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(For Basic Education)



Administrative Details

School Nyabera Junior School

Year 2024

Term 2

Subject/Learning Area Mathematics

Grade 8

Teacher’s Details Name: Kiberiti Yellow Tsc No. 12345 Gender: F

Wee Lesso Stran Sub Lesson Learning Learning Key Inquiry Learning Assessment Reflection
k n d Strand Outcomes Experiences Questions Resources
1 1 Geom Geometric By the end of the lesson, The learner is guided Where we use  Geometrical Checklists
etry constructi the learner should be to: parallel lines Observation
able to;  discuss areas features  Charts/ schedules
a) Identify parallel lines of parallel lines, pictures
on different surfaces  identify parallel lines showing
b) construct parallel in from their fencing wires
different situations environment such as fixed parallel
c) appreciate the use of single ruled books, to each other,
parallel lines in in ridges of iron sheet  Pictures
our day to day lives roof showing lanes
 Construct parallel on the of the

lines using pair of road
compasses and a ruler  Learners book
 Teachers
2 a) identify The learner is guided Where we use  Geometrical Checklists
perpendicular lines to: perpendicular set, Observation
on different surfaces  discuss areas features lines?  Charts/ schedules
b) construct of perpendicular pictures Written
perpendicular lines lines, showing joints assignments
in different on plane  identify lines from meeting at 90
surfaces their environment, degrees,
c) appreciate the use of  Construct
perpendicular lines perpendicular lines
in day to day lives using pair of
compasses and a ruler
3 a) identify lines that are The learner is guided Where can we  Geometrical Checklists
divided to: find lines that set Observation
proportionally in the  collaborate and are divided  Charts/ schedules
environment identify lines that are proportionally? pictures Written test
b) divide a line divided showing lines
proportionally in proportionally, divided
different situations  divide a line proportionally
c) appreciate the proportionally using a  Learners book
proportional division ruler and a set square  Teachers
of a line in day-to- guide
day life

4 a) measure internal and The learner is guided How do we  Geometrical Checklists

external angles of to: know that a set Observation
polygons  Select different polygon is  Charts/ schedules
b) identify angle regular polygons and regular pictures
properties of measure internal and showing lines
polygons in different external angles divided
situations  Use internal and proportionally
c) appreciate the use of external angles to  Grade 8
angle properties of come up with a Learners’
polygons relationship book
 Analyse and come  Grade 8
up with relationship Teachers’

between sides and guide
exterior angles of

5 a) identify regular The learner is guided How can we  Checklists

triangles from the to: construct Observation
different types of  Collaborate with regular triangles schedules
triangles others and analyse the
b) construct regular types of triangles and
triangle in given their properties
sides  Construct regular
c) appreciate the use of triangles given
regular triangles in different
day-to-day life measurements


Administrative Details

School Nyabera Junior school Date 10/5/2024

Subject/ Learning Mathematics Time 8:00 – 8:40am

Year 2024 Grade 8

Term 2 Roll Boys:…22……. Girls: ..22.. Total:……44……….

Teacher’s Details Name: Kibiriti Yelow…. Tsc No. 12345 Gender:……F……..

Strand: Geometry
Sub Strand: Geometrical construction
Lesson Learning Outcomes:
By the end of the lesson, the learner should be able to:
d) Identify parallel lines on different surfaces
e) construct parallel in different situations
f) appreciate the use of parallel lines in our day to day lives

Key Inquiry Questions:

Where do use parallel lines?
Learning Resources:
Charts showing parallel lines
Geometric set
Grade 8 Learners book page 150 – 155
Grade 8 Teachers guide page 94- 97
Organisation of Learning: learning will take place in class and class environment
The learner will be guided to review the types of lines (straight and curved) lines they leant in the previous grades
Lesson Development:
Step 1: the learners to collaborate and portray unity with each other while out carry out activity 3 on learners’ book page 150. They
should then identify the parallel lines within their environment. (Some of the parallel lines can be seen in the single ruled books, barbed
wire fence, trusses on the roof)
The learners should be guided to critically analyse the lines and state their properties of the parallel lines
Step 2: learners to be grouped then guided to construct parallel lines on plane surfaces using a ruler and pair of composes. The learners
should be guided to observe their safety and safety of others when using the sharp objects like pair of compasses.
Step 3: the teacher to walk from group to group while observing the process of constructing and correcting the errors in the steps.
Step 4: learners to be guided to do the practice exercise 7 page 154 of the learners’ book.
Extended Activities: the learners to identify areas where parallel lines have been used in the school and home environment

Conclusion: all the learners were able to identify properties of the parallel line. They used the properties to construct parallel lines
Reflection on the lesson:
Most learners were able to construct parallel lines. Three learners were not able to construct the lines accurately. Remedial measure to
help them has been organised and the end of the games time today to help them catch up


Administrative Details

School Nyabera junior school

Grade 8

Subject/Learning Area Mathematics

Year 2024

Term 2

Teacher’s Details Name: Kibiriti Yelow…. Tsc No. 12345 Gender:……F……..

Date Strand Sub Strand Lesson Skill(s) Work Done Reflection Signature
10/5/2024 geometry Geometrical Identifying of parallel lines Identification of parallel Most learners were able to Kibiriti
construction Constructing of parallel lines lines Yelow
construct parallel lines.
Construction of parallel lines
Three learners were not able
to construct the lines
accurately. Remedial
measure was conducted
same day to help them catch



Administrative Details

Name of the School: Nyabera Junior School

Level / Grade: 8

Learning Area/ Subject: Mathematics

Teacher’s Details Name: Kibiriti Yelow…. Tsc No. 12345 Gender:

Name of Strand and Areas of Areas of Specific Learning Resourc Assessme Date of Date Reflection
the sub strand strength need learning experiences nt initiation of
learner outcome es (methods termin
and tool) ation
Geometry Identification Holding as By the end of the Hold set squares to Geometrica Observation James was able to
James of properties set square to session, the learner create parallel lines l set schedule 12/5/2024 15/5/2024 construction
Geometric of parallel draw should be able to Use pair of Plain parallel lines using
lines papers pair of compasses
parallel line construct parallel compasses and a
construction Constructing
Constructio lines ruler to construct a
and a ruler. The use
straight lines of set square was
n of parallel parallel line still need more
lines using practice
pair of
and a ruler


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