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Here is a definition of a computer:

**Computer**: A computer is an electronic device that can store, process, and communicate
information. It is a machine that can perform tasks automatically, using a set of instructions called
programs or software.

A computer typically consists of:

1. **Input Devices**: Such as keyboards, mice, and scanners, which allow users to input data or

2. **Processing Unit**: The central processing unit (CPU) or microprocessor, which executes the
instructions and performs calculations.

3. **Memory**: The random access memory (RAM) or read-only memory (ROM), which stores the data
and programs being used.

4. **Storage**: The hard drive, solid-state drive, or flash drive, which stores the operating system,
programs, and data.

5. **Output Devices**: Such as monitors, printers, and speakers, which display the results of the

Computers can perform a wide range of tasks, including:

1. **Calculations**: Performing mathematical calculations and data analysis.

2. **Communication**: Sending and receiving messages, emails, and files over a network or the

3. **Data Processing**: Storing, retrieving, and manipulating data.

4. **Automation**: Controlling other devices or machines remotely.

5. **Entertainment**: Playing games, watching videos, and listening to music.

In summary, a computer is an electronic device that can process information, communicate with other
devices, and perform a wide range of tasks.

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