Principle of Strategy

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Quiz 2: External Environment Analysis:

- Disruptive Technology: ( công nghệ đột phá )

sweeps away (loại bỏ) the systems or habits it replaces because it
has attributes that are recognizably superior ( bởi vì nó có những
thuộc tính vượt trội hơn hẳn). Recent disruptive technology
examples include e-commerce, online news sites, ride-sharing
apps, and GPS systems.
- Cultural values would be part of Social factor in macro
- Porter’s Five Forces discusses the forces in the environments that
has influence on a company, they are: Suppliers, Competitors,
Customers, New Entrants and Substitutes (Người mới tham gia và
Người thay thế)
+ Substitute as an alternative product/service a customer can buy
instead of your offering.
+ Not from a direct competitor but a product/service that can do
the same things your offering does but is from another industry.
- Porter’s Five Forces Framework, competitive threat includes:
+ The bargaining power of buyers: Khả năng thương lượng của
người mua
+ The possibility of new entrants: Khả năng của những người mới
gia nhập
+ Identifying new markets: Xác định thị trường mới
+ The power of complements: Sức mạnh của hàng hóa bổ sung
- Air-filtration system: Hệ thống lọc không khí
- rivalry among competing firms: sự cạnh tranh giữa các công ty
cạnh tranh
- deregulation: bãi bỏ quy định
- government intervention: sự can thiệp của chính phủ
- Conducting a relative cost analysis of value chain, managers
should  focus analysis on the primary activities.
- Typical barriers to entry includes:
+ Restrict government policies
+ Economics of scope
+ key locations that are crucial for a business ( eg: access to natural
resources )
- Factors affect supplier power:
+ Supplier concentration
+ Switching costs: Chuyển đổi giá
- One way for a buyer to increase its bargaining power ( năng lực
thương lượng) is to purchase large volumes of a single product
- When products are not very different, rivals typically compete
on price
- Foreseeing changes ( thấy trước những thay đổi) in the industry
structure can lead to competitive advantage
- A firm has a complement when its good are made more valuable in
the presence of those of another firm
- A tactic (chiến thuật) to reduce the bargaining power of
+ Differentiate the products
+ Increase switching costs
+ Target customer who are less sensitive to price
- Value propositions:
A concise statement ( một tuyên bố ngắn gọn) that communicates
the unique benefits and value a product or service offers to its
target customers. It highlights the specific problem it solves, the
advantages it provides, and why it is superior ( vượt trội) to it's
- In the Maturity stage of the industry life cycle, there are many
segments, competition is very intense, and the emphasis of process
design is high
- Entry barriers: Large economies of scale
- Competitions tends to be more intense among firms within a
strategic group than between strategics groups
- In some industries, high switching costs can act as an important
barrier to entry
- Trade restrictions and tariffs are not examples of Economic Factors
- Social – cultural factors include demographic and cultural aspect
of the external macroenvironment and affect customer needs and
the size of potential markets

Slide 7:

Slide 4:
I. The strategic management process:
1. Strategy analysis
• Analyse current strategy
• Analyse external environment
• Analyse internal environment
2. Strategy formation ( Hình thành chiến lược )
• Form business level strategy
• Form corporate level strategy
• Form international strategy
3. Strategy Implementation:
• Implement the chosen strategy
II. External environmental analysis:
1. External environments:
+ Turbulent ( hỗn loạn) , complex, and global, making
interpreting (diễn giải, phiên dịch) those environments difficult
2. To identify opportunities and threats:
2.1 Scanning and Monitoring:
 Predict environmental changes and detect (phát hiện )
changes already underway
 Alert the organization ( Critical trends and events)  A
discernible pattern ( mô hình rõ ràng) ( before competitors
recognize them )
 Highly volatile environments: Môi trường nhiều biến động
2.2 Forecasting
 The development of plausible projections ( dự đoán hợp
lý) about the direction, scope, speed, and intensity ( cường
độ) of environmental change
 Example:
• Will the present social concern about an issue result in
new legislation?
• Are current lifestyle trends likely to continue?
 Warning: Forecasts are often inaccurate
2.3 Assessing
 Determine the timing, significance of the effects of the
change that have been identified on the firm
 Appropriately interpreting (diễn giải/giải thích 1 cách hợp
lý) the collected in4  determine if an identified trend in
the general environment is an opportunity or threat.
- Layers of the business environment: Macro-environment,
Industry/sector, Specific Market, Organization
- External environment analysis: Scanning & Monitoring,
Forecasting & Scenario Analysis, Assessing
Industries and Sectors:
- An industry is a group of firms producing productis and services
that are essential the same (airline industry, fast – food industry)
- Described as sectors, especially in public services ( health sector,
education sector
I. Industry Analysis
1. Porter’s Five Forces Framework:
1.1 Extent of rivalry between competitors
- Competitor Balance
- Industry growth rate
- High fixed costs
- High exit barriers
- Low differentiation
1.2 Threat of entry
1.3 Threat of substitutes
1.4 Power of buyers
1.5 Power of suppliers
Five Forces analysis can be supplemented (bổ
sung/thêm vào) by analysis of complementors and
industry life cycles

- Hallucination: Viễn vông

- Consumer Orientation vs Product Orientation:
+ Consumer-oriented messages, sometimes referred to as market-
oriented messages, are defined by the Business Dictionary as
communication that focuses on the needs of the consumer.
Ex: một bảng quảng cáo hướng đến người tiêu dùng thảo luận về
cách người tiêu dùng có thể sử dụng một sản phẩm để giải quyết
vấn đề hiện tại. Thông điệp tiếp thị hướng đến người tiêu dùng cho
sữa dưỡng thể có thể là “Làm cho làn da khô của bạn trở nên mềm
mại, mịn màng và đủ nước chỉ bằng một lần thoa”.

+ Product-oriented messages are defined by the Business

Dictionary as communication that keeps a focus on the qualities of
the product. The marketing message is more technical and detailed.
Ex: Ví dụ: thông điệp tiếp thị hướng đến sản phẩm cho sữa dưỡng
thể có thể nói: “Sữa dưỡng thể của chúng tôi được làm từ tất cả các
thành phần tự nhiên như lô hội, bột yến mạch và nước”. Loại tin
nhắn này rất phù hợp với người tiêu dùng có nhu cầu rất cụ thể,
chẳng hạn như nếu anh ta cần kem dưỡng da bột yến mạch để làm
dịu vết phát ban.
2. Summary:
- Vision: What do we want to become
- Mission: What do we exist for?
- Strategic Goals: What do we need to achieve
- Values: What do we stand for
- 2 cty lớn nhất thế giới: Apple & Amazon
- To maintain the advantage competitive, Amazon has expand
service to other sector (Sell physical book online  Sell E – Book
 Thiet bi doc sach  Sell more things (especially Music and
Movie online )), forward to ahead to provide more service for
Ex: Tập đoàn Lotte với Hàng loạt các công ty con – LotteMart,
LotteFilm, Canon, FujiFilm,....
- Craftsman: thợ thủ công

Mục đích của quỹ từ nguyện là: Social Impact
Mục đích của Unicef: bảo vệ và phục vụ các nhu cầu về sự sống
còn, tồn tại và phát triển của trẻ em trên toàn thế giới.


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