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Shalakya tantra paper 2 By: Tajagna Dalsaniya


Samanya chikitsa

1. Study of therapeutic procedures like Sveda, Kavala, Gandusa, Dhuma,

Murdhni Taila, Nasya, Pratisarana, Karna Purana, karna prakshalana,
nasa prakshalana Mukha Lepa.

Process of svedana is used as a preparatory step before performing panchakarma like vamana,
virechana etc.

1. Tapa sweda 3. Ushma sveda
2. Upanaha sveda 4. Drava sveda

Swedana dravyas are guru i.e., heavy, teekshna i.e., penetrating and ushna i.e., having hot

Swasa, kasa, pratishyaya, hikka, adhmana, vibandha, svarabheda, vata vyadhi, kaphaja
diseases, ama, stambha, gaurava, angamarda, Katigraha, parshva graha, kukshigraha,
hanugraha, khali, Dhanurvata, arbuda, granthi, urustambha.

Contra indications:
Shoola should be totally avoided or only mrudu i.e., mild fomentation should be performed at
eyes, testes, and heart as well as at groin also.

Features of samyaka swedana:

Cold and clammy body parts get warm up; pain stiffness is relieved; further of disease get
Moreover, it bestows softness to the body.
These are the features and benefits of appropriate svedana.

Kavala – gandusha:
सुखं संचार्यते र्ा तु मात्रा स कवलः स्मत
ृ ः|
अ संचार्यते र् तु मात्र स गण्डूष: प्रकीर्तयत: ||
The retained fluid which can be easily moved from side to side in oral cavity is called kavala
(gargle) whereas when such movement of retained fluid is not possible due to tight filling of
mouth is called gandusha.

1. Snaihika: vata 3. Shodhana: kapha
2. Prasadana / shamana: pitta 4. Ropana
Shalakya tantra paper 2 By: Tajagna Dalsaniya
Indications for kavala / gandusha
Shiroroga, karna roga, Mukharoga, netra roga, kantharoga, lalasrava, manyastambha,
mukhashosha, aruchi, Peenasa, nausea, stupor.

Duration for retention of kavala / gandusha:

Retained till mouth gets filled with kapha dosha and nasa and lachrymal secretions are

Benefits of retention of gandusha:

Joints of jaw become firm
Voice becomes deep and melodious, strengthening of facial musculature is observed, the taste
of food accentuates.
Thirst gets lessened, lips remain soft and smooth without cracks.
Teeth become firm

Features of samyaka gandusha:

Pacification of disease thereby bestows health status of contentment feeling of lightness due
to cleansing action and lustrous sense organs or indriya prasannata.

Dhuma nasya / dhuma:

Dhumapana pertaining dosha:
1. Vataja: snigdha / snaihika
2. Vatakaphaja: madhyama / prayogika
3. Kaphaja: teekshna

1. Prayogika 3. Vairechanika 5. Vamaniya
2. Snaihika 4. Kasaghna

1. Prayogika 2. Snaihika 3. Vairechanika

Acharya charaka has indicated following 8 timings for dhumapana:

1. After bath 4. After sneezing 6. After nasya
2. After meal 5. After cleaning 7. After anjana
3. After vamana teeth 8. After sleep

Age limit for the dhumapana is from 12 to 80 years of age.

Indication of dhumapana:
Netra → netra shoola, abhishyanda, netra srava
Shira → shira shoola, shiro gaurava, ardhav bhedaka, khalitya, Palitya, shiro roga
Karna → karna shoola, karna srava
Nasa → kshavathu, pinasa, putinasya, nasa srava
Mukha → danta shoola, Upajihvika, swara bheda, manyastambha etc.
Shalakya tantra paper 2 By: Tajagna Dalsaniya
In frightened person, shoka, krodha, fatigued, intoxicated, murccha, daha, trushna, raktapitta,
chardi, belching, adhmana, after virechana, niruha basti, amavastha, old, pediatric, pregnant
women, weak person, dehydrated etc.

Inhalation of different types of dhuma:

1. Prayogika → nasal 4. Kasaghna → oral
2. Snaihika → oral & nasal 5. Vamaniya → oral
3. Vairechanika → nasal

Features of appropriate dhumapana:

• Feeling of wellbeing in organs like hrudaya, kantha, mukha, nasa
• Light feeling in ura, kantha, and shira
• Pacifying the vitiated dosha, liquification of kapha etc.

Shirobasti / Murdhani taila:

Types of murdha taila:
1. Shiroabhyanga
2. Sechana
3. Pichu
4. Shirobasti: holding medicated oil in a leather strip wrapped around head.

Benefits of murdha taila:

Murdha taila prevents falling, greying, and matting of hairs; cracking of skin of scalp, vataja
It improves strength and keenness of sense organs, voice, lower jaw, and head.

Procedure of shirobasti:
• After general cleansing measures, snehana and swedana of head is performed.
• Shirobasti should be performed either in evening or at night.
• Patient is asked to sit on a stool, of the height of knee, which is well cushioned and
• A soaked cloth ribbon of 3 angula width is tied around the head, touching the lower
edge of hairs, and covered by a nice paste of masha.
• Then a 12 angula wide strip of leather, which is well lubricated and softened, is
wrapped, and fastened above the level of ears on the pasted cloth ribbon without
leaving any folds.
• The joints of leather strip with scalp and the crevices are packed with the paste of
masha to prevent leakage of oil.
• The lukewarm medicated oil, prepared specially for this purpose is then poured on the
head slowly up to the height of 2 angula over scalp.
• The oil is retained till secretion appear in mouth, in healthy person approx. 15
• After the stipulated periods, the oil is removed and the leather and cotton strip.

Shalakya tantra paper 2 By: Tajagna Dalsaniya
• Patient’s shoulder, neck, back, head etc. are gently and comfortably massaged
followed by bath with warm water and nourishing food.
• Shirobasti can be repeated for 3, 5 or max. up to 7 days.

When the powdered drugs or sneha processed with different drugs is administered through
nostrils, the procedure is called as nasya.

Navana, nasta karma, shirovirechana, murdha virechana etc.

Daily executed nasya leads to pacify diseases in organs above the level of shoulder.
Sense organs become strong, pleasant and get cleansed
Mouth emits good smell
Skin, lower jaw, tooth, shira, neck, upper back, arms, chest, mukha all these become strong
and pleasant.
Prevents baldness, premature wrinkles, and discolored patches on face.

Types and subtypes of nasya:

1. Snehana:
a. Marsha
b. Pratimarsha

2. Shirovirechana
a. Shirovirechana
b. Pratimarsha
c. Avagaha
d. Pradhamana
e. Nasya

1. Navana: 1. Snehana 2. Shodhana
2. Pratimarsha
3. Avapeeda: 1. Shodhana 2. Stambhana
4. Dhmapana: (pradhmana)
5. Dhuma: 1. Prayogika 2. Snaihika 3. Vairechanika

1. Rechana
2. Tarpana
3. Shamana

Shalakya tantra paper 2 By: Tajagna Dalsaniya
Netra roga → netra abhishyanda, netra srava, netra spandana, timir
Shiro roga → kaphaja shiro roga, shira shoola, shiro gaurava, ardhava bhedaka, krimija
Shiroroga, stambha, granthi, arbuda, dadru
Nasa roga → pratishyaya, raktaja pratishyaya
Mukha roga → kaphaja talu-kantha roga, lalasrava, aruchi, danta harsha, danta chala,
Upajihvika, Galashundika, gala ganda, ardita

Contra indication:
Immediately after meals, one who is hungry, undernourished or over nourished, pratishyaya
of recent origin, pregnant woman, taken excessively liquid beverages or water or ghritapana,
indigestion, taken basti, suffering from anger, grief, thirst, fatigue, homicidal poisoning etc.

Avapeeda nasya:
The juice, availed by squeezing the paste of virechana or samana drugs, when administered
through nose is called ‘avapeeda nasya.’

Uttama matra → 8 bindu
Madhyama matra → 6 bindu
Hina matra → 4 bindu

In gala roga, sannipatika jvara, excessive sleep, murcha, psychological disorders like unmada,
krimija Shiroroga, timira, unconsciousness due to snake bite, abhishyanda,
In raktapitta disease and in weak / emaciated patient; any item like sugar, sugarcane juice,
milk, ghee, meat juice is administered for hemostatic purpose.

Matra of marsha nasya: min 4 to 6 bindu, max. 64 bindu

Matra of pratimarsha nasya: 1 to 2 bindu

Deepika taila:
One third part of 18 angula long stems of bruhata panchamula are wrapped in atasi cloth /
linen soaked with oil and then ignited.
These burning stems are held obliquely in a vessel so that trickling oil can be collected.
This oil is called ‘dipika taila’ which rapidly abolishes karna shoola when instilled in external

Various drugs according to vitiated dosha are applied in the oral cavity by fingertip to take
care of the Mukharoga.

Shalakya tantra paper 2 By: Tajagna Dalsaniya
• Kalka • Kshaudra
• Rasakriya / avaleha • Choorna

Shiro roga, karna roga, mukha roga, netra roga, kantha roga, lala srava, manya stambha,
mukha shosha, nausea, stupor, aruchi

Karna purana:
Patient is advised to lie on one side, ear is filled with various medicated oils and
simultaneously massaged at the base of ear.

Period of retention of karnapurana:

One should retain oil till the pain is lessened.
Healthy individual should retain for 100 matra i.e., 1 ½ minutes approx.

Following medicated oils can be used for karnapurana in accordance to diseases and dosha
prevalence – hingavadi kshara taila, madhusukta, kushthadi taila, durvyadi taila, moolika
taila, apamarga kshara taila, Lasunadi taila, kshara taila etc.

Karna prakshalana:
Prakshalana word is used for washing some body parts to clean them like Hasta prakshalana
for hand washing. Karna Prakshalana is a technique of ear toileting with various liquid drugs
like decoction, fresh juices, and oil.

Decoction of Surasadi Gana and Rajvrikashadi Gana drugs are known to be best for cleansing
ear.10 Decoction of panchkashaya drugs i.e. Haritaki (Terminalia chebula Retz.), Amalaki
(Phyllanthus emblica L.), Manjishtha (Rubia cordifolia L.), Lodhra (Symplocos racemosa
Roxb.) and Tinduka (Diospyros tomentosa Roxb.) are also useful for Karna Prakshalana in
conditions like karnasrava.

Mukhalepa is a cosmetic procedure few Mukharoga require mukhalepa as a therapeutic tool.

1. Doshaghna 2. Vishaghna 3. Varnakara

Application of mukhalepa per day facilitates vision to be powerful; face to be clean and
lustrous, smooth and bloom like lotus.

Scientifically performed mukhalepa stops greying of hair, abolishes diseases like vyanga,
vali, timira, neelika

Shalakya tantra paper 2 By: Tajagna Dalsaniya
Contra indication:
In diseases like Peenasa, Ajeerna, hanugraha, in patients who had undergone nasya, had
stayed up at night.

Ideal mukhalepa:
The thickness of mukhalepa should be 1/4th, 1/3rd, or ½ of anguli i.e. minimum, medium, and
maximum respectively.
It should be retained till it dries.
If it dries, it become harmful hence it should be moistened and removed as soon as it starts
It is then anointed with oil.

Shirovirechana dravya:
Jyotishmati, kshavaka, maricha, pippali, vidanga, shigru, sarsapa, apamarga, tandula, sweta,

Ingredient of pathhyadi kwatha:

Fruits of haritaki, bibhitaki, amalaki, nimba twaka, whole part of bhu nimba, haridra kanda
and guduchi stem were used for the preparation of kwatha.

2. Ashtavidha shastrakarma and anushastrakarma used in the treatment

of Shira, Karna, Nasa evam Mukha Rogas.

Ashta vidha shastra karma utilizes eight surgical techniques for the management of surgical
Ashta vidha shastra karma involves procedure such as;
1. Chedana (excision) 5. Visravana (drainage)
2. Bhedana (incision) 6. Eshana (probing)
3. Lekhana (scrapping) 7. Aharana (extraction)
4. Vyadhana (puncturing) 8. Sivana (suturing)

1. Chedana karma:
Chedana involves excision of part from the body using mandalagra, karpatra, vrudhipatra,
Mudrika & utpalpatraka etc.
The diseases which can be treated by chedana are as follows –
• Kaphaja cyst • Shirajala
• Ulcer margin • Shirapidika
• Mild tumors – vartmarbuda • Shushkarsha
• Enlarged uvula • Parvani
• Adhimamsa • Arshovartma
• Necroses tissue • Arbuda


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