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vid Kolkoma in Boereboom 101 Binns nis Burchill vid Housden er Kinsler os LYY FORT OXFORD UNIVERSITY PRESS Oxford University Press is a department of the University of Oxford. It furthers the University’s objective of excellence in research, scholarship, and education by publishing worldwide. Oxford is a registered trademark of Oxford University Press in the UK and in certain other countries. Published in Australia by Oxford University Press 253 Normanby Road, South Melbourne, Victoria 3205, Australia © Oxford University Press 2012 ‘The moral rights of the author have been asserted First published 2012 ‘This book was originally published by ESA Publications, Auckland, New Zealand. ‘This edition, specially adapted for the Grade 12 syllabus in Papua New Guinea, is published by arrangement with ESA Publications. Authors of the original ‘work were John Boereboom, Athol Binns, Denis Burchill, David Housden, Peter Kinsler, and this edition has been produced by David Kolkoma. All rights reserved, No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted, in any form or by any means, without the prior permission in writing of Oxford University Press, or as expressly permitted by law, by licence, or under terms agreed with the reprographics rights organisation. Enquiries concerning reproduction outside the scope of the above should be sent to the Rights Department, Oxford University Press, at the address above. You must not circulate this work in any other form and you must impose this, same condition on any acquirer. ISBN 978 0 19 557882 9 Reproduction and communication for educational purposes ‘The Australian Copyright Act 1968 (the Act) allows a maximum of one chapter ‘or 10% of the pages of this work, whichever is the greater, to be reproduced andj ‘or communicated by any educational institution for its educational purposes provided that the educational institution (or the body that administers it) has given a remuneration notice to Copyright Agency Limited (CAL) under the Act. For details of the CAL licence for educational institutions contact: Copyright Agency Limited evel 15. 233 Castlereagh Street ‘Sydney NSW 2000 ‘Telephone: (02) 9394 7600 : (02) 9394 7601 Email: info@copyright.comau lustrations by diacriTech and Birdwing PNG ‘Typeset by diacriTech Printed in China by Golden Cup Printing Co. Ltd Links to third party websites are provided by Oxford in good faith and for information only. Oxford disclaims any responsibility for the materials contained in any third party website referenced in this work, Introduction v Introduction This book has been published to provide the information required by students in order to successfully complete the Upper Secondary course in Physics at Grade 12 in Papua New Guinea The book is written in a manner that best develops an overall understanding of the physics concepts and processes set out in the PNG Grade 12 Syllabus. The order of Units in this book follows the order of Units presented in the Physics syllabus for Grade 12: Unit 12.1 Fluids Unit 12.2 Temperature and Heat Unit 12.3 Waves Unit 12.4 Electromagnetism Unit 12.5 Radioactivity and Nuclear Energy Within each Unit there are a number of Topics which follow the main subheadings and bullet points set out within each Unit in the syllabus. The aim is to provide structure and content in a concise and compact format for students to use as an effective resource to support the classroom experience. It is acknowledged that Physics is more interesting and meaningful when students are exposed to a variety of resources and materials and we encourage students and teachers not to rely on this book as a sole source of information. Ifyou have any suggestions about how this book might be improved in future editions, please make contact with Oxford University Press: Fax: 00 61 3 99349 100 Customer Service Email: We wish you every success in your studies. The authors © Oxford University Press www vi Acknowledgments Acknowledgments There are many people to be thanked for their help and assistance in enabling the publication of this series to happen. First, we acknowledge the cooperation and generosity of Mark Sayes at ESA Publications in New Zealand, who responded with interest and support when the proposal to adapt his Study Guide series was put to him. We would also like to acknowledge many other individuals who have been happy to advise and assist in different ways: Joy Sahumlal, Greg Kapanombo, Anne Sangi, Safak Deliismail. The author and the publisher wish to thank the following copyright holders for reproduction of their material: Corbis/Super Stock, p. 263; istockphoto/akiyoko, p. 220; istockphoto/lain Sarjeant, p. 219; istockphoto/Ziga Cetrti¢, p. 215; Science Photo Library, p. 253. Every effort has been made to trace the original source of copyright material contained in this book. The publisher will be pleased to hear from copyright holders to rectify any errors or omissions. Authorship Authors of the original editions were John Boereboom, Athol Binns, Denis Burchill, David Housden and Peter Kinsler. This edition has been produced with the assistance of David Kolkoma, lecturer in Physics at Papua New Guinea University of Technology. His qualifications include: Certificate in Medical Physics, International Centre for Theoretical Physics, Trieste, Italy; Postgraduate Certificate in Communication for Science and Technology, Papua New Guinea University of Technology; Bachelor of Science in Electrical Engineering, Papua New Guinea University of Technology. He has also been a tutor for Grade 12 Physics and a member of the Grade 12 Physics National Examination Committee. At the time of publication Mr Kolkoma is completing his Masters in Medical Physics at Queensland University of Technology. The aim of this book is to provide Grade 12 Physics students in PNG with a book that they can use as a compact summary of content and skills related to the PNG Grade 12 syllabus © Oxford University Press wwwoup.comau. Contents Introduction Acknowledgments Preliminary Unit The importance of physics. Unit 12.1 Fluids Topic 1: Fluid statics. Topic 2: Fluid dynamics Unit 12.2 Temperature and Heat Topic 1: Temperature, thermal expansion and heat transfer Topic 2: Heat and energy .....sccsssesseineseene Unit 12.3 Waves Topic 1: Types of waves ...... Topic 2: Reflection of light... Topic 3: Refraction of light Topic 4: Waves and the electromagnetic spectrum... Topic 5: Reflection of light ~ review and extension Topic 6: Refraction - review and extension Enrichment Topic: Vision and the camera Unit 12.4 Electromagnetism Topic 1: Magnetic fields.......... Topic 2: Magnetism Topic 3: The motor effect. Topic 4: Electromagnetic induction ... Topic 5: More about induction Topic 6: Transformers and inductance .. vi 13 19 oo 33 AS, 63 71 87 109 121 135 145 159 179 189 215 iv Contents Unit 12.5 Radioactivity and Nuclear Energy Topic 1: The atom and nuclear reactions ... Topic 2: The nuclear reactor and safety... Topic 3: Nuclear reactions Appendix: List of constants Answers Glossary/Index (© Oxford University Pess wwew.oup.comau 233 2239 247 274 275 317

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