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As what I have understood on the film, Martin Heidegger discussed what

technology reveals and its role in human flourishing. He is trying to convey that it is true
that technology is “a means to an end” or “a human activity.” Yet, he also wants to
impart that it actually doesn’t get to the essence of technology, and that both of these
viewpoints don’t necessarily have to be wrong and contradict one another. Heidegger
wants us to think of the fundamental essence of technology without rejecting its prior
notions as an external means in human activity. Just as the essence of a tree is not itself a
tree, Heidegger points out that the essence of technology is not anything technological.
Martin Heidegger has three essential claims that he is making in the question
concerning technology. First, he claims that technology is a mode of understanding.
Technology according to him, is not a mere neutral tool. It embodies a specific way of
revealing the world. Secondly, technology develops beyond our comprehension and
control and is not necessarily a human activity alone. And lastly, technology is the
ultimate danger to our existence. It is something that we must use in extreme caution
towards, not necessarily in a physical sense, but in a metaphysical and conceptual sense;
that we risk seeing the world only through technological lens.
To Heidegger, we as humans, are actually kind of blind to technology. While the
some claims that technology is the ‘making’ of something or ‘helping something to come
into being’, Heidegger explains that it is rather a ‘forcing into being’. To sum it all up,
Heidegger believes that technology reveals the world as raw material, available for
production and manipulation.

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