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Computer Science Department

Academic Year: 2023-24

Faculty of Engineering & Technology College,

Agra College, Agra

Submitted To: Submitted By:

Er. Rajpal Singh Khainwar Sir Abhilash Kumar Mehta(2000020100003)
Dr. Anurag Sharma Sir Yanshika Singh(2100020109009)
Mamta Yadav(2100020109002)
Farha Khan(2000020100036)

Project Guide:
Dr. Pushkar Dixit Sir

S.No Title Page.No

1. Title of the Project 3

2. Certificate 4

3. Login Page 5

4. Sign Up Page 7

5. Admin Page 9

6. Hand Sign Recognition 11

7. Helper Page 14

8. Conclusion 16

9. Reference and Bibliography 17



This is to certify that the project report entitled SIGN GUIDE (For Disabler Person)
submitted to Faculty of Engineering & Technology College, Agra College, Agra
in partial fulfilment of the requirement for the award of the degree of BACHELOR

The matter embodied in this project is genuine work done by the student and has
not been submitted whether to this University or to any other University / Institute
for the fulfilment of the requirements of any course of study.


Abhilash Kr Mehta (2000020100003)

Mamta Yadav (2100020109002) ……………………………

Yanshika Singh (2100020109009)

Farha Khan (2000020100036)

Introduction: In the contemporary digital landscape, security and access control
are of paramount importance. A login page serves as the gateway for users to access a
system or platform while ensuring authentication and authorization. This project aims
to design and implement a robust login page that ensures secure access to a system or
Objective: The main objective of this project is to create a user-friendly login page
with strong security measures to authenticate users and control access to a system or
1. User Authentication: The login page verifies the identity of users through
credentials such as username and password.
2. Secure Password Handling: Passwords are securely hashed and stored to
prevent unauthorized access in case of a data breach.
3. Session Management: Sessions are managed securely to maintain user
authentication throughout their interaction with the system.
4. Account Recovery: Provision for users to recover their account in case of
forgotten passwords or other authentication issues.
5. Access Control: Authorization mechanisms are implemented to control access
6. privileges based on user roles and permissions.
Technologies Used:
1. HTML/CSS: For designing the layout and styling of the login page.
2. JavaScript: For client-side validation and interaction.
3. Python (Django): For server-side scripting to handle authentication and session
4. MySQL: For database management and storage of user credentials.
1. Designing the UI: The login page interface is designed using HTML and styled
using CSS to ensure a visually appealing and user-friendly experience.
2. Client-Side Validation: JavaScript is used to validate user inputs such as
username and password before submitting the form to the server, enhancing
user experience and preventing unnecessary server requests.
3. Server-Side Authentication: Python scripts are employed to handle user
authentication by verifying credentials against the stored data in the MySQL
database. Passwords are securely hashed using cryptographic techniques before
storage to enhance security.
4. Session Management: Python sessions are utilized to maintain user
authentication across multiple pages during a session.

5. Database Management: MySQL is used to create and manage a database to
store user credentials securely.
Challenges Faced:
1. Security: Ensuring robust security measures to prevent unauthorized access and
data breaches.
2. Cross-Site Scripting (XSS) and SQL Injection: Implementing measures to
mitigate common security vulnerabilities.
3. User Experience: Designing an intuitive and user-friendly interface while
maintaining security standards.
Future Enhancements:
1. Implementing Two-Factor Authentication (2FA) for an added layer of security.
2. Integrating OAuth for seamless authentication with third-party services.
3. Enhancing password policies for stronger authentication.
4. Implementing account lockout mechanisms to prevent brute force attacks.
Conclusion: The development of a login page involves careful consideration of
both security and usability aspects. By implementing robust authentication
mechanisms and adhering to best practices, this project aims to provide a secure and
seamless login experience for users accessing the system or application

Introduction: In the realm of web applications and digital platforms, the sign-up
process serves as the initial point of interaction between users and the system. A well-
designed sign-up page facilitates the registration of new users while collecting
essential information for account creation. This project focuses on the design and
implementation of a user-friendly and secure sign-up page.
Objective: The primary objective of this project is to develop a robust sign-up page
that enables new users to register for an account efficiently while adhering to security
best practices.
1. User Registration: The sign-up page allows new users to register for an account
by providing necessary information such as username, email address, and
2. Form Validation: Client-side validation ensures that user inputs are correctly
formatted and meet specified criteria before submission, enhancing user
experience and minimizing errors.
3. Password Strength Meter: Provides feedback to users on the strength of their
chosen password, encouraging the selection of strong and secure passwords.
4. CAPTCHA Integration: Helps prevent automated bots from creating fake
accounts by requiring users to complete a CAPTCHA challenge.
5. Email Verification: Upon successful registration, users receive a verification
email containing a link to verify their email address and activate their account.
6. Secure Storage: User credentials and other sensitive information are securely
hashed and stored in the database to protect against unauthorized access.
Technologies Used:
1. HTML/CSS: For designing the layout and styling of the sign-up page.
2. JavaScript: For client-side validation and interaction, including the password
strength meter.
3. Python (Django): For server-side scripting to handle form submission, user
registration, and email verification.
4. MySQL: For database management and storage of user information.
1. Designing the UI: The sign-up page interface is designed using HTML and
styled using CSS to ensure a visually appealing and user-friendly experience.
2. Client-Side Validation: JavaScript is utilized to validate user inputs such as
email addresses and passwords in real-time, providing immediate feedback to
users and reducing server load.

3. Server-Side Registration: Python scripts are responsible for processing the
sign-up form data, validating inputs, and inserting new user records into the
MySQL database.
4. Email Verification: Python scripts generate a unique verification token and
send an email to the user's provided email address with a verification link.
Upon clicking the link, the user's email address is verified, and their account is
5. Database Management: MySQL is used to create and manage a database to
store user information securely.
Challenges Faced:
1. Spam Prevention: Implementing measures to prevent spam registrations and
fake accounts, such as CAPTCHA integration.
2. Email Verification: Ensuring the reliable delivery of verification emails and
handling cases where emails are not received or marked as spam.
3. Password Security: Educating users about the importance of selecting strong
and unique passwords to enhance account security.
Future Enhancements:
Implementing additional account security measures, such as two-factor authentication
Enhancing the user experience by providing personalized recommendations or guided
tours during the sign-up process.
Introducing social sign-up options for convenience and faster registration.
Analysing user behaviour and feedback to continuously improve the sign-up process
and optimize conversion rates.
Conclusion: The development of a sign-up page requires careful consideration of
usability, security, and user experience factors. By implementing best practices and
leveraging appropriate technologies, this project aims to provide a seamless and
secure registration experience for new users joining the system or platform.


Introduction: The purpose of this project report is to document the development

process, features, and outcomes of creating an admin page using Python with Django
framework. The admin page serves as a crucial interface for managing various
aspects of the application efficiently.
1. Develop an admin page with Django to manage application data.
2. Implement user authentication and authorization for secure access.
3. Create CRUD (Create, Read, Update, Delete) functionalities for relevant data
4. Ensure the user interface is intuitive and user-friendly.
Technologies Used:
1. Python
2. Flask or Django (for web development)
3. SQLite or PostgreSQL (for database management)
4. HTML/CSS (for front-end)
5. JavaScript (for dynamic features, if applicable)
Architecture Overview:
The admin page is built following the MVC (Model-View-Controller) architectural
pattern, where:
1. Model: Defines the data structure and interacts with the database.
2. View: Handles the presentation logic and renders HTML templates.
3. Controller: Handles user requests, processes them, and updates the view
Implementation Details:
1. Setup and Configuration
• Django project and application creation.
• Configuration of database settings.
• Installation of necessary dependencies.
2. User Authentication and Authorization
• Integration of Django's built-in authentication system.
• Creation of superuser for administrative access.
• Implementation of role-based access control if required.
3. Data Models
• Definition of relevant data models using Django's ORM (Object-Relational
• Registration of models with Django admin interface.
4. CRUD Functionality
• Implementation of CRUD operations for each data model.
• Customization of admin interface for better usability.
5. User Interface Design
• Designing HTML templates for admin pages.
• Styling with CSS for a visually appealing interface.
• Ensuring responsiveness for different screen sizes.
6. Testing
• Manual and automated testing of functionalities.
• Fixing bugs and errors.
• Ensuring security measures are in place.
1. Successful development of an admin page with Django.
2. Implementation of CRUD functionalities for managing application data.
3. Secure user authentication and authorization mechanism.
4. Intuitive user interface design for easy navigation and operation.
Future Improvements:
1. Integration of additional features such as search, filtering, and sorting.
2. Enhancement of user experience with AJAX for smoother interactions.
3. Implementation of logging and monitoring for better administration.

Conclusion: The development of an admin page using Python with Django has
proved to be a robust solution for managing application data efficiently. The project
has met its objectives by providing a secure, user-friendly interface for administrators
to oversee and control various aspects of the application


Introduction: Hand sign recognition is a technology that enables computers to

interpret and understand gestures made with the hand. This project focuses on
developing a hand sign recognition system using Python with the Django web
framework. The system is designed to recognize hand signs captured through a
webcam or uploaded images, enabling users to communicate using sign language
through a web-based interface.
Objective: The primary objective of this project is to create a web application
capable of recognizing hand signs in real-time or from uploaded images, providing an
accessible means of communication for individuals who use sign language.
1. Real-Time Hand Sign Recognition: The system is capable of detecting and
recognizing hand signs captured through a webcam, enabling users to
communicate in real-time.
2. Image Upload: Users can upload images containing hand signs, and the system
will perform recognition to interpret the signs.
3. Multi-Class Recognition: The system supports recognition of multiple hand
signs corresponding to different letters, numbers, or gestures commonly used
in sign language.
4. User Authentication: Secure user authentication is implemented using Django's
built-in authentication system, allowing users to create accounts and log in to
access the recognition features.
5. User Management: Registered users can manage their profiles, view their
recognition history, and customize settings.
6. Responsive Web Design: The web interface is designed to be responsive,
ensuring compatibility across various devices and screen sizes.
Technologies Used:
1. Python: For implementing the hand sign recognition algorithm and backend
2. Django: A high-level Python web framework used for developing the web
3. OpenCV (Open Source Computer Vision Library): Used for image processing
and hand sign detection.
4. TensorFlow/Keras: For training and deploying machine learning models for
hand sign recognition.
5. HTML/CSS/JavaScript: For designing the user interface and handling client-
side interactions.
1. Hand Sign Detection: OpenCV is utilized to capture video frames from the
webcam and detect the presence of a hand within the frame.
2. Image Preprocessing: Preprocessing techniques such as background
subtraction, thresholding, and contour detection are applied to isolate the hand
region from the background.
3. Hand Sign Recognition: Machine learning models, trained using
TensorFlow/Keras, are used to recognize the hand signs based on extracted
4. Django Web Application: The backend of the application is developed using
Django, with views, models, and templates created to handle user
authentication, image uploads, and recognition requests.
5. User Authentication: Django's authentication system is employed to manage
user registration, login, and session management.
6. Responsive UI Design: HTML/CSS/JavaScript are used to design the frontend
interface, ensuring a user-friendly experience across devices.
Challenges Faced:
1. Data Collection: Obtaining a diverse and representative dataset of hand signs
for training the recognition model.
2. Model Training: Training machine learning models capable of accurately
recognizing hand signs from various angles, lighting conditions, and
3. Real-Time Processing: Optimizing the system to achieve real-time hand sign
recognition while maintaining accuracy and performance.
Future Enhancements:
1. Improving Accuracy: Continuously refining the machine learning models to
improve recognition accuracy, especially for complex hand signs.
2. Gesture Interpretation: Extending the system to interpret hand gestures beyond
sign language, such as controlling devices or applications.
3. Accessibility Features: Adding features to assist users with disabilities, such as
voice guidance or text-to-speech functionality.
Conclusion: The development of a hand sign recognition system using Python with
Django offers a novel and accessible solution for facilitating communication through
sign language. By leveraging computer vision and machine learning technologies,
this project aims to empower individuals who use sign language with a tool for
expressing themselves effectively in digital environments.



Introduction: In our society, accessibility and inclusivity are paramount. Many

individuals with disabilities face challenges in accessing essential services and
support. To address this issue, we've developed a Helper Dashboard Web Page,
designed specifically to assist disabled individuals in connecting with helpers who
can provide various forms of aid and support.
1. To create a user-friendly web page accessible to individuals with disabilities.
2. To facilitate connections between disabled individuals and helpers who can
offer assistance.
3. To provide a platform for disabled individuals to request help in various tasks
and activities.
1. User Registration and Authentication
• Users, both disabled individuals, and helpers, can register on the
platform. Authentication ensures security and privacy.
2. Profile Creation
• Users can create detailed profiles specifying their disabilities,
preferences, and requirements.
3. Helper Search and Matching
• The web page allows disabled users to search for helpers based on
location, availability, and specific assistance needs.
4. Task Request and Management
• Disabled users can submit task requests, such as transportation
assistance, grocery shopping, or household chores. Helpers can view and
accept these requests.
5. Messaging System
• A built-in messaging system enables communication between disabled
users and helpers to discuss task details, arrangements, and any specific
6. Accessibility Features
• The web page is designed with accessibility in mind, adhering to WCAG
standards. It includes features such as screen reader compatibility, high
contrast options, and keyboard navigation.
7. Feedback and Rating System
• After task completion, both parties can provide feedback and ratings,
ensuring accountability and quality control within the platform.

1. Technology Stack
• Frontend: HTML5, CSS3, JavaScript (React.js)
• Database: MongoDB
• Authentication: JSON Web Tokens (JWT)
• Accessibility: ARIA (Accessible Rich Internet Applications) attributes.
2. Development Process
• Agile methodology with sprints of 2 weeks.
• Continuous integration and deployment using Git and CI/CD pipelines.
• Regular testing and feedback sessions with disabled individuals for user
experience improvements.
Future Enhancements:
1. Integration with mapping APIs for real-time location tracking and navigation
2. Expansion of services to include medical appointment scheduling and
medication reminders.
3. Localization and translation features for broader accessibility.
4. Incorporation of AI-driven features for task recommendation and matching.
Conclusion: The Helper Dashboard Web Page for Disabled People aims to bridge
the gap between disabled individuals and helpers, promoting inclusivity and
independence. Through user-centred design and technological innovation, we strive
to empower disabled individuals to lead more fulfilling lives with the support of their


 The Sign Language Recognition System facilitates seamless communication between

individuals who use sign language and those who may not be proficient in it. This is
particularly crucial in educational, healthcare, and public service settings.
 Sign Language Recognition System has been developed from classifying only static signs and
alphabets, to the system that can successfully recognize dynamic movements that comes in
continuous sequences of images.
 Researcher nowadays are paying more attention to make a large vocabulary for sign language
recognition systems. Many researchers are developing their Sign Language Recognition
System by using small vocabulary and self-made database.
 Large database build for Sign Language Recognition System is still not available for some of
the country that involved in developing Sign Language Recognition System. The neural
networks are one of the more powerful tools in the identification system and pattern
 The system presents a performance pretty good to identify the static images of the sign
alphabetic language. The system shows that the first stage can be useful for deaf persons or
with speech disability for communicating with the rest of the people who do not know the
 In this work, the developed hardware architecture is used as image recognizing system but it
is not only limited to this application, it means, the design can be employed to process other
type of signs. As future work, it is planned to add to the system a learning process for dynamic
signs, as well as to prove the existing system with images taken in different position. Several
applications can be mention for this method: finding and extracting information about human
hands, which can be apply in sign language recognition that it is transcribed to speech or text,
robotics, game technology, virtual controllers and remote control in the industry and others.


It teaches children about differences and helps to show empathy.

Children learn about other cultures and the way people communicate.

All children and all learning styles benefit from learning to sign.

It helps improve relationships, increase understanding, and model positive interactions.


Online Platform:

[1] Cuda dnn - cudnn.

[2] Cyber science.
[3] Galaxy zoo - the galaxy challenge.

Research Institutions and Universities:

Gallaudet University Research Institute: A Brief Summary of Estimates for the Size of the Deaf and
dumb Population.
Books on computer vision, machine learning, and human-computer interaction may provide
comprehensive insights into the theoretical and practical aspects of sign language recognition
1. A Framework for Sign Language Recognition (George Awad)
2. Phrase and Sign Language Recognition (Mona Deshmukh)
3. Hands-On Machine Learning with Scikit-Learn and TensorFlow(Aurelien)


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