What Are Semantic Gradients

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What are semantic gradients?

A semantic gradient is a list of related words placed on a continuum, gradually

shifting meaning from one word to its antonym. A semantic gradient that is
anchored at one end by the word microscopic and at the other end by the
word gargantuan might have the words huge, miniature, small, and enormous
somewhere in between. Putting words in order to create a semantic gradient
can help students understand antonyms and also the subtle differences
between similar words — shades of meaning — and can help expand their
spoken and written vocabulary.

Why use semantic gradients?

 Helps broaden and deepen students’ understanding of related words
 Helps students recognize and distinguish between shades of meaning
 Enhances students’ vocabulary, which can help them be more precise and
descriptive in their spoken and written language
 Helps develop students’ word-learning skills encourages curiosity about words
Key Information



When To Use This Strategy

Before reading
During reading
After reading

Appropriate Group Size

With small groups
Whole class setting

How to use semantic gradients

1. Select a pair of polar opposite words to serve as your anchor words. Set up
the gradient horizontally or vertically, leaving plenty of space in between the
anchor words for adding words to the gradient. Make sure the students
understand the anchor words.
2. Generate (or have ready) at least five synonyms for each of the opposite
words to add to the gradient.
3. Model by thinking aloud as you decide where to place some of the words in
between the anchor words.
4. Continue to add words to the gradient with input from students. Arrange the
words in a way that makes a bridge from one anchor word to the other. Move
words up or down the gradient as needed to accommodate new words.
5. Have students discuss their rationale for placing certain words in certain
locations. Encourage a conversation about the subtle differences among the

1. Select a specific vocabulary word, e.g., large. Descriptive words (adjectives)

tend to work best.
2. Using a book you’ve read, a unit of study, or different writing samples, create
a list of semantically related words. You can prepare a list in advance or work
with students to generate a list. The brainstormed words will extend off either
side of your target word, making the original word in the center of your
3. Work with students to arrange the words in a way that illustrates an
understanding of each word’s meaning.
4. Have students discuss their rationale for where they place the words.
Encourage a conversation about the subtle differences among the words.

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