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6 – Sets & Venn Diagram Grade 7 MATH 2023

Name: ___________________
I. Complete the table below. Write the following sets using the methods indicated.
Verbal Description Method Roster Notation / Listing Method Set Builder Notation / Rule Method

1. Set E is the set of consonants in the

word “cryptography”.

2. Set N is the set of common factors

of 27 and 81.

3. Set D is the set of even prime


II. Answer the following word problems. Label the corresponding Venn Diagram appropriately.

1) Gng. V has 49 students. When she asked if they studied last weekend, 27
students said they studied last Saturday, 28 said they studied last Sunday, and 15
students said they studied on both days. How many…:
_______ a) studied either on Saturday or on Sunday?
_______ b) did not study at all on Saturday and Sunday?
_______ c) studied on Saturday only?
_______ d) studied on Sunday only?
_______ e) studied on at most 1 day?

2) In a class of 80 students, when asked about their favorite social media

platform, 45 said Facebook, 33 said Instagram, and 28 said Twitter. Also, 12 said
that they liked Facebook and Instagram, 15 said they liked Facebook and Twitter,
and 10 said they liked Instagram and Twitter. Finally, 6 students said they liked
all three.
_______ a) How many students liked Twitter only?
_______ b) How many students liked either Facebook or Instagram?
_______ c) How many students liked either Facebook or Twitter?
_______ d) How many students liked at least 1 of these social media platforms?
_______ e) How many students liked at most 2 of these social media platforms?
_______ f) How many students liked none of these three social media platforms?
_______ g) How many students liked only exactly 1 of these social media
III. Answer briefly. Write your complete and final answer/s on the space provided.

_____________________ 1. It is a well – defined collection of objects called elements.

_______________________ 2. If A={m ,i , c ,h , a , e ,l } and B={a , n , g , e ,l }, find n( A ∪ B).

_______________________ 3. From #2, find A−B .

_______________________ 4. Suppose sets L∧D are disjoint sets, if n ( L )=2 and n ( D )=4 , what is the cardinality

of L ∪ D?

_______________________ 5. If I ={ b , e , a ,u , t , y } ,find n ( P ( I ) ) .

_______________________ 6. It is a set that contains all its possible subsets.

_______________________ 7. If K= { m, i ,a } ,G={ s , e , a , n } and M = { s , t , e , f , a , n , o } , find ( K ∩G ) ∪ S .

_______________________ 8. From #7, find (K ∩G ∩S ).

_______________________ 9. Let U ={1 , 2, 3 , 4 ,5 , 6 , 7 , 8 , 9 ,10 }, N={2 , 4 , 6 , 8 }, and O={1 ,2 , 3 ,5 , 8 }. Find

(N ∪O)' .

_______________________ 10. Let U ={ j ,u , s , t , i ,c , e } , S= { j ,u , s , t } and E={ s ,u , e }. What is n(S ∩ E ') ?

_______________________ 11. If O= {1 , 3 , 5 ,7 , 11 } , N= {1 , 9 , 11} , and E={ 1 ,3 , 5 , 9 } ,find O ∩ ( N ∪ E ) .

_______________________ 12. If O= {1 , 3 , 5 ,7 , 11 } , N= {1 , 9 , 11} , and E={ 1 ,3 , 5 , 9 } , find O ∪ ( N ∩ E ) .

_______________________ 13. Let R={ x , y } . List all the possible subsets of set R .

IV. Shade the Venn Diagram regions appropriately, according to the operations indicated.

( A−B ) ⋃ (B− A) A'⋂ B A B'


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