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BS (4 Yeaars) for Affilliated Collegees

Codee Subjeect Title Cr. Hrs

C Semester
ZOOL--424 Lab. Environmen
E tal Biology of
o Fishes 1 VII
Yearr Disciipline
4 Zooloogy

Course Contents

Weight length
l and condition factor
f in relation to diifferent envvironments. Gut contennts of
different fish speciess. Effect of temperaturee on fish grrowth. Effecct of salinityy on fish groowth.
Induce sppawning. Eff
ffect of differrent pollutannts on survivval of fish. Assignment.

mended Book

• Weattherley, A.H., 1972. Groowth and Ecoology of Fishh Populationns.

• Woottton, R.J., 19
990. Ecologyy of Teleost Fishes. Chappman and Hall,
H London.
• Woottton, R.J., 19
998. Ecologyy of Teleost Fishes. 2nd Edition, Kluuwer.
• Joblinng, M., 1995
5. Environm
mental Biologgy of Fishes. Chapman & Hall, U.K.
• Weattherley, A.H. and Gill, H.S.,
H 1987. The
T Biology of Fish Grow wth. Chapman & Hall, U.K.
• Evanns, D.H., 19998. The Physsiology of Fiishes, 2nd Edd. CRC Presss, Boca Ratoon, New Yorrk.
• Boydd, C.E. and Tucker,
T C.S., 1998. Ponnd Aquacultuure Water Quality
Q manaagement, Booston,

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