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Here are some additional concepts and features related to Excel:

**Excel Functions for Data Analysis:**

1. **MODE Function**: Returns the most frequently occurring value in a range of cells.

2. **PERCENTILE Function**: Returns the value at a specified percentile in a range of cells.

3. **QUARTILE Function**: Returns the value at a specified quartile in a range of cells.

4. **STDEV.S Function**: Calculates the standard deviation of a sample population.

5. **VAR.S Function**: Calculates the variance of a sample population.

**Excel Shortcuts for Data Entry:**

1. **Ctrl + V**: Pastes the contents of the clipboard.

2. **Ctrl + Shift + V**: Pastes the contents of the clipboard, including formatting.

3. **Ctrl + C**: Copies the selected cells.

4. **Ctrl + X**: Cuts the selected cells.

5. **Alt + F8**: Opens the Quick Analysis tool.

**Excel Shortcuts for Navigation:**

1. **Ctrl + Shift + Home**: Moves to the beginning of the worksheet.

2. **Ctrl + Shift + End**: Moves to the end of the worksheet.

3. **Ctrl + Shift + Page Up/Down**: Moves to the previous or next worksheet in the workbook.

4. **F5**: Refreshes the worksheet.

5. **Alt + F11**: Opens the Visual Basic Editor.

**Excel Functions for Text Manipulation:**

1. **LEN Function**: Returns the length of a text string.

2. **LOWER Function**: Converts a text string to lowercase.

3. **UPPER Function**: Converts a text string to uppercase.

4. **PROPER Function**: Converts a text string to proper case.

5. **SUBSTITUTE Function**: Replaces a specified text string with another text string.

**Excel Functions for Date and Time:**

1. **TODAY Function**: Returns the current date.

2. **NOW Function**: Returns the current date and time.

3. **EOMONTH Function**: Returns the last day of the month that is a specified number of months
before or after a date.

4. **WORKDAY Function**: Returns a date that is a specified number of workdays before or after a

5. **WEEKNUM Function**: Returns the number of the week in which a specified date falls.

I hope this helps! Let me know if you have any further questions.

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