S.-China Economic and Security Review Commission in 2009 warned about China’s
‘defense enterprise groups’ and the Chinese government’s pursuit of civilian-military dual-use technologies, with a focus
on AVIC’s role, with the report noting that ‘AVIC develops, manufactures, and markets military and commercial aircraft, as
well as engines and airborne weapons.’ The report warned about ‘the overlap between civil and military programs as a
commercial endeavor beneath the single umbrella of AVIC’ and the ‘involvement with dual-use applications’ of some of
AVIC’s subsidiaries.”
See Jerry Dunleavy, “Hunter Biden holds stake in Chinese firm that invested in companies sanctioned by US,”
Washington Examiner, June 2021,
530 James Areddy, “What We Know About Hunter Biden’s Dealings in China,” Wall Street Journal, October 2019,



Hunter’s divorce proceedings with Kathleen referenced his ownership share in Henniges and other
extended arms531 of the CCP, which ultimately controlled AVIC, BHR’s majority partner in their
Henniges joint venture. Despite these and other generous handouts532 and state-backed investments,
the potential consequences for Hunter’s tax evasion and money laundering crimes were at the top of
his mind. In fact, Hunter recounted Schwerin’s statement to his attorney: “I believe you [Hunter] can
do better but if it is a question of going to jail or not I [Schwerin] think $750,000 is the right number.”

531 Jerry Dunleavy, “Hunter Biden-founded company still holds 10% stake in Chinese firm, records show,” Washington
Examiner, July 2022,
532 “Hosting Chinese officials as the vice president in May 2011, Mr. Biden recalled that trip fondly. While acknowledging a

‘debate’ on the question, he said he ‘believed then what I believe now: that a rising China is a positive, positive
development, not only for China but for America and the world writ large.’”
See Edward Wong et al., “Joe Biden’s China Journey,” New York Times, September 2020,



When Where (Venue) Who (Accomplices) What

04/23/2015 D.D.C. Devon Archer & Jimmy Bulger 18 USC § 2 & 22 USC § 612

Hunter, Archer, and Bulger violated the FARA when they acted on BHR’s behalf in an ill-fated effort to
secure Bill Clinton as a speaker for an event, which required registration with the DOJ.533 Indeed, the
FARA guidelines could not be more clear about this scenario: one must register as a foreign agent
when one “[a]cts within the United States as a public relations counsel, publicity agent, information
service employee, or political consultant” for a “foreign principal.”534 In this case, the foreign principal
sought—through Hunter and his business partners—access to a former U.S. president. Perhaps the
Chinese side knew that former president Clinton had intervened for Hunter in the past, going so far as
to (unsuccessfully) plead from the Oval Office to the dean of Yale Law School to admit Hunter.535

Joe & Hillary Clinton (12/08/2016)

Archer, LI & WANG (02/05/2015)

Joe & Bill Clinton exiting Air Force Two (10/29/2012)

533 “Huawei’s mistake, as pointed out by many in the US, is that it did not do enough to develop relationships with US
policymakers, government regulators and the media. The company may have been too naive in thinking that guanxi,
connections, only applies to China.”
See CHEN Weihua, “Pay the lobbyists to beat double standards,” China Daily, March 2011,
534 “FARA Frequently Asked Questions,” U.S. Department of Justice,

535 Daniel Golden, “‘The Epitome of Sleaze,’” The Chronicle of Higher Education, October 2019,



When Where (Venue) Who (Accomplice) What

07/29/2015 D.D.C. & C.D. Cal. Devon Archer 18 USC § 2 & 22 USC § 612

The General Secretary of the Chinese Communist Party, XI Jinping, was planning to visit Los Angeles
in September 2015. BHR would receive a “one-time advisory fee” if Hunter and Archer “orchestrate[d]
a stop by” for XI to a Chinese-controlled electric vehicle536 facility, Faraday Future. This planned quid
pro quo violated the FARA and was merely another attempt by BHR to ingratiate itself with American
politicos—as they had done with their partner537 GUO George—to achieve their corporate (and state)
objectives.538 In summary, Hunter depended on CCP-backed firms for his planned BHR exit.539

Joe & XI (01/17/2017)

JIA Yueting
then-CEO of LeTV

LIU Hong
then-Vice Chairman of LeTV
536 Andrew Hawkins, “Biden wants to replace government fleet with electric vehicles,” The Verge, January 2021,
537 “George Guo,” BHR Partners,

538 GUO, alongside Rodney JOFFE, co-founded Neustar, the firm at the center of a DNS spying debacle laid out by

Special Counsel John Durham: “Mr. Guo was with Neustar for 13 years, where he was a founding member[.]”
See “Speaker Profile - George Guo,” Carrier Community,
See also United States v. Michael A. Sussmann (21-cr-00582), Document 35, D.D.C., February 2022,
539 “When your son Hunter came under scrutiny during the campaign, you vowed: ‘No one in my family or associated with

me will be involved in any foreign operation whatsoever, period, end of story’ -- unquote.”
See “Interview with President-Elect Joe Biden,” CNN, December 2020,



Hunter’s uncle Jack, Joe’s brother-in-law, also had a soft spot for the CCP. Kathy Chung, Joe’s aide,
invited the family to a luncheon540 hosted by Joe at the State Department during the aforementioned
visit by XI in September 2015. Jack, Joe’s classmate at Syracuse, responded with glee: “Yes[,] Kathy,
I would like to attend this one. I know I have passed up everything else, but this is a bit different.”

540“With U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry looking on, U.S. Vice President Joe Biden raises his glass to toast Chinese
President Xi Jinping at a State Luncheon in the Chinese President’s honor at the U.S. Department of State in Washington,
D.C., on September 25, 2015.”
See U.S. Department of State - Flickr, September 2015,


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