Topic 12.1.2 Fluid Dynamics

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Unit 12.

1 Fluids
Topic 2: Fluid dynamics
In Topic 1 we looked at fluids at rest or fluid statics and in Topic 2 we will look at fluid in
motion or fluid dynamics (Syllabus p. 24). This Topic covers:
• Flow rate and equation of continuity.
• Bernoulli's equation.

Since the motion of fluids can be very complicated due to turbulence, frictional forces
between molecules and layers of the fluid and other influences, we need to make some
assumptions to make our analysis easier. These assumptions are:
i. No internal friction between layers of fluid (zero viscosity).
ii. The density of the fluid remains the same throughout the fluid (non-compressibility).
iii. Fluid velocity and pressure at each point in the fluid do not change with time (steady
iv. The fluid particles follow smooth, predictable flow lines (streamline or laminar flow).

Flow rate and equation of continuity

The flow rate is defined as the volume of fluid passing through the pipe at that point
per unit time in a non-uniform cross-section such as a pipe or hose. It is mathematically
defined as:
i1V Llx
Flow rate = - = A- = Av.
i1t i1t
where A is the cross-sectional area of the pipe at that point and v = & is the fluid velocity.
The unit of flow rate is m3/s. i1t
The continuity equation states that if the fluid is incompressible, the flow rate must be
the same everywhere along the cross-section of the pipe, according to the conservation
of fluid particles which states that 'what goes in must come out'. Mathematically, this is
defined as:
Av = constant.

Bernoulli's Equation
From conservation of energy the work done in moving a volume of fluid through a portion
of pipe must go into kinetic energy and potential energy of the fluid. In this situation,
assume that there are no frictional forces. Consider a fluid moving through a pipe as in the
figure below.

Fluid motion
20 Unit 72.7 Fluids

The conservation of energy in this situation is kinetic energy, and potential energy, which
is the mechanical energy of the fluid, must be conserved. We begin by analysing the
mechanical energy of the fluid as it moves through the cross-section of the pipe. The work
done by the pressure Pj on the left in moving the fluid a distance Ax] is:
Wj = Fjxj = PjAj(AxI).
On the right, the work done by the pressure: W2 = -F/Ax) = -P2A2(Ax2)
The minus sign occurs because the force is in the opposite direction to the motion in this
case. By the continuity equation, the amount of fluid entering the pipe on the left must
equal the amount leaving on the right. This is to say
A/~.x) = A2(Lix)
This volume of fluid, which we call V, can undergo both a change in kinetic energy and a
change in potential energy as it is pushed through the pipe, given by:
1 1
6.KE = - p Vv 2_ - P Vv 2
22 2 ]
6.PE = P Vgy2 - P Vgyj
Now we equate the work done (W = Wj + W2) to the change in mechanical energy
(t.KE + A.PE)leads us to what we call a Bernouilli's Equation (note that the volume
V = AjLixj = A2Lix2 cancels):
1 I 1 I
Pj + - p VI + P gyj = P2 + - p v2 + p gy2
2 2
In the equations above, Pj, vi and y 1 are the pressure, fluid velocity and height of the fluid
on the left side of the equation and P2 ' v2 and Y2 are the same parameters on the other side.
If there is no height difference, Bernouilli's equation relates the pressure at two points along
the flow to the fluid velocities and reduces to:
PI-PI = .!. p (v/-v/).
Therefore pressure in the fluid decreases whenever the fluid velocity increases. This results
can be observed in every day application such as the lift produced by an airplane wing, the
curving of a spinning baseball and the fact that the shower curtain gets sucked in when you
first turn on the shower.

causes lower pressure
B. lower pressure causes fast-moving air
C. ootlita) a~ (I)) are equally accurate.
2. A maintenance crew is working on a section of a three-lane highway; leaving only one
lane open to traffic. The result is much slower traffic flow (a traffic jam). Do cars on a
highway like

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Topic 2: Fluid dynamics 21

3. As part of a lubricating system for J:i.eav}irnachinery,oil of density 850 kg/m" is

pumped through 11cylindrical :pipe ofrlaameter 8.0 ern at a rate of 9.5 litres
per second. What is .
a. the speed of the oil?
h. the massflow rate?

~UnjtJ2.1 Activiif28 - .....

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:::::::::::: ::eep
move a mercury barometer from the cold interior of a tightly sealed refrigerator to
outdoors on a hot summer day. You find that the column of mercury remains at the
same height in t be. Compared to the air pressure inside the refrigerator, is the
(i) higher, (ii) ... or (iii) the sam ore the very small
hange in Tne bns of the g lie to the change.),
A storage tank 12.0m deep is filled Witpwath. The top' of the tank is open to the air.
What is the absolute pressure at the bottom of the tank and the gauge pressure?
You place a statue made of wood and note the reading on the.scale. You now suspend
the statue in the water. How does the scale reading change?
A. it increases
it decreases

A car weighing ·1.2 x 104 N rests orrfour tyres. If the gauge pressure in each tyre is
200 kPa, calculate the area of each tyre in contact with the road,
A rubber hose is attached to a funnel, and the free end is bent. around to point
upward. When water is poured into th~funnel, it rises in-the hose to the same level
as in the funnel, even though the funI).elhas a lot mote. in it than the hose does.
Why? What supports the extra we).ght6f the water in tHe fumiel?
The same car as illproblem 5 above sits on a hydraulic press as shown below. The
tea of the cyliRQer...holdingthe caLupjs Iour times gteater.ihan the area of the.
" cylinder on the other side of the press. Calculate the required force that must be
applied to the other side of the hydraulic Wess.

© Oxford University Press

22 Unit 72.7 Fluids

8. An aluminum object has a mass of .0 kg and a density of 2.70 x 103 kg/m3. The
object is attached to a string and immersed in a tank of water. Determine:
a. the vQlume of the object
b. thefenSfoll in tlie string when it! y immersed,
9. An object isweignted with a spring ba ance int e air and then totally immersed in
water. The readings on the balance are 0.98 Nand 0.88 N respectively Calculate the
density of the object.
10. A fisherman in Sissano lagoon is floating in a canoe in the middle of the lagoon. He
catches a 10 kg monster red emperor and loads it onto his canoe. Does the water level
in the lagoon rise or fall? Explain.
11. A surfer from Vanimo surfing club is surfing on a surfboard made of wood under
the surface'otanocean wave in Lido seach. After the surlboard is completely
subml~lig@~.heieeps pushing and l'idia~f@-t{tiRewave surface. As he Q@@$4tl;tis,
will happent9 the buoyant force on it? Will the. force keep increasing,stay the same,
or decrease? Why?
12. A garden hose of diameter 2 cm is used to fill a 20-litre bucket. It takes one minute to
~~~~a .
a. Calculate the speed at which the water enters the hose.
b. The open end of the hose is then squeezed to a diameter of 5 mm. What is the
speed aLtw:hic}lwater comes out of the hose?
13. A wind ~lo~s a~the speed of 30 ~s i!l.;.tOSS a 115 m1 flat roof of a house.
a.}he Rressure difference between the inside of the house a
of the housejust above the roof? (2\SSutne.thattfie air pressure ins'
atmospheric. pressure.) ,.
b. What is the force on the roof due to the pressure difference?
14. Water flows through the pipe shown below at a flow rate of 0.10 m3/s . The
diameter at point 1 is 0.4 m. At point 2, which is 3.0 m higher than point 1, the
diameter is 0.20 m. If the end at point 2 is open to the air, determine the,gauge
pressure at point 2. .

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