Lisining6 8

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00:00:00 SPK_1 Unit.

00:00:00 SPK_2 6.

00:00:01 SPK_1 Recording 8.

00:00:05 SPK_2 One of the.

00:00:05 SPK_3 Most.

00:00:06 SPK_4 Memorable moments or not moments, rather events in my life.

00:00:10 SPK_2 Was a couple of years ago.

00:00:12 SPK_2 It all started one day when I was at work.

00:00:14 SPK_3 And my brother phoned me out of.

00:00:16 SPK_2 The blue.

00:00:16 SPK_3 And said.

00:00:17 SPK_1 What?

00:00:17 SPK_3 Are you doing the weekend of September 23rd or whatever it was?

00:00:22 SPK_5 I said I don't know, he said well.

00:00:23 SPK_2 Book a flight to Norway.

00:00:24 SPK_3 My brother lives in Norway and I.

00:00:27 SPK_4 Live.

00:00:27 SPK_3 In England.

00:00:28 SPK_2 So I said why?

00:00:28 SPK_2 He said.

00:00:29 SPK_2 I'll let you.

00:00:29 SPK_3 Know when you get there, it's a.

00:00:30 SPK_4 Surprise.

00:00:32 SPK_3 So weeks went.

00:00:32 SPK_2 On and I.

00:00:33 SPK_3 Tried.

00:00:33 SPK_2 To work out what this could be, but I had absolutely no idea.

00:00:37 SPK_1 So the weekend in question?

00:00:39 SPK_3 Came about, went to the.

00:00:40 SPK_2 Airport got on my flight.

00:00:42 SPK_4 And I was met there.

00:00:43 SPK_2 By somebody I'd never met before.

00:00:45 SPK_3 He just came.

00:00:46 SPK_2 Up.

00:00:46 SPK_3 And said are.

00:00:46 SPK_2 You.

00:00:47 SPK_3 Stig, I said yes.

00:00:48 SPK_5 He said, OK, come with me.

00:00:50 SPK_3 So I went with him to the.

00:00:51 SPK_2 Car we drove for a little while and I tried to kind of get it out of him where we were.

00:00:55 SPK_3 Going.

00:00:56 SPK_1 But he wouldn't tell me anything.

00:00:57 SPK_5 We pulled.

00:00:57 SPK_2 Up outside a hotel.

00:00:59 SPK_3 And there was my brother and my half brother.

00:01:02 SPK_2 And my two half sisters there.

00:01:03 SPK_3 Waiting for me I.

00:01:05 SPK_4 Was thinking, What on earth is going on?

00:01:07 SPK_3 And my brother just.

00:01:08 SPK_2 Said.

00:01:08 SPK_3 I realised that we don't spend enough time.

00:01:10 SPK_2 Together so I've.

00:01:11 SPK_3 Gathered you all here and I've planned a weekend for you and we're like.

00:01:14 SPK_4 Oh.

00:01:14 SPK_3 Cool.

00:01:15 SPK_3 So what are we doing?

00:01:15 SPK_3 I'm not telling you.

00:01:17 SPK_3 OK, fine.

00:01:18 SPK_1 Next thing we got on a boat.

00:01:20 SPK_3 And.

00:01:21 SPK_5 He took us out to A.

00:01:22 SPK_4 Lighthouse.

00:01:24 SPK_3 And the first night we spent eating Norwegian prawns, drinking beer, and we slept.

00:01:29 SPK_4 In.

00:01:29 SPK_3 A lighthouse.

00:01:31 SPK_3 Next morning we got up.

00:01:32 SPK_2 Drove off in his car we.

00:01:33 SPK_1 Said.

00:01:33 SPK_2 Where are.

00:01:34 SPK_1 We going?

00:01:34 SPK_1 He said.

00:01:34 SPK_1 I'm.

00:01:34 SPK_3 Not telling you.

00:01:35 SPK_5 He took us to a local shopping centre and said.

00:01:37 SPK_3 I realise I've done OK in life.

00:01:39 SPK_3 I've done better than you guys here have a load of money.

00:01:42 SPK_3 I.

00:01:42 SPK_2 Want.

00:01:42 SPK_3 You all.

00:01:42 SPK_2 To go shopping.

00:01:43 SPK_3 And buy stuff that you wouldn't normally buy with this money, he said.

00:01:46 SPK_3 The one condition is.

00:01:47 SPK_3 You're not.

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