During This Oral We Will Talk To You About Photovoltaic Solar Panels

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During this oral we will talk to you about photovoltaic solar panels

First of all
In a second �me
Then we will talk
A�er that with
Then we will con�nue with
Finally we will make a conclusion

The history of photovoltaic technology can be traced back several centuries :

- As early as the 7th century B.C., humans used sunlight and magnifying glasses to light fires. In the
3rd century B.C., the Greeks and Romans harnessed solar power with mirrors to light torches for
religious ceremonies.

- In the 1800s, researchers and scien�sts had success using sunlight to power ovens and produce
solar-powered steamboats.

- In 1839, the French physicist Edmond Becquerel discovered the photovoltaic effect, where the
conductance of a material increases when exposed to light. This laid the founda�on for the
development of solar cells.

- In 1873, Willoughby Smith discovered that selenium had photoconduc�ve proper�es, leading to the
first solar cell made from selenium wafers by Charles Frits in 1883.

- In 1918, Polish scien�st Jan Czochralski developed a method for growing single-crystal silicon,
enabling the produc�on of monocrystalline silicon solar cells.

- The first prac�cal photovoltaic cell was developed in 1954 at Bell Laboratories by Daryl Chapin,
Calvin Fuller, and Gerald Pearson, using silicon and achieving 4% efficiency. This is considered the true
inven�on of modern solar panel technology.

- Throughout the 1950s and 1960s, solar cells were primarily used to power satellites and space
applica�ons. In the 1970s, improvements in manufacturing and performance led to their use in
remote terrestrial applica�ons.

- Over the decades, researchers have con�nually worked to improve the efficiency of solar cells, with
key milestones including 14% efficiency achieved by Hoffman Electronics in the 1950s-60s, and 20%
efficiency achieved by the University of New South Wales in 1985.

In summary, the history of photovoltaic technology spans centuries, with key discoveries and
innova�ons leading to the development of modern, high-efficiency solar cells and panels.

A solar cell is an electronic device that converts light energy into electricity energy using the
photovoltaic effect. There are several types of cells:
1. Monocrystalline Silicon Cells:
• Made from high-purity silicon crystals.
• Exhibit high efficiency and long lifespan.
• Require less space compared to other types.
2. Polycrystalline Silicon Cells:
• Produced from silicon crystals melted together.
• Lower cost compared to monocrystalline cells.
• Slightly lower efficiency but improving with technology advancements.
3. Thin-Film Cells:
• Includes various materials like Cadmium Telluride (CdTe) and Amorphous Silicon (a-
• Generally less expensive to manufacture.
• Flexible and can be used in diverse applica�ons like building-integrated photovoltaics
The efficiency of a solar panel is the ra�o between the quan�ty of energy generated by the
photovoltaic solar collector and the quan�ty of energy it receives directly from the sun; this result is
expressed as a percentage. How to calculate the efficiency of a solar panel?
yield =

Electric power generated (in Wat-peak) ÷ (area in M2 × 1000)

Let's take the case of a 250 Wp polycrystalline solar panel used on an area of 1.5 m2. To know the
efficiency of the installa�on, the calcula�on is as follows: 250 ÷ (1.5 x 1000). The result is 16.66%.
Here, the efficiency of the solar panel in ques�on is average.

What are the factors that influence performance?

1. Solar panel type
The efficiency rate depends on the technology used in the solar panel. The most common panel
types are polycrystalline and monocrystalline. Polycrystalline panels are the blue panels that were
very popular in the early days of photovoltaic commercializa�on. Monocrystalline panels are black
and cost more than polycrystalline panels, but they have a higher efficiency.

2. Loca�on
The amount of sunshine obviously depends on the region where you are.

3. Temperature
Solar panels lose their efficiency when they overheat, which happens when the outside temperature
is high. The performance of a solar panel depends only on sunlight, not heat. The ideal temperature
for the proper func�oning of solar panels is 25°C.

4. Shadow
The performance of a solar panel can be reduced due to the shadow of surrounding objects: street
lamps, trees, other buildings, a chimney or a skylight on the roof, etc. These elements must therefore
be taken into account before installing the panels. .

5. Degree of inclina�on
Ideally, solar panels should have a �lt degree of 30 to 40 degrees. Most pitched roofs have an angle
of 35°, so this is perfect for panels. But when the degree of inclina�on is larger or smaller, it can
reduce the performance of the panels by around 10%. For flat roofs, it is therefore necessary to
provide a frame to support the installa�on and give it an adequate angle.

6. Guidance
Solar panels perform beter when they face south. If they are oriented more towards the southwest
or southeast, this can reduce the yield by around 10%. This does not mean that you should not install
solar panels if the roof is not ideally oriented, simply that the payback period for the investment will
be a litle longer.
Here are some disadvantages of photovoltaic (PV) energy that should be considered when evalua�ng
this renewable energy source:
1. High Ini�al Costs: One of the main drawbacks of photovoltaic energy is the high ini�al cost of
installing solar systems. Although costs have significantly decreased in recent years,
purchasing and installing solar panels remains a substan�al investment for many
homeowners and businesses.
2. Dependence on Sunlight: Photovoltaic energy relies on sunlight to generate electricity.
Therefore, electricity produc�on can vary based on weather condi�ons and sunlight dura�on.
Cloudy or rainy days can reduce solar electricity produc�on.
3. Energy Storage: Storing electricity generated by solar panels is a challenge. Solar energy is
only generated during sunlight hours, but it needs to be usable outside of these hours.
Energy storage systems, such as bateries, are o�en required to address this intermitency.
4. Environmental Impact of Materials: The manufacturing of solar panels involves the use of
semiconductor materials and rare metals, which can have environmental impacts, especially
during extrac�on and processing. However, technological advancements aim to reduce this
impact and improve the sustainability of solar panels.
5. Land Requirement: Large-scale solar installa�ons, such as solar farms, require significant land
area to accommodate a large number of panels. This can pose challenges in terms of land
use, especially in urban or densely populated areas.
6. Dependency on Imports: Some materials used in solar panel manufacturing, such as silicon,
may be imported from foreign countries. This creates a dependence on external supply and
can be subject to price fluctua�ons and availability issues.


In conclusion, photovoltaic (PV) energy represents a promising and sustainable solu�on for mee�ng
our growing energy needs while reducing our reliance on fossil fuels. Despite some drawbacks such
as ini�al high costs, dependence on sunlight, and challenges with energy storage, the benefits of PV
energy outweigh these limita�ons.

PV technology con�nues to evolve, driving down costs and improving efficiency, making solar power
more accessible and compe��ve in the energy market. The environmental benefits of PV energy,
including reduced greenhouse gas emissions and minimal environmental impact during opera�on,
are significant drivers for its widespread adop�on.

As we move towards a cleaner and greener future, photovoltaic energy will play an essen�al role in
diversifying our energy sources and transi�oning towards renewable energy systems. Con�nued
research, innova�on, and policy support are essen�al to further enhance the efficiency, reliability,
and affordability of photovoltaic technologies.

By embracing photovoltaic energy alongside other renewable energy sources, we can build a more
sustainable and resilient energy infrastructure to combat climate change and secure a brighter future
for genera�ons to come. PV energy is not just a technology; it's a key component of our transi�on
towards a cleaner, more sustainable energy future.

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