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題目共 80%,送 20%


a) This set is countably infinite. The integers in the set are 11, 12, 13, 14, and so on.
We can list these numbers in that order, thereby establishing the desired
correspondence. In other words, the correspondence is given by 1 ↔ 11, 2 ↔ 12, 3 ↔
13, and so on; in general n ↔ (n + 10).
b) This set is countably infinite. The integers in the set are −1, −3, −5, −7, and so on.
We can list these numbers in that order, thereby establishing the desired
correspondence. In other words, the correspondence is given by 1↔−1, 2↔−3,
3↔−5, and so on; in general n↔−(2n − 1).
c) This set is {−999,999,−999,998, . . . ,−1, 0, 1, . . . , 999,999}. It is finite, with
cardinality 1,999,999.
d) This set is uncountable. We can prove it by the same diagonalization argument as
was used to prove that the set of all reals is uncountable in Example 5.
e) This set is countable. We can list its elements in the order (2, 1), (3, 1), (2, 2), (3,
2), (2, 3), (3, 3), . . ., giving us the one-to-one correspondence 1 ↔ (2, 1), 2 ↔ (3, 1),
3 ↔ (2, 2), 4 ↔ (3, 2), 5 ↔ (2, 3), 6 ↔ (3, 3), . . ..
f) This set is countable. The integers in the set are 0, ±10, ±20, ±30, and so on. We can
list these numbers in the order 0, 10, −10, 20, −20, 30, . . . , thereby establishing the
desired correspondence. In other words, the correspondence is given by 1 ↔ 0, 2 ↔
10, 3↔−10, 4 ↔ 20, 5↔−20, 6 ↔ 30, and so on.
In each case, let us take A to be the set of real numbers.
a) We can let B be the set of real numbers as well; then A − B = Ø, which is finite.
b) We can let B be the set of real numbers that are not positive integers; in symbols, B
= A − Z+. Then A − B = Z+, which is countably infinite.
c) We can let B be the set of positive real numbers. Then A − B is the set of negative
real numbers and 0, which is certainly uncountable.

Because |A| < ¿ Z+¿ ¿| , there is a one-to-one function f : A → Z+ ¿¿. We are also given
that A is infinite, so the range of f has to be infinite. We will construct a bijection g
from Z+ ¿¿ to A. For each n ∈ Z+ ¿¿, let m be the nth smallest element in the range of f .
Then g(n) = f −1 (m). The existence of g contradicts the definition of |A| < | Z+ ¿¿| , and
our proof is complete.


Let A and B be two diagonal n × n matrices. Let C = [c ij ] be the product AB. From
the definition of matrix multiplication, c ij = ∑ ai q bq j . Now all the terms aiq in this
q =1

expression are 0 except for q = i, so c ij = a ii bi j. But b ij = 0 unless i = j , so the only

nonzero entries of C are the diagonal entries c i i = a ii bi i


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