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Giant rabbit story:


So here’s a story you’re probably not going to believe, but it’s true. I promise
you! At least I remember it happening… school house It was a long time ago
when I was teaching in a school that was a bit strange, and a bit peculiar (but
not nearly as peculiar as the school you’re in right now!) when something very
odd happened to me. As I remember, it was a cold, dark morning when I opened
the door of my classroom and saw something I just couldn’t believe. At first I
thought my eyes were playing tricks on me, but then I realized they weren’t!
Rabbit cartoon what was it that was so strange? You might ask. First of all,
Fluffie, our pet rabbit, was not in his hutch anymore, but that wasn’t really
strange because Fluffie often escaped his hutch overnight. What WAS very
strange was that Fluffie the rabbit was as tall as me! His whiskers were the
length of yardsticks, and his ears were as long as small trees, and they were
brushing against the ceiling of the classroom!

Fluffie!” I yelled, “What happened to you? You’re giant!” He just looked at me

and said, “Carrots eat, carrots eat, carrots, carrots, carrots eat.” “Carrots?
What do carrots have to do with turning into a giant?” I said, not even thinking
about the fact that Fluffie also had learned how to speak. Carrot cartoon “Ate
too, too, too many carrots,” said Fluffie, and he looked towards the small
refrigerator we had in the class that held his carrots. It was open, and I saw all
of the bags of carrots lying on the floor, empty. “You ate all the carrots!” I
yelled. Fluffie nodded his head. If there were 34 empty bags of carrots on the
floor, and each bag had had 8 carrots in it, how many carrots had Fluffie the
Rabbit eaten in total?

What are we going to do, Fluffie? The students can’t see you like this. They’ll be
scared of you. Carrot cartoon Fluffie just looked at me and said, “Me hungry.
More carrots…” “Fluffie, I don’t have any more carrots, and even if I did, I
wouldn’t give them to you! You’re giant already, I don’t need you to grow any
bigger!” mean rabbit cartoon “Me hungry! Eat teacher,” said Fluffie the giant
rabbit. “You’re not going to eat me Fluffie.” “Me Hungry! Eat teacher,” repeated
Fluffie and he started hopping towards me! “Fluffie!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! STOP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!” You
might be able to guess why I regretted having worn my orange shirt that day! I
yelled stop 56 times every minute for the next 7 minutes. How many times had I
yelled stop?

When Fluffie didn’t stop, I began running. I ran right out of the classroom,
right out of the school and began running down the stream a rabbit cartoonet.
No matter how fast I ran, Fluffie was right behind me. I discovered giant
rabbits are quick! “Me Hungry eat teacher,” he kept repeating. I didn’t know
what I was going to do. I mean I’d never been chased by a giant rabbit before.
Suddenly I had an idea- I’ll run to the supermarket and hopefully find some
carrots for him to eat. It was better than him trying to chew on me! Shopping
cart cartoon I saw the supermarket down the street and ran straight in. Fluffie
was still following me. I ran to the produce section and saw a tall pile of bags of
carrots. I grabbed one and threw it at Fluffie. He caught it in his mouth and
swallowed the entire bag- including the bag! I saw him grow even more. His ears
were squeezing against the ceiling of the supermarket! I threw another bag at
him and he ate that one too and grew even more. His tail which used to be small
and stubby, was now as big as a small car. What was I going to do! I did not need
an even bigger hungry rabbit chasing me for lunch! Carrot cartoon Then I had
another idea. I saw a whole bunch of bags that said “Baby Carrots” on them. I
grabbed one of the bags and flung it straight at Fluffie. Fluffie caught the bag
in his mouth and swallowed, and just like I thought might happen, he shrank a
little. I started throwing the bags of baby carrots as fast as I could. They were
flying into his mouth as fast as Trick or Treaters eating Halloween candy. As a
matter of fact I threw 9 bags of baby carrots at him in 20 seconds! If each bag
had of carrots was on sale for 93¢ what would have been the total cost of the 9
bags of carrots?

Daniel Paul E. Salvadora 8-SOC1

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