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1. Backend Development (.

Net Core API with Dapper ORM):

 Project Structure and Architecture 5 Hours
 Implementing API endpoints: 14 hours
2. Frontend Development (Angular HTML, CSS, Typescript):
 Project Structure and Architecture 4 hours
 Creating four pages User Interface: 14 hours
 Implementing user interface elements: 10 hours
 Handling data binding: 8 hours
3. Integration with MailChimp API:
 Querying MailChimp API: 8 hours
 Updating records: 5 hours
4. Database (MySQL | SQL):
 Designing and implementing the database schema: 10 hours
 Writing queries: 7 hours
5. Logging:
 Implementing logging functionality: 8 hours
6. Form Validation:
 Implementing client-side validation: 5 hours
 Implementing server-side validation: 5 hours
7. Thank You Page and Error Handling:
 Designing and implementing the thank you page: 5 hours
 Handling errors: 5 hours
8. Unit Testing:
 Unit testing for backend and frontend: 7 hours
 Integration testing for the entire system: 5 hours

Estimated Hours 115 TO 125 Hours

Its flexible estimation Might Some Things can be done early its Depend on the Project Logic
(complexity) and Structure.

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