9 Short term Lesson plan. English plus (2-ое полугодие) -1

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Short term lesson plan III term (the ninth grade)

20019 – 2020 school year

Unit of a long term plan: Unit 5.

Reading for pleasure.Lesson plan 49 School:

Teacher's name:

CLASS: 9 Number present: absent:

Lesson title Vocabulary and language Focus. Literary genres. p.56 – p.57
9.C9 use imagination to express thoughts, ideas, experiences and
9.L1 understand the main points in unsupported extended talk on a
wide range of general and
curricular topics, including talk on a limited range of unfamiliar
Learning 9.S1 use formal and informal language registers in their talk on a
objectives(s) range of general and curricular topics
9.S6 communicate meaning clearly at sentence level during, pair,
group and whole class exchanges
9.C10 use talk or writing as a means of reflecting on and exploring a
range of perspectives on the world
9.S7 use appropriate subject-specific vocabulary and syntax to talk
about a range of general and curricular topics
All learners will be able to:
 Identify the theme, new words and use them as the basis for
 Demonstrate knowledge for usage of the Past Simple
describing literary genres.
 Transfer information from the given information into a
graphic organizer.
Most learners will be able to:
Lesson objectives  Select, compile, and synthesize information for an oral
 Provide a point of view in conversations and discussions;
describe the plot of the book using active vocabulary.
Some learners will be able to:
 Respond to and discuss the reading passage using
interpretive, evaluative and creative thinking skills.
 Make a presentation about genres of books.
Higher order thinking skills (according to the revised Bloom's
Level of thinking
 Listen to the given text of description of activities and
identify the general information.
Assessment criteria  Demonstrate skills of organizing and expressing ideas
 Illustrate a viewpoint in a discussion.
Literature, Stylistics, genres, novel (gothic) contemporary, to involve
Target language
in, to be good for.
Responsibility, Global Citizenship, Respect and Love to people and
Values links
school, Care to modern technology.
Cross-curricular Literature, Stylistics, Social Science, Psychology, Information
links Technology, Sport and Health Care.
Vocabulary relating to genres and types of literature, the meaning of
Previous learning
reading books nowadays.
Planned Planned activities (replace the notes below
timings with your planned activities)
Start The lesson greeting. Pre-learning (W)
Teacher greets the class and suggests playing
the game to the learners. Teacher explains the
rules for this game. Slide (useful phrases)
3 min  Game “Back to Blackboard” Rules:
One person stands back to the portraits of
famous writers of different countries ;
Classmates should not call the name of a
writer but try to speak about his/her book;
Classmates can give some associations with
the book ;
Classmates can mime the plot of the book ;
Classmates can sing some lines from the Pictures
songs. PPT
 Teacher can organize competition
between two teams, when the first
team mimes, the second should guess
the famous person.



The teacher sets the lesson objectives, letting
students know what to anticipate from the
5 min lesson.
Warm up. Free talk about literature and
books. Look at the portraits of some writers
and name the books you read at the lessons.
How many books do you read a year? When
did paperbacks first appear?
Main part Lead-in (W, I)
 Vocabulary work Whiteboard
15 min
Revise the genres of books pupils know
making a listby asking students to add more
words to the list they already guessed. Writing
Brainstorm with the class and write words on Worksheet
the board as pupils call it out.
Organise the class into four teams. Ask a
student to come to the front of the class and
give him/hersubject card. (E.g. Fiction). Say
the whole class can ask a maximum of 10 Student Book p.56
questions to discover a subject. He/she can
only give Yes or No answers. Demonstrate the
question types and their short answer forms:

Student Book p.56

Pictures" Test your

knowledge" on genres of

CD 2.13

Name the genres of books. Ex. 2 – 3 p.56. Worksheet
Read the information about genres and
describe them with complex nouns from the
table. Ex.4 p.5

Genre Description
detective thought - provoking
Student Book p.57


Ex.4 p.57( Check the meaning of phrases
and add your word - combinations from ex.3):
Contemporary detective story
While - listening task: listen to two
people talking about the books. Which of
them are they talking about? In pairs ask
questions to get more details. Venn Diagram
Answers: 1.Call of the wind
3.Wuthering Heights
4. Persuasion
5. The Prince and the Pauper.
Compare two books according to their
description in Ex.4 and complete the diagram.

Ex.7 CD 2.13

Use compound nouns while describing a

Give definitions to:
convincing, fast – paced, gripping,
imaginative, thought – provoking, humorous,
contemporary. Writing
(W.B. Ex.1-2 p.38). Worksheet
The teacher has brought some English books English Books
from the library, ask the pupils about the
genres. St.s try to describe them and tell the
teacher what book they would like to read and
make a presentation at the end of this unit.
End Home task.
3 min. WB p.38 Slide (Homework)
Students express their attitude to the lesson Slide "Six thinking hats"
and give self-assessment using the method:
“Six thinking hats”:
 Green: How can you use today's
learning in different subjects?
 Red: How do you feel about your
work today?
 White: What have you leant today?
 Black: What were the weaknesses of
your work?
 Blue: How much progress have you
made in this lesson? (Now I can, I still
need to work on, I've improved in,
today I learnt...)
 Yellow: What did you like about
today's lesson?
Additional information
Differentiation – how Assessment – how are Health and safety check
do you plan to give you planning to check
more support? How learners’ learning?
do you plan to
challenge the more
able learners? can be
Differentiation Assessment criteria: Health saving technologies.
achieved through  Read the given Make sure power cords are not a
content (Based on the passage and identify the tripping hazard
theory of Multiple general information. Everyday classroom precautions
Intelligences different  Demonstrate skills
tasks are used with the of organizing and
same text). expressing ideas
By support: accurately.
Less able learners will  Illustrate a
be supported through viewpoint in a discussion.
step-be-step Descriptors:
instructions, glossaries,
A learner
thinking time.  reads the text for
global understanding;
 selects meaningful
information, constructs
By task: the answer;
For more able learners  presents
additional leveled tasks information in the group
are offered. discussion.
 evaluates the
peers’ answers.
Teacher's observation
using observation
checklist (Appendix 2 -
reference to the resource
"Literature Circle Role
Sheets" by Christine
Boardman Moen. p.28)
and monitoring.
Teacher observation checklist
Student's name ________________________________________
Positive Aspects
 Completed the individual role-card.
 Used extracts from the text to support his/her ideas.
 Asked open-ended questions.
 Listened while others talked.
 Encouraged peers to share their ideas.
 Added his/her own comments and ideas to other student's comments and ideas.
Negative Aspects
 Didn't complete the individual role-card.
 Didn't appear to be listening or interrupted when others were speaking.
 Did not use text to support his/her opinions.
Comments ___________________________________________________

Student Self-Assessment Checklist Student

Name: ________________________
Date: ______________________ Think about how well you are working in your group.
Place a check mark beside the skills you demonstrate in your role.
I listen attentively to others.
I express my thinking clearly and concisely.
I take turns. I encourage participation of all group members.
I show respect for alternative points of view.
I disagree agreeably.
I synthesize information from others.
I analyze ideas of others.

Short term lesson plan

Unit of a long term plan: Unit

5Reading for pleasure. School:
Lesson plan 50
Teacher's name:

CLASS: 9 Number present: absent:

Reading. Fiction.
Lesson title
Discussing a text about the benefits of reading.
9.S1 use formal and informal language registers in their talk on a
range of general and curricular topics
9.S2 ask complex questions to get information about a wide range of
general and curricular topics
9.S3 explain and justify their own and others’ point of view on a
range of general and curricular topics
9.R3 understand the detail of an argument- both explicitly stated and
implied in extended texts on a wide range of familiar general and
curricular topics, and some unfamiliar topics
9.R4 read a wide range of extended fiction and non-fiction texts on
familiar and unfamiliar general and curricular topics
9.L4 understand the main points of supported extended talk on a
range of general and curricular topics
9.W1 plan, write, edit and proofread work at text level with support
on a limited range of general and curricular topics
All learners will be able to:
 Identify the theme, new words and use them as the basis for
 Demonstrate knowledge for usage of the Past Simple
speaking about the benefits of reading.Transfer information from the
given information into a graphic organizer.
Most learners will be able to:
Lesson objectives  Select, compile, and synthesize information for an oral
 Provide a point of view in conversations and discussions;
describe the plot of the story using active vocabulary.
Some learners will be able to:
 Respond to and discuss the reading passage using
interpretive, evaluative and creative thinking skills.
 Make a presentation about the benefits of reading.
Higher order thinking skills (according to the revised Bloom's
Level of thinking
 Read the given text of description and identify the general
Assessment criteria  Demonstrate skills of organizing and expressing ideas
 Illustrate a viewpoint in a discussion.
Benefits of, to pick up, to be a turning point, slowly but surely, a
Target language huge effect on, incidental information, snippets of information, ,
analytical skills.
Responsibility, Global Citizenship, Respect and Love to reading
Values links
books, Care to modern technology, Love to nearest and dearest.
Cross-curricular Literature, Social Science, Psychology, Information Technology, Art.
Previous learning Vocabulary relating to the benefits of reading
Planned Planned activities (replace the notes below
timings with your planned activities)
Start Class organisation

Slide (useful phrases)

3 min

The lesson greeting.

Warm up.
The teacher sets the lesson objectives, letting
students know what to anticipate from the lesson. Pictures
Good afternoon, dear students and guests! PPT
Welcome to our English lesson! I give you these
sheets of paper. Here you see three types of
smiles; your task is to give yourselves marks
putting ticks under the smiles. If you manage to
do the work well put a tick opposite the happy
smile. If not - opposite the sad one. If you are not
sure put a tick under the neutral smile. On your
desks you see folders with some files of different
colours. You will need them during the lesson. 2.
Pre-learning (W)
The picture of a boy
reading a book


Look at the picture and say what is the boy doing

and how is he doing it?
In front of you there is a poem. I’d like you to
read it and in groups discuss the meaning of it?

What is a Book?
By Lora Daunt
A book is pages, pictures and words
A book is animals, people and birds
A book is stories of queens and kings Poem
Poems and songs-so many things!
Curled in a corner where I can hide
With a book I can journey far and wide
Though it’s only paper from end to end
A book is a very special friend.
Each group prepares its presentation.
What does the boy prefer doing? Why?
Make a list of books you read while you have free
time? (revision of genres of books).
Lead-in (W, I)
Pre-reading stage.

A Table

Main part Lead-in (W, I)

Pre-reading stage.
15 min Listening and reading about the benefits of
reading (W I)
 Teacher suggests the list of new
vocabulary with their synonyms or
opposites for learners.
(P) Learners work with new vocabulary first. Writing
They get a list of words, read the words with the Worksheet
teacher. Learners create 3-4 sentences with new (new words)
words to showthe meaning of the words.
Learners that are more able help the others to read
the words correctly. CD 2.14
Now the Sts.are going to listen to the text and
then read.
Ex.1 – 2 p.58
Each Sts. Tries to give a good title for the text.
Do you enjoy losing yourself in a good book? Student Book p.58
(As for me…. As I think…. To my mind…).
Ex.4 p.58 Build Your vocabulary: Teacher's Book p.80.
Find the active words from the text and explain
by your own words.

Ex.5 p.58 (Group work).

Make a cinquain of a word” reading”.

What is the structure of a cinquain? Whiteboard

A cinquain consists of 5 unrhymed lines.
Each line has a set number of syllables see Writing
below: Worksheet
Line 1 – 2 syllables
Line 2 – 4 Syllables
Line 3 – 6 Syllables
Line 4 – 8 syllables
Line 5 – 2 Syllables


End Home task.

3 min. Ex.5p.58 (w). Slide (Homework)
The story “The Fun they had”(I. Asimov) Slide "Six thinking hats"
Students express their attitude to the lesson and
give self-assessment using the method: “Six
thinking hats”:
 Green: How can you use today's learning
in different subjects?
 Red: How do you feel about your work
 White: What have you leant today?
 Black: What were the weaknesses of your
 Blue: How much progress have you made
in this lesson? (Now I can, I still need to
work on, I've improved in, Today I
 Yellow: What did you like about today's
Additional information
Differentiation – how Assessment – how are Health and safety check
do you plan to give you planning to check
more support? How learners’ learning?
do you plan to
challenge the more
able learners? can be
Differentiation Assessment criteria: Health saving technologies.
achieved through  Read the given Make sure power cords are not a
content (Based on the passage and identify the tripping hazard
theory of Multiple general information. Everyday classroom precautions
Intelligences different  Demonstrate skills
tasks are used with the of organizing and
same text). expressing ideas
By support: accurately.
Less able learners will  Illustrate a
be supported through viewpoint in a discussion.
step-be-step Descriptors:
instructions, glossaries,A learner
thinking time.  reads the text for
global understanding;
 selects meaningful
information, constructs
By task: the answer;
For more able learners  presents
additional leveled tasks information in the group
are offered. discussion.
 evaluates the
peers’ answers.
Teacher's observation
using observation
checklist (Appendix 2 -
reference to the resource
"Literature Circle Role
Sheets" by Christine
Boardman Moen. p.28)
and monitoring.

Teacher observation checklist
Student's name ________________________________________
Positive Aspects
 Completed the individual role-card.
 Used extracts from the text to support his/her ideas.
 Asked open-ended questions.
 Listened while others talked.
 Encouraged peers to share their ideas.
 Added his/her own comments and ideas to other student's comments and ideas.
Negative Aspects
 Didn't complete the individual role-card.
 Didn't appear to be listening or interrupted when others were speaking.
 Did not use text to support his/her opinions.
Comments __________________________________________________
The Fun They Had by Isaac Asimov

Margie wrote about it that night in her diary. On the page headed May 17, 2157, she wrote,
"Today, Tommy found a real book!"
It was a very old book. Margie's grandfather once said that when he was a little boy his
grandfather told him that there was a time when all stories were printed on paper.
"Gee," said Tommy, "what a waste. When you're through with the book, you just throw it away,
I guess. Our television screen must have had a million books on it and it's good for plenty more. I
wouldn't throw it away."
"Same with mine," said Margie. She was eleven and hadn't seen as many telebooks as Tommy
had. She said, "Where did you find it?"
"In my house." He pointed without looking, because he was busy reading. "In the attic."
"What's it about?"
Margie was scornful. "School? What's there to write about school? I hate school."
Margie had always hated school, but now she hated it more than ever. The mechanical teacher
had been giving her test after test in geography and she had been doing worse and worse.
The part Margie hated most was the slot where she had to put homework and test papers. She
always had to write them out in a punch code they made her learn when she was six years old,
and the mechanical teacher calculated the mark in no time.
So she said to Tommy, "Why would anyone write about school?"
Tommy looked at her with very superior eyes. "Because it's not our kind of school, stupid. This
is the old kind of school that they had hundreds and hundreds of years ago."
Margie was hurt. "Well, I don't know what kind of school they had all that time ago."
«They had a teacher, but it wasn't a regular teacher. It was a man."
"A man? How could a man be a teacher? A man isn't smart enough."
"Sure he is. My father knows as much as my teacher."
"1 wouldn't want a strange man in my house to teach me."
Tommy screamed with laughter. «The teachers didn't live in the house. They had a special
building and all the kids went there."
"And all the kids learned the same thing?"
"Sure, if they were the same age."
"But my mother says a teacher has to be adjusted to fit the mind of each boy and girl it teaches
and that each kid has to be taught differently."
"Just the same they didn't do it that way then. If you don't like it, you don't have to read the
"I didn't say I didn't like it," Margie said quickly. She wanted to read about those funny schools.
Margie went into the schoolroom. It was right next to her bedroom, and the mechanical teacher
was on and waiting for her. The screen was lit up, and it said: "Today's arithmetic lesson is on
the addition of proper fractions. Please insert yesterday's homework in the proper slot."
Margie did so with a sigh. She was thinking about the old schools they had when her
grandfather's grandfather was a little boy. All the kids from the whole neighborhood came,
laughing and shouting in the schoolyard, sitting together in the schoolroom, going home together
at the end of the day. They learned the same things, so they could help one another on the
homework and talk about it.
And the teachers were people...
Margie was thinking about how the kids must have loved it in the old days. She was thinking
about the fun they had.

1. Complete the summary with words from the text:

Tommy has (1)...................... a real book that (2)................ (3)...................... school, the
(4)............................ (5)........................ of school. Then, instead of being taught by a
(6)...................... teacher, children were taught by a (7)............................. , all together in the
same (8)......................... First, Margie is (9)....................... but then, she wants to learn more
about these (10)........................... schools and thinks children (11)........................ school then.
2. When does the scene take place?
3. Explain who the main characters are.
4. "Tommy found a real book" What information can you deduce from this sentence?
5. True or False? Justify by quoting from the text.
a) The real book used to belong to Margie's grandfather.
b) Margie and Tommy read on a TV screen
c) Margie understands why someone would choose the topic of school.
d) Margie goes to school in a special building.
6. Choose the right answer.
1) Where are Tommie and Margie taught?
A) In a school called “The Mechanical Teaching School”
B) At home in their bedrooms
C) In a special schoolroom inside their house which is located between the kitchen and the
dining room
D) In two different schoolrooms inside their houses
2) How are Margie’s and Tommie’s homework and tests checked?
A) Parents have to give report to the mechanical teacher.
B) They don’t have to do homework and tests.
C) Tests and homework have to be inserted into the computer.
D) They meet their mechanical teacher in a school building once a week.
3) How does the mechanical teacher “read” Margie’s and Tommie’s written tests?
A) Margie and Tommie read out their answers into a microphone which is connected to their
mechanical teacher.
B) They use a special sort of handwriting which can be processed and analysed by their
mechanical teacher.
C) They send their homework to their mechanical teacher via e-mail.
D) Margie and Tommie don’t have to do written tests at all.
4) The strange thing about books for Tommy and Margie is that the words don’t
stand still.
A) Correct
B) Wrong
5) Which is Margie’s first subject at school that day?
A) English
B) Geography
C) Maths
D) Physics
7) Which arguments does Margie present against a human teacher?
A) She doesn’t want a strange person to visit her at home every day.
B) Most human teachers are badly dressed.
C) A human teacher is smarter than a mechanical teacher.
D) A human teacher isn’t able to teach every student according to his or her personal abilities.
6. Compare schools you know and schooling in the text.
7. Would you rather have a mechanical teacher or regular teachers?

Short term lesson plan

Unit of a long term plan: Unit 5Lesson

plan 51 School:

Teacher's name:

CLASS: 9 Number present: absent:

Language Focus.
Lesson title
Past Simple or Past Continuous p.59
9.C1 use speaking and listening skills to solve problems creatively
and cooperatively in groups
9.C9 use imagination to express thoughts, ideas, experiences and
9.S7 use appropriate subject-specific vocabulary and syntax to talk
Learning about an increased range of general and curricular topics
objectives(s) 9.S8 recount extended stories and events on a wide range of general
and curricular topics
9.UE5 use a wide variety of question types on a wide range of
familiar general and curricular topics
9.W8 spell most high-frequency vocabulary accurately for a wide
range of familiar general and curricular topics
All learners will be able to:
 Identify the theme, active words and use them as the basis for
 Demonstrate knowledge for usage of the Past Simple or Past
Continuous, making stories using this grammar tenses.Transfer
information from the given information into a graphic organizer.
Most learners will be able to:
Lesson objectives  Select, compile, and synthesize information for an oral
 Provide a point of view in conversations and discussions;
speak about people's favourite books.
Some learners will be able to:
 Respond to and discuss the reading passage using
interpretive, evaluative and creative thinking skills.
 Make a topic about past events and memories.
Higher order thinking skills (according to the revised Bloom's
Level of thinking
 Read the given text of description and identify the general
Assessment criteria  Demonstrate skills of organizing and expressing ideas
 Illustrate a viewpoint in a discussion.
Target language Used to, to happen, to set a scene, to be in the focus of attention.

Responsibility, Global Citizenship, Respect and Love to people and

Values links
Cross-curricular Social Science, Psychology, Information Technology, Art, History.
Previous learning Vocabulary relating to people's past events and memories
Planned Planned activities (replace the notes below
timings with your planned activities)
Start Class organisation

Slide (useful phrases)

3 min

To present a mind - map

 Ask Ss to complete a mind - map and choose a
genre of a book they are into. Pictures
Read the examples in the table aloud and then elicit PPT
the answers to complete their own diagram.
Lead-in (W, I)
To practise active vocabulary
 Explain the task Study Strategy and read the Writing
Main part example aloud. Worksheet
 Ss complete the task.
15 min  Check Ss’ answers.
To practise vocabulary through personalisation
and pair group.
The story of I. Asimov “The Fun They Had”.
 Teacher organises group work on topic from the
site www.buzzle.com. (G) Learners are divided
into small groups of 3-4; and are given the
instructions: surf the internet to find information
about the writer of this story. (If the Internet Writing
connection is not available, teacher can use Worksheet
information from Appendix 1). They should
prepare mini-research poster.
 (G) Learners work in the following directions and
arrange information:
Group 1: I. Asimov
Group 2: A real book
Group 3: An old school. What did the children
use to do?
Group 4: A school of future(a mechanical
 (G) Learners distribute the roles in the group
Student 1 – timekeeper
Student 2 – researcher
Student 3 – teacher
Student 4 – painter A mind – map
Using a mind – map, each group prepares a
summary of the text.
Speak about a future school and our school.

Venn Diagram

A Table

While speaking about past events, we can use:

Past simple or Past Continuous.

Past S. Past Cont.

Usage Student’s Book p.59

Ex. 1 – 2 p.59 (Pair Work).

In the text, find the examples of two grammar
tenses. Answers are in Teacher’s
Ex.3 p.59 should be done individually as a
competition task. The winner gets a title – The
Best in Grammar.
Task. Activate. Ex.4 p.59 (Don’t forget to use
Past simple and Past Continuous).
End Home task:
3 min. W.B. p.39 Slide (Homework)
Students express their attitude to the lesson and Slide "Six thinking hats"
give self-assessment using the method: “Six
thinking hats”:
 Green: How can you use today's learning
in different subjects?
 Red: How do you feel about your work
 White: What have you leant today?
 Black: What were the weaknesses of your
 Blue: How much progress have you made
in this lesson? (Now I can, I still need to
work on, I've improved in, Today I
 Yellow: What did you like about today's
Additional information
Differentiation – how Assessment – how are Health and safety check
do you plan to give you planning to check
more support? How learners’ learning?
do you plan to
challenge the more
able learners? can be
Differentiation Assessment criteria: Health saving technologies.
achieved through  Read the given Make sure power cords are not a
content (Based on the passage and identify the tripping hazard
theory of Multiple general information. Everyday classroom precautions
Intelligences different  Demonstrate skills
tasks are used with the of organizing and
same text). expressing ideas
By support: accurately.
Less able learners will  Illustrate a
be supported through viewpoint in a discussion.
step-be-step Descriptors:
instructions, glossaries,A learner
thinking time.  reads the text for
global understanding;
 selects meaningful
information, constructs
By task: the answer;
For more able learners  presents
additional leveled tasks information in the group
are offered. discussion.
 evaluates the
peers’ answers.

Teacher's observation
using observation
checklist (Appendix 2 -
reference to the resource
"Literature Circle Role
Sheets" by Christine
Boardman Moen. p.28)
and monitoring.

Appendix1Teacher observation checklist

Student's name ________________________________________
Positive Aspects
 Completed the individual role-card.
 Used extracts from the text to support his/her ideas.
 Asked open-ended questions.
 Listened while others talked.
 Encouraged peers to share their ideas.
 Added his/her own comments and ideas to other student's comments and ideas.
Negative Aspects
 Didn't complete the individual role-card.
 Didn't appear to be listening or interrupted when others were speaking.
 Did not use text to support his/her opinions.
Comments __________________________________________________

Short term lesson plan

Unit of a long term plan: Unit 5

Lesson plan 52 School:

Teacher's name:

CLASS: 9 Number present: absent:

Lesson title
Talking about writing a story. p. 60
9.L6 deduce meaning from context in unsupported extended talk on a
wide range of general and curricular topics, including talk on a
limited range of unfamiliar topics
9.S7 use appropriate subject-specific vocabulary and syntax to talk
about an increased range of general and curricular topics
9.S8 recount extended stories and events on a wide range of general
and curricular topics
9.R5 deduce meaning from context in short texts on a limited range
of familiar general and curricular topics
9.W1 plan, write, edit and proofread work at text level with support
on a limited range of general and curricular topics
9.W5 link without support sentences using basic coordinating
All learners will be able to:
 Identify the theme, new words and use them as the basis for
 Demonstrate knowledge for writing a story using correct
grammar tenses, linking words and structure.Transfer information
from the given information into a graphic organizer.
Most learners will be able to:
Select, compile, and synthesize information for writing a story.
Lesson objectives  Provide a point of view in conversations and discussions; speak
about being a writer.
Some learners will be able to:
 Respond to and discuss the reading passage using
interpretive, evaluative and creative thinking skills.
 Make a presentation about what you would like to be really
good at.Respond to and discuss the reading passage using
interpretive, evaluative and creative thinking skills.
Write a story.
Higher order thinking skills (according to the revised Bloom's
Level of thinking
 Read the given text of description and identify the general
Assessment criteria  Demonstrate skills of organizing and expressing ideas
 Illustrate a viewpoint in a discussion.
To be good at, successful writing, develop the plot/ ideas, to sketch
Target language out ideas, follow a dream, write a feedback, edit, look for inspiration,
create a character/ tension, and draw on one’s experience.
Responsibility, Global Citizenship, Respect and Love to people and
Values links writing stories, Care to modern technology, Love to nearest and
Cross-curricular Literature, Social Science, Psychology, Information Technology, Art,
link Stylistics.
Previous learning Vocabulary relating to writing a story.
Planned Planned activities (replace the notes below
timings with your planned activities)
Start Class organisation

Slide (useful phrases)

3 min

Pre-learning (W)
The lesson greeting.
The teacher sets the lesson objectives, letting
students know what to anticipate from the lesson.
The teacher shows the picture and introduces the
objectives of the lesson.



Main part
15 min Warm up. Free talk.
Have you ever tried to write your own stories,
poems? If you have your poem, can you read it to
What should people know to write a story? Make
a cluster of this topic. A cluster
Pre-reading stage. ” Writing a story”
Predicting and guessing.
Students move their eyes over the words and
pictures on the whiteboard and predict the title of
the text. Then they read the text in pairs, find out
the meaning of the underlined words. After that
students call out words, phrases they remember
from the text, note them. Students work in pairs
(1 minute) discuss what the text is about or
(create a text using some of the previous written
words). CD2.15
Students express their ideas (1 minute).
While-reading stage.
The teacher informs the class that they will be Dictionaries
participating in the contest about the words and
the process of writing successfully.
Ex.1 – 3 p.60.
Write down key – words from the text:
Draw on your dream- become a writer - have a
passion for writing – to test…….
Make a list of recommendations for a
10 min beginning writer:

Student’s Book p.60

Ex.4.p. 60 (True – False sentences). If it’s false,

prove the information.
5 min 1. False
2. True
3. False
4. False
5. True
6. True
Who can be a writer or a journalist? What can
you say about these professions?
What would you like to be really good at? You Whiteboard
are all in the ninth grade, some of you have
Student Book p.60 Ex.5
already decided what he / she is going to be.
Please in pairs speak about this problem.
Work with collocations. Optional Activity. Worksheet
Language Focus. Teacher’s Book p.82
End Home task.
3 min. W.B. p.40 Ex.5.p.60 orally Slide (Homework)
Students express their attitude to the lesson and Slide "Six thinking hats"
give self-assessment using the method: “Six
thinking hats”:
 Green: How can you use today's learning
in different subjects?
 Red: How do you feel about your work
 White: What have you leant today?
 Black: What were the weaknesses of your
 Blue: How much progress have you made
in this lesson? (Now I can, I still need to
work on, I've improved in, Today I
 Yellow: What did you like about today's
Additional information
Differentiation – how Assessment – how are you Health and safety check
do you plan to give planning to check learners’
more support? How learning?
do you plan to
challenge the more
able learners? can be
Differentiation Assessment criteria: Health saving technologies.
achieved through  Read the given passage Make sure power cords are not a
content (Based on the and identify the general tripping hazard
theory of Multiple information. Everyday classroom precautions
Intelligences different  Demonstrate skills of
tasks are used with the organizing and expressing
same text). ideas accurately.
By support:  Illustrate a viewpoint in
Less able learners will a discussion.
be supported through Descriptors:
step-be-step A learner
instructions, glossaries,  reads the text for global
thinking time. understanding;
 selects meaningful
information, constructs the
By task:  presents information in
For more able learners the group discussion.
additional leveled tasks
 evaluates the peers’
are offered.

Teacher observation checklist
Student's name ________________________________________
Positive Aspects
 Completed the individual role-card.
 Used extracts from the text to support his/her ideas.
 Asked open-ended questions.
 Listened while others talked.
 Encouraged peers to share their ideas.
 Added his/her own comments and ideas to other student's comments and ideas.
Negative Aspects
 Didn't complete the individual role-card.
 Didn't appear to be listening or interrupted when others were speaking.
 Did not use text to support his/her opinions.
Comments _________________________________________________

Short term lesson plan

Unit of a long term plan: Unit 5

Lesson plan 53
Date: Teacher’s name:

Class: 9 Number present: Number absent:

Lesson title Language Focus. Future Continuous.

9.C1 use speaking and listening skills to solve problems creatively and
cooperatively in groups
9.C9 use imagination to express thoughts, ideas, experiences and feelings
Learning 9.UE7 use perfect continuous forms and a variety of simple perfect active
objectives(s) and passive forms including time adverbials … so far, lately, all my life ,
that this lesson on a wide; use a variety of relative clauses including with which [whole
is contributing previous clause reference]
to 9.S7 use appropriate subject-specific vocabulary and syntax to talk about
an increased range of general and curricular topics
9.S8 recount extended stories and events on a wide range of general and
curricular topics
All learners will be able to:
 Identify the theme, new words and use them as the basis for
 Demonstrate knowledge for usage of the Future Continuous.
Transfer information from the given information into a graphic organizer.
Most learners will be able to:
Lesson Select, compile, and synthesize information for an oral presentation
objectives  Provide a point of view in conversations and discussions; speak about
future activities.
Some learners will be able to:
 Respond to and discuss the reading passage using interpretive,
evaluative and creative thinking skills.
 Make a presentation about future plans and after respond to and
discuss the reading passage using interpretive, evaluative and creative
thinking skills.
Value links Cooperation, respect each other's opinion, functional literacy.
Social Science, Psychology, Information Technology, Geography.
Talking about future plans and activities
Smart board for showing a presentation, getting additional
Useof ICT
information,playing the audio files.
Students will be able to understand that people should plan their activities.

Health and Breaks and physical activities used.


Planned activities Resources
Beginnin The lesson greeting.
g the The teacher sets the lesson objectives, letting
lesson students know what to anticipate from the lesson. Slide (useful phrases)
6 min. Warm up. Free talk.
 Do you organize events with our friends? Pictures
 Imagine you want to organize a party or PPT
barbecue with some friends. What are you going
to plan and what food will you buy?

Main Write the words in the list. The teacher points out
Activities that some words and explaining a new rule: Writing
Future Continuous. All Continuous tenses mean a Worksheet
28 min. process or duration and are happening in a certain
time either in the present, past or future. Please,
look at the sentences and make some sentences in
the Future Continuous.
What will you be eating at the party?

A crossword

Ex.1 -3 p.61. Complete the sentences. Student Book p.61

(In a weaker class this ex. can be done in pairs).
The Consolidation of a structure: Past Simple and
Past Continuous). A story in the Past Tenses. Writing
Make a group presentation about the rules and Worksheet
change a story in the past tenses into Future
Simple and Future Continuous.
Ex. 4 - 5 p. 61. Choose the correct words and read
a dialogue. What have you learnt from these
Ex.6 p.61. Creative exercise
Speak in pairs about the activities next weekend at Teacher’s Book p.83
a certain time.
OPTIONAL ACTIVITY: Writing and Speaking.
Write about the group’s plan for the next Writing
holidays. What will a student be doing at this time Worksheet
during the holidays? A mind - map
Make a mind – map of the Future Continuous.
Giving the home task. W.B. p.41
Category Excellent Good Fair Poor
4 pts 3 pts 2 pts 1pts
Author Author Author Author
demonstrates demonstrates demonstrates demonstrates
Fluency normal pace, not adequate normal some normal little normal
too fast, not to pace, not too pace, not too pace, not too
slow. fast, not to fast, not to fast, not to
slow. slow. slow.
Ending Spelling and There are no There are 1-2 There are 3-4 There is more
the lesson spelling, spelling, spelling, than 4 spelling,
punctuation, or punctuation, or punctuation, or punctuation, or
grammar errors. grammar errors. grammar errors. grammar errors.
Dialogue is well Dialogue is Dialogue is Dialogue is hard
6 min. fairly well slightly to follow and
Presentation/ organized and
organized and confusing and doesn't flow like
Memorization flows like a mostly flows somewhat flows a natural
natural like a natural like a natural conversation.
conversation. conversation. conversation.
No There are 1-2 There are 3-4 There are 5 or
pronunciation errors in pronunciation more
errors are noted. errors. pronunciation
Conversation is pronunciation. Conversation is errors.
recited with Conversation is recited with Appropriate
appropriate recited with somewhat expression not
expression. mostly appropriate used.

Differentiation –
how do you plan to give more Assessment –
Critical thinking
support? How do you plan to how are you planning to
challenge the more able check learners’learning?
Differentiation can be achieved Assessment criteria: Students think critically,
through the selection of activities, 1. Identify the main idea exploring, developing,
identification of learning outcomes in extended talks with evaluating and making
for a certain student, provision of little support. choices about their own and
individual support to learners, 2. Apply topic related others’ ideas
selection of learning materials and vocabulary in speech
resources based on the individual appropriately arranging
abilities of learners. words and phrases into
well-formed sentences.
3. Demonstrate the ability
to participate in a
A learner:
 selects an appropriate
 completes the task.
 uses appropriate
vocabulary while
 discusses questions
and answers the questions
within the group.
 Observation
 Feedback on the
 Peer-assessment

Short term lesson plan

Unit of a long term plan: Unit 5

Lesson plan 54
Date: Teacher’s name:

Class: 9 Number present: Number absent:

Planning a project.
Lesson title Talking about how to plan an event.p. 62
A book blurb. p.63
9.S1 provide basic information about themselves and others at sentence
level on an increasing range of general topics
Learning 9.C6 organise and present information clearly to others
objectives(s) that 9.R5 deduce meaning from context in extended texts on a wide range of
this lesson is familiar general and curricular topics, and some unfamiliar topics
contributing to 9.W1 plan, write, edit and proofread work at text level with support on a
limited range of general and curricular topics
9.W5 link without support sentences using basic coordinating connectors
All learners will be able to:
 Understand the main ideas of the dialogue in which people plan a
book club and describe a book.
 Recognize key phrases and Future Continuous to talk about future
 Act situations making, accepting a future plan.
Most learners will be able to:
objectives  Understand details in listening extracts.
 Use topic related vocabulary in their dialogues.
 Create their own dialogues based on the given situations and act.
Some learners will be able to:
 Understand detailed information from the dialogues while
 Apply topic related vocabulary in speech fluently.
 Create their own dialogues on the topic without support and act.
Value links Cooperation, respect each other's opinion, functional literacy.
Literature, Social Science, Psychology, Information Technology.
Talking about future events.
Smart board for showing a presentation, getting additional
Useof ICT
information,playing the audio files.
Intercultural Students will be able to understand that people should attend a book club
awareness and be able to describe a book they have read.

Health and Breaks and physical activities used.


Planned activities Resources

The lesson greeting. Slide (useful phrases)


The teacher sets the lesson objectives, letting

students know what to anticipate from the
Student Book p.62
Beginnin lesson. Writing
g the Warm up. Free talk. Worksheet
lesson  What do you usually do after school?
6 min. When and where do you meet your friends?
Ex.1 p.62
 Look at the photo on p. 62 and guess the
topic of their conversation? Write the theme on
lists of paper.
 Do you know the meaning of a word a
“book blurb”
A picture

Activities LISTENING TASK: Student Book p.62
Listen to the dialogue and answer the question: CD2.16
15 min. How will book club members decide which
books to read?
In groups of 3, write the work of a book club
and choose the first book to read and discuss
together. CD2.07.
Look at the key phrases. Invitations. Ex.3 Pair work. Teacher's
p.62. Sentence completion task. Role-play. Photocopiable Resources p.203
The teacher offers the groups 5 books and asks Student Book p.63
them to read the book blurbs and speak about
the books.
Ex.1 p.63 Work with the blurb of “The Lost
World”. Find compound adjectives and
quantities in the text. A Table
Compound adjectives Quantities

Student Book p.63

Ex. 2 – 3 p.63 (a pair – work).

13 min Writing Guide: Writing
A Blurb in English for any book. Worksheet
Giving the home task.
Ex.4 p.63 (project), W.B. p.43 Ex. 1 -2
Students express their attitude to the lesson and give self-assessment using the
method: “Six thinking hats”:
 Green: How can you use today's learning in different subjects?
 Red: How do you feel about your work today?
Ending  White: What have you leant today?
the lesson  Black: What were the weaknesses of your work?
6 min.  Blue: How much progress have you made in this lesson? (Now I can, I still
need to work on, I've improved in, Today I learnt... )
Yellow: What did you like about today's lesson?
Slide (Homework)
Slide "Six thinking hats"

Differentiation –
how do you plan to give more Assessment –
Critical thinking
support? How do you plan to how are you planning to
challenge the more check learners’learning?
able learners? can be achieved
Differentiation Assessment criteria: Students think critically,
through the selection of activities, 4. Identify the main idea exploring, developing,
identification of learning outcomes in extended talks with evaluating and making
for a certain student, provision of little support. choices about their own and
individual support to learners, 5. Apply topic related others’ ideas
selection of learning materials and vocabulary in speech
resources based on the individual appropriately arranging
abilities of learners. words and phrases into
well-formed sentences.
6. Demonstrate the ability
to participate in a
A learner:
 selects an appropriate
 completes the task.
 uses appropriate
vocabulary while
 discusses questions
and answers the
questions within the
 Observation
 Feedback on the
 Peer-assessment
Short term lesson plan
Unit of a long term plan: Unit 5
Lesson plan 55
Date: Teacher’s name:

Class: 9 Number present: Number absent:

My Country.Abai Qunanbaiuli.
Lesson title

9.C1 use speaking and listening skills to solve problems creatively and
cooperatively in groups
9.L7 recognise typical features at word, sentence and text level of a range
of spoken genres
Learning 9.C8 develop intercultural awareness through reading and discussion
objectives(s) that 9.S7 use appropriate subject-specific vocabulary and syntax to talk about
this lesson is an increased range of general and curricular topics
contributing to 9.UE3 use a variety of compound adjectives, adjectives as participles,
comparative structures indicating degree, and intensifying adjectives on a
wide range of familiar general and curricular topics
9.R5 deduce meaning from context in short texts on a limited range of
familiar general and curricular topics
All learners will be able to:
 Identify the theme, new words and use them as the basis for
 Demonstrate knowledge for usage of the Past tenses. Transfer
information from the given information into a graphic organizer.
Most learners will be able to:
Select, compile, and synthesize information for an oral presentation
Lesson  Provide a point of view in conversations and discussions; speak about a
objectives great Kazakh poet.
 Some learners will be able to:
 Respond to and discuss the reading passage using interpretive,
evaluative and creative thinking skills.
 Make a presentation about famous poets. Respond to and discuss
the reading passage using interpretive, evaluative and creative thinking
Value links Cooperation, respect each other's opinion, functional literacy.
Literature, Social Science, Psychology, Information Technology, Art.
Talking about famous poets.
Smart board for showing a presentation, getting additional
Useof ICT
information,playing the audio files.
Intercultural Students will be able to understand that people should be fond of reading
awareness and writing poems.

Health and Breaks and physical activities used.


Planned Planned activities Resources
Beginnin The lesson greeting.
g the
lesson Slide (useful phrases)
6 min.

The teacher sets the lesson objectives, letting

students know what to anticipate from the
Student Book p.64
A video. A Short fragment from
the film devoted to Abai

Poems of Abai Kunanbaiuli.



Warm up. Free talk.

 A teacher asks Sts. to discuss in groups
what they know about a famous Kazakh writer
and poet.
Group work of three.



Activities Listen and read the text quickly. What Student Book p.64
interesting facts about a great person have you CD2.18.
15 min. learnt?

Date Facts
1845 He was born near
Semipalatinsk Pair work.
Student Book p.66


While-reading stage.
Students move their eyes over the text quickly
(3 minutes). Then they close the book. After
that students call out words, phrases they
remember from the text, note them. Students
work in pairs (1 minute) discusses what the text
13 min. is about.
Discussion Director(Interpersonal
Task: Lead the discussion. Prepare 2 open-
ended and thought-provoking questions about
the story that your group might want to discuss.
Help others talk about the main idea, help them
Student Book p.64
share their thoughts and feelings.
1. Write 2 open-ended questions.
2. Write your responses to these questions.
3. Keep the discussion going
1. Write more than 2 questions.
2. Think of new way to present your work.
(E.g. quiz).
Here are some ideas:
 Can you prove that ...
 Why did the character...?
 Predict what would happen if ...

Passage Picker(Body-Kinesthetic
Task: Choose a paragraph that you think your
group would like to re-read.
1. Choose an interesting or important paragraph
and write down its location. Writing
2. Read passage aloud yourself (using body Worksheets
language), or ask someone else to read it, or ask
the group to read it silently and then discuss.
Write why you have chosen this paragraph.
Possible reasons for selecting the paragraph:
 important to text
 surprising
 makes you think
 well written
 confusing
 interesting
Word Wizard (Verbal-linguistic Intelligence).
Task: Find in the text 5 words or phrases that
you had difficulty reading or understand in the
1. Write 3 unfamiliar or puzzling words in a
full sentence. (You may also find familiar word
repeated a lot). Writing
2. Write the location of the word (e.g. Pg.58 § Worksheets
3. Try and guess the meaning from context.
3. Find a dictionary definition.
1. Find more that 3 words or phrases.
2. Make a list of synonyms and antonyms.
3. Create new sentences with these words.
4. Use online dictionary to find out the
pronunciation of the words.
Summariser(Intrapersonal Intelligence).
Task: Prepare a brief description of the key
points in the story.
1. Write at least 4 sentences.
2. Write in your own words.
3. Present the important events in a logical Student Book p.64
order. Ex.1 – 3 p.64
1. Include the meaning of the story.
Illustrator(Visual-spatial Intelligence).
Task: Draw a picture related to the story.
1. Prepare an illustration.
2. Share your drawing and ask group members
what he/she thinks you have drawn and how it
is connected with the story.
3. Explain your illustration.
You can draw a character, a moment or a
Task: Find a part of the story that reminds you
of something you have seen, heard, done or
read about before.
1. Write at least 2 sentences. Make connections
with your own experience, another text or the
2. Give evidence from the book to support your
Use graphic organiser to record and compare
your connections to what happened in the text.
Character Analyser(Logical-mathematical
Task: Share observations about the main
1. Select 2 main characters and using adjectives
describe their characteristics.
2. Write at least 4 sentences.
 How the character reacts to different
Put yourself in the character's shoes and explain
the story from his (her) point of view.

Post-reading stage.
Next, students complete peer-evaluation form.
Ex.4 – 5 p.64

What other Kazakh writers and poets do

you know?
Giving the home task. W.B.p.42, Kazakh writers( a report)
Students express their attitude to the lesson and give self-assessment using the
method: “Six thinking hats”:
 Green: How can you use today's learning in different subjects?
 Red: How do you feel about your work today?
 White: What have you leant today?
 Black: What were the weaknesses of your work?
the lesson
 Blue: How much progress have you made in this lesson? (Now I can, I still
6 min.
need to work on, I've improved in, Today I learnt... )
Yellow: What did you like about today's lesson?
Slide (Homework)
Slide "Six thinking hats"

Differentiation – Assessment –
Critical thinking
how do you plan to give more how are you planning to
support? check learners’learning?
Differentiation can be achieved Assessment criteria: Students think critically,
through the selection of activities, Identify the main idea in exploring, developing,
identification of learning outcomes extended talks with little evaluating and making
for a certain student, provision of support. choices about their own and
individual support to learners, Apply topic related others’ ideas
selection of learning materials and vocabulary in speech
resources based on the individual appropriately arranging
abilities of learners. words and phrases into
well-formed sentences.
Demonstrate the ability to
participate in a
A learner:
 selects an appropriate
 completes the task.
 uses appropriate
vocabulary while
 discusses questions
and answers the
questions within the
 Observation
 Feedback on the
 Peer-assessment

АбайҚұнанбайұлы (АбайКунанбаев)
Ақкиімді, денелі, ақсақалды,
Соқыр, мылқау, танымастіріжанды.
Үсті-басыаққырау, түсісуық,
Басқанжерісықырлап, келіпқалды.
Демалысы - үскірік, аязбенқар,
Кәріқұдаң - қыскеліп, әлексалды.
Басынсіліксе, қаржауып, мазаңдыалды.
Беті-қолыдомбығып, үсікшалды.
Малшыларым, қорқылмаиткемалды.
Сонығамалдыжайып, күзетіңдер,
Ұйқыөлтірмес, қайратқыл, бұзқамалды!
ИтжегеншеҚондыбай, Қанайжесін,

Short term lesson plan
Unit of a long term plan: Unit 5
Lesson plan 56
Date: Teacher’s name:

Class: 9 Number present: Number absent:

Lesson title CLIL. Language and literature: The realist novel.

9.C8 develop intercultural awareness through reading and discussion

9.C1 use speaking and listening skills to solve problems creatively and
cooperatively in groups
9.L4 understand the main points of supported extended talk on a range of
general and curricular topics
9.R5 deduce meaning from context in short texts on a limited range of
familiar general and curricular topics
objectives(s) that
9.W1 plan, write, edit and proofread work at text level with support on a
this lesson is
limited range of general and curricular topics
contributing to
9.S1 provide basic information about themselves and others at sentence
level on an increasing range of general topics
9.S3 explain and justify their own and others’ point of view on a range of
general and curricular topics
9.S6 link comments with flexibility to what others say at sentence and
discourse level in pair, group and whole class exchanges
All learners will be able to:
 Identify the theme, new words and use them as the basis for
 Demonstrate knowledge for usage of the Past Tenses to speak
about a novel.Transfer information from the given information into a
graphic organizer.
Most learners will be able to:
Lesson Select, compile, and synthesize information for an oral presentation
objectives  Provide a point of view in conversations and discussions; speak about
famous novelists of Kazakhstan.
Some learners will be able to:
 Respond to and discuss the reading passage using interpretive,
evaluative and creative thinking skills.
 Make a presentation about the novel” Pride and Prejudice” by Jane
Austen. Respond to and discuss the reading passage using interpretive,
evaluative and creative thinking skills.
Value links Cooperation, respect each other's opinion, functional literacy.
Crosscurricular Literature, Social Science, Psychology, History,Information Technology,
links Art.
Talking about the realistic novel.
Smart board for showing a presentation, getting additional
Useof ICT
information,playing the audio files.
Students will be able to understand that people should read a lot.
Health and
Breaks and physical activities used.

Planned activities Resources
Beginnin The lesson greeting.
g the
lesson Slide (useful phrases)
6 min.

The teacher shows a fragment from the film

and asks the students to set the lesson
objectives, letting students know what to
anticipate from the lesson.
A fragment from a film
”Pride and Prejudice”.

Warm up. Free talk.

Student Book p.65
 What types of novels do you like reading?
What is your favourite novel?
 Look at the word on the board and give
your commentary?
A Realistic novel/ Adventure novel/Romantic
novel/ Science fiction novel
Literary realism is a branch of literature which Writing
set out to reflect society as it was, to get as Worksheet
close to the bone of real life as it could. It often
depicts more humble or banal events than
Romantic writers. So most of Jane Austen's
novels are realist because they are fairly
mundane; they depict fairly ordinary people,
usually woman, doing fairly ordinary things.
There are few locked room mysteries, no
strange and mysterious happenings, or insane
wives. The women do ordinary things like get
married and the men are fairly ordinary men.
If you compare Pride and Prejudice to a novel
like Jane Eyre, the differences become clear:
no secret insane wives imprisoned in the home,
no misplaced identities and no Byronic heroes.
Activities Ex.1 p.65. (Name the period in history and give Student Book p.65
characteristic features of that time).
15 min.


It is set in the nineteenth century.

Ex.2 - 3 p.65. CD2.19.
Speak about:
1. Families with unmarried daughters
2. Love in the 19 – th century Student Book p.65
13 min. 3. Marriage in the 19 – thin century
(Do this task in groups of 3).
While reading the text, compare the men and
women status in the 19 – th century. Do it in
the form of a table. Writing

Student Book p.65

MEN(unmarried) WOMEN(unmarried)

Ex.4 p.65
Speak about a famous Kazakh novelist. Writing
Mukhtar Auezov Worksheet
Sabit Mukanov
Gabit Musrepov
Olzhas Suleimenov

Gabit Musrepov was born in 1902 in the

Kostanay region. His work in the press began
with an ordinary employee and up to the chief
editor. He was a brilliant journalist. Working as
a journalist, he received a school of life and
stories for future works. The play
"Amangeldy", like the film with the same
name, was created from a newspaper essay.
Literary works:
"Kyz Zhibek", "Kozy Korpesh and Bayan
Sulu", "Akhan-sere-Aktokty".


Teacher’s Book p.87

Teacher’s Photocopiable
p.p.216 - 217
Giving the home task.
Ending W.B. p.43. Ex.3
the lesson Ex.4.p.65 retell
6 min. Rules of a game (w)
Students express their attitude to the lesson and give self-assessment using the
method: “Six thinking hats”:
 Green: How can you use today's learning in different subjects?
 Red: How do you feel about your work today?
 White: What have you leant today?
 Black: What were the weaknesses of your work?
 Blue: How much progress have you made in this lesson? (Now I can, I still
need to work on, I've improved in, Today I learnt... )
Yellow: What did you like about today's lesson?
Slide (Homework)
Slide "Six thinking hats"
Differentiation –
how do you plan to give more Assessment –
support? How do you plan to Critical thinking
how are you planning to
challenge the more check learners’learning?
able learners?
Differentiation can be achieved Assessment criteria: Students think critically,
through the selection of activities, Identify the main idea in exploring, developing,
identification of learning outcomes extended talks with little evaluating and making
for a certain student, provision of support. choices about their own and
individual support to learners, Apply topic related others’ ideas
selection of learning materials and vocabulary in speech
resources based on the individual appropriately arranging
abilities of learners. words and phrases into
well-formed sentences.
Demonstrate the ability to
participate in a
A learner:
 selects an appropriate
 completes the task.
 uses appropriate
vocabulary while
 discusses questions
and answers the
questions within the
 Observation
 Feedback on the
 Peer-assessment

Student Self-Assessment Checklist Student

Name: ________________________
Date: ______________________ Think about how well you are working in your group.
Place a check mark beside the skills you demonstrate in your role.
I listen attentively to others.
I express my thinking clearly and concisely.
I take turns. I encourage participation of all group members.
I show respect for alternative points of view.
I disagree agreeably.
I synthesize information from others.
I analyze ideas of others.
I remember significant information.
I identify issues.
I make connections to prior knowledge and experiences.

Short term lesson plan

Unit of a long term plan: Unit 5

Lesson plan 57 School:

Teacher's name:

CLASS: 9 Number present: absent:

Lesson title
Review of Unit 5
9.L2 understand most specific information in unsupported extended
talk on a wide range of general and curricular topics
9.S5interact with peers to negotiate, agree and organise priorities
and plans for completing classroom tasks
9.S7 use appropriate subject-specific vocabulary and syntax to talk
about a wide increased range of general and curricular topics
9.W2 write independently about factual and imaginary past events,
Learning objectives(s) activities and experiences on a range of familiar general and
curricular topics
9.UE8 use a variety of future active and passive and future
continuous forms on a wide range
of familiar general and curricular topics
9.UE9 use appropriately a wide variety of active and passive simple
present and past forms and past perfect simple forms in narrative
and reported speech on a wide range of familiar general and
curricular topics
All learners will be able to:
 Use some target vocabulary successfully in speaking tasks
and show some basic organisational coherence and cohesion in
writing task
 Demonstrate basic knowledge for usage of the Past Simple
and Past Continuous and active vocabulary.
 Offer constructive peer-feedback using rubric.
Most learners will be able to:
 Select, compile, and synthesize information for an oral
Lesson objectives  Provide a point of view in conversations and discussions;
 Use most target vocabulary successfully in speaking tasks
and show clear organisational coherence and cohesion in
writing task
Some learners will be able to:
 Apply the correct form of the Past Simple and Past Continuous
in the context;
 use most target vocabulary successfully in speaking tasks
and show good organisational coherence and cohesion and some
elements of appropriate style in writing task
Higher order thinking skills (according to the revised Bloom's
Level of thinking
 Read the given text and identify the general information.
 Demonstrate skills of organizing and expressing ideas
Assessment criteria
 Illustrate a viewpoint in a discussion.

Target language Active vocabulary of lessons 49 – 58.

Responsibility, Global Citizenship, Cooperation, respect each

Values links
other's opinion, functional literacy.
Social Science, Psychology, History, P. E.,Information Technology,
Cross-curricular links
Previous learning Vocabulary relating to pleasure of reading.

Planned Planned activities (replace the notes below with

timings your planned activities)
2 min Teacher informs learners that the aims of this lesson Slide (objectives)
are to revise the material that was taught in this unit. Slide (useful
5 min Rules for Jeopardy game
There are 2 kinds of games. Teacher can feel free to Student's book
choose any or play during the whole lesson. p.66
1. Students play jeopardy in groups.
2. They have to choose a category and a point value.
3. Teacher clicks on the chosen box for the question. PPT Jeopardy
(The teacher may want to set a time limit for
answering the question)
4. To see if a student or group is correct, click again
for the answer.
5. Click the Back to Board button on the slide to
return to the main board.
5. If the student or team is correct, they are awarded
the point value of the question
6. Continue until all questions have been answered.
The team with the most points wins. Student's book
Ex. 1 - 3 p.66(Revision of vocabulary) p.66
Revision of Grammar. Past Simple" and
«Past ContinuousTenses(- ? forms)
28 min Ex. 4 - 5 p.66 Mind - maps
Listening Task " Past Simple" and
You will listen to a text about the writer talking about " Past Continuous"
her new book, try to understand it and make a graph
organizer in any form you like: a table, cluster, a graph organizer
diagram, etc. CD 2.20
1. developing a plot
4. getting feedback
7. looking for inspiration
8. creating interesting characters
9. drawing on her own experiences
b. school
c. languages at school
d. free time activities Student's book
Reading Task: Ex.6 p.66
Read the text and be able to do a short test.
Everyone has heard of Sherlock Holmes. The
author of all the Sherlock Holmes stories was Sir
Arthur Conan Doyle. Once Sir Arthur was in Paris.
He was going from the railroad station to the hotel
where he decided to spend the night. He arrived at the
hotel, got out of the taxi and paid the taxi-driver.
'Thank you very much, Sir Arthur Conan Doyle,'
said the taxi-driver smiling.
'Oh, do you know who I am?' said Sir Arthur. He
was very surprised.
'Well, sir, I read in the newspaper yesterday that
you were coming to Paris from the south of France.
The train on which you arrived came from the south
of France. I also noticed that you hair was last cut by
a barber in the south of France.
'Your clothes, and especially your hat, told me
that you were English. I put all this together and
realized at once that you were Sir Arthur Conan
'That is wonderful, ' said Sir Arthur. 'With so few Writing Worksheet
facts you were really about to know me?'
'Of course,' said the taxi-driver, 'your name is on
both your travelling bags. That also helped'.
1. Finish the sentences:
The text is
A Sherlock Holmes in Paris.
В the famous detective Sherlock Holmes.
С the author of the Sherlock Holmes stories.
D the railroad station hotel.
2. Choose the true sentence.
A Sherlock Holmes spent the night at the hotel.
В Conan Doyle decided to spend the night in Paris.
С The taxi-driver did not recognize Conan Doyle.
D Conan Doyle came to Paris from the north of France.
3. Choose the false sentence.
A Conan Doyle was angry with the taxi-driver.
В Conan Doyle came to the hotel in a taxi.
С The taxi-driver thanked Conan Doyle smiling.
D The newspapers wrote about Conan Doyle's visit to
4. Choose the right answer: Why was Conan Doyle
A taxi-driver was rude to him.
В The taxi-driver did not like his clothes.
С The taxi-driver could not speak English.
D The taxi-driver knew his name.
5. Choose the appropriate word to complete the sentence:
The taxi-driver was a ______ person.
A lazy
С strange
D stupid
End Home task.
5 min W.B. p.44, a sonnet of W. Shakespeare Slide
FEEDBACK: Your impression!
Sts write their impression of the whole unit and share
ideas with their classmates.
3 – new words you have taught at the lesson;
2 – adjectives to describe the lesson
1 – one activity you like
Additional information
Differentiation – how do Assessment – how are you Health and safety check
you plan to give more planning to check students’ Everyday classroom
support? How do you plan learning? precautions will ensure that
to challenge the more able  Self-assessment worksheet safety measures are provided
learners? to prevent the exposure of
Task format: Learners can  Observe learners when electrical power cords.
contribute at their own participating in discussion. Critical thinking
language level for this Did each learner contribute to Critical thinking on this
the discussion? If not, why lesson lies in understanding
activity, as it is relatively
open-ended. This gives each grammar point of these rules
Learners managed to
learner a chance to be in English language and it is
understand the rules and do
successful. based on clarity, accuracy,
the tasks.
Reflection at the end of the precision, depth, breadth, and
lesson and teacher summary fairness.
provides support for progress
and achievement, and
challenge to thinking and
setting future objectives.
Reflection Use the space below to reflect on your lesson. Answer the
Were the lesson most relevant questions from the box on the left about
objectives/learning objectives your lesson.
What did the learners learn
What was the learning
atmosphere like?
Did my planned
differentiation work well?
Did I stick to timings?
What changes did I make
from my plan and why?

Read the text and do the tasks below.
Everyone has heard of Sherlock Holmes. The author of all the Sherlock Holmes stories was
Sir Arthur Conan Doyle. Once Sir Arthur was in Paris. He was going from the railroad station to
the hotel where he decided to spend the night. He arrived at the hotel, got out of the taxi and paid
the taxi-driver.
'Thank you very much, Sir Arthur Conan Doyle,' said the taxi-driver smiling.
'Oh, do you know who I am?' said Sir Arthur. He was very surprised.
'Well, sir, I read in the newspaper yesterday that you were coming to Paris from the south of
France. The train on which you arrived came from the south of France. I also noticed that you
hair was last cut by a barber in the south of France.
'Your clothes, and especially your hat, told me that you were English. I put all this together
and realized at once that you were Sir Arthur Conan Doyle.'
'That is wonderful, ' said Sir Arthur. 'With so few facts you were really about to know me?'
'Of course,' said the taxi-driver, 'your name is on both your travelling bags. That also

1. Finish the sentence. The text is about

A Sherlock Holmes in Paris.
В the famous detective Sherlock Holmes.
С the author of the Sherlock Holmes stories.
D the railroad station hotel.
2. Choose the true sentence.
A Sherlock Holmes spent the night at the hotel.
В Conan Doyle decided to spend the night in Paris.
С The taxi-driver did not recognize Conan Doyle.
D Conan Doyle came to Paris from the north of France.
3. Choose the false sentence.
A Conan Doyle was angry with the taxi-driver.
В Conan Doyle came to the hotel in a taxi.
С The taxi-driver thanked Conan Doyle smiling.
D The newspapers wrote about Conan Doyle's visit to Paris.
4. Choose the right answer: Why was Conan Doyle surprised?
A taxi-driver was rude to him.
В The taxi-driver did not like his clothes.
С The taxi-driver could not speak English.
D The taxi-driver knew his name.
5. Choose the appropriate word to complete the sentence: The taxi-driver was a ______ person.
A lazy Вquick-witted С strange D stupid
Short term lesson plan
Unit of a long term plan: Unit 5
Lesson plan 58
Date: Teacher’s name:

Class: 9 Number present: Number absent:

Lesson title Project: A poem

Learning 9.C8 develop intercultural awareness through reading and discussion

objectives(s) that 9.C1 use speaking and listening skills to solve problems creatively and
this lesson is cooperatively in groups
contributing to 9.S1 use formal and informal language registers in their talk on a range of
general and curricular topics
9.S2 ask complex questions to get information about a wide range of
general and curricular topics
9.S3 explain and justify their own and others’ point of view on a range of
general and curricular topics
9.R5 deduce meaning from context in short texts on a limited range of
familiar general and curricular topics
All learners will be able to:
 Identify the theme, new words and use them as the basis for
 Demonstrate knowledge for rhyming patterns in poems and the
ability to recite a poem. Transfer information from the given information
into a graphic organizer.
Most learners will be able to:
Select, compile, and synthesize information for an oral presentation
 Provide a point of view in conversations and discussions; speak about
Some learners will be able to:
 Respond to and discuss the reading passage using interpretive,
evaluative and creative thinking skills.
 Compose poems in different languages.Respond to and discuss the
reading passage using interpretive, evaluative and creative thinking skills.
Value links Cooperation, respect each other's opinion, functional literacy.
Literature, Social Science, Psychology, Information Technology, Art.
Talking about poems.
Smart board for showing a presentation, getting additional
Useof ICT
information,playing the audio files.
Intercultural Students will be able to understand that people should like to read poems
awareness and try to compose their own works.

Health and Breaks and physical activities used.


Planned activities Resources
Beginnin The lesson greeting.
g the Slide (useful phrases)
6 min. Pictures

The teacher begins the lesson with a sonnet of

W. Shakespeare” Age and Youth”. The
The portraits of well – known
students see the portraits of well – known
Kazakh, Russian, English,
Kazakh, Russian, English, American and
American and French poets.
French poets.
The teacher sets the lesson objectives, letting
students know what to anticipate from the
Warm up. Free talk. Today we are having an Writing
unusual lesson – The lesson of Poetry. Worksheet
 Do you like poems? Have you ever
composed poems?
 About what is the sonnet?
In groups make a poster about the meaning of a Student Book p.67
Main poem by R.L. Stevenson. Follow the structure CD2.21
Activities of answers. Ex.1 – 3 p.67. Two students will
speak about the biography of R.L. Stevenson.
15 min. Title The meaning of a verse
“The Cow”
“From a railway
Find rhyming words:
Speak about the patterns od rhyming words:
Ex.3 – 4 p.67 Worksheet

A Contest of poems devoted to love
13 min. Students prepared poems in different languages
with a presentation of a poet. After the reciting
of a poem, they ask the group the meaning of it.

Giving the home task. W.B. p.45 A project: a poem

Students express their attitude to the lesson and give self-assessment using the
method: “Six thinking hats”:
 Green: How can you use today's learning in different subjects?
 Red: How do you feel about your work today?
 White: What have you leant today?
Ending  Black: What were the weaknesses of your work?
the lesson  Blue: How much progress have you made in this lesson? (Now I can, I still
6 min. need to work on, I've improved in, Today I learnt... )
Yellow: What did you like about today's lesson?
Slide (Homework)
Slide "Six thinking hats"

Differentiation –
how do you plan to give more Assessment –
Critical thinking
support? How do you plan to how are you planning to
challenge the more check learners’learning?
able learners? can be achieved
Differentiation Assessment criteria: Students think critically,
through the selection of activities, 7. Identify the main idea exploring, developing,
identification of learning outcomes in extended talks with evaluating and making
for a certain student, provision of little support. choices about their own and
individual support to learners, 8. Apply topic related others’ ideas
selection of learning materials and vocabulary in speech
resources based on the individual appropriately arranging
abilities of learners. words and phrases into
well-formed sentences.
9. Demonstrate the ability
to participate in a
A learner:
 selects an appropriate
 completes the task.
 uses appropriate
vocabulary while
 discusses questions
and answers the
questions within the
 Observation
 Feedback on the
 Peer-assessment

Age and Youth by William Shakespeare

Crabbed age and youth
Cannot live together;
Youth is full of pleasure
Age is full of care;
Youth like summer morn;
Age like winter weather;
Youth like summer brave;
Age like winter bare.
Youth is full of sport;
Age's breath is short;
Youth is hot and bold
Age is weak and cold;
Youth, I do adore thee!
Short term lesson plan
Unit of a long term plan
Unit 6 Tradition and language School:
Lesson plan 59
Date: Teacher’s name:

Class: 9 Number present: Number absent:

Lesson title
Talking about traditional stories.
Learning 9.C1 use speaking and listening skills to solve problems creatively and
objectives(s) that cooperatively in groups
this lesson is 9.C2 use speaking and listening skills to provide sensitive feedback to
contributing to peers
9.C3 respect differing points of view
9.C5 use feedback to set personal learning objectives
9.W8 spell most high-frequency words accurately for a limited range of
general topics of familiar general topic
9.S3 give an opinion at sentence level on a limited range of general and
curricular topics
9.S7 use appropriate subject-specific vocabulary and syntax to talk about a
limited range of general topics
All learners will be able to:
 Identify the theme, new words and use them as the basis for
 Demonstrate knowledge for usage of the Present Perfect + for and
since. Transfer information from the given information into a graphic
Most learners will be able to:
Lesson Select, compile, and synthesize information for an oral presentation
objectives  Provide a point of view in conversations and discussions; speak about
traditions and customs.
Some learners will be able to:
 Respond to and discuss the reading passage using interpretive,
evaluative and creative thinking skills.
Make a presentation about traditions of Kazakhstan. Respond to and
discuss the reading passage using interpretive, evaluative and creative
thinking skills.
Value links Cooperation, respect each other's opinion, support, functional literacy.
Crosscurricular Culture, Art, Social Science, Psychology, Information Technology,
links Geography.
Talking about traditional stories.
Smart board for showing a presentation, getting additional information,
Useof ICT
playing the audio files.
Intercultural Students will be able to understand that people should know and respect
awareness traditions and customs of their country and the country the language of
which they learn.
Health and Breaks and physical activities used. Everyday classroom precautions will
Safety ensure that safety measures are provided to prevent the exposure of
electrical power cords.

Planned activities Resources
gof the The lesson greeting. Slide (useful phrases).
lesson Pictures

The teacher sets the lesson objectives, letting

Student Book p.68
students know what to anticipate from the
7 min. lesson.
Warm up. Free talk.
 When you hear the words "tradition" and
"customs" what associations do you have?
What traditions and customs do people have?
Do people try to keep traditions alive?
 Look at the photo and guess the traditions:


Thanksgiving (fourth Thursday in November)

Toy dastarkhan

Britain is full of culture and traditions which

have been around for hundreds of
years. British customs and traditions are
famous all over the world. When people think
of Britain they often think of people drinking Pictures
tea, eating fish and chips and wearing bowler PPT
hats, but there is more to Britain than just
those things.

Poppy Day or Remembrance Day


In groups speak about these traditions.

Activities Match the facts with people and countries. Student Book p.68
Don’t forget to underline new words and be
15 min. able to say their meanings.
Answer: free
Ex.1 - 2 p.68
How do people keep the traditions alive? Student Book p.68
Do traditional stories travel from one country to
While reading the text write down word –
Word - combination Meaning Writing
make up create Worksheet
calm down relax A Table
pass down to give from one
generation to the next
find out learn by studying
12 min get orders order
get mad become very angry
come up with have an idea
Student Book p.68
look into explore, investigate
keep on continue

Which of the traditional stories did you like

best of all?
Explain: “Remember the ant”.


Present Perfect. Student Book p.69
Ex.4 - 5 p.69 Sentence completion task with
Affirmative Negative

A Table

The teacher asks Sts. to listen to the song "

Brighton in the rain" and put down the verbs A song“Brighton in the Rain”.
and underline the position of adverbs in the
Present Perfect.
Brighton in the Rain
Fill in the gaps and complete the song lyrics
with the Present Perfect Tense of the verbs
listed below. (verbs may be used more than
once).Listen to the song and check your answer

be drive drink eat go have

know learn read sail see spend

I’ve never (1) _ _ _ _ to Athens and I’ve never

(2) _ _ _ _ to Rome.
I've only (3) _ _ _ _ the Pyramids in picture
books at home.
I've never (4) _ _ _ _ _ _ across the sea or (5)
_ _ _ _ inside a plane.
I've always (6) _ _ _ _ _ my holidays in
Brighton in the rain.
I've never (7) _ _ _ _ _ foreign food or (8) _ _
_ _ in a foreign bar.
I've never (9) _ _ _ _ _ _ a foreign girl or (10)
_ _ _ _ _ _ a foreign car.
I've never (11) _ _ _ to find my way in a
country I don’t know.
I've always (12) _ _ _ _ _ just where I am and
where I’ll never go.
I've (13) _ _ _ _ travel books by writers who
have (14) _ _ _ _ to Pakistan.
I’ve (15) _ _ _ _ _ people telling stories of
adventures in Iran.
I’ve (16) _ _ _ _ _ _ _ TV documentaries about
China and Brazil.
But I've never (17) _ _ _ _ abroad myself. It’s
making me feel ill.
I've (18) _ _ _ _ _ _ _ several languages like
Hindi and Malay.
I've (19) _ _ _ _ _ _ lots of useful sentences
I’ve never (20) _ _ _ _ able to say.
The furthest place I’ve ever (21) _ _ _ _ was to
the Isle of Man, and that was full of tourists
from Korea and Japan.
Homework: W.B. p.46, Ex.5 – 6 p.69 St.B.
Students express their attitude to the lesson and give self-assessment using the
method: “Six thinking hats”:
 Green: How can you use today's learning in different subjects?
 Red: How do you feel about your work today?
Ending  White: What have you leant today?
the lesson  Black: What were the weaknesses of your work?
6 min.  Blue: How much progress have you made in this lesson? (Now I can, I still
need to work on, I've improved in, Today I learnt... )
Yellow: What did you like about today's lesson?
Slide (Homework)
Slide "Six thinking hats"

Differentiation – Assessment –
how do you plan to give more how are you planning Critical thinking
support? How do you plan to to check
challenge the more learners’learning?
able learners? can be achieved through
Differentiation Assessment criteria: Students think critically,
the selection of activities, identification 10. Identify the main exploring, developing,
of learning outcomes for a certain idea in extended talks evaluating and making
student, provision of individual support with little support. choices about their own
to learners, selection of learning 11. Apply topic related and others’ ideas
materials and resources based on the vocabulary in speech
individual abilities of learners. appropriately arranging
words and phrases into
well-formed sentences.
12. Demonstrate the
ability to participate in a
A learner:
 selects an
appropriate answer.
 completes the task.
 uses appropriate
vocabulary while
 discusses questions
and answers the
questions within the
 Observation
 Feedback on the
 Peer-assessment
Category Excellent Good Fair Poor
4 pts 3 pts 2 pts 1 pts
Author Author Author Author
demonstrates demonstrates demonstrates demonstrates
normal pace, not adequate normal some normal little normal
too fast, not to pace, not too pace, not too pace, not too
slow. fast, not to slow. fast, not to slow. fast, not to slow.
There are no There are 1-2 There are 3-4 There are more
Spelling and
spelling, spelling, spelling, than 4 spellings,
punctuation, or punctuation, or punctuation, or punctuation, or
grammar errors. grammar errors. grammar errors. grammar errors.
Dialogue is well Dialogue is Dialogue is Dialogue is hard
organized and fairly well slightly to follow and
flows like a organized and confusing and doesn't flow like
natural mostly flows somewhat flows a natural
conversation. like a natural like a natural conversation.
conversation. conversation.
No There are 1-2 There are 3-4 There are 5 or
pronunciation errors in pronunciation more
errors are noted. pronunciation. errors. pronunciation
Conversation is Conversation is Conversation is errors.
recited with recited with recited with Appropriate
appropriate mostly somewhat expression not
expression. appropriate appropriate used.
expression. expression.

Brighton in the Rain

I’ve never been to Athens, and I’ve never been to Rome.

I’ve only seen the pyramids in picture books at home.
I’ve never sailed across the sea or been inside a plane.
I’ve always spent my holidays in Brighton in the rain.
I’ve never eaten foreign food or drunk in a foreign bar.
I’ve never kissed a foreign girl or driven a foreign car.
I’ve never had to find my way in a country I don’t know.
I’ve always known just where I am and where I’ll never go.
I’ve read travel books by writers who have been to Pakistan.
I’ve heard people telling stories of adventures in Iran.
I’ve watched TV documentaries about China and Brazil.
But I’ve never been abroad myself its making me feel ill.
I’ve studied several languages like Hindi and Malay.
I’ve learnt lots of useful sentences I’ve never been able to say.
The first of place I’ve ever been was to the Isle of Man.
And that was full of tourist from Korea and Japan.
I’ve never been to Athens, and I’ve never been to Rome.
I’ve only seen the pyramids in picture books at home.
I’ve never sailed across the sea or been inside the plane.
I’ve always spent my holidays in Brighton in the rain.
Short term lesson plan
Unit of a long term plan
Unit 6 Tradition and language School:
Lesson plan 60
Date: Teacher’s name:

Class: 9 Number present: Number absent:

Lesson title Reading: Marriage. p.70

9.S3 give an opinion at sentence level on a limited range of general and

curricular topics
9.R5 deduce meaning from context in short texts on a limited range of
familiar general and curricular topics
Learning 9.R6 recognise the attitude or opinion of the writer in short texts on a
objectives(s) that limited range of general and curricular topics
this lesson is 9.R7 recognise typical features at word, sentence and text level in a
contributing to limited range of written genres
9.W8 spell most high-frequency words accurately for a limited range of
general topics of familiar general topic
9.S7 use appropriate subject-specific vocabulary and syntax to talk about a
limited range of general topics
All learners will be able to:
 Identify the theme, new words and use them as the basis for
 Demonstrate knowledge for usage of the Present Simple for
retelling a story about arranged marriage.Transfer information from the
given information into a graphic organizer.
Most learners will be able to:
Lesson Select, compile, and synthesize information for an oral presentation
objectives  Provide a point of view in conversations and discussions; speak about
arranged marriages using active vocabulary.
Some learners will be able to:
 Respond to and discuss the reading passage using interpretive,
evaluative and creative thinking skills.
 Make a presentation about marriages in Kazakhstan.Respond to
and discuss the reading passage using interpretive, evaluative and creative
thinking skills.
Value links Cooperation, respect each other's opinion, support, functional literacy.
Crosscurricular Social Science, Psychology, Information Technology, Geography,
links Biology.
Talking about traditional stories.
Smart board for showing a presentation, getting additional
Useof ICT
information,playing the audio files.
Intercultural Students will be able to understand that people should keep their traditions
awareness and customs.
Health and
Safety Breaks and physical activities used.
Everyday classroom precautions will ensure that safety measures are
provided to prevent the exposure of electrical power cords.

Planned activities Resources
Beginnin The lesson greeting.
g of the
lesson Slide (useful phrases)
6 min.

The teacher sets the lesson objectives, letting

students know what to anticipate from the
Student Book p.70
Speak about arranged marriage


Student Book p.70
Teacher’s Book p.92

Warm up. Free talk.

On the board you can see the word: Marriage
What do you imagine when you hear this
How will you choose your future husbands
What do you think about it?
Read and listen to the text and express your Student Book p.70
Main opinions: CD2.22

15 min.


Discuss the text using the method of six hats: Six hats method
1 group will speak about facts.
2 group - feelings.
3 group - creative ideas.
4 group -negative aspects.
5 group - benefit from the holidays in jungle. Student Book p.70
6 group - conclusion.

Ex.2 p.70 True - false sentences. A table

Vocabulary work: find verbs with prepositions
and make your sentences. Ex. 3 - 4 p.70.
13 min. Verb Preposition

Teacher's Book p.92.

Ex.5 p.70. Creative exercise
Optional activity: Reading.
Teacher's Book p.92.
Giving the home task: W.B. p.50
Students express their attitude to the lesson and give self-assessment using the
method: “Six thinking hats”:
 Green: How can you use today's learning in different subjects?
 Red: How do you feel about your work today?
Ending  White: What have you leant today?
the lesson  Black: What were the weaknesses of your work?
6 min.  Blue: How much progress have you made in this lesson? (Now I can, I still
need to work on, I've improved in, Today I learnt... )
Yellow: What did you like about today's lesson?
Slide (Homework)
Slide "Six thinking hats"

Differentiation – Assessment –
how do you plan to give more how are you planning Critical thinking
support? How do you plan to to check
challenge the more learners’learning?
able learners?can be achieved through
Differentiation Assessment criteria: Students think critically,
the selection of activities, identification Identify the main idea exploring, developing,
of learning outcomes for a certain in extended talks with evaluating and making
student, provision of individual support little support. choices about their own
to learners, selection of learning Apply topic related and others’ ideas
materials and resources based on the vocabulary in speech
individual abilities of learners. appropriately arranging
words and phrases into
well-formed sentences.
Demonstrate the ability
to participate in a
A learner:
 selects an
appropriate answer.
 completes the task.
 uses appropriate
vocabulary while
 discusses questions
and answers the
questions within the
 Observation
 Feedback on the
 Peer-assessment

Short term lesson plan

Unit of a long term plan

Unit 6. Tradition and language School:
Lesson plan 61
Date: Teacher’s name:

Class: 9 Number present: Number absent:

Lesson title Language Focus: Present Perfect + for and since

9.C8 develop intercultural awareness through reading and discussion

9.S2 ask complex questions to get information about a wide range of
general and curricular topics
Learning 9.S3 explain and justify their own and others’ point of view on a range of
objectives(s) that general and curricular topics
this lesson is 9.UE9 use appropriately a wide variety of active and passive simple
contributing to present and past forms and past perfect simple forms in narrative and
reported speech on a wide range of familiar general and curricular topics
9.R8 use a wide range of familiar and unfamiliar paper and digital
reference resources to check meaning and extend understanding
All learners will be able to:
 Identify the theme, new words and use them as the basis for
 Demonstrate knowledge for usage of the Present Perfect + for and
since. Transfer information from the given information into a graphic
Most learners will be able to:
Select, compile, and synthesize information for an oral presentation
 Provide a point of view in conversations and discussions; speak about
relations between people.
Some learners will be able to:
 Respond to and discuss the reading passage using interpretive,
evaluative and creative thinking skills.
 Make a story about cultural problems.Respond to and discuss the
reading passage using interpretive, evaluative and creative thinking skills.
Value links Cooperation, respect each other's opinion, support, functional literacy.
Crosscurricular Culture, Art, Social Science, Psychology, Information Technology,
links Geography.
Talking about relationship.
Smart board for showing a presentation, getting additional information,
Useof ICT
playing the audio files.
Intercultural Students will be able to understand that people should know and respect
awareness traditions and customs of their country and the country the language of
which they learn.
Breaks and physical activities used.
Health and
Everyday classroom precautions will ensure that safety measures are
provided to prevent the exposure of electrical power cords.
Planned activities Resources
The lesson greeting.

Slide (useful phrases)


The teacher sets the lesson objectives, letting

Beginnin students know what to anticipate from the
g of the lesson.
lesson Warm up. Free talk.
7 min. Student Book p.71
When you want to speak about activities which Writing
you have done recently and have a result, what Worksheet
structures and grammar tenses can you use? We
can use Present Perfect with a definite word
indicator. Look at the picture and give your


Activities PERFECT Student Book p.71
This song is great for teaching Present Perfect. A table
15 min. There are around 10 present perfect sentences. U2 - I Still Haven't Found What
Aside from the normal listening activities, get I'm Looking for (Official Video)
the students to complete blanks spaces. Ask https://www.youtube.com/watch?
them to identify the grammar mistake (I have v=e3-5YC_oHjE
spoke). For discussion the students can talk
about all the things the singer "has done".
After, students will write things they have done
13 min. and things they still want to do.
Think of something that you really want to do
in your life, but you haven’t been able to do yet
Ex.2 p.71
- since - if the starting point is given (two
o'clock, last Friday, 1998)
- for - if the period of time is given (twenty
minutes, two days, one year)
Decide whether to use »since« or »for«.

1. 1. I have been waiting 4 o'clock.

2. 2. Sue has only been waiting 20

3. 3. Tim and Tina have been learning Writing
English six years.
4. 4. Fred and Frida have been learning

French 1998.
5. 5. Joe and Josephine have been going out

together Valentine's Day.

6. 6. I haven't been on holiday last


7. 7. Mary has been saving her money

many years.

8. 8. I haven't eaten anything

Student Book p.71
9. 9. You have been watching TV

10. We have been living here 2

Ex.3 p.71. Sentence completion task. Speak
about the main character.
Use ex.4 to make questions about you.
Put the sentences into interrogative form: Ex.5
In groups of 4 write 4 sentences about the
duration of the done activity using: How long
A game" The best listener". The Sts. listen and
try to pronounce correctly.
Imagine a perfect holiday. Write about the
activities you have done during it.
Giving the home task.
W.B. p.47
Ex.5 p.71 St. B.
Students express their attitude to the lesson and give self-assessment using the
method: “Six thinking hats”:
 Green: How can you use today's learning in different subjects?
 Red: How do you feel about your work today?
the lesson
6 min.  White: What have you leant today?
 Black: What were the weaknesses of your work?
 Blue: How much progress have you made in this lesson? (Now I can, I still
need to work on, I've improved in, Today I learnt... )
Yellow: What did you like about today's lesson?
Slide (Homework)
Slide "Six thinking hats"

Differentiation – Assessment –
how do you plan to give more how are you planning Critical thinking
support? How do you plan to to check
challenge the more learners’learning?
able learners?can be achieved through
Differentiation Assessment criteria: Students think critically,
the selection of activities, identification 13. Identify the main exploring, developing,
of learning outcomes for a certain idea in extended talks evaluating and making
student, provision of individual support with little support. choices about their own
to learners, selection of learning 14. Apply topic related and others’ ideas
materials and resources based on the vocabulary in speech
individual abilities of learners. appropriately arranging
words and phrases into
well-formed sentences.
15. Demonstrate the
ability to participate in a
A learner:
 selects an
appropriate answer.
 completes the task.
 uses appropriate
vocabulary while
 discusses questions
and answers the
questions within the
 Observation
 Feedback on the
 Peer-assessment

U2 - I Still Haven't Found What I'm Looking For (A Song)

I have climbed the highest mountains
I have run through the fields
Only to be with you
Only to be with you
I have run I have crawled
I have scaled these city walls
These city walls
Only to be with you
But I still haven't found
What I'm looking for
But I still haven't found
What I'm looking for
I have kissed honey lips
Felt the healing in the fingertips
It burned like fire
This burning desire
I have spoken with the tongue of angels
I have held the hand of a devil
It was warm in the night
I was cold as a stone
But I still haven't found
What I'm looking for
But I still haven't found
What I'm looking for
I believe in the Kingdom come
Then all the colors will bleed into one
Bleed into one
But yes, I'm still running
You broke the bonds and you loosened chains
carried the cross of my shame, of my shame
You know I believe it
But I still haven't found
What I'm looking for
But I still haven't found
What I'm looking for
But I still haven't found
What I'm looking for
But I still haven't found
What I'm looking for.
Short term lesson plan
Unit of a long term plan
Unit 6. Tradition and language School:
Lesson plan 62
Date: Teacher’s name:

Class: 9 Number present: Number absent:

Lesson title Extreme adjectives.

9.C9 use imagination to express thoughts, ideas, experiences and feelings
9.C10 use talk or writing as a means of reflecting on and exploring a
range of perspectives on the world
9.L1 understand the main points in unsupported extended talk on a wide
range of general and curricular topics, including talk on a limited range of
unfamiliar topics
9.L2 understand specific information in unsupported extended talk on a
wide range of general and curricular topics, including talk on a limited
objectives(s) that
range of unfamiliar topics
this lesson is
9.R2 understand specific information and detail in extended texts on a
contributing to
growing range of familiar general and curricular topics, and some
unfamiliar topics
9.R4 read a wide range of extended fiction and non-fiction texts on
familiar and unfamiliar general and curricular topics
9. UE3 use a variety of compound adjectives, adjectives as participles,
comparative structures indicating degree, and intensifying adjectives on a
wide range of familiar general and curricular topics.
All learners will be able to:
 Identify the theme, new words and use them as the basis for
 Demonstrate knowledge for usage of the extreme
adjectives.Transfer information from the given information into a graphic
Most learners will be able to:
Lesson Select, compile, and synthesize information for an oral presentation
objectives  Provide a point of view in conversations and discussions; speak about
 Some learners will be able to:
 Respond to and discuss the reading passage using interpretive,
evaluative and creative thinking skills.
 Make a presentation about the experiences using extreme
adjectives.Respond to and discuss the reading passage using interpretive,
evaluative and creative thinking skills.
Value links Cooperation, respect each other's opinion, support, functional literacy.
Crosscurricular Social Science, Information Technology, Geography, Biology, P.E.,
links sport.
Talking about the experiences.
Smart board for showing a presentation, getting additional information,
Useof ICT
playing the audio files.
Intercultural Students will be able to understand that people should speak about their
awareness experiences and give some advice.
Health and Breaks and physical activities used.
Everyday classroom precautions will ensure that safety measures are
Safety provided to prevent the exposure of electrical power cords.

Planned activities Resources
The lesson greeting.
Slide (useful phrases)


The teacher sets the lesson objectives, letting

students know what to anticipate from the
Student Book p.72
Warm up. Free talk.
Focus on the photos of great dates and elicit
Beginnin what the people are doing. What adjectives can
g of the you use to describe these things.(exciting,
lesson awful, stunning).

8 min.


Main LISTENING TASK: Student Book p.72

Activities Vocabulary exercises. Ex.1 - 2 p.72 CD2.23
The teacher asks Sts. To give the meaning of
13 min. extreme adjectives.
Vocabulary work: A table
Extreme adjective Meaning
stunning Writing
filthy Worksheet
Ex.3 p.72. I have never done this because Teacher’s Book p.156
Circle two adjectives to make a pair and
describe great dates:
1. awful/ interesting/ hilarious/ bad Writing Worksheet
2. gorgeous/ furious/ angry/ memorable
3. exhausting/ unpleasant/ terrifying/ tiring
4. frightening/ terrifying/ hilarious/ unpleasant
5. funny/ interesting/ fascinating/ memorable
6. gorgeous/ revolting/ unpleasant/ terrifying.


13 min.
Ex. 4 -5 p.72.
Complete the table. Student Book p.72
The class is divided into 7 groups and speaks
about the experiences using extra adjectives.
Teacher's Book p.94.
Optional Activity: Vocabulary and
5 minute test, Test Bank MultiRom.

Giving the home task. W.B. p.48

Students express their attitude to the lesson and give self-assessment using the
method: “Six thinking hats”:
 Green: How can you use today's learning in different subjects?
 Red: How do you feel about your work today?
Ending  White: What have you leant today?
the lesson  Black: What were the weaknesses of your work?
6 min.
 Blue: How much progress have you made in this lesson? (Now I can, I still
need to work on, I've improved in, today I learnt...)
Yellow: What did you like about today's lesson?
Slide (Homework)
Slide "Six thinking hats"

Differentiation – Assessment –
how do you plan to give more how are you planning Critical thinking
support? How do you plan to to check
challenge the more learners’learning?
able learners?can be achieved through
Differentiation Assessment criteria: Students think critically,
the selection of activities, identification Identify the main idea exploring, developing,
of learning outcomes for a certain in extended talks with evaluating and making
student, provision of individual support little support. choices about their own
to learners, selection of learning Apply topic related and others’ ideas
materials and resources based on the vocabulary in speech
individual abilities of learners. appropriately arranging
words and phrases into
well-formed sentences.
Demonstrate the ability
to participate in a
A learner:
 selects an
appropriate answer.
 completes the task.
 uses appropriate
vocabulary while
 discusses questions
and answers the
questions within the
 Observation
 Peer-assessment

Teacher observation checklist

Student's name ________________________________________

Positive Aspects
 Completed the individual role-card.
 Used extracts from the text to support his/her ideas.
 Asked open-ended questions.
 Listened while others talked.
 Encouraged peers to share their ideas.
 Added his/her own comments and ideas to other student's comments and ideas.

Negative Aspects

 Didn't complete the individual role-card.

 Didn't appear to be listening or interrupted when others were speaking.
 Did not use text to support his/her opinions.

Comments ___________________________________________________

Student Self-Assessment Checklist Student

Name: ________________________
Date: ______________________ Think about how well you are working in your group.
Place a check mark beside the skills you demonstrate in your role.
I listen attentively to others.
I express my thinking clearly and concisely.
I take turns. I encourage participation of all group members.
I show respect for alternative points of view.
I disagree agreeably.
I synthesize information from others.
I analyze ideas of others. I make connections to prior knowledge and experiences.

We can’t use ABSOLUTELY

with normaladj. adjectives

We can’t use VERY, QUITE, A

We use EXTREME We can make adjectives even BIT with expr. adj.aaas
ADJECTIVES to make a story stronger by adding an adverb
more dramatic.They are (very, really, absolutely).“We
stronger. were absolutelyexhausted”
“We were exhausted” instead of instead of “We were verytired”.

horrified exhausted tiny freezing brilliant

tired ugly big shocked pleased dirty
delighted boiling filthy amazed/astonished
hot surprised small hungry upset
furious fascinated starving hilarious
angry interested cold clever
petrified/terrified hideous
frightened/scared funny

a) His joke was absolutely _______________ (funny). We just couldn’t stop laughing!
b) You should take a coat if you’re going out. It’s ________________(cold) out there tonight.
c) Jane was really ________________(angry) when she discovered that her son had taken her car.
d) We felt _________________(shocked) when we learnt about our neighbour’s accident.
e) I haven’t eaten anything since lunchtime and I’m _____________ (hungry). Is that a sandwich?
f) The hotel room was so _____________ (small) that we had to pile the suitcases up.
g) Anne was _______________ (surprised) when her former boyfriend appeared out of the blue.
h) My sister felt ________________ (upset) when her boyfriend went abroad for a year.
i) The house was absolutely __________________(dirty) when we finished the renovation.

1. She’s very clever. She’s ____

2. It’s hot in here. It’s _________
3. This T-shirt is dirty. ________
4. I’m so tired! ______________
5. This place is very big! ______
6. You have a small hand _____
7. I’m interested in jazz music __
8. That dress is very ugly. _____
a) The monster in the film was absolutely h) John is absolutely scared/terrified of flying.
ugly/hideous. i) Mike feels a bit tired/exhausted in the
b) The clown’s performance was very mornings.
funny/hilarious. k) Jane was very surprised/astonished when we
c) Tom was absolutely hot/boiling after going gave her such an expensive present.
sunbathing. l) Luck has always been interested/fascinated by
d) Jeff was pleased/delighted with his surprise science.
party. m) This T-shirt is slightly smaller/tiny now.
e) Liz is a very clever/brilliant student. n) The weather is cold/freezing today! I need
f) Those jeans are too big/enormous for you. my coat!
g) The clothes were very dirty/filthy because of
the dog.
a) His joke was absolutely HILARIOUS (funny). We just couldn’t stop laughing!
b) You should take a coat if you’re going out. It’s FREEZING (cold) out there tonight.
c) Jane was really FURIOUS (angry) when she discovered that her son had taken her car.
d) We felt HORRIFIED (shocked) when we learnt about our neighbour’s accident.
e) I haven’t eaten anything since lunchtime and I’m STARVING (hungry). Is that a sandwich?
f) The hotel room was so TINY (small) that we had to pile the suitcases up.
g) Anne was ASTONISHED (surprised) when her former boyfriend appeared out of the blue.
h) My sister felt DEVASTATED (upset) when her boyfriend went abroad for a year.
i) The house was absolutely FILTHY (dirty) when we finished the renovation
1. She’s very clever. She’s BRILLIANT
2. It’s hot in here. It’s BOILING
3. This T-shirt is dirty. THIS T-SHIRT IS FILTHY
4. I’m so tired! I’M SO EXHAUSTED!
5. This place is very big! THIS PLACE IS HUGE/ENORMOUS
6. You have a small hand. YOU HAVE A TINY HAND
7. I’m interested in jazz music. I’M FASCINATED BY JAZZ MUSIC (preposition change)
8. That dress is very ugly. THAT DRESS IS HIDEOUS

a) The monster in the film was absolutely hideous. h) John is absolutely terrified of flying.
b) The clown’s performance was very funny. i) Mike feels a bit tired in the mornings.
c) Tom was absolutely boiling after going k) Jane was very surprised when we gave her
sunbathing. such an expensive present.
d) Jeff was pleased/delighted with his surprise l) Luck has always been fascinated by science.
party. m) This T-shirt is slightly smaller now.
e) Liz is a very clever student. n) The weather is cold/freezing today! I need my
f) Those jeans are too big for you. coat!
g) The clothes were very dirty because of the dog.
Short term lesson plan
Unit of a long term plan
Unit 6. Tradition and language School:
Lesson plan 63
Date: Teacher’s name:

Class: 9 Number present: Number absent:

Language Focus: Present Perfect and Past

Lesson title Simple. Present Perfect Simple and Continuous.
9.S2 ask complex questions to get information about a wide range of
general and curricular topics
9.S3 explain and justify their own and others’ point of view on a range of
general and curricular topics
9.S6 link comments with flexibility to what others say at sentence and
objectives(s) that
discourse level in pair, group and whole class exchanges
this lesson is
9.S7 use appropriate subject-specific vocabulary and syntax to talk about
contributing to
an increased range of general and curricular topics
9.C8 develop intercultural awareness through reading and discussion
9.W3 write with grammatical accuracy on a range of familiar general and
curricular topics
All learners will be able to:
 Identify the theme, new words and use them as the basis for
 Demonstrate knowledge for usage of the Present Perfect/ present
Perfect Continuous and Past Simple for speaking about the things that
happened or started in the past. Transfer information from the given
information into a graphic organizer.
Most learners will be able to:
Select, compile, and synthesize information for an oral presentation
 Provide a point of view in conversations and discussions; speak about the
Some learners will be able to:
 Respond to and discuss the reading passage using interpretive,
evaluative and creative thinking skills.
 Make a presentation about your last trip.Respond to and discuss
the reading passage using interpretive, evaluative and creative thinking
Value links Cooperation, respect each other's opinion, support, functional literacy.
Crosscurricular Social Science, Psychology, Information Technology, Geography,
links Biology, P.E.
Talking about the things that happened or started in the past.
Smart board for showing a presentation, getting additional information,
Useof ICT
playing the audio files.
Intercultural Students will be able to understand that people should travel and speak
awareness about the experiences of visiting different places.
Health and Breaks and physical activities used.
Safety Everyday classroom precautions will ensure that safety measures are
provided to prevent the exposure of electrical power cords.
Planned activities Resources
The lesson greeting.

Slide (useful phrases)

g of the
6 min.
The teacher sets the lesson objectives, letting
students know what to anticipate from the
Warm up. Free talk. Writing
 What did you do at the weekend? The Worksheet
teacher tells Sts. about her trip during the
weekend. Sts. speak about weekend too. A book” Song – to study- English”
 Listen to the song” Our Last Summer” by
ABBA and guess where did the people spend
their summer? Give your reasons. Speak in
Activities In the song, define grammar tenses and find Writing
time expressions. Worksheet
15 min. Unfinished period of Finished period ofA Table
time time

1. Look at the photos. Match them with the

words from the song. Then listen to the song. v=KoyNlVQbUPc
Arrange the sights in the way you hear.
2. Listen to in the song. Look at the lyrics. Put
the words in the brackets into The Past Simple. Writing
Try to fill in the gaps with the words from the
box. Listen and check.
13 min. Ex.1 p.73
Complete the text, then listen and check.
Ex. 2 p.73 Gist listening.
Listen to the key phrases and reply.
Practise the dialogue. Ex.3 p.73. CD2.25
Listen to 3 short conversations and choose the
best answers to the questions.
Make a short dialogue about your trip using
time expressions.
Student Book p.73

Workbook p.49

The introduction of the Present Perfect

Ex 4 -5 p.73
Ex.6 p.73. Creative exercise.
You look cold – I’ve been waiting for the bus.

Giving the home task: W.B. p.49.

Students express their attitude to the lesson and give self-assessment using the
method: “Six thinking hats”:
 Green: How can you use today's learning in different subjects?
 Red: How do you feel about your work today?
Ending  White: What have you leant today?
the lesson  Black: What were the weaknesses of your work?
6 min.
 Blue: How much progress have you made in this lesson? (Now I can, I still
need to work on, I've improved in, Today I learnt... )
Yellow: What did you like about today's lesson?
Slide (Homework)
Slide "Six thinking hats"

Differentiation – Assessment –
how do you plan to give more how are you planning Critical thinking
support? How do you plan to to check
challenge the more learners’learning?
able learners?can be achieved through
Differentiation Assessment criteria: Students think critically,
the selection of activities, identification 16. Identify the main exploring, developing,
of learning outcomes for a certain idea in extended talks evaluating and making
student, provision of individual support with little support. choices about their own
to learners, selection of learning 17. Apply topic related and others’ ideas
materials and resources based on the vocabulary in speech
individual abilities of learners. appropriately arranging
words and phrases into
well-formed sentences.
18. Demonstrate the
ability to participate in a
A learner:
 selects an
appropriate answer.
 completes the task.
 uses appropriate
vocabulary while
 discusses questions
and answers the
questions within the
 Observation
 Feedback
 Peer-assessment

Category Excellent Good Fair Poor
4 pts 3 pts 2 pts 1pts
Author Author Author Author
demonstrates demonstrates demonstrates some demonstrates little
normal pace, not too adequate normal normal pace, not too normal pace, not too
fast, not to slow. pace, not too fast, fast, not to slow. fast, not to slow.
not to slow.
Spelling and There are no There are 1-2 There are 3-4 There are more than
spelling, spelling, spelling, 4 spellings,
punctuation, or punctuation, or punctuation, or punctuation, or
grammar errors. grammar errors. grammar errors. grammar errors.
Dialogue is well Dialogue is fairly Dialogue is slightly Dialogue is hard to
Presentation/ well organized and confusing and follow and doesn't
organized and flows
Memorization mostly flows like a somewhat flows flow like a natural
like a natural natural like a natural conversation.
conversation. conversation. conversation.
No pronunciation There are 1-2 errors There are 3-4 There are 5 or more
errors are noted. in pronunciation. pronunciation pronunciation
Pronunciation/ Conversation is errors. Conversation errors.
recited with Conversation is is recited with Appropriate
appropriate recited with mostly somewhat expression not
expression. appropriate appropriate used.
expression. expression.
Short term lesson plan
Unit of a long term plan
Unit 6. Tradition and language School:
Lesson plan 64
Date: Teacher’s name:

Class: 9 Number present: Number absent:

Lesson title Invitations. An email to a friend. p.74 - p.75

9.C9 use imagination to express thoughts, ideas, experiences and feelings

9.C10 use talk or writing as a means of reflecting on and exploring a
range of perspectives on the world
9.L2 understand specific information in unsupported extended talk on a
wide range of general and curricular topics, including talk on a limited
Learning range of unfamiliar topics
objectives(s) that 9.L5 recognise the attitude or opinion of the speaker(s) in unsupported
this lesson is extended talk on a wide range of general and curricular topics, including
contributing to talk on a limited range of unfamiliar topics
9.S1 use formal and informal language registers in their talk on a range of
general and curricular topics
9.W2 write independently about factual and imaginary past and future
events, activities and experiences on a wide range of familiar general and
curricular topics
All learners will be able to:
 Identify the theme, new words and use them as the basis for
 Demonstrate knowledge for writing email invitation to a friend.
Transfer information from the given information into a graphic organizer.
Most learners will be able to:
Select, compile, and synthesize information for an oral presentation.
 Provide a point of view in conversations and discussions; speak about
Some learners will be able to:
 Respond to and discuss the reading passage using interpretive,
evaluative and creative thinking skills.
 Make a scheme of writing an email invitation.Respond to and
discuss the reading passage using interpretive, evaluative and creative
thinking skills.
Value links Cooperation, respect each other's opinion, support, functional literacy.
Crosscurricular Social Science, Psychology, Geography, Information Technology,
links Stylistics.
Previous Talking about making and responding to invitations and writing an email.
Smart board for showing a presentation, getting additional
Useof ICT
information,playing the audio files.
Intercultural Students will be able to understand how to write an email invitation to a
awareness friend, make and respond to it.
Health and Breaks and physical activities used. Everyday classroom precautions will
Safety ensure that safety measures are provided to prevent the exposure of
electrical power cords.
Planned activities Resources

The lesson greeting. Slide (useful phrases).


g of the
The teacher sets the lesson objectives, letting
Student Book p.74
students know what to anticipate from the Writing
lesson. Worksheet
Warm up. Free talk.
 What is an email invitation? How can you
write it? How do you usually invite people to a
party you have?
Slide (useful phrases).

7 min.

Look at the model text and say what the email

is about?
Main Speaking (Pre-listening) (P)
Activities In pairs, learners discuss the following Student Book p.74
questions of Ex.1 p.74.
10 min. Vocabulary (W)
Teacher asks learners to match 10 pictures
with the words and check as a whole class. CD2.26
A game" The best interpreter". One pupil
reads the sentences, the partner translates it into
Russian. Then the second St. gives Russian
sentences and asks to give English translation.
The third paragraph should be translated
into Kazakh or other language. Student Book p.74
Key – words for making and responding
to invitations. Ex 3 – 6 p. 74.
of email invitations.
Look at the email and be ready to speak Writing
about it. Worksheet

Ex.4 p.75. Write an email to a friend. You
are going to celebrate a birthday. (Do this Student Book p.75
task in groups). Cambridge Dictionary.

Student Book p.75

7 min.
Ex.2 – 3 p.75.

Giving the home task. W.B. p.51, An invitation (w).

Students express their attitude to the lesson and give self-assessment using the
method: “Six thinking hats”:
 Green: How can you use today's learning in different subjects?
 Red: How do you feel about your work today?
 White: What have you leant today?
the lesson
6 min.  Black: What were the weaknesses of your work?
 Blue: How much progress have you made in this lesson? (Now I can, I still
need to work on, I've improved in, Today I learnt... )
Yellow: What did you like about today's lesson?
Slide (Homework)
Slide "Six thinking hats"

Differentiation –
how do you plan to give more Assessment –
Critical thinking
support? How do you plan to how are you planning to
challenge the more check learners’learning?
able learners?can be achieved through
Differentiation Assessment criteria: Students think
the selection of activities, identification Identify the main idea in critically, exploring,
of learning outcomes for a certain extended talks with little developing,
student, provision of individual support support. evaluating and
to learners, selection of learning Apply topic related making choices about
materials and resources based on the vocabulary in speech their own and others’
individual abilities of learners. appropriately arranging ideas
words and phrases into
well-formed sentences.
Demonstrate the ability to
participate in a
A learner:
 selects an appropriate
 completes the task.
 uses appropriate subject-
specific vocabulary while
 discusses questions and
answers the questions
within the group.
 Observation
 Feedback on the work
 Peer-assessment

Category Excellent Good Fair Poor
4 pts 3 pts 2 pts 1 pts
Author Author Author Author
demonstrates demonstrates demonstrates demonstrates
normal pace, not adequate normal some normal little normal
too fast, not to pace, not too pace, not too pace, not too
slow. fast, not to slow. fast, not to slow. fast, not to slow.
There are no There are 1-2 There are 3-4 There are more
Spelling and
spelling, spelling, spelling, than 4 spellings,
punctuation, or punctuation, or punctuation, or punctuation, or
grammar errors. grammar errors. grammar errors. grammar errors.
Dialogue is well Dialogue is Dialogue is Dialogue is hard
organized and fairly well slightly to follow and
flows like a organized and confusing and doesn't flow like
natural mostly flows somewhat flows a natural
conversation. like a natural like a natural conversation.
conversation. conversation.
No There are 1-2 There are 3-4 There are 5 or
pronunciation errors in pronunciation more
errors are noted. pronunciation. errors. pronunciation
Conversation is Conversation is Conversation is errors.
recited with recited with recited with Appropriate
appropriate mostly somewhat expression not
expression. appropriate appropriate used.
expression. expression.
Short term lesson plan

Unit of a long term plan

Unit 6. Tradition and language School:
Lesson plan 65
Date: Teacher’s name:

Class: 9 Number present: Number absent:

My Country. Traditions and language.

Lesson title Talking about wedding traditions in Kazakhstan.
9.C8 develop intercultural awareness through reading and discussion
9.C9 use imagination to express thoughts, ideas, experiences and feelings
9.L1 understand the main points in unsupported extended talk on a wide
range of general and curricular topics, including talk on a limited range of
unfamiliar topics
9.L6 deduce meaning from context in unsupported extended talk on a
wide range of general and curricular topics, including talk on a limited
objectives(s) that
range of unfamiliar topics
this lesson is
9.S1 use formal and informal language registers in their talk on a range of
contributing to general and curricular topics
9.S8 recount extended stories and events on a wide range of general and
curricular topics
9.R2 understand specific information and detail in extended texts on a
growing range of familiar general and curricular topics, and some
unfamiliar topics
All learners will be able to:
 Comprehend the reading;
 Discuss a problem in groups;
 Apply topic related vocabulary in speech.
Most learners will be able to:
 Comprehend the reading surely and understand main ideas while
Lesson reading;
objectives  Discuss a problem in groups and suggest solution for a problem;
Select, compile, and synthesize information for an oral presentation
Some learners will be able to:
 Demonstrate the ability to find correct information without any
 Comprehend the reading and understand main ideas while reading
 Apply topic related vocabulary in speech with grammar accuracies.
Value links Cooperation, respect each other's opinion, functional literacy.
Crosscurricular Social Science, Psychology, Geography, Information Technology,
links Culture, Art.
Talking about wedding traditions in Kazakhstan.
Smart board for showing a presentation, getting additional
Useof ICT
information,playing the audio files.
Discuss the diversity of traditions in Kazakhstan
Health and Breaks and physical activities used. Everyday classroom precautions will
Safety ensure that safety measures are provided to prevent the exposure of
electrical power cords.
Planned activities Resources
Beginnin The lesson greeting. Pre-learning (W)
g of the Teacher greets the class and suggests playing Slide (useful phrases).
lesson the game to the learners. Teacher explains the Pictures
rules for this game. PPT
 Game “Back to Blackboard” Rules:
One person stands back to the picture of a
holiday adventure;
Classmates should not name the holiday
Classmates can give some associations with
the holiday adventure; Student Book p.76
Classmates can mime the holiday adventure; Writing
7 min. Classmates can sing some lines from the songs. Worksheet
 Teacher can organize competition
between two teams, when the first team
mimes, the second should guess the
The teacher sets the lesson objectives, letting PPT
students know what to anticipate from the
lesson looking a short film about wedding
traditions in Kazakhstan.
Warm up. Free talk about the wedding.

Slide (useful phrases).

Give one word with this letter connected with

the theme
Main Reading about the wedding traditions in
Activities Kazakhstan (W I) Student Book p.76
 Teacher suggests the list of new
15 min. Teacher’s Book p.98
vocabulary with their synonyms,
opposites or definitions for learners.
(P) Learners work with new vocabulary first.
They get a list of words, read the words with
the teacher and write them down into their
vocabularies. Learners create 3-4 sentences
with new words to show the meaning of them.
Learners that are more able help the others to
CD. 2.28
read the words correctly.
Ex.1 p.76. Working with active words.


Check answers as a class.
Student Book p.76
Ex.3 p.76 Revision of grammar.
A teacher draws Sts. attention to the grammar
12 min
tenses used in the texts.Ex - 4 .p.76.
Ex.5 p.76 Creative Exercise. Speak about other
Kazakh traditions in groups.
Giving the home task.
W.B. p.52 Ex.1
"Wedding traditions in Kazakhstan"(topic or a presentation).
Students express their attitude to the lesson and give self-assessment using the
method: “Six thinking hats”:
 Green: How can you use today's learning in different subjects?
Ending  Red: How do you feel about your work today?
the lesson  White: What have you leant today?
6 min.  Black: What were the weaknesses of your work?
 Blue: How much progress have you made in this lesson? (Now I can, I still
need to work on, I've improved in, Today I learnt... )
Yellow: What did you like about today's lesson?
Slide (Homework)
Slide "Six thinking hats"

Differentiation –
how do you plan to give more Assessment –
Critical thinking
support? How do you plan to how are you planning to
challenge the more check learners’learning?
able learners?can be achieved through
Differentiation Assessment criteria: Students think
the selection of activities, identification Identify the main idea in critically, exploring,
of learning outcomes for a certain extended talks with little developing,
student, provision of individual support support. evaluating and
to learners, selection of learning Apply topic related making choices
materials and resources based on the vocabulary in speech about their own and
individual abilities of learners. appropriately arranging others’ ideas
words and phrases into well-
formed sentences.
Demonstrate the ability to
participate in a conversation.
A learner:
 selects an appropriate
 completes the task.
 uses appropriate subject-
specific vocabulary while
 discusses questions and
answers the questions within
the group.
 Observation
 Feedback on the work
 Peer-assessment

Kazakh wedding
Thinking and mentality of people are changed, but habits and traditions of people are not
changed. Nowadays there are people who honor and esteem the habits of their ancestors. Kazakh
people are not exception. They always had their established traditions and customs of wedding
Matchmaking (Kuda tusu) is the most interesting and unusual of all pre-wedding traditions.
Groom’s father and the most honorable relatives go to the bride’s home. Generous and holiday
table is served, everybody talk about different themes and complement friendly atmosphere by
jokes. Later the main theme – kalym is discussed. Groom’s parents give money to buy furniture
and bride’s parents must buy bedding, dishes, utensils, etc.
“Kyzyzatu” – farewell with girl. The girl is usually seen off in the morning. Sunrise is the
symbol of a new day and a new life.
“Neke Kiyar” – wedding ceremony. A cup of water is put before Mullah, covered with a
handkerchief. Mullah reads prayers, and then he asks in the presence of the witnesses about
agreement of groom and bride to marry. There are only closest relatives of the groom and bride
in this ceremony. But if the bride is pregnant, the rite is carried out after the baby is born.
“Koshtasu” – farewell to a home. Girl says goodbye to her parents and relatives before she
leaves the house. According to the traditions, a girl will not be able to come home for a year so
that to get used to a new family.
“Kelin tusiru” – the arrival of the bride to the groom’s house. The whole village is prepared
for this celebration. By tradition, a bride is not brought to the house at once. Other girls see her
off to the house without permitting her open her face. Then all relatives and friends are gathered
so that to organize a feast with treats. Everyone wants to see the future bride. Only after all
relatives are gathered, the bride is solemnly appeared.
“Betashar” – the ceremony of opening bride’s face. It is usually accompanied by traditional
song-zhyr. Here the husband’s relatives congratulate and give good advices for a happy family
So the wedding ceremony is over and newlyweds become separate happy family.

Short term lesson plan

Unit of a long term plan

Unit 6. Tradition and language School:
Lesson plan 66
Date: Teacher’s name:

Class: 9 Number present: Number absent:

CLIL. Language and literature:
Lesson title
Word building: adjectives.p.77
9.C3 respect differing points of view
9.C5 use feedback to set personal learning objectives
9.L6 deduce meaning from context in unsupported extended talk on a
wide range of general and curricular topics, including talk on a limited
range of unfamiliar topics
9.W1 plan, write, edit and proofread work at text level with support on a
objectives(s) that
this lesson is limited range of general and curricular topics
contributing to 9.S2 ask complex questions to get information about a wide range of
general and curricular topics
9.UE3 use a variety of compound adjectives, adjectives as participles,
comparative structures indicating degree, and intensifying adjectives on a
wide range of familiar general and curricular topics
All learners will be able to:
 Comprehend the reading;
 Discuss a problem in groups;
 Apply topic related vocabulary in speech.
Most learners will be able to:
Select, compile, and synthesize information for an oral presentation
 Provide a point of view in conversations and discussions; practise drawing
Lesson and filling a story map.
objectives  Some learners will be able to:
 Respond to and discuss the reading passage using interpretive,
evaluative and creative thinking skills.
 Demonstrate the ability to find correct information without any
 Comprehend the reading and understand main ideas while reading
 Apply topic related vocabulary in speech with grammar accuracies.

Value links Cooperation, respect each other's opinion, functional literacy.

Literature, Social Science, Geography,Information Technology, Stylistics.
Talking about wedding traditions in Kazakhstan.
Smart board for showing a presentation, getting additional
Useof ICT
information,playing the audio files.
Students will be able to understand that people should read a lot
Health and Breaks and physical activities used. Everyday classroom precautions will
Safety ensure that safety measures are provided to prevent the exposure of
electrical power cords.

Planned activities Resources
Beginnin The lesson greeting. Slide (useful phrases).
g of the Pictures
lesson PPT
Student Book p.77
Gulliver's Travels Trailer

The teacher sets the lesson objectives, letting Cluster "Gulliver's Travels".
students know what to anticipate from the
Warm up. Free talk.
Look at the cover of the book; tell your partner
if he/ she knows what the book is about and
who the main character is. In pairs, name
7 min. words associated with it and make a cluster.



Activities Read the text and choose the correct words. Student Book p.77
Listen and check your answers. Ex.1 p.77 . Pay CD2.29.
15 min. attention to the new words:
Proudly, army, dishonesty, neighbours,
customs, murder, judges, laws.
Ex.2 p.77. Match the words from Ex.1
Look at the text again and do Ex.3 p.77. Sts.
can work in pairs.
1. customs
2. proudly Writing
3. laws Worksheet
4. judges
5. army
6. neighbours
12 min 7. murder
8. dishonestyScore - 8
Ex.3 Answers: Student Book p.77
1. True
2. True
3. False
4. True

5. False
6. False Score - 6
To the false sentences give the right answers. Pictures
Each student counts the scores for the tasks. A story map graphic organiser
In group of 4, fill in a story map.

Teacher's Book p.99.

Ex.4. Form an adjective with the help of A Table p.77

Ex.5 p.77 (Activate). Optional Activity. Teacher’s
In groups, make a short play of the Book p.99
conversation between a king and Gulliver.
Giving the home task.
W.B. p.52 Ex.3 -5.
Students express their attitude to the lesson and give self-assessment using the
method: “Six thinking hats”:
 Green: How can you use today's learning in different subjects?
 Red: How do you feel about your work today?
the lesson  White: What have you leant today?
6 min.  Black: What were the weaknesses of your work?
 Blue: How much progress have you made in this lesson? (Now I can, I still
need to work on, I've improved in, Today I learnt... )
Yellow: What did you like about today's lesson?
Slide (Homework)
Slide "Six thinking hats"

Differentiation – Assessment –
how do you plan to give more how are you planning Critical thinking
support? How do you plan to to check
challenge the more learners’learning?
able learners?can be achieved through
Differentiation Assessment criteria: Students think critically,
the selection of activities, identification Identify the main idea exploring, developing,
of learning outcomes for a certain in extended talks with evaluating and making
student, provision of individual support little support. choices about their own
to learners, selection of learning Apply topic related and others’ ideas
materials and resources based on the vocabulary in speech
individual abilities of learners. appropriately arranging
words and phrases into
well-formed sentences.
Demonstrate the ability
to participate in a
A learner:
 selects an
appropriate answer.
 completes the task.
 uses appropriate
vocabulary while
 discusses questions
and answers the
questions within the
 Observation
 Feedback on the
 Peer-assessment

Category Excellent Good Fair Poor
4 pts 3 pts 2 pts 1pts
Author Author Author Author
demonstrates demonstrates demonstrates some demonstrates little
normal pace, not too adequate normal normal pace, not too normal pace, not too
fast, not to slow. pace, not too fast, fast, not to slow. fast, not to slow.
not to slow.
Spelling and There are no There are 1-2 There are 3-4 There are more than
spelling, spelling, spelling, 4 spelling,
punctuation, or punctuation, or punctuation, or punctuation, or
grammar errors. grammar errors. grammar errors. grammar errors.
Dialogue is well Dialogue is fairly Dialogue is slightly Dialogue is hard to
Presentation/ well organized and confusing and follow and doesn't
organized and flows
Memorization mostly flows like a somewhat flows flow like a natural
like a natural natural like a natural conversation.
conversation. conversation. conversation.
No pronunciation There are 1-2 errors There are 3-4 There are 5 or more
errors are noted. in pronunciation. pronunciation pronunciation
Pronunciation/ Conversation is errors. Conversation errors.
recited with Conversation is is recited with Appropriate
appropriate recited with mostly somewhat expression not
expression. appropriate appropriate used.
expression. expression.
Group Assessment
№ гр. Правильность Логика Культура Дополнения Поведение в
изложения изложения изложения других группе,
материала материала, материала групп умение
чёткость сотрудничать

Short term lesson plan

Unit of a long term plan:
Unit 6. Tradition and language School:
Lesson plan 67.
Teacher's name:

CLASS: 9 Number present: absent:

Summative assessment for the 6th unit.
Lesson title


Summative assessment for the 6th unit "Tradition and language."

Learning objectives 9.L2 understand most specific information in unsupported extended talk on
a wide range of general and curricular topics
9.S3 explain and justify their own point of view on a range of general and
curricular topics
9.S7 use appropriate subject-specific vocabulary and syntax to talk about
an increased range of general and curricular topics
9.UE3 use a variety of compound adjectives and adjectives as participles
and a variety of comparative structures to indicate degree on a range of
familiar general and curricular topics
Assessment criteria Identify the position of speakers in an extended talk with some
Express thoughts about the given topic in the conversations
Apply topic related vocabulary in speech appropriately arranging
words and phrases into well-formed sentences
Level of thinking skills Application
Knowledge and comprehension
Higher order thinking skills
Duration 20 minutes

Listening. Task 1.
Speaking. Task 2. An individual interview on the suggested topic for approximately 2 minutes
for each student.
Review. Unit6
Short term lesson plan

Unit of a long term plan:

Unit 6. Tradition and language School:
Lesson plan 68
Teacher's name:
CLASS: 9 absent:
Lesson title Skills Round - up. p.79
9.S2 ask complex questions to get information about a wide range
of general and curricular topics
9.S3 explain and justify their own and others’ point of view on a
range of general and curricular topics
9.S6 link comments with flexibility to what others say at sentence
and discourse level in pair, group and whole class exchanges
Learning objectives(s)
9.S8 recount extended stories and events on a wide range of general
and curricular topics
9.W3 write with grammatical accuracy on a range of familiar
general and curricular topics
9.W6 write coherently at text level using a variety of connectors on
a wide range of familiar general and curricular topics
All learners will be able to:
 Use some target vocabulary successfully in speaking tasks
and show some basic organisational coherence and cohesion in a
writing task.
 Demonstrate basic knowledge for usage of the structures:
Present Perfect/ Present Perfect Continuous and PastSimple Tenses
Offer constructive peer-feedback using rubric.
Most learners will be able to:
 Select, compile, and synthesize information for an oral
 Provide a point of view in conversations and discussions;
Lesson objectives
 Use most target vocabulary successfully in speaking tasks
and show clear organisational coherence and cohesion in
writing task
Some learners will be able to:
 Apply the correct form of the studied grammar tenses in the
 Use most target vocabulary successfully in speaking tasks
and show good organisational coherence and cohesion and some
elements of appropriate style in writing task.
 Justify a decision and use information in new situations.
Higher order thinking skills (according to the revised Bloom's
Level of thinking
 Read the given text and identify the general information.
 Demonstrate skills of organizing and expressing ideas
Assessment criteria
 Illustrate a viewpoint in a discussion.

Target language Active vocabulary of lessons 59 - 68

Responsibility, Global Citizenship, cooperation, respect each
Values links
other's opinion, functional literacy.
Literature,Social Science, Psychology, History, Geography, P.
Cross-curricular links
E.,Information Technology, Biology, Art.
Previous learning Vocabulary relating to language and literature.

Planned Planned activities (replace the notes below with
timings your planned activities)
2 min Teacher informs learners that the aims of this lesson Slide (objectives)
are to revise the material that was taught in this unit. Slide (useful


5 min Rules for Jeopardy game
There are 2 kinds of games. Teacher can feel free to Student's book
choose any or play during the whole lesson. p.78
1. Students play jeopardy in groups. p.79
2. They have to choose a category and a point value.
3. Teacher clicks on the chosen box for the question.
(The teacher may want to set a time limit for PPT Jeopardy
answering the question)
4. To see if a student or group is correct, click again
for the answer.
5. Click the Back to Board button on the slide to
return to the main board.
5. If the student or team is correct, they are awarded
the point value of the question
6. Continue until all questions have been answered.
The team with the most points wins.
Ex. 1 - 2 p. 78 (Revision of vocabulary) Student's book
Revision of Grammar. Present Perfect/ Present p.78
Perfect Continuous/ Past Simple
12 min ( +, -, ? forms )
Ex. 3 - 4 ( do ex. individually) A mind - map
You will listen to a text and complete the sentences:
COMMUNICATION. a graph organizer
Choose the correct responses to the sentences: CD 2.31.
Ex. 6 p.78
Ex. 1 - 3 p.79.
Speaking: Ex.4 - 5 p.79. Situations in a big city.
Writing: Ex.6. p.79
A letter to a friend about a situation of losing or Student's book
16 min. finding something. (Fast finishes can swap emails p.79
with another fast finisher.
If a teacher has time, she/ he can ask students to do
Optional activity: Consolidation.
Teacher’s Book

End Home task.

5 min W.B. p.53, St.B. p.78 Ex. 4. Slide
FEEDBACK: Your impression!
Sts write their impression of the whole unit and share
ideas with their classmates.
3 – new words you have taught at the lesson;
2 – adjectives to describe the lesson
1 – one activity you like
Additional information
Differentiation – how do Assessment – how are you Health and safety check
you plan to give more planning to check learners’ Everyday classroom
support? How do you plan learning? precautions will ensure that
to challenge the more able  Self-assessment worksheet safety measures are provided
learners? to prevent the exposure of
 Observe learners when
Task format: Learners can electrical power cords.
participating in discussion.
contribute at their own Critical thinking
language level for this Critical thinking on this
activity, as it is relatively  each learner contribute to lesson lies in understanding
open-ended. This gives each the discussion? If not, why grammar point of these rules
learner a chance to be not? in English language and it is
successful. Learners managed to based on clarity, accuracy,
Reflection at the end of the understand the rules and do precision, depth, breadth, and
lesson and teacher summary the tasks. fairness.
provides support for Learners managed to
progress and achievement, understand the rules and do
Task format: Learners can Oral assessment and support Learners work in groups,
contribute at their own apply skills and knowledge to
language level for this a practical and cooperative
activity, as it is relatively task, and produce their own
open-ended. This gives each materials.
learner a chance to be
Reflection at the end of the
lesson and teacher summary
provides support for
progress and achievement,
and challenge to thinking
and setting future
Use the space below to reflect on your lesson. Answer the most relevant questions from the
box on the left about your lesson.
Short term lesson plan
Unit of a long term plan
Unit 7Music and film School:
Lesson plan 69
Date: Teacher’s name:

Class: 9 Number present: Number absent:

Lesson title Music and film images. p.80 - p.81

9.C1 use speaking and listening skills to solve problems creatively and
cooperatively in groups
9.C6 organise and present information clearly to others
9.S2 ask complex questions to get information about a wide range of
Learning general and curricular topics
objectives(s) that 9.S3 explain and justify their own and others’ point of view on a range of
this lesson is general and curricular topics
contributing to 9.S7 use appropriate subject-specific vocabulary and syntax to talk about
an increased range of general and curricular topics
9.UE6 use a wide variety of relative, demonstrative, indefinite,
quantitative]of pronouns and reflexive pronoun structures on a wide range
of familiar general and curricular topics
All learners will be able to:
 Comprehend the reading;
 Discuss a problem in groups;
 Apply topic related vocabulary in speech.
Most learners will be able to:
 Comprehend the reading surely and understand main ideas while
Lesson reading;
objectives  Discuss a problem in groups and suggest solution for a problem;
Select, compile, and synthesize information for an oral presentation
Some learners will be able to:
 Demonstrate the ability to find correct information without any
 Comprehend the reading and understand main ideas while reading
 Apply topic related vocabulary in speech with grammar accuracies.
Value links Cooperation, respect each other's opinion, functional literacy.
Crosscurricular Art, Social Science, Psychology, Literature (English, Kazakh, Russian),
links Geography,Information Technology.
Talking about activities in a city.
Smart board for showing a presentation, getting additional
Useof ICT
information,playing the audio files.
Discuss that students should know what art is.
Health and Breaks and physical activities used. Everyday classroom precautions will
Safety ensure that safety measures are provided to prevent the exposure of
electrical power cords.
Planned Planned activities Resources
The lesson greeting. Pre-learning (W)
Teacher greets the class and suggests watching Slide (useful phrases).
Beginnin a video. Before the short film Sts. Name form Pictures
g of the of art they know. Watch a video about music PPT
lesson film-english.com/2012/02/05/the-
joy-of-books/. Films.
7 min. 1.

and film images.

Give one word with this letter connected with Writing
the theme. Worksheet
Do you like to read or listen? What do you
watch on T.V.?
Start Thinking. Group Work. Music and Student Book p.80
film Quiz. p.80 English - Russian Oxford
Ex.1 p.80. Vocabulary Work: match the words Dictionary
with the definitions and put in a correct column
in the table.
Main What can people do to change the personal
Activities appearance? Why?
15 min. In a weaker class: drill the pronunciation of
the difficult words (beard, moustache,
dreadlocks, tattoo, and braids).
In a stronger class, ask students to make up
St. support or critique a strong change in Student Book p.81
appearance. Ex.3.p.81


Reflective pronouns.
Personal pronouns Reflective pronouns

12 min Sts. give their examples with pronouns.

Ex. 4 - 6p.81. Choose the correct pronoun.
ACTIVATE: Language focus.
Write answers to the questions. What is the Writing
difference between reflective pronouns and Worksheet
each other?
Teacher's Book p.103.
Workbook p.p.40 – 41(more practice).
Giving the home task.
W.B. p.54

Topic» Body Decoration" or presentation

Students express their attitude to the lesson and give self-assessment using the
method: “Six thinking hats”:
 Green: How can you use today's learning in different subjects?
the lesson  Red: How do you feel about your work today?
6 min.  White: What have you leant today?
 Black: What were the weaknesses of your work?
 Blue: How much progress have you made in this lesson? (Now I can, I still
need to work on, I've improved in, Today I learnt... )
Yellow: What did you like about today's lesson?
Slide (Homework)
Slide "Six thinking hats"

Differentiation – Assessment –
how do you plan to give more how are you planning Critical thinking
support? How do you plan to to check
challenge the more learners’learning?
able learners?can be achieved through
Differentiation Assessment criteria: Students think critically,
the selection of activities, identification 19. Identify the main exploring, developing,
of learning outcomes for a certain idea in extended talks evaluating and making
student, provision of individual support with little support. choices about their own
to learners, selection of learning 20. Apply topic related and others’ ideas
materials and resources based on the vocabulary in speech
individual abilities of learners. appropriately arranging
words and phrases into
well-formed sentences.
21. Demonstrate the
ability to participate in a
A learner:
 selects an
appropriate answer.
 completes the task.
 uses appropriate
vocabulary while
 discusses questions
and answers the
questions within the
 Observation
 Feedback on the

Appendix 1

Teacher observation checklist

Student's name ________________________________________

Positive Aspects
 Completed the individual role-card.
 Used extracts from the text to support his/her ideas.
 Asked open-ended questions.
 Listened while others talked.
 Encouraged peers to share their ideas.
 Added his/her own comments and ideas to other student's comments and ideas.

Negative Aspects
 Didn't complete the individual role-card.
 Didn't appear to be listening or interrupted when others were speaking.
 Did not use text to support his/her opinions.

Comments ___________________________________________________

Appendix 2

yes no Need Need

revising more
I understand the rule of reflective pronouns
I did exercises for this rule without any mistakes
I understand the rule for “each other”
I will do the description of the appearance
I understand the facts about body decoration
I have answered all the questions about changing the
Short term lesson plan

Unit of a long term plan

Unit 7 Music and film School:
Lesson plan 70
Date: Teacher’s name:

Class: 9 Number present: Number absent:

Lesson title Reading. Galymzhan Moldanazar. p.82

9.R5 deduce meaning from context in extended texts on a wide range of

familiar general and curricular topics, and some unfamiliar topics
9.R6 recognise the attitude or opinion of the writer in extended texts on a
wide range of familiar general and curricular topics
9.L8 understand supported narratives, including some extended talk, on
Learning an increasing range of general and curricular topics
objectives(s) that 9.W4 use style and register to achieve appropriate degree of formality in a
this lesson is growing variety of written genres on a range of general and curricular
contributing to topics
9.W5 develop with support coherent arguments supported when necessary
by examples and reasons for a wide range of written genres in familiar
general and curricular topics
9.S1 provide basic information about themselves and others at sentence
level on an increasing range of general topics
All learners will be able to:
 Comprehend the reading;
 Discuss a problem in groups;
 Apply topic related vocabulary in speech.
Most learners will be able to:
 Comprehend the reading surely and understand main ideas while
Lesson reading;
objectives  Discuss a problem in groups and suggest solution for a problem;
Select, compile, and synthesize information for an oral presentation
Some learners will be able to:
 Demonstrate the ability to find correct information without any
 Comprehend the reading and understand main ideas while reading
 Apply topic related vocabulary in speech with grammar accuracies.
Value links Cooperation, respect each other's opinion, functional literacy.
Crosscurricular Art, Social Science, Psychology, Literature, Geography, Information
links Technology.
Talking about changing the image.
Smart board for showing a presentation, getting additional
Useof ICT
information,playing the audio files.
Intercultural Discuss the diversity of lives of musicians in Kazakhstan, in the UK, in
awareness Russia.
Health and Breaks and physical activities used. Everyday classroom precautions will
Safety ensure that safety measures are provided to prevent the exposure of
electrical power cords.

Planned activities Resources
Beginnin The lesson greeting. Pre-learning (W)
g of the Teacher greets the class and suggests playing Slide (useful phrases).
lesson the game to the learners. Teacher explains the Pictures
rules for this game. PPT
 Game “Back to Blackboard” Rules:
One person stands back to the picture of a
popular Kazakh singer ;
Classmates should not call the name of the
singer ;
Classmates can give some lines from the song
of this singer ; Writing
Classmates can sing some lines from the songs. Worksheet
7 min.

The teacher sets the lesson objectives, letting

students know what to anticipate from the

Student Book p.82
Slide (useful phrases).

Warm up. Free talk about popular Kazakh

singers. Look at the portraits of some singers,
what can you say about them?Can you name
any Kazakh musicians?
Main Ex.1 p.82
Activities Look at the portraits of young people? What do Student Book p.82
you know about them? Students give their own
15 min. answers.


Galymzhan Cluster or a table.

Moldanazar Student Book p.82
The students in groups will read information
about a musician and make a story map. Then a
leader is going to present Galymzhan
Reading and listen to the text about a
12 min Kazakh musician. (W I).
Teacher suggests the list of new vocabulary
with their synonyms or opposites for learners.
CD. 3.01
Ex.1,3 p.82
(P) Learners work with new vocabulary first.
They get a list of words, read the words with
the teacher and write them down into their
vocabularies. Learners create 3-4 sentences
with new words.
Learners that are more able help the others to
read the words correctly.
Ex.3 p.82. Working with active words.
POST -READING ACTIVITY: Ex.4 p.82. Pictures
Give the definition of the underlined words. PPT
The teacher divide the class into 2 groups: boys
and girls. One group will speak about a popular Cluster or a table.
singer of 80s and the second group will retell
the text about a modern musician. They should
do it in the form of presentation.
Ex.5 p.82. Creative task.
Speak about a life of a musician.
Make a conclusion: Have you ever wanted to Student Book p.82
sing in public?

Describe another musician in pairs. Try to

make a story map.
Giving the home task.
W.B. p.56
Students express their attitude to the lesson and give self-assessment using the
method: “Six thinking hats”:
 Green: How can you use today's learning in different subjects?
 Red: How do you feel about your work today?
the lesson
 White: What have you leant today?
6 min.
 Black: What were the weaknesses of your work?
 Blue: How much progress have you made in this lesson? (Now I can, I still
need to work on, I've improved in, Today I learnt... )
Yellow: What did you like about today's lesson?
Slide (Homework)
Slide "Six thinking hats"

Differentiation – Assessment –
how do you plan to give more how are you planning Critical thinking
support? How do you plan to to check
challenge the more learners’learning?
able learners?can be achieved through
Differentiation Assessment criteria: Students think critically,
the selection of activities, identification 22. Identify the main exploring, developing,
of learning outcomes for a certain idea in extended talks evaluating and making
student, provision of individual support with little support. choices about their own
to learners, selection of learning 23. Apply topic related and others’ ideas
materials and resources based on the vocabulary in speech
individual abilities of learners. appropriately arranging
words and phrases into
well-formed sentences.
24. Demonstrate the
ability to participate in a
 Observation
 Feedback on the
 Peer-assessment

Teacher observation checklist

Student's name ________________________________________

Positive Aspects
 Completed the individual role-card.
 Used extracts from the text to support his/her ideas.
 Asked open-ended questions.
 Listened while others talked.
 Encouraged peers to share their ideas.
 Added his/her own comments and ideas to other student's comments and ideas.
Negative Aspects
 Didn't complete the individual role-card.
 Didn't appear to be listening or interrupted when others were speaking.
 Did not use text to support his/her opinions.

Summary evaluation
What two things went really well (consider both teaching and learning)?
What two things would have improved the lesson (consider both teaching and learning)?
What have I learned from the lesson about this class or individuals
that will inform my next lesson?

Student Self-Assessment Checklist Student

Name: ________________________
Date: ______________________ Think about how well you are working in your group.
Place a check mark beside the skills you demonstrate in your role.
I listen attentively to others.
I express my thinking clearly and concisely.
I take turns. I encourage participation of all group members.
I show respect for alternative points of view.
I disagree agreeably.
I synthesize information from others.
I analyze ideas of others.
I remember significant information.
I identify issues.
I make connections to prior knowledge and experiences.
Short term lesson plan

Unit of a long term plan

Unit 7Music and film School:
Lesson plan 71
Date: Teacher’s name:

Class: 9 Number present: Number absent:

Lesson title Language Focus.Active or

9.C1 use speaking and listening skills to solve problems creatively
and cooperatively in groups
9.C6 organise and present information clearly to others
9.L1 understand the main points in unsupported extended talk on a
wide range of general and curricular topics, including talk on a
limited range of unfamiliar topics
9.R5 deduce meaning from context in extended texts on a wide
objectives(s) that
range of familiar general and curricular topics, and some unfamiliar
this lesson is
contributing to
9.R6 recognise the attitude or opinion of the writer in extended texts
on a wide range of familiar general and curricular topics
9.UE7 use perfect continuous forms and a variety of simple perfect
active and passive forms including time adverbials … so far, lately,
all my life , on a wide; use a variety of relative clauses including
with which [whole previous clause reference]
All learners will be able to:
 develop speaking skills through communication about clothes
 improve reading skills through recognising typical features at word;
 write descriptions given facts about the clothes using passive voice.
 Most learners will be able to:
Select, compile, and synthesize information from the reading
Lesson passage for an oral presentation.
objectives Some learners will be able to:
Respond to and discuss the reading passage using interpretive,
evaluative and creative thinking skills.
 Demonstrate the ability to find correct information without any
Respond to and discuss the reading passageusing interpretive,
evaluative and creative thinking skills.
 Apply topic related vocabulary in speech with grammar accuracies.
Value links Cooperation, respect each other's opinion, functional literacy.
Crosscurricular Social Science, Psychology, Geography,Information Technology,
links Art.
Talking about Kazakh musicians.
Smart board for showing a presentation, getting additional
Useof ICT
information,playing the audio files.
Discuss the problems of clothes crime in different countries.
Health and Breaks and physical activities used. Everyday classroom precautions
Safety will ensure that safety measures are provided to prevent the
exposure of electrical power cords.

Planned activities Resources

The lesson greeting.

The teacher sets the lesson objectives, letting Slide (useful phrases).
students know what to anticipate from the lesson. Pictures
Then to create a positive learning environment PPT
the teachers asks students to start the lesson
giving each other compliments about appearance,
clothes, job performance, talent, etc. and also
practice accepting compliments.
Watching the pictures, the learners are asked to
predict the topic of the lesson.
of the Student Book p.83
lesson Writing


Slide (useful phrases).

7 min.

Warm up.Free talk about wearing hooded

sweatshirts in Britain. Ex.1. p.83.
The teacher asks Sts. in pairs the information
about hoodies.
By the early noughties in the UK, the hoodie had Writing
become directly politicised, symbolising the Worksheet
furtive menace of Britain's inner-city teenage
population. In May 2005, it was banned by the
Bluewater shopping centre in Kent and later by
several schools in England and Wales.

Main Main part

Activities Look at the sentence from the text: …young Student Book p.83
people wearing hooded sweatshirtswere banned
from shopping centers….
*Teacher suggests revising a basic rule for asking
questions in the Passive:
15 min.
(W)This information can be helpful. P.83 Rules.
Workbook p.55
Ex.2 p.83. Fill in a table with the Passive Voice.
The teacher asks Sts. to read the text” Clothes
Crimes” and express their own opinion. Write
negative adjectives about hoodies.
Advantages of hoodies Disadvantages of Pictures
hoodies PPT

12 min
Student Book p.83
Ex.3 - 4. Work with grammar.
Activate. Speak about problems connected with
clothes among teenagers: hoody tops, baggy
jeans, jeans with holes, short skirts.
Giving the home task.
W.B. p.55
A mind - map: Passive Voice
Students express their attitude to the lesson and give self-assessment
using the method: “Six thinking hats”:
 Green: How can you use today's learning in different subjects?
Ending the
lesson  Red: How do you feel about your work today?
6 min.  White: What have you leant today?
 Black: What were the weaknesses of your work?
 Blue: How much progress have you made in this lesson? (Now I can,
I still need to work on, I've improved in, Today I learnt... )
Yellow: What did you like about today's lesson?
Slide (Homework)
Slide "Six thinking hats"

Differentiation – Assessment –
how do you plan to give more how are you planning to Critical thinking
support? How do you plan to check
challenge the more learners’learning?
able learners? can be achieved
Differentiation Assessment criteria: Students think
through the selection of activities, Identify the main idea in critically,
identification of learning outcomes extended talks with little exploring,
for a certain student, provision of support. developing,
individual support to learners, Apply topic related evaluating and
selection of learning materials and vocabulary in speech making choices
resources based on the individual appropriately arranging about their own
abilities of learners. words and phrases into and others’ ideas
well-formed sentences.
Demonstrate the ability
to participate in a
A learner:
 selects an appropriate
 completes the task.
 uses appropriate
vocabulary while
 discusses questions
and answers the
questions within the
 Observation
 Feedback on the
 Peer-assessment

Transform the sentences from Active Voice to Passive Voice

1. Peter bought this house.


2. Mary will make the coffee.


3. My friends are repairing the car.


4. Most students speak English in this class.


5. A policeman helped her.


6. She finished her work early.


7. They carried him into the hospital.


8. They make this computer in the USA.


9. They have cancelled the meeting.


10. I sent the package to Austria by train.


The following sentences have 2 objects, transform them in both ways :

1. Ann showed them the church. _________________________________________________


2. Someone will give us a new notebook. _________________________________________


3. Mum gave me a watch for my birthday. _________________________________________


4. They are taking her some flowers. _____________________________________________


Short term lesson plan

Unit of a long term plan

Unit 7Music and film School:
Lesson plan 72
Date: Teacher’s name:

Class: 9 Number present: Number absent:

Discussing music.
Lesson title Talking about how music is recorded. p.84
9.C1 use speaking and listening skills to solve problems creatively
and cooperatively in groups
9.C6 organise and present information clearly to others
9.S3 explain and justify their own and others’ point of view on a
range of general and curricular topics
Learning 9.R4 read a wide range of extended fiction and non-fiction texts on
objectives(s) that familiar and unfamiliar general and curricular topics
this lesson is 9.R5 deduce meaning from context in extended texts on a wide
contributing to range of familiar general and curricular topics, and some unfamiliar
9.R6 recognise the attitude or opinion of the writer in extended texts
on a wide range of familiar general and curricular topics
9.W8 spell most high-frequency vocabulary accurately for a wide
range of familiar general and curricular topics
Lesson All learners will be able to:
objectives  Comprehend the reading;
 Discuss a problem in groups;
 Apply topic related vocabulary in speech
Most learners will be able to:
 Comprehend the reading surely and understand main ideas
while reading;
 Discuss a problem in groups and suggest solution for a
Select, compile, and synthesize information for an oral
Some learners will be able to:
 Demonstrate the ability to find correct information without
any mistakes;
 Comprehend the reading and understand main ideas while
reading surely;
Apply topic related vocabulary in speech with grammar
Value links Cooperation, respect each other's opinion, functional literacy.
Crosscurricular Art, Social Science, Kazakh and Foreign Literature, Psychology,
links Information Technology.
Talking about clothes crimes.
Smart board for showing a presentation, getting additional
Useof ICT
information,playing the audio files.
Discuss the process of recording music in different countries.
Health and Breaks and physical activities used. Everyday classroom precautions
Safety will ensure that safety measures are provided to prevent the
exposure of electrical power cords.
Planned activities Resources
Beginning The lesson greeting.
of the The teacher sets the lesson objectives, letting Slide (useful phrases).
lesson students know what to anticipate from the lesson. Pictures
Then to create a positive learning environment PPT
the teachers asks students to start the lesson
giving each other compliments about appearance,
job performance, talent, etc. and also practice
accepting compliments. Course books.google.
Watching the pictures, listening to short com.co/books?
fragments of different types of music, the learners isbn=0521376661 Mi
are asked to predict the topic of the lesson. chael Swan – 1990
Sts. sing a song in the style of country "Numb” Country cover of
and speak about the plot of it. "Numb" by Linking

Student Book p.84

7 min. Writing

Have you ever tried to compose a song or PPT
music? Which of you studies or has finished
a music school? Slide (useful phrases).
Warm up.Free talk.Have you ever tried to
compose a song or music? Which of you
studies or has finished a music school?
The teacher asks Sts. in pairs make a list of
the types of music?
Main part
Look at the words. Which of these are not types
of music?Ex.1 p.84. Write adjectives about the Student Book p.84
types of music :
Main Pop Classical A Table
funny, moving..... exciting, fascinating....
Use dictionaries to translate the words you don't
know and give definitions:
Funny, exciting, moving, dull, appealing, scary,
15 min.
imaginative, fascinating. Give synonyms and
opposites to these words. Ex.2 p.84.
Speak about the famous types of music among
the students of a class?

Pre-listening stage.
Predicting and guessing.Ex.3 p.84. Where do they
say music can be recorded? CD. 3.02
While-listening stage.
The teacher informs the class that they will be Student Book p.84
participating in the contest” Best in
Ex.4. True – false sentences (Score – 6) and
listen and practise the dialogue. (Score – 4). Worksheet
12 min Use active word – combinations:
To be really into, to have quite a few number one
hits, a mixture of, the lyrics are really clear, to
be released, to be to one of the gigs, to be to a
live performance, due to go on tour. (Score – 10).
Ex.5. Activate. Creative Task.
In pairs, speak about one’s favourite music.

Giving the home task.

Ending the W.B. Ex.5.p.84 w, W.B. p.56
lesson Students express their attitude to the lesson and give self-assessment using
6 min. the method: “Six thinking hats”:
 Green: How can you use today's learning in different subjects?
 Red: How do you feel about your work today?
 White: What have you leant today?
 Black: What were the weaknesses of your work?
 Blue: How much progress have you made in this lesson? (Now I can,
I still need to work on, I've improved in, Today I learnt... )
Yellow: What did you like about today's lesson?
Slide (Homework)
Slide "Six thinking hats"
Differentiation – Assessment –
how do you plan to give more how are you planning to Critical thinking
support? How do you plan to check
challenge the more learners’learning?
able learners? can be achieved through
Differentiation Assessment criteria: Students think
the selection of activities, identification Identify the main idea in critically,
of learning outcomes for a certain extended talks with little exploring,
student, provision of individual support support. developing,
to learners, selection of learning Apply topic related evaluating and
materials and resources based on the vocabulary in speech making choices
individual abilities of learners. appropriately arranging about their own
words and phrases into and others’ ideas
well-formed sentences.
Demonstrate the ability
to participate in a
A learner:
 selects an appropriate
 completes the task.
 uses appropriate
vocabulary while
 discusses questions
and answers the
questions within the
 Observation
 Feedback on the
 Peer-assessment

I'm tired of being what you want me to be
Feeling so faithless lost under the surface
Don't know what you're expecting of me
Put under the pressure of walking in your shoes
(Caught in the undertow just caught in the undertow)
Every step that I take is another mistake to you
(Caught in the undertow just caught in the undertow)

I've become so numb I can't feel you there

I've become so tired so much more aware
I'm becoming this all I want to do
Is be more like me and be less like you

Can't you see that you're smothering me

Holding too tightly afraid to lose control
Cause everything that you thought I would be
Has fallen apart right in front of you
(Caught in the undertow just caught in the undertow)
Every step that I take is another mistake to you
(Caught in the undertow just caught in the undertow)
And every second I waste is more than I can take

I've become so numb I can't feel you there

I've become so tired so much more aware
I'm becoming this all I want to do
Is be more like me and be less like you

And I know
I may end up failing too
But I know
You were just like me with someone disappointed in you

I've become so numb I can't feel you there

I've become so tired so much more aware
I'm becoming this all I want to do
Is be more like me and be less like you

I've become so numb I can't feel you there

(I'm tired of being what you want me to be)

I'm ------- of being what you want me to be
Feeling so ___ lost under the surface
Don't know what you're ____ of me
Put under the ...... of walking in your .....
(Caught in the ..... just caught in the .....)
Every..... that I take is another .... to you
(Caught in the undertow just caught in the undertow)
I've become so.... I can't feel you.....
I've become so.... so much more.....
I'm becoming this all I want.....
Is be more like.... and be less like.....
Can't you see that you’re..... me
Holding too.... afraid to lose .....
Cause ..... that you thought I would be
Has fallen..... right in front of you
(Caught in the undertow just caught in the undertow)
Every step that I take is another mistake to you
(Caught in the undertow just caught in the undertow)
And every ..... I waste is more than I can.....
I've become so numb I can't feel you there
I've become so tired so much more.....
I'm becoming this all I want to do
Is be more like.... and be less like....
And I know
I may end up.... too
But I.....
You were just like me with someone ...... in you
I've become so numb I can't feel you there
I've become so tired so much more aware
I'm becoming this all I want to do
Is be more like me and be less like you
I've become so numb I can't feel you there
(I'm tired of being what you want me to be).

Short term lesson plan

Unit of a long term plan

Unit 7Music and film School:
Lesson plan 73
Date: Teacher’s name:

Class: 9 Number present: Number absent:

Language Focus. Passive: past, present and

Lesson title
future. Passive: questions. p.85
9.C6 organise and present information clearly to others
9.S7 use appropriate subject-specific vocabulary and syntax to talk
about an increased range of general and curricular topics
9.R5 deduce meaning from context in extended texts on a wide
range of familiar general and curricular topics, and some unfamiliar
objectives(s) that
9.R6 recognise the attitude or opinion of the writer in extended texts
this lesson is
on a wide range of familiar general and curricular topics
contributing to
9.W3 write with grammatical accuracy on a range of familiar
general and curricular topics
9.UE1 use a variety of abstract compound nouns and complex noun
phrases on a range of familiar general and curricular topics, and
some unfamiliar general and curricular topics
Lesson All learners will be able to:
objectives  Identify the theme, give the examples of the Passive Voice,
use active vocabulary speaking about clothes and fashion.t lifestyle.
 Transfer information from the book about grammar into a
graphic organizer.
 Offer constructive peer-feedback using rubric.
Most learners will be able to:
 Select, compile, and synthesize information from the reading
passage for an oral presentation.
 Provide a point of view in conversations and discussions;
Some learners will be able to:
 Respond to and discuss the reading rules and texts using
interpretive, evaluative and creative thinking skills, practice
transforming active sentences to passive without mistakes.
Value links Cooperation, respect each other's opinion, functional literacy.
Crosscurricular Art, Social Science, Literature, Psychology, Information
links Technology.
Talking about music.
Smart board for showing a presentation, getting additional
Useof ICT
information,playing the audio files.
Discuss the production of clothes, fashion and products in the world.
Health and Breaks and physical activities used. Everyday classroom precautions
Safety will ensure that safety measures are provided to prevent the
exposure of electrical power cords.
Planned activities Resources
Beginning The lesson greeting.
of the The teacher sets the lesson objectives, letting Slide (useful phrases).
lesson students know what to anticipate from the lesson. Pictures
Then to create a positive learning environment PPT
the teachers asks students to start the lesson
giving each other compliments about appearance,
job performance, talent, etc. and also practice
accepting compliments.
Watching the pictures, the learners are asked to
predict the topic of the lesson.
Student Book p.85

7 min.


PASSIVE VOICE: To be +V3 Slide (useful phrases).

Warm up.Free talk about the theme of the A mind - map
lesson. The teacher asks Sts. in pairs make a
mind – map of the Passive Voice.
Main part
Look at the sentences and find sentences with a Student Book p.85
passive voice. In groups, speak about the
differences between Active Voice and Passive
Main (W)This information can be helpful. Rules. This
Activities grammar rule also needs regular and irregular

The table

Graphic organizers

15 min.

Ex. 1 - 2 p.85.Choose the right verbs in the right

voice. Do this exercise in pairs and check each
Listening Task 1. Ex.3 Student Book p.85
(I) Teacher suggests listening activity to the
learners. Learners listen to the text. Their first
task is to answer only one question: What
clothes are made for films?
Listening Task 2
A Table
II.Listen to the passage for the second time and
fill in the right form of the Passive.
Remember: a word “clothes” is used only in the
plural form.
• Clothes is a plural noun. If you want to talk
about one shirt, one sock etc., you say a piece of
clothing or an item of clothing
• Clothes is always followed by a plural verb: All
my clothes are packed and I’m ready for my trip.
Teacher discusses the right answers and assesses Graphic organizers
the task asking the question: Who has 9 right
answers? 8? 5? Etc. Teacher should explain the Student Book p.85
right choice in listening tasks.
III.Draw a chain of the process of creating special
12 min clothes.
IV. Ex.4 -5 p.85 (Grammar Exercises).
Speaking about a product of the company.
Do this activity in groups of 3.
Choose two students in each group to design a
leaflet to advertise a company.
A Play.
How many activities have Sts. done?
Sts. write the activities they have done and two
pupils from the class try to write the sentences.
The winner is the person who will collect and
write a lot of activities.
Giving the home task.
W.B. p.57.A mind - map
Ending the Students express their attitude to the lesson and give self-assessment
lesson using the method: “Six thinking hats”:
6 min.  Green: How can you use today's learning in different subjects?
 Red: How do you feel about your work today?
 White: What have you leant today?
 Black: What were the weaknesses of your work?
 Blue: How much progress have you made in this lesson? (Now I can,
I still need to work on, I've improved in, Today I learnt... )
 Yellow: What did you like about today's lesson?
Slide (Homework)
Slide "Six thinking hats".
Differentiation – Assessment –
how do you plan to give more how are you planning to Critical thinking
support? How do you plan to check
challenge the more learners’learning?
able learners?
Differentiation can be achieved Assessment criteria: Students think
through the selection of activities, Identify the main idea in critically,
identification of learning outcomes extended talks with little exploring,
for a certain student, provision of support. developing,
individual support to learners, Apply topic related evaluating and
selection of learning materials and vocabulary in speech making choices
resources based on the individual appropriately arranging about their own
abilities of learners. words and phrases into and others’ ideas
well-formed sentences.
Demonstrate the ability
to participate in a
A learner:
 selects an appropriate
 completes the task.
 uses appropriate
vocabulary while
 discusses questions
and answers the
questions within the
 Observation
 Feedback on the
 Peer-assessment
Short term lesson plan

Unit of a long term plan School:

Unit 7 Music and film
Lesson plan 74
Date: Teacher’s name:

Class: 9 Number present: Number absent:

Changing something in a shop.
Lesson title Giving feedback on a product.
9.C1 use speaking andp.p.86 - 87skills to solve problems creatively
and cooperatively in groups
9.C6 organise and present information clearly to others
9.R5 deduce meaning from context in extended texts on a wide
range of familiar general and curricular topics, and some unfamiliar
9.R6 recognise the attitude or opinion of the writer in extended texts
on a wide range of familiar general and curricular topics
9.R7 recognise typical features at word, sentence and text level in a
objectives(s) that
wide range of written genres, including some which focus on
this lesson is
unfamiliar topics
contributing to
9.S5 keep interaction going in basic exchanges on a growing range
of general and curricular topics
9.W6 write coherently at text level using a variety of connectors on
a wide range of familiar general and curricular topics
9.W8 spell most high-frequency words accurately for a limited
range of familiar general and curricular topics
9.W6 write coherently at text level using a variety of connectors on
a wide range of familiar general and curricular topics
All learners will be able to:
 Identify the theme, new words and use them as the basis for
 Demonstrate basic knowledge for usage of the Present and
Past Tenses.
 Transfer information from the given information into a
graphic organizer.
Most learners will be able to:
Lesson  Select, compile, and synthesize information for an oral
objectives presentation
 Provide a point of view in conversations and discussions;
 Offer constructive peer-feedback using rubric.
Some learners will be able to:
 Respond to and discuss the reading passage using
interpretive, evaluative and creative thinking skills.
 Use information in new situations.
 Make a feedback on a product.
Value links Cooperation, respect each other's opinion, functional literacy.
Crosscurricular Social Science, Art, Literature, Psychology, Marketing and
links Finance,Information Technology.
Talking about products.
Smart board for showing a presentation, getting additional
Useof ICT
information,playing the audio files.
Intercultural Give feedback on a bought product and learn how to buy and change
awareness something in a shop.
Health and Breaks and physical activities used. Everyday classroom precautions
Safety will ensure that safety measures are provided to prevent the
exposure of electrical power cords.
Planned activities Resources
The lesson greeting.
The teacher sets the lesson objectives, letting Slide (useful phrases).
students know what to anticipate from the lesson. Pictures
Then to create a positive learning environment PPT
the teachers asks students to start the lesson
giving each other compliments about appearance,
job performance, talent, etc. and also practice
accepting compliments.
Watching the pictures, the learners are asked to
predict the topic of the lesson.

of the

Student Book p.86


5 min.

Warm up.Free talk. Look at the photos: Where

are these people? What are they discussing? In
pairs speak about shopping: how do you usually
buy anything?
Can you change a bought product or clothes?

Main Main part: Student Book p.86

Activities Teacher suggests listening to the dialogue and CD. 3.05
how is the connected with Ex.1.Is it a real life
Give definitions to the following words:
Record, scratch, refund, exchange, receipt,
No, I’m good. CD. 3.06
The Introduction of new key phrases:
Sts. do Pronunciation task. Ex.3. p.86. CD. 3.07
What is the dialogue about?
15 min.
Ex.4 - 5 p.86. Creative task: make a mini - pictures
dialogue about changing things in a shop.
Ex.6 p.86.

Ex.1 – 2 p.87. (Problems with a bought

In groups of 4, play the problem situations from
Ex.1. Student Book p.87
Use Key Phrases of Ex.2.
Ex.3 p.87.
12 min.
Working with the writing guide: Giving
feedback on a product.Two Sts.will read the A Table on p.87
essay; others speak later about it and give their
own opinion.
The teacher pays attention to adverbs in the task
and asks Sts. to do ex.3.p.87.
In groups of 3 or 4, Sts. write a book review or
film review according to the writing guide of
Ex.5. p.87.
1. Make sure learners understand that all the
information has been included in the feedback.
Encourage learners to notice how the essay has
been organised into 4 paragraphs.

Giving the home task.

W.B. p.59, Ex.4 p.87 St. B.
Students express their attitude to the lesson and give self-assessment using
the method: “Six thinking hats”:
 Green: How can you use today's learning in different subjects?
Ending the
lesson  Red: How do you feel about your work today?
6 min.  White: What have you leant today?
 Black: What were the weaknesses of your work?
 Blue: How much progress have you made in this lesson? (Now I can,
I still need to work on, I've improved in, Today I learnt... )
Yellow: What did you like about today's lesson?
Slide (Homework)
Slide "Six thinking hats"

Differentiation – Assessment –
how do you plan to give more how are you planning to Critical thinking
support? How do you plan to check
challenge the more learners’learning?
able learners?
Differentiation can be achieved Assessment criteria: Students think
through the selection of activities, Identify the main idea in critically,
identification of learning outcomes extended talks with little exploring,
for a certain student, provision of support. developing,
individual support to learners, Apply topic related evaluating and
selection of learning materials and vocabulary in speech making choices
resources based on the individual appropriately arranging about their own
abilities of learners. words and phrases into and others’ ideas
well-formed sentences.
Demonstrate the ability
to participate in a
A learner:
 selects an appropriate
 completes the task.
 uses appropriate
vocabulary while
 discusses questions
and answers the
questions within the
 Observation
 Feedback on the
 Peer-assessment

Teacher observation checklist

Student's name ________________________________________

Positive Aspects
 Completed the individual role-card.
 Used extracts from the text to support his/her ideas.
 Asked open-ended questions.
 Listened while others talked.
 Encouraged peers to share their ideas.
Added his/her own comments and ideas to other student's comments and ideas.
Negative Aspects
 Didn't complete the individual role-card.
 Didn't appear to be listening or interrupted when others were speaking.
 Did not use text to support his/her opinions.

Comments ___________________________________________________
Short term lesson plan

Unit of a long term plan:

Unit 7 Music and film School:
Lesson plan 75
Teacher's name:

CLASS: 9 Number present: absent:

Lesson title Summative assessment for the 7th unit.


Summative assessment for the seventh unit "Music and films"

Learning objectives 9.C6 organise and present information clearly to others

9.R4 read a range of extended fiction and non-fiction texts on familiar and
unfamiliar general and curricular topics
9.R5 deduce meaning from context in extended texts on a range of
familiar general and curricular topics
9.W2 write independently about factual and imaginary past events,
activities and experiences on a range of familiar general and curricular
9.W6 write coherently at text level using a variety of connectors on a
growing range of familiar general and curricular topics
9.UE7 use a variety of simple perfect forms including some passive forms
including time adverbials on a range of familiar general and curricular
Assessment criteria Form ideas effectively and demonstrate the ability to express them
Find particular facts and parts in reading passage.
Write sentences about real and imaginary past events, activities and
experiences connecting sentences into paragraphs.
Organize sentences, paragraphs and ideas logically using a variety of
linking devices.
Identify and use punctuation in the sentences properly
Make up simple perfect forms including some passive forms with time
adverbials to express recent, indefinite and unfinished past.
Level of thinking skills Application
Higher order thinking skills
Duration 20 minutes

Short term lesson plan

Unit of a long term plan
Unit 7 Music and films School:
Lesson plan 76
Date: Teacher’s name:

Class: 9 Number present: Number absent:

My Country. Music and film. p.88
Lesson title CLIL.Culture: Britain in the 1960s.
9.R5 deduce meaning from context in extended texts on a wide
range of familiar general and curricular topics, and some unfamiliar
9.R6 recognise the attitude or opinion of the writer in extended texts
on a wide range of familiar general and curricular topics
9.R7 recognise typical features at word, sentence and text level in a
Learning wide range of written genres, including some which focus on
objectives(s) that unfamiliar topics
this lesson is 9.C4 evaluate and respond constructively to feedback from others
contributing to 9.C7 develop and sustain a consistent argument when speaking or
9.S5 keep interaction going in basic exchanges on a growing range
of general and curricular topics
9.C1 use speaking and listening skills to solve problems creatively
and cooperatively in groups
9.C6 organise and present information clearly to others
All learners will be able to:
Identify the meaning of the text about a famous Kazakh actor and
Britain in the 1960s, recall facts and basic concepts.
Most learners will be able to:
Select, compile, and synthesize information for an oral presentation
Provide a point of view in conversations and discussions;
Lesson objectives
Synthesize information from the reading passagesfor a discussion.
Some learners will be able to:
Respond to and discuss the reading passage using interpretive,
evaluative and creative thinking skills.
Discuss and give their opinions about an alternative lifestyle using
own words.
Cooperation, respect each other's opinion, functional literacy,
Value links
Responsibility, Global Citizenship, Respect and Love to people.
Crosscurricular Social Science, Art, History, Psychology, Literature,
links Geography,Information Technology.
Talking about shopping and problems with bought products.
Smart board for showing a presentation, getting additional
Useof ICT
information,playing the audio files.
The life of people nowadays and in the 1960s.
Health and Breaks and physical activities used. Everyday classroom precautions
Safety will ensure that safety measures are provided to prevent the
exposure of electrical power cords.
Planned activities Resources
Beginning The lesson greeting.
The teacher sets the lesson objectives, letting Slide (useful phrases).
students know what to anticipate from the lesson. Pictures
Then to create a positive learning environment PPT
the teachers asks students to start the lesson.
Warm up.Free talk about the life of Chingiz
Kapin and Britain in the 1960s.A teacher suggests
listening the lines from the song” Yesterday|” by
the group Beatles and an episode with Chingiz
Kapin from the film.
Student Book p.88
the song” Yesterday|”
of the

7 min.

Slide (useful phrases).

Main Main part Student Book p.89

Activities Pre - reading task: introduction of new words:
Ex.1 CD. 3.08
Ex.2 p.88. Listen and read the text. (PROJECT O R D I N A R
Ex.3 - 4 p.88 for comprehension of the text. Y F A M I L Y (CHINGIZ
15 min.
Name the films with this actor in the leading part.

(A film”Zaure).

Look at the photos of Ex.1 and speak about Student Book p.88
this period in the life of people in Britain.
Answer the questions.
The 1960s overturned the country’s old order and
brought in the new, as the economic boom
reverberated: governments fell through scandal;
spies were exposed in the heart of the
establishment; England won the World Cup; the
arts, fashion and entertainment industries burst
with new ideas and young people dominated
The students in pairs write down some facts about
the life in 1960s. A Table
Britain in 1960s Kazakhstan in 1960s

During the 1950s and 1960s, Soviet citizens were urged

to settle in the Virgin Lands of the Kazakh Soviet
Socialist Republic.


Ex.3 – 5 p.89.
Make a short presentation of Alma-Ata in sixties.
Giving the home task.
W.B. p.58, Ex.5 p.89 St. B. (group work).
Ending the Students express their attitude to the lesson and give self-assessment
lesson using the method: “Six thinking hats”:
6 min.  Green: How can you use today's learning in different subjects?
 Red: How do you feel about your work today?
 White: What have you leant today?
 Black: What were the weaknesses of your work?
 Blue: How much progress have you made in this lesson? (Now I can,
I still need to work on, I've improved in, Today I learnt... )
Yellow: What did you like about today's lesson?
Slide (Homework)
Slide "Six thinking hats"
Differentiation –
how do you plan to give more support? Assessment –
Critical thinking
How do you plan to challenge the more how are you planning to
able learners? check learners’ learning?
Differentiation can be achieved through Assessment criteria: Students think
the selection of activities, identification Identify the main idea in critically,
of learning outcomes for a certain extended talks with little exploring,
student, provision of individual support support. developing,
to learners, selection of learning Apply topic related evaluating and
materials and resources based on the vocabulary in speech making choices
individual abilities of learners. appropriately arranging about their own
words and phrases into and others’ ideas
well-formed sentences.
Demonstrate the ability
to participate in a
A learner:
 selects an appropriate
 completes the task.
 uses appropriate
vocabulary while
 discusses questions
and answers the
questions within the
 Observation
 Feedback on the
 Peer-assessment
Чингиз Капин - актер театра и кино.
Родился 24 июля 1986 г. в г. Актюбинск.
В 2009 году окончил ВГИК, актерский факультет (маст. В. А. Грамматикова).
Роли в кино:
2013 Игры (к/м, Казахстан) - Диас
2012 Цена свободы (сериал, Казахстан) - Канат
2012. Теряя невинность в Алма-Ате (Казахстан)
2012 Золотой запас (сериал, Россия) - молодой Али
2012 Виртуальная любовь | Ғаламтордағы махаббат (Казахстан) - эмобой
2010-2011 Асель, друзья и подруги (сериал, Казахстан) - бывший бойфренд Сауле
2007 Дерибас (Казахстан) - Игорь Булаковский
2001-2003 Саранча (сериал, Казахстан) - Есен
Роли в театре:
Полоумный Журден (Михаил Булгаков) - Латорильер (по пьесе - маркиз Дорант, 2008)
Большая Маленькая жизнь (Клоун с осенью в сердце) - Леонид Енгибаров (учебный
спектакль ВГИК, маст. М. М. Хуциева, реж. А. Степанова, 2008)
Три сестры (А. П. Чехов) - Федотик Алексей Петрович (2008)
Записки Ларионова (дипломный спектакль ВГИК, реж. В. А. Грамматиков)
- Литвин (2009)
Short term lesson plan

Unit of a long term plan:

Unit 7 Music and films School:
Lesson plan 77
Teacher's name:

CLASS: 9 Number present: absent:

Lesson title Summative assessment for the 3rd term

Learning objectives(s)
All learners will be able to:
 Listen to the text;
 Plan and write a piece of writing;
 Speak on the taught topics
Most learners will be able to:
Identify the correct form of a word, appropriate
Lesson objectives sentence structure and text layout;
 Speak on the taught topics with expressing points of
Some learners will be able to:
 Write a composition keeping appropriate format and
plan of a given genre;
Recognise the content of an extended conversation using
some supporting information;
Level of thinking Knowledge and comprehension
• Identify the main idea in extended talks
• Write topic related words correctly
Assessment criteria
• Connect sentences into paragraphs with basic connectors
and linking words with some support

Target language Words of Units 5 - 7


Summative assessment 7 for the unit “Reading for pleasure”
Learning objective:
6.C1 use speaking and listening skills to solve problems creatively and cooperatively in groups
6.C5 use feedback to set personal learning objectives
6.W6 link, with some support, sentences into a coherent paragraph using basic connectors on a
limited range of familiar general topics
• Identify the position of speakers in an extended talk with some support
• Write a text keeping the layout and format of a given genre with a little support
Level of thinking skills: Knowledge and comprehension
Application Duration 20 minutes
Listening Task 1. Listen to the conversation twice and answer the questions:
Short term lesson plan

Unit of a long term plan:

Unit 7 Music and film School:
Lesson plan 78
Teacher's name:

CLASS: 9 Number present: absent:

Review. p.90.
Lesson title
Project. A webpage: a film director.
9.S2 ask complex questions to get information about a wide range of
general and curricular topics
9.S3 explain and justify their own and others’ point of view on a range of
general and curricular topics
Learning objectives(s) 9.S7 use appropriate subject-specific vocabulary and syntax to talk about
an increased range of general and curricular topics
9.W1 plan, write, edit and proofread work at text level with support on a
limited range of general and curricular topics
9.W5 link without support sentences using basic coordinating connectors
All learners will be able to:
*Use some target vocabulary successfully in speaking tasks and show
some basic organisational coherence and cohesion in writing task
*Demonstrate basic knowledge for usage of the Passive Voice. Offer
constructive peer-feedback using rubric.
Most learners will be able to:
*Select, compile, and synthesize information for an oral presentation
 *Provide a point of view in conversations and discussions;
Lesson objectives  *Use most target vocabulary successfully in speaking tasks and show
clear organisational coherence and cohesion in writing tasks.
Some learners will be able to:
*Apply the correct form of the Passive Voicein the context;
*Use most target vocabulary successfully in speaking tasks and show
good organisational coherence and cohesion and some elements of
appropriate style in writing task;
*Respond to and discuss the reading passage using interpretive,
evaluative and creative thinking skills.
Level of thinking Higher order thinking skills (according to the revised Bloom's taxonomy).
 Read the given text and identify the general information.
Assessment criteria  Demonstrate skills of organizing and expressing ideas accurately.
 Illustrate a viewpoint in a discussion.

Target language Active vocabulary of lessons 69 – 78.

Responsibility, Global Citizenship, Respect and Love to people, care to

Values links
modern technology.
Cross-curricular links Art, Social Science, Psychology, Information Technology.
Previous learning Vocabulary relating to people's lifestyles.
Planned Planned activities (replace the notes below with your
timings planned activities)
2 min Teacher informs learners that the aims of this lesson are Slide (objectives)
to revise the material that was taught in this unit and Slide (useful
make a project about a famous film director. phrases)
5 min Rules for Jeopardy game
There are 2 kinds of games. Teacher can feel free to Student's book p.90
choose any or play during the whole lesson.
1. Students play jeopardy in groups.
2. They have to choose a category and a point value. PPT Jeopardy
3. Teacher clicks on the chosen box for the question.
(The teacher may want to set a time limit for answering
the question)
4. To see if a student or group is correct, click again for
the answer.
5. Click the Back to Board button on the slide to return to
the main board.
5. If the student or team is correct, they are awarded the
point value of the question
6. Continue until all questions have been answered. The Student's book p.90
team with the most points wins.

Ex. 1 - 2 p. 90(Revision of vocabulary). A mind - map

"Passive Voice"
Revision of Grammar. Passive Voice.Correct form of
the Passive. a graph organizer
28 min Ex. 3 - 5 ( do ex. individually)
Do this task in a table: Ex. 4 p.90
Active Voice Passive Voice


You will listen to the text and complete the sentences:
1. twice
2. exhibitions
3. forty Student's book p.90
4. environment Ex.7 p.42
5. increasing
6. buyers
7. on the Internet
COMMUNICATION. Student's book p.91
Projects about Kazakh film directors. Ex.1 -2 p.91
Students are going to present the information about
Kazakh film directors.
One group will speak about Yermek Tursunov. This https://kazakh-
group will use the material from the book on page 91. tv.kz/en/tags/

Film Director

Yermek Tursunov was born in July 20, 1961 in

Kazakhstan. Novelist, writer and film director. He Worksheet
graduated from the Faculty of Journalism of Kazakh
National University named after Al-Farabi then the
Faculty of Scenario and Film History of Russian State
University of Cinematography.
Yermek Tursunov is famous for his books: “Prelude”,
“Tamga”, “KurakKorpe”, “Mustafa Shokai”, “Mamlyuk”,
“Kelin”, “Seven days in May”, “One way ticket”, etc.
He also translated from Kazakh to Russian classic and
modern Kazakh literature by MagzhanZhumabayev,
ShakarimKudaiberdiev, Akhmet Baitursynov,
MerzhakypDulatov, etc.
Yermek wrote scripts to well-known Kazakh films:
“AbulKhair Khan”, “Mother’s paradise” (with
M.Makhmalbaf), “Mustafa Shokai” (with Sergey
Bodrov), “Mongol” (with Sergey Bodrov),
“KurakKorpe”, “Forth world”, “Mytar”, “Sabalak” (with
TimurBekmambetov), “Baksy” (with
GulshatOmarova), “Mamlyuk”, “Kelin”, “Kenzhe”,
“Seven days in May”, “Gift to Stalin” (with Pavel Finn),
“Shal”, “Who are you , Mr. Ka?”, etc.
The career of director
2009 – “Kelin” (“The Bride”)
2012 – “Shal” (“The Old Man”)
2014 – “Kempyr” (“Crone”)
2015 – “Kenzhe” (“Little brother”)
2015 – “Zhat” (STRANGER)
YermekTursunov won Grand Prix in Competition of
scriptwriters (Russia), won “Golden Star” prize for his
script “Tell me, who is your friend” (Russia), won
Kazakh National Prize “Kulager” for “Best Film”(2010),
“Best Director”(2012), “The Man of the Year”
(Kazakhstan, 2011).
Home task.
WB p.38 Slide
End FEEDBACK: Your impression!
5 min Sts write their impression of the whole unit and share
ideas with their classmates.
3 – new words you have taught at the lesson;
2 – adjectives to describe the lesson
1 – one activity you like
Additional information
Differentiation – how do you Assessment – how are you Health and safety check
plan to give more support? planning to check learners’ Everyday classroom
How do you plan to learning? precautions will ensure that
challenge the more able  Self-assessment worksheet safety measures are provided to
learners? prevent the exposure of
 Observe learners when
Task format: Learners can electrical power cords.
participating in discussion.
contribute at their own
language level for this  Did each learner contribute Critical thinking
activity, as it is relatively to the discussion? If not, why Critical thinking on this lesson
open-ended. This gives each not? lies in understanding grammar
learner a chance to be Learners managed to understand point of these rules in English
successful. the rules and do the tasks. language and it is based on
Reflection at the end of the Learners managed to understand clarity, accuracy, precision,
lesson and teacher summary the rules and do the tasks. depth, breadth, and fairness.
provides support for progress
and achievement, and
Task format: Learners can
contribute at their own
language level for this Learners work in groups, apply
activity, as it is relatively skills and knowledge to a
open-ended. This gives each practical and cooperative task,
learner a chance to be Oral assessment and support and produce their own
successful. materials.
Reflection at the end of the
lesson and teacher summary
provides support for progress
and achievement, and
challenge to thinking and
setting future objectives.

Teacher observation checklist

Student's name ________________________________________

Positive Aspects
 Completed the individual role-card.
 Used extracts from the text to support his/her ideas.
 Asked open-ended questions.
 Listened while others talked.
 Encouraged peers to share their ideas.
 Added his/her own comments and ideas to other student's comments and ideas.

Negative Aspects
 Didn't complete the individual role-card.
 Didn't appear to be listening or interrupted when others were speaking.
 Did not use text to support his/her opinions.

Comments __________________________________________________

Student Self-Assessment Checklist Student

Name: ________________________
Date: ______________________ Think about how well you are working in your group.
Place a check mark beside the skills you demonstrate in your role.
I listen attentively to others.
I express my thinking clearly and concisely.
I take turns. I encourage participation of all group members.
I show respect for alternative points of view.
I disagree agreeably.
I synthesize information from others.
I analyze ideas of others.
I remember significant information.
I identify issues.
I make connections to prior knowledge and experiences.
Appendix 2

yes no Need Need

revising more
I understand the rule for Passive Voice
I did exercises for this rule without any mistakes
I understand the material about Kazakh Film directors
I have done the report about them well

The five most common exercises at an assessment center

1) The introduction. A round of introductions is the most common starting point at an
assessment center. ...
2) The inbox exercise. The inbox exercise is a classic among assessment center tasks. ...
3) Role playing. ...
4) The presentation. ...
5) The group discussion. ...
A song” Yesterday”

All my troubles … so far away,
Now it looks as though they're here to …
Oh, I believe in yesterday.
I'm not … the man I used to....,
There's a shadow hanging … me,
Oh, yesterday came......
Why … had to go
I don't know she wouldn't say
I said something …
Now I long for yesterday.
Love was such an easy …,
Now I need a place to …
Oh, I believe in yesterday.
Why she had to go....
I don't know she …
I saidsomething …,
Now I … for yesterday.

All my troubles … so far away,
Now it looks as though they're here to …
Oh, I believe in yesterday.
I'm not … the man I used to....,
There's a shadow hanging … me,
Oh, yesterday came......
Why … had to go
I don't know she wouldn't say
I said something …
Now I long for yesterday.

Love was such an easy …,
Now I need a place to …
Oh, I believe in yesterday.
Why she had to go
I don't know she …
I saidsomething …,
Now I … for yesterday.
Short term lesson plan(IV TERM), the ninth grade
”Travel and tourism”. Unit 8 p.p. 92 – 103 (12 hours)

Unit of a long term plan

Unit 8Travel and tourism School:
Lesson plan 79
Date: Teacher’s name:

Class: 9 Number present: Number absent:

Lesson title
Travel: nouns.Talking about holiday plan.
9.C4 evaluate and respond - 93
constructively to feedback from others
9.C5 use feedback to set personal learning objectives
9.L4 understand the main points of supported extended talk on a range
of general and curricular topics
9.L5 understand most specific information and detail of short,
supported talk on a wide range of familiar topics curricular topics.
9.C8 develop intercultural awareness through reading and discussion
objectives(s) that
9.S3 explain and justify their own and others’ point of view on a
this lesson is
range of general and curricular topics
contributing to
9.S4 respond with flexibility at both sentence and discourse level to
unexpected comments on a range of general and curricular topics
9.W1 plan, write, edit and proofread work at text level independently
on a range of general and curricular topics
9.W3 write with grammatical accuracy on a range of familiar general
and curricular topics
All learners will be able to:
 develop listening skills through working on the song"Our Last
Summer". improve speaking skills by working in pairs, groups and
whole class;
 express their ideas including emotions and senses;
identify some specific information from the text and use some target
vocabulary using the structure to be going to.
Lesson objectives Most learners will be able to:
identify most specific information in texts and in the song, research and
write short organised text using a range of their own words talking about the
dream holiday using the structure to be going to.
Some learners will be able to:
identify most specific information in texts and research and write short
organised text using a range of their own words using key phrases, make a
short presentation on the topic.
Love to the place you live, cooperation, respects each other's opinion,
Value links
functional literacy.
Social Science, Psychology, Geography,Information Technology.
Talking about Kazakh directors.
Smart board for showing a presentation, getting additional
Useof ICT
information,playing the audio files.
Discuss the holiday dream of people in different countries.
Health and Breaks and physical activities used. Everyday classroom precautions
Safety will ensure that safety measures are provided to prevent the exposure
of electrical power cords.
Planned activities Resources
The lesson greeting.
Look at the smart board. You can see a picture Slide (useful phrases).
that reflects the topic we're going to discuss. What Pictures
do you think will be the theme of our lesson? PPT
Formulating the aim using Bloom taxonomy.
Recall, describe, compare, discuss. The lesson
Beginning greeting.
of the

Student Book p.92 -

Writing Worksheet
Warm up. Video about a city
To stimulate interest in the topic, watching video Pictures
with a song PPT
” Our Last summer”.
Refer Ss a video; askthemto tell you what they know Slide (useful phrases).
about the city in the song and its sights. Why do a lot http://
of people dream of going to this place? Elicit answers www.youtube.com/
and ask Ss to tell you what information they would like watch?v=KoyNlV...
to know about the city. songs-to-study-
7 min.  Play the recording. Ss watch and in 3 groups write english-2-short
as many places of interest as they can.
Ss put the sights in order of great importance?

Main Main part

Activities Ex.1 p.92 First of all, I want to make sure you don't Student Book p.92
forget the words connected to our topic "Travel". Let's
15 min. brainstorm key words and phrases and organize them
into the following categories:
Places where Things Problems people
Types of people
people stay people do on can have on
holiday visit on
on holiday holiday holiday
activity stay at home museums go camping get lost
holidays hotel galleries go fishing get robbed
or adventure youth hostel cafe go for a walk luggage is lost at the
backpacking (молодежная monume go to a airport
beach гостиница) nts concert problems withPictures
holidays campsite parks go to the accommodation
camping tent castles cinema bad weather PPT
(лагерь) bed and cathedral travel crowded beaches
city break breakfast take photos lose passport
(sightseeing, go out with queues, crowds
excursion friends miss the flight
cruise listen to delays Teacher's Book p.114
driving tour music A Table
have an accident
farmstay read a book food poisoning
health resort watch TV
12 min hitchhiking relax
package sunbathe
holidays chat/surf on
(турпутевка) the Internet
safari swim
study trip eat out
(поездканао go on picnics
бучение) buy souvenirs
Adjectives Thrilling (захватывающий), tiring, fascinating (восхитительный
describing a exciting (захватывающий), boring, interesting, fun, amazing,
holiday awesome (потрясающий), dull, luxurious.
Writing Worksheet
Add some words from the tables of Ex.1. Give
definitions to the words. (Do it in pairs).Fill in the
Tour Travel
A Table

Work in pairs. Interview your partner to get some

information about his memorable holiday or a dream
holiday. Use the following questions and make notes
of his/her answers.
A memorable holiday. Pictures
1. Where did you go? How long did you stay there?
2. How did you get there? How long did it take to get
3. Describe the accommodation.
4. What were the people like?
5. What historical or interesting places did you visit?
6. What did you do in the morning (afternoon, evening)?
7. Did you have any problems?
8. Would you recommend the place?
A dream holiday.
1. Where would you like to go?
2. Who would your ideal companion be?
3. Where would you like to stay? How long?
4. What historical or interesting places would you like to
5. What would you do there (in the morning, afternoon, Student Book p.93
Do the quiz” My dream holiday”. Ex.3 p.92 –p.93.
The Introduction of: be going to.
I’m going to visit Egypt this year.
We use be going to when we speak about C.D. 3.11
intentions and plans.
Ex.6 p.93. Listening comprehension task.
Ex.7 -9 p.93.
Where are you going this summer? Student’s own
Extra activity. Picture description.
To sum up everything we've said about holidays let's
do cinquains. Do you remember what is it? It's a kind Pictures
of poem consisting of 5 lines: PPT
a general word
2 adjectives on the topic
3 verbs
The main idea of your poem (it must consist of 4
A synonym of the general word.
Great, funny
Swam, sunbathed, went hiking
Had a good time
Giving the home task.
W.B. p.62
Our lesson is over. I'd like you to express your attitude to the lesson and give your
Use the following statements to help you evaluate your learning:
The most difficult part of today's lesson was ...
With the information that I learnt today, I will be able to ...
Today, I was able to make progress because ...
After today's lesson, I can now explain ...
I was surprised to learn that ...
The part of the lesson I found the easiest to understand was ...
I am proud of myself today because ...
I think it is important to remember what I learnt today because ...
Ending the I feel that the most important thing I learnt today was ...
6 min.

Differentiation –
how do you plan to give more support? Assessment – Critical
How do you plan to challenge the more how are you planning to thinking
able learners? check learners’learning?
Differentiation can be achieved through Assessment criteria: Students think
the selection of activities, identification Identify the main idea in critically,
of learning outcomes for a certain extended talks with little exploring,
student, provision of individual support support. developing,
to learners, selection of learning Apply topic related evaluating and
materials and resources based on the vocabulary in speech making choices
individual abilities of learners. appropriately arranging about their own
words and phrases into and others’
well-formed sentences. ideas
Demonstrate the ability to
participate in a
A learner:
 selects an appropriate
 completes the task.
 uses appropriate
subject-specific vocabulary
while speaking.
 discusses questions and
answers the questions
within the group.
 Observation
 Feedback on the work
 Peer-assessment

Listening” Our Last Summer”

I can still recall our last

I still it all

Walks along the Seine, laughing in the

Our last summer
Memories that remain

We made our way along the

And we sat down in the grass

By the Eiffel
I was so happy we had met
It was the age of no regret

Those crazy years, that was the time
Of the flower-power
But underneath we had a fear of flying

Of getting old, a fear of slowly

We took the chance

Like we were our last dance

I can still recall our last

I still see it all
In the tourist jam, round the Notre Dame
Our last summer
Walking hand in hand

Paris restaurants
Our last summer
Morning croissants

Living for the , worries far away

Our last summer
We would laugh and play

And now you're working in a

The ,a

And your name is

How dull it seems

Yet you're the of my dreams?


I can still recall our last summer

I still see it all
Walks along the Seine, laughing in the rain
Our last summer
Memories that remain

We made our way along the river

And we sat down in the grass
By the Eiffel tower
I was so happy we had met
It was the age of no regret
Oh yes
Those crazy years, that was the time
Of the flower-power
But underneath we had a fear of flying
Of getting old, a fear of slowly dying
We took the chance
Like we were dancing our last dance

I can still recall our last summer

I still see it all
In the tourist jam, round the Notre Dame
Our last summer
Walking hand in hand

Paris restaurants
Our last summer
Morning croissants
Living for the day, worries far away
Our last summer
We would laugh and play

And now you're working in a bank

The family man, a football fan
And your name is Harry
How dull it seems
Yet you're the hero of my dreams?
Short term lesson plan

Unit of a long term plan

Unit 8Travel and tourism School:
Lesson plan 80
Date: Teacher’s name:

Class: 9 Number present: Number absent:

Holiday advice
Lesson title
Talking about travelling. p.94
9.C1 use speaking and listening skills to solve problems creatively
and cooperatively in groups
9.C2 use speaking and listening skills to provide sensitive feedback to
9.L5 recognise the attitude or opinion of the speaker(s) in unsupported
extended talk on a wide range of general and curricular topics,
including talk on a limited range of unfamiliar topics
objectives(s) that
9.S2 ask complex questions to get information about a wide range of
this lesson is
general and curricular topics
contributing to
9.S3 explain and justify their own and others’ point of view on a
range of general and curricular topics
9.R8 use a wide range of familiar and unfamiliar paper and digital
reference resources to
9.W1 plan, write, edit and proofread work at text level independently
on a range of general and curricular topics
All learners will be able to:
 *develop speaking skills through communication about holiday
advice; a modern city
 * improve reading skills through recognising typical features at word;
 * write instructions during holidays, use right grammar tenses.
 Most learners will be able to:
 *Select, compile, and synthesize information from the reading passage
Lesson objectives for an oral presentation.
Some learners will be able to:
*Respond to and discuss the reading passage using interpretive,
evaluative and creative thinking skills.
 *Demonstrate the ability to find correct information without any
*Respond to and discuss the reading passage using interpretive,
evaluative and creative thinking skills.
 *Apply topic related vocabulary in speech with grammar accuracies.
Loves to the place they live, Cooperation, respect each other's
Value links
opinion, functional literacy.
Crosscurricular Social Science, Psychology, Geography, Information Technology,
links History.
Talking about a dream holiday.
Useof ICT Smart board for showing a presentation, getting additional
information, playing the audio files.
Discuss what not to do on holiday.
Health and Breaks and physical activities used. Everyday classroom precautions
Safety will ensure that safety measures are provided to prevent the exposure
of electrical power cords.

Planned activities Resources

The lesson greeting.

Look at the board. I'd like to start our lesson with Slide (useful phrases).
proverb "I get more tired by travelling than Pictures
anything". What do you think these words mean? PPT
What did the author want to say by it?
What do you think will be the theme of our lesson?
Beginning Formulating the aim using Bloom taxonomy.Identify,
of the recommend.Watching the pictures, the learners are
lesson asked to predict the topic of the lesson.

Student Book p.94


7 min.
Slide (useful phrases).

Warm up.Free talk about visiting the cities.

Main Main part
Activities What do you usually take with you when you go Student Book p.94
on holiday? Writing Worksheet
15 min. In pairs, write a list of things to take and be ready CD. 3.12.
to explain why?
Look at the title and headings in the text. What Writing
advice or tips would you give people? Ex.1 – 2. Worksheet
Differentiation CD. 2.36.
Read the words with the class which are usually PPT
In a weaker class, give brief definitions with the
examples; in a stronger group ask to write Teacher's Book p.
sentences with the words. 116.

A Table

Student Book p.94

Have a good trip! Air travel is less dangerous. My
voyage on that ship was wonderful!
Give synonyms to these words. Ex. 3 – 4 p.94.
Creative ex. 5. Speak about tips for travelling.
We hope this list of our best travel tips will Writing
inspire and help you to travel and travel more Worksheet
1. Make Travel a Priority
2. Spend More Time in Fewer Places
3. Don’t Expect Things to Be Like They Are at
4. Travel Does Not Have to Stop Once You Have Teacher's Book p.
Kids 116.
Top Tips for Traveling with kids:
5. Plan it Together
6. Talk to the Locals
7. Learn the Basics of the Local Language
8. Travel In Your Own Backyard
9. Do the FREE Stuff
10. Stay in Apartments or Airbnb (and share the
11. Fly Where the Deals Are
12. Blow Your Budget
13. Be Flexible
14. Don’t Travel Without Travel Insurance
15. Working Holidays Are a Great Way to
Experience the World
16. Pack Smart
17. Have More Than One Way To Access Your
18. Use Credit Card Reward Points
19. Get Up Early
20. Put Down Your Phone and Camera
Giving the home task. Ex.5p.94 (w), My trip (composition)
Students express their attitude to the lesson and give self-assessment using
the method: “Six thinking hats”:
 Green: How can you use today's learning in different subjects?
Ending the Red: How do you feel about your work today?
lesson  White: What have you leant today?
6 min.  Black: What were the weaknesses of your work?
 Blue: How much progress have you made in this lesson? (Now I can, I still
need to work on, I've improved in, Today I learnt... )
Yellow: What did you like about today's lesson?
Slide (Homework)
Slide "Six thinking hats"

Differentiation – Assessment –
how do you plan to give more support? how are you planning to Critical thinking
How do you plan to challenge the more check
able learners? learners’learning?
Differentiation can be achieved through Assessment criteria: Students think
the selection of activities, identification 25. Identify the main critically,
of learning outcomes for a certain idea in extended talks exploring,
student, provision of individual support with little support. developing,
to learners, selection of learning 26. Apply topic related evaluating and
materials and resources based on the vocabulary in speech making choices
individual abilities of learners. appropriately arranging about their own
words and phrases into and others’ ideas
well-formed sentences.
27. Demonstrate the
ability to participate in a
A learner:
 selects an appropriate
 completes the task.
 uses appropriate
vocabulary while
 discusses questions
and answers the questions
within the group.
 Observation
 Feedback on the
 Peer-assessment

Student Self-Assessment Checklist Student

Name: ________________________
Date: ______________________ Think about how well you are working in your group.
Place a check mark beside the skills you demonstrate in your role.
I listen attentively to others.
I express my thinking clearly and concisely.
I take turns. I encourage participation of all group members.
I show respect for alternative points of view.
I disagree agreeably.
I synthesize information from others.
I analyze ideas of others.
I remember significant information.
I identify issues. I make connections to prior knowledge and experiences.

Teacher observation checklist

Student's name ________________________________________

Positive Aspects
 Completed the individual role-card.
 Used extracts from the text to support his/her ideas.
 Asked open-ended questions.
 Listened while others talked.
 Encouraged peers to share their ideas.
 Added his/her own comments and ideas to other student's comments and ideas.
Negative Aspects
 Didn't complete the individual role-card.
 Didn't appear to be listening or interrupted when others were speaking.
 Did not use text to support his/her opinions.

Do you know any proverbs about travelling?

"The world is a book and those who do not travel
read only a page.”
"The more you travel the more you see, the
more you see the more you know."
"You travel East, you travel West, but remember
your Home is best".)
Short term lesson plan

Unit of a long term plan

Unit 8 Travel and tourism School:
Lesson plan 81
Date: Teacher’s name:

Class: 9 Number present: Number absent:

Lesson title Language Focus: Will / to be going to.p.95

9.C5 use feedback to set personal learning objectives

9.C7 develop and sustain a consistent argument when speaking or
9.L6 deduce meaning from context in unsupported extended talk on a
wide range of general and curricular topics, including talk on a limited
range of unfamiliar topics
9.S4 respond with flexibility at both sentence and discourse level to
unexpected comments on a range of general and curricular topics
objectives(s) that
9.S7 use appropriate subject-specific vocabulary and syntax to talk
this lesson is
about a range of general and curricular topics
contributing to
9.S8 recount extended stories and events on a wide range of general
and curricular topics
9.R7 recognise typical features at word, sentence and text level in a
wide range of written genres, including some which focus on
unfamiliar topics
9.W3 write with grammatical accuracy on a range of familiar general
and curricular topics
All learners will be able to:
 *develop speaking skills through communication about holidays;
 *improve reading skills through recognising typical features at word;
 *write the plan of future activities.
 Most learners will be able to:
 *Select, compile, and synthesize information from the reading passage
Lesson objectives for an oral presentation.
Some learners will be able to:
*Respond to and discuss the reading passage using interpretive,
evaluative and creative thinking skills.
*Respond to and discuss the reading passage using interpretive,
evaluative and creative thinking skills.
 *Apply topic related vocabulary in speech with grammar accuracies.
Cooperation, respect each other's opinion, functional literacy, love to
Value links
people and a Motherland.
Crosscurricular Social Science, Psychology, Geography,Information Technology,
links History.
Talking about the tips for travelling.
Useof ICT Smart board for showing a presentation, getting additional
information,playing the audio files.
Discuss experiences in different countries.
Health and Breaks and physical activities used. Everyday classroom precautions
Safety will ensure that safety measures are provided to prevent the exposure
of electrical power cords.
Planned activities Resources
The lesson greeting.
The teacher sets the lesson objectives, letting Slide (useful phrases).
Beginning students know what to anticipate from the lesson. Pictures
of the Then to create a positive learning environment the PPT
lesson teachers asks students to start the lesson giving
each other compliments about appearance, job
performance, talent, etc. and also practice
accepting compliments.
Watching the pictures, the learners are asked to
predict thetopic of the lesson.
Student Book p.95


Slide (useful phrases).

6 min.
To be going to/ will
Warm up.Free talk about a difference between to
be going to and will.
The Sts. need to find out if there is a plan or
intention or unexpected decision.
Why shouldn’t you play your mp3 player? – You
will annoy travel companions.
It is raining. You are going to get wet.
Main Main part
Activities Complete the sentences. Ex.1 p.95. Student Book p.95
The Rule about will/ to be going to.(Pair work).
15 min. Ex.2- 3 p.95. Do these exercises in pairs.
Students study a short a dialogue and answer some Writing
questions. After this, students give answers to a Worksheet
number of questions which elicit either 'will' or
'going to'. Finally, students get together for
some small talk to practice.
Dialogue Exercise 1: The Party
Martha: What horrible weather today. I'd love to
go out, but I think it will just continue raining.
13 min Jane: Oh, I don't know. Perhaps the sun will come
out later this afternoon.
Martha: I hope you're right. Listen, I'm going to
have a party this Saturday. Would you like to Pictures
come? PPT
Jane: Oh, I'd love to come. Thank you for inviting
me. Who's going to come to the party?
Martha: Well, a number of people haven't told me
yet. But, Peter and Mark are going to help out with
the cooking!
Jane: Hey, I'll help, too!
Martha: Would you? That would be great!
Jane: I'll make lasagna!
Martha: That sounds delicious! I know my Italian
cousins are going to be there. I'm sure they'll love
Jane: Italians? Maybe I'll bake a cake...
Martha: No, no. They're not like that. They'll love Writing
it. Worksheet
Jane: Well, if you say so... Is there going be a
theme for the party?
Martha: No, I don't think so. Just a chance to get
together and have fun.
Jane: I'm sure it'll be lots of fun.
Martha: But I'm going to hire a clown!
Jane: A clown! You're kidding me.
Martha: No, no. As I child, I always wanted a
clown. Now, I'm going to have a clown at my own
Jane: I'm sure everyone will have a good laugh.
Martha: That's the plan!
Follow-Up Questions:
What do they think about the weather?
What does Martha have to share?
What are Peter and Mark going to do?
What does Jane offer to do?
How does Jane react to the news about the Italian
What special plan is there?
Why does Martha want a clown?
Does Martha know exactly how many people are
going to come? If yes, how many. If not, why not?
How does Jane think people will react to the
Is there a theme for the party?
LEXICAL TASK: think about an ideal place to
live and make up sentences using will / to be going
Ex.5: In my ideal place we are not going to have
factories. We’ll make our life interesting.
Use active words and phrases. Make posters in
groups of 3.
Giving the home task. W.B. p.63
Ending the Students express their attitude to the lesson and give self-assessment using
lesson the method: “Six thinking hats”:
6 min.  Green: How can you use today's learning in different subjects?
 Red: How do you feel about your work today?
 White: What have you leant today?
 Black: What were the weaknesses of your work?
 Blue: How much progress have you made in this lesson? (Now I can, I still
need to work on, I've improved in, Today I learnt...)
Yellow: What did you like about today's lesson?
Slide (Homework)
Slide "Six thinking hats"

Differentiation – Assessment –
how do you plan to give more support? how are you planning to Critical thinking
How do you plan to challenge the more check
able learners? learners’learning?
Differentiation can be achieved through Assessment criteria: Students think
the selection of activities, identification Identify the main idea in critically,
of learning outcomes for a certain extended talks with little exploring,
student, provision of individual support support. developing,
to learners, selection of learning Apply topic related evaluating and
materials and resources based on the vocabulary in speech making choices
individual abilities of learners. appropriately arranging about their own
words and phrases into and others’ ideas
well-formed sentences.
Demonstrate the ability to
participate in a
A learner:
 selects an appropriate
 completes the task.
 uses appropriate
vocabulary while
 discusses questions
and answers the questions
within the group.
 Observation
 Feedback on the
 Peer-assessment

Teaching the future in English is relatively simple in the beginning. Students

understand the future with 'will' and learn the form quickly. However, the
problems begin when discussing the future with 'going to'. The key issue is that
the future with 'going to' is logically a better fit when speaking about the future.
The future with 'going to' tells us about our plans, whereas the future with
'will' is mainly used to discuss reactions that occur at the moment of speaking
and speculation about the future. Of course, there are other uses, but this main
issue leads to a lot of confusion among students.
Short term lesson plan

Unit of a long term plan

Unit 8 Travel and tourism School:
Lesson plan 82
Date: Teacher’s name:

Class: 9 Number present: Number absent:

Lesson title Travel: verbs

9.C1 use speaking and listening skills to solve problems creatively
and cooperatively in groups
9.C6 organise and present information clearly to others
9.L1 understand the main points in unsupported extended talk on a
wide range of general and curricular topics, including talk on a limited
range of unfamiliar topics
objectives(s) that
9.S3 explain and justify their own and others’ point of view on a
this lesson is
range of general and curricular topics
contributing to
9.W3 write with support factual descriptions at text level which
describe people, places and objects
9.UE3 use a growing variety of adjectives and regular and irregular
comparative and superlative adjectives on a limited range of familiar
general and curricular topics
All learners will be able to:
 Identify the theme, study a model report, facts in the reading
passage and use them as the basis for discussion.
 Transfer information from the reading passage into a graphic
organizer(mind - map).
 Offer constructive peer-feedback using rubric.
Most learners will be able to:
 Select, compile, and synthesize information from the reading
Lesson objectives
passage for an oral presentation.
Some learners will be able to:
*Respond to and discuss the reading passageusing interpretive,
evaluative and creative thinking skills and compare facts with
 *Demonstrate the ability to find correct information without any
*Apply topic related vocabulary in speech with grammar accuracies.
Cooperation, respect each other's opinion, functional literacy, love to
Value links
Crosscurricular Social Science, Psychology, Geography,Information Technology,
links Geography, Astronomy.
Talking about future plans and intentions.
Smart board for showing a presentation, getting additional
Useof ICT
information,playing the audio files.
Discuss places to travel in different countries.
Health and Breaks and physical activities used. Everyday classroom precautions
Safety will ensure that safety measures are provided to prevent the exposure
of electrical power cords.
Planned Planned activities Resources
Beginning 1.Leading-in stage (W)
of the Teacher greets students and asks question: Slide (useful phrases).
lesson How are you today? Pictures

2.Interactive Starter (W)

Teacher shows the pictures of the spaceships and Board, lesson
students should guess the topic of the lesson. objectives
Presentation (see the
attached file)

Slide (useful phrases).

8 min.

MOON - Planet
3.Teacher tells the students the objectives of the
lesson Writing
- Ask and answer personal questions with some Worksheet
- Use some topic vocabulary to create 5-6
- Explain the importance of going to other planets
and to the Moon.
Warm-up “A Five Minute Activity” (I). Free talk
about the planet we live and travelling to the
planets... Give only adjectives and its synonyms
and opposites.
fashionable historical high low old
modern busy noisy quiet peaceful
crowded deserted wide narrow polluted
clean dirty fancy shabby safe
unsafe scary dangerous industrial Video file
interesting uninteresting cosmopolitan
tasty delicious special cheap
expensive lively sunny cloudy romantic
populous impressive dynamic amazing
awesome hectic outstanding bustling
spicy exotic cold pleasant
unpleasant luxurious derelict traditional
friendly unfriendly growing rude
arrogant dry busy old-fashioned heavy
typical tolerant easy-going stressful rainy

Main Main Main part

Activities LEXICAL TASK: Ex.1 p.96. Student Book p.96
14 min. Answers: 1.fasten; 2. Set off; 3.Stop off; 4. Board;
5.turn back; 6. Come across; 7. Book; 8. Check in.
CD. 3.13
Listening and Reading tasks:
Task 1(W) CD. 3.14
12 min Listening and Speaking tasks. Task 2.
Teacher's Book p.118
Listen to another announcement” The tourist
special to Jupiter” and compare with the first one.
The Sts. listen and answer the questions. Ex.3 - 4 Pictures
p.96. PPT

Task2 (G)
After these exercises, students brainstorm what
sightsthey can see on the Moon. Students must use
appropriate adjectives writing the announcement Student Book p.96
for a sightseeing trip to the moon.
Each group writes their ideas on the board, the
group with the most ideas wins. Activate: Ex.5

Giving the home task.

W.B. p.64
Students express their attitude to the lesson and
give self-assessment using the method: “Six
thinking hats”:
 Green: How can you use today's learning in
Ending the
different subjects?
6 min.  Red: How do you feel about your work today?
 White: What have you leant today?
 Black: What were the weaknesses of your work?
 Blue: How much progress have you made in this
lesson? (Now I can, I still need to work on, I've
improved in, Today I learnt...)
Yellow: What did you like about today's lesson?
Slide (Homework)
Slide "Six thinking hats"

Differentiation – Assessment –
how do you plan to give more support? how are you planning to Critical thinking
How do you plan to challenge the more check
able learners? learners’learning?
Differentiation can be achieved through Assessment criteria: Students think
the selection of activities, identification Identify the main idea in critically,
of learning outcomes for a certain extended talks with little exploring,
student, provision of individual support support. developing,
to learners, selection of learning Apply topic related evaluating and
materials and resources based on the vocabulary in speech making choices
individual abilities of learners. appropriately arranging about their own
words and phrases into and others’ ideas
well-formed sentences.
Demonstrate the ability
to participate in a
A learner:
 selects an appropriate
 completes the task.
 uses appropriate
vocabulary while
 discusses questions
and answers the
questions within the
 Observation
 Feedback on the
 Peer-assessment

Short term lesson plan

Unit of a long term plan

Unit 8Travel and tourism School:
Lesson plan 83
Date: Teacher’s name:

Class: 9 Number present: Number absent:

Lesson title Present Simple and Continuous for future

9.C1 use speaking and listening skills to solve problems creatively
and cooperatively in groups
9.C2 use speaking and listening skills to provide sensitive feedback to
9.S7 use appropriate subject-specific vocabulary and syntax to talk
about a limited range of general topics general and curricular topics
objectives(s) that
9.W2 write with support a sequence of short sentences in a paragraph
this lesson is
on a limited range of familiar general topics
contributing to
9.W3 write with support factual descriptions at text level which
describe people, places and objects
9.UE3 use a growing variety of adjectives and regular and irregular
comparative and superlative adjectives on a limited range of familiar
general and curricular topics
All learners will be able to:
 understand the main idea of travel arrangements;
 practise speaking skills through communication and getting
information about the future arrangements; improve writing
skills through spelling some of the words accurately.
 Most learners will be able to:
Lesson objectives *Select, compile, and synthesize information from the reading passage
for an oral presentation.
Some learners will be able to:
*Respond to and discuss the reading passage using interpretive,
evaluative and creative thinking skills.
 *Demonstrate the ability to find correct information without any
 *Apply topic related vocabulary in speech with grammar accuracies.
Cooperation, respect each other's opinion, functional literacy, love to
Value links the native places and wish to find out new places in the world and
outer space.
Crosscurricular Social Science, Psychology, Geography,Information Technology,
links History, Astronomy, Physics.
Talking about travelling to other planets.
Smart board for showing a presentation, getting additional
Useof ICT
information,playing the audio files.
Discuss the exploration of space.
Health and Breaks and physical activities used. Everyday classroom precautions
Safety will ensure that safety measures are provided to prevent the exposure
of electrical power cords.
Planned activities Resources

Beginning The lesson greeting. Slide (useful phrases).

of the The teacher sets the lesson objectives, letting Pictures
lesson students know what to anticipate from the lesson. PPT
Then to create a positive learning environment the
teachers asks students to start the lesson giving
each other compliments about appearance, job
performance, talent, etc. and also practice
accepting compliments.
Watching the pictures, the learners are asked to
predict the topic of the lesson.
Student Book p.97

7 min.

Warm up.
How can people travel and what will be people’s
destination in 50 years?

Main Main part

Activities Listen to the recording on travel arrangements and
read along with the conversation. Review the key Writing
15 min. vocabulary and underline sentences with future Worksheet
meaning. Choose the right answers.
What is the man's destination?
1. a) Salt Lake City, USA b) Helsinki, Finland c)
New York City
2. When is the man's departure date? Travel Arrangements |
a) the twenty-second b) the twenty-fourth c) the Randall's ESL Cyber
twenty-third Listening Lab
3. What is the flight number for the second party of https://www.esl-
his trip? lab.com/difficult/
a) 1070 b) 555 c) 90 travel-arrangements/
4. How long is the man's layover between flights? 1.
a) less than an hour b) less than two hours c) less
than three hours
4. The man asks for ________.
a) early check in b) an aisle seat c) a special meal
The Consolidation of Grammar: Present Simple
and continuous for future.
In groups, make a cluster of this rule and give the
examples of using future actions. Ex.1. p.97.
Say some words about this rule: Do Kazakh and
12 min Russian languages have the rule of expressing
future action?
Task 2 (I) Pictures
Students complete the sentences using a rule
listening the dialogue.Ex.2 – 3.
Feedback: Students express their opinions about
the arrangements beforehand.
Ex.2 p.97.
Differentiation Student Book p.97
Allow less confident learners to give different
levels of response (differentiation by outcome)or
Some learners ask and answer a fewer number of CD. 3.15.
questions (differentiation by task).
Task 3 (W). Complete the dialogues and make CD. 3.16.
your own about planning a weekend trip to a
Ex.4 - 5 p.97.
Creative Exercises: Ex. 6 p.97.
Giving the home task.
W.B. p.65.
Students express their attitude to the lesson and give self-assessment using
the method: “Six thinking hats”:
 Green: How can you use today's learning in different subjects?
Ending the
lesson  Red: How do you feel about your work today?
6 min.  White: What have you leant today?
 Black: What were the weaknesses of your work?
 Blue: How much progress have you made in this lesson? (Now I can, I still
need to work on, I've improved in, Today I learnt... )
Yellow: What did you like about today's lesson?
Slide (Homework)
Slide "Six thinking hats"

Differentiation –
how do you plan to give more support? Assessment – Critical
How do you plan to challenge the more how are you planning to thinking
able learners? check learners’learning?
Differentiation can be achieved through Assessment criteria: Students think
the selection of activities, identification Identify the main idea in critically,
of learning outcomes for a certain extended talks with little exploring,
student, provision of individual support support. developing,
to learners, selection of learning Apply topic related evaluating and
materials and resources based on the vocabulary in speech making choices
individual abilities of learners. appropriately arranging about their own
words and phrases into and others’
well-formed sentences. ideas.
Demonstrate the ability to
participate in a
A learner:
 selects an appropriate
 completes the task.
 uses appropriate
subject-specific vocabulary
while speaking.
 discusses questions and
answers the questions
within the group.
 Observation
 Feedback on the work
 Peer-assessment
Travel Agent: Freedom Travel. How may I help you?
Caller: Yes, I'd like to make a flight reservation for the twenty-third of this month.
Travel Agent: Okay. What is your destination?
Caller: Well. I'm flying to Helsinki, Finland.
Travel Agent: Okay. Let me check what flights are available? [Okay] And when will you be
Caller: Uh, well, I'd like to catch a return flight on the twenty-ninth. Oh, and I'd like the
cheapest flight available.
Travel Agent: Okay. Let me see. Um, hmm . . .
Caller: Yeah?
Travel Agent: Well, the price for the flight is almost double the price you would pay if you
leave the day before.
Caller: Whoo. Let's go with the cheaper flight. By the way, how much is it?
Travel Agent: It's only $980.
Caller: Alright. Well, let's go with that.
Travel Agent: Okay. That's flight 1070 from Salt Lake City to New York, Kennedy
Airport, transferring to flight 90 from Kennedy to Helsinki.
Caller: And what are the departure and arrival times for each of those flights?
Travel Agent: It leaves Salt Lake City at 10:00 AM, arriving in New York at 4:35 PM, then
transferring to flight 90 at 5:55 PM, and arriving in Helsinki at 8:30 AM the next day.
Caller: Alright. And, uh, I'd like to request a vegetarian meal.
Travel Agent: Sure, no problem. And could I have you name please?


 destination (noun): the place a trip ends

- We'll reach our destination by 3:00 PM.
 available (adjective): not busy, ready for use
Are there any seats available on the next train?
 catch (verb): get
- You can catch a taxi outside of the hotel lobby.
 go with (phrasal verb): choose something
- I think I'll go with the budget tour to Hawaii on this trip.
 transfer (verb): change to a different transportation line
- You'll need to transfer to a city bus when you arrive at the train station.
 departure (noun): the act of leaving
- Passengers should check in two hours before their departure time.
 vegetarian (noun): one who eats little or no meat, fish, or animal products
- Although Charles considers himself a vegetarian, he sometimes eats chicken.

Short term lesson plan

Unit of a long term plan

Unit 8Travel and tourism School:
Lesson plan 84
Date: Teacher’s name:

Class: 9 Number present: Number absent:

Lesson title Asking for and giving information.

9.S2 ask complex questions to get information about a wide range of
general and curricular topics
9.S3 explain and justify their own and others’ point of view on a
range of general and curricular topics
9.S4 respond with flexibility at both sentence and discourse level to
unexpected comments on a range of general and curricular topics
objectives(s) that
9.S7 use appropriate subject-specific vocabulary and syntax to talk
this lesson is
about a range of general and curricular topics
contributing to
9.L6 deduce meaning from context in unsupported extended talk on a
wide range of general and curricular topics, including talk on a limited
range of unfamiliar topics
9.R6recognise the attitude or opinion of the writer in extended texts
on a wide range of familiar general and curricular topics
All learners will be able to:
 *develop speaking skills through communication about a travel
 *improve reading skills through recognising typical features at word
 *write descriptions given facts about travelling.
 Most learners will be able to:
Lesson objectives *Select, compile, and synthesize information from the reading passage
for an oral presentation.
Some learners will be able to:
*Respond to and discuss the reading passage using interpretive,
evaluative and creative thinking skills.
 *Demonstrate the ability to find correct information without any
 *Apply topic related vocabulary in speech with grammar accuracies.
Love to people and travelling, Cooperation, respect each other's
Value links
opinion, functional literacy.
Crosscurricular Social Science, Psychology, Geography,Information Technology,
links History, P.E.
Talking about travel information.
Smart board for showing a presentation, getting additional
Useof ICT
information,playing the audio files.
Discuss experiences of travelling in different countries.
Health and Breaks and physical activities used. Everyday classroom precautions
Safety will ensure that safety measures are provided to prevent the exposure
of electrical power cords.
Planned activities Resources
Beginning The lesson greeting.
of the The teacher sets the lesson objectives, letting Slide (useful phrases).
lesson students know what to anticipate from the lesson. Pictures
Then to create a positive learning environment the PPT
teachers asks students to start the lesson giving
each other compliments about appearance, job
performance, talent, etc. and also practice
accepting compliments.
Watching the pictures, the learners are asked to
predict the topic of the lesson.
Student Book p.98


7 min.

Warm up.People like travelling. But how can they

find out the information about the places to visit?
What do people usually do? Did you travel a long
Main Main part
Activities Look at the photo and guess: where are the Student Book p.98
15 min. Ex.1 p.98.What is Mary asking?
Answers: They are at the tourist office and she is CD. 3.17.
asking some information.
Listen to the dialogue and do ex.2.
Answers: 8 pounds. Pictures
Differentiation: PPT
Development of Vocabulary(I/P/G)
Task 1(I) CD. 3.18.
Students complete the dialogue with key phrases:
Ex.3 p.98.
Read them and put by memory into the dialogue.
In a weaker group: find the phrases in the dialogue
and complete them before listening.
Grammar:will for spontaneous decisions
12 min Decision Dominoes
In this engaging decisions and offers activity, Making Decisions
students play a game of dominoes to practice Offers Promises ESL
spontaneous decisions and offers. In the activity, Activities Games ...
students match statements and questions to https://www.teach-
spontaneous decisions and offers with ‘will’ and this.com › Grammar
vice-versa. The students are divided into groups of
three and each group is given a set of dominoes.
The students shuffle the dominoes and deal out six
each, leaving the rest in a pile, face down. The
students then turn over the top card from the pile
and place it face up on the table. The first player
puts a domino down either before or after the
domino on the table, making sure the statement or
question matches with an appropriate decision or
offer. Play then passes to the next student and so
on. If a player cannot put down one of their
dominoes, they take a domino from the top of the
pile and put it down if they can. If there are no
dominoes left in the pile, play passes to the next
student. The first player to get rid of all their
dominoes wins the game.
Offers and Promises
In this making offers and promises activity,
students respond to statements by making offers
with 'will' and 'shall' and promises with 'will' and
'won't'. The class is divided into pairs (A and B)
and each student is given a corresponding
worksheet. Student A starts by reading the first
statement on their worksheet to Student B. Student
B looks at the words in the box on their worksheet
and replies by making an offer or promise with
'I’ll...', 'I won’t...' or 'Shall I...?' If the offer or
request isn't the same as what's written on Student
A's worksheet, Student B must try again until they
get it right. If it's the same, Student B writes the
offer or request down on their worksheet. Student
A then reads the next statement and so on until all
the offers and requests have been made correctly.
Afterwards, the students swap roles.

Goodness, Cheryl, are you sick? I'll make you Student Book p.98.
some chicken soup. (When you see how sick she
is, you decide to make her
some soup).

Teacher's Book p.120.

Ex.4 -5 p.98(situations with will)

Creative exercise Ex.6. make up a dialogue,
changing the information in Ex.1. Speak about an
advertisement: Bike hire. Optional Activity:
Language Focus.
Giving the home task. Ex 6(w). p.98 St.B., W.B. p.65 (one ex.).
Students express their attitude to the lesson and give self-assessment using
the method: “Six thinking hats”:
 Green: How can you use today's learning in different subjects?
Ending the Red: How do you feel about your work today?
lesson  White: What have you leant today?
6 min.  Black: What were the weaknesses of your work?
 Blue: How much progress have you made in this lesson? (Now I can, I still
need to work on, I've improved in, Today I learnt...)
Yellow: What did you like about today's lesson?
Slide (Homework)
Slide "Six thinking hats"

Differentiation – Assessment –
how do you plan to give more support? how are you planning to Critical thinking
How do you plan to challenge the more check
able learners? learners’learning?
Differentiation can be achieved through Assessment criteria: Students think
the selection of activities, identification Identify the main idea in critically,
of learning outcomes for a certain extended talks with little exploring,
student, provision of individual support support. developing,
to learners, selection of learning Apply topic related evaluating and
materials and resources based on the vocabulary in speech making choices
individual abilities of learners. appropriately arranging about their own
words and phrases into and others’ ideas
well-formed sentences.
Demonstrate the ability to
participate in a
A learner:
 selects an appropriate
 completes the task.
 uses appropriate
vocabulary while
 discusses questions
and answers the questions
within the group.
 Observation
 Feedback on the
 Peer-assessment
Situations with Will
Short term lesson plan
Unit of a long term plan
Unit 8Travel and tourism School:
Lesson plan 85
Date: Teacher’s name:

Class: 9 Number present: Number absent:

Lesson title An email about a visit.

9.C4 evaluate and respond constructively to feedback from others
9.C5 use feedback to set personal learning objectives
9.C7 develop and sustain a consistent argument when speaking or
9.L5 recognise the attitude or opinion of the speaker(s) in unsupported
extended talk on a wide range of general and curricular topics,
objectives(s) that
including talk on a limited range of unfamiliar topics
this lesson is
9.R7 recognise typical features at word, sentence and text level in a
contributing to
limited range of written genres
9.W1 plan, write, edit and proofread work at text level independently
on a range of general and curricular topics
9.S7 use appropriate subject-specific vocabulary and syntax to talk
about a limited range of general topics and curricular topics
All learners will be able to:
 *develop speaking skills through communication about the city;
*write an email about a visit using the right grammar.
Most learners will be able to:
*select, compile, and synthesize information from the reading
passage for an oral presentation.
*apply, pronounce and spell most target vocabulary accurately in
Lesson objectives production tasks and integrate with some success in extended writing task
Some learners will be able to:
*respond to and discuss the reading passage using interpretive,
evaluative and creative thinking skills.
 *demonstrate the ability to find correct information without any
 *apply topic related vocabulary in speech with grammar accuracies;
 *offer constructive peer-feedback using rubric.
Cooperation, respect each other's opinion, functional literacy, Love to
Value links
the native places.
Crosscurricular Social Science, Psychology, Geography,Information Technology,
links History.
Giving information about the place to visit.
Smart board for showing a presentation, getting additional
Useof ICT
information,playing the audio files.
Discuss experiences in different countries about the sights.
Health and Breaks and physical activities used. Everyday classroom precautions
Safety will ensure that safety measures are provided to prevent the exposure
of electrical power cords.
Planned activities Resources
The lesson greeting. Slide (useful phrases).
The teacher sets the lesson objectives, letting Pictures
students know what to anticipate from the lesson. PPT
Then to create a positive learning environment the
teachers asks students to start the lesson giving
Beginning each other compliments about appearance, job
of the performance, talent, etc. and also practice
lesson accepting compliments.
Watching the pictures, the learners are asked to
predict the topic of the lesson.
Student Book p.99.

Warm up.Free talk about your city or a town. Do

you like your city? Why? What's your favourite
place in the town? Why? The teacher asks Sts. in Pictures
pairs make a list of favourite places in the PPT
7 min. town.What are you going to show to your guests
from other cities? Slide (useful phrases).

Main Main part

Activities Describe Almaty and its sights. Student Book p.99
Describe Almaty and London. Group Work.
London Almaty
1) 2000 years old 1) 850 The song about
2) 9 mln. people 2) 1 mln. Almaty.


15 min.

Pre-reading stage.
Predicting and guessing. What is written in the

Student Book p.99

Predicting and guessing.

Students move their eyes over the text "My Day"
quickly (1 minute). Then they close the book. After
that students call out words, phrases they
remember from the text, note them. Students work
in pairs (1 minute) discuss what the text is about or
(create a text using some of the previous written
Students express their ideas (1 minute). Ex.1 -2.
While-reading stage. A Table
Make a plan of their trip to Oxford.
Post-reading stage.
Next, students complete peer-evaluation forms.
What linkers are used in the text? Ex.1 - 3 p.99.
Look at the email and fill in a table. Ex. 4. p.99

12 min

Teacher’s Book p.121

Write in pairs the plan to show Almaty to your

Use Writing Guide on p.99.

Ending the Giving the home task.

lesson W.B. p.67
6 min. Students express their attitude to the lesson and give self-assessment using
the method: “Six thinking hats”:
I. Complete this text, please. Open the brackets. Put the verbs into the necessary verb
Dostyk Avenue is a fine street which 1 (to see) much history over the centuries. For
generations Dostyk Avenue (to be) the heart of Almaty. It (to be) actually quite long and a lot of
sights (to be) situated on it. People (visit) theatres, a circus, many shops. City library (to attend)
by students and pupils to work there. Yearsagothisavenue (tohave) anothername.
II.Учащимся предлагается просмотреть отрывок из видеофильма
«Алматы» после просмотра учащиеся выполняют следующее задание:
1. The Central Museum, original in its architectural style was built in
a) 1986
b) 1994
c) 1990
2. Shota Valikhanov, a well-known Kazakhstan's architect ... created:
a) the monument to Abai
b) the monument of Independence
c) the monument to Pushkin
3. The famous Medeo skating rink is only ... km from Almaty
a) 10
b) 25
c) 15
4.When were the biggest earthquakes in Almaty?
a) 1887
b) 1952
c) 1910
5.Name the main streets and squares of Almaty.
III. Translation Exercise. Listen to the newspaper article about Almaty and write the translation
in your copy-books.
«ГородАлматы – золотая колыбель казахстанской государственности», это гнездо, из
которого вылетела наша независимость, и Казахстан стал известен всему мировому
сообществу. Алматы всегда был особым городом. Это о нем поют, не город, а сама мечта».
Супруга Эрнеста Хэмингуэя Мэри объездила, чуть ли не весь мир, посетила огромное
количество городов, но самым красивым назвала Алматы. - «Не Москва, не Ленинград?» -
переспрашивал ее корреспондент «Алма-Ата» - повторила она.
Short term lesson plan

Unit of a long term plan

Unit 8Travel and tourism School:
Lesson plan 86
Date: Teacher’s name:

Class: 9 Number present: Number absent:

Lesson title
My Country. Travel and tourism. p.100
9.C4 evaluate and respond constructively to feedback from others
9.R7 recognise typical features at word, sentence and text level in a
limited range of written genres
9.S7 use appropriate subject-specific vocabulary and syntax to talk
objectives(s) that
about a limited range of general topics and curricular topics
this lesson is
9.R5 deduce meaning from context in extended texts on a wide range
contributing to
of familiar general and curricular topics, and some unfamiliar topics
9.W3 write with grammatical accuracy on a range of familiar general
and curricular topics
All learners will be able to:
 *develop speaking skills through communication about the city;
 *improve reading skills through recognising typical features at word;
 *write descriptions given facts about the city or a town using the right
Most learners will be able to:
*select, compile, and synthesize information from the reading
Lesson objectives passage for an oral presentation.
Some learners will be able to:
*respond to and discuss the reading passage using interpretive,
evaluative and creative thinking skills;
 *demonstrate the ability to find correct information without any
 *apply topic related vocabulary in speech with grammar accuracies;
 * make a leaflet of a city or a town.
Love to the Motherland, cooperation, respects each other's opinion,
Value links
functional literacy.
Crosscurricular Social Science, Psychology, Geography,Information Technology,
links History.
Talking about a home town.
Smart board for showing a presentation, getting additional
Useof ICT
information,playing the audio files.
Discuss home town or city and its sights.
Health and Breaks and physical activities used. Everyday classroom precautions
Safety will ensure that safety measures are provided to prevent the exposure
of electrical power cords.
Planned activities Resources
The lesson greeting.
The teacher sets the lesson objectives, letting Slide (useful phrases).
students know what to anticipate from the lesson. Pictures
Then to create a positive learning environment the PPT
teachers asks students to start the lesson giving
Beginning each other compliments about appearance, job
of the performance, talent, etc. and also practice
lesson accepting compliments.
Watching the pictures, the learners are asked to
predict the topic of the lesson.
Student Book p.100

T. thinks of a word from previous lesson and
writes the number of letters on the board using
dashes to show many letters there are. Then asks Pictures
7 min. learners to suggest a letter. If it appears in the PPT
word, T. writes it in all of the correct spaces. If the
letter does not appear in the word, T. writes it off Slide (useful phrases).
to the side and begins drawing the image of a
hanging man.
The game is continued until the learners guess the
word correctly (they win) or T. completes the
picture of a hangman (T. wins). (T. can watch the
video with instructions
Main Lead-in
Activities T. shows the picture of apark (Family Park in Student Book p.100
Almaty)and learners call out any names of the
15 min. parks in the city.
 T. asks learners about the places to visit in
Kazakhstan and introduces the topic of the
Main part
T. shows the presentation or flashcardsof the first Pictures
President's Park in Almaty and Cathedral to PPT
introduce and learners write the words on their
vocabulary: Ex.1 p.100.
What can you see in this park? And match the
words with the definitions.
Countryside Parks
Trees, paths, plants, Trees, seats, paths,
band stands, flower CD. 3.19
12 min beds......
animals, grass
Activity 1: Read and listen to the text. Ex.2
Speak about ten reasons to visit Kazakhstan. Student Book p.100
Each group will take 2 reasons and give the
(5 groups). A brochure of
Activity 2: Work with the adverbs. Ex.4 - Almaty
5.Activity 3:Activity 3: make a brochure to visit
a hometown.


Make an advertisement of one sight in your city.

Giving the home task.
W.B. p.66
Travel and tourism(topic)
Students express their attitude to the lesson and give self-assessment using
the method: “Six thinking hats”:
Ending the Green: How can you use today's learning in different subjects?
lesson  Red: How do you feel about your work today?
6 min.  White: What have you leant today?
 Black: What were the weaknesses of your work?
 Blue: How much progress have you made in this lesson? (Now I can, I still
need to work on, I've improved in, Today I learnt...)
Yellow: What did you like about today's lesson?
Slide (Homework)
Slide "Six thinking hats"
Differentiation –
how do you plan to give more Assessment –
Critical thinking
support? How do you plan to how are you planning to
challenge the more check learners’learning?
able learners? can be achieved
Differentiation Assessment criteria: Students think
through the selection of activities, Identify the main idea in critically,
identification of learning outcomes extended talks with little exploring,
for a certain student, provision of support. developing,
individual support to learners, Apply topic related evaluating and
selection of learning materials and vocabulary in speech making choices
resources based on the individual appropriately arranging words about their own
abilities of learners. and phrases into well-formed and others’ ideas
Demonstrate the ability to
participate in a conversation.
A learner:
 selects an appropriate
 completes the task.
 uses appropriate subject-
specific vocabulary while
 discusses questions and
answers the questions within
the group.
 Observation
 Feedback on the work
 Peer-assessment

Appendix 1
Teacher observation checklist

Student's name ________________________________________

Positive Aspects
 Completed the individual role-card.
 Used extracts from the text to support his/her ideas.
 Asked open-ended questions.
 Listened while others talked.
 Encouraged peers to share their ideas.
 Added his/her own comments and ideas to other student's comments and ideas.
Negative Aspects
 Didn't complete the individual role-card.
 Didn't appear to be listening or interrupted when others were speaking.
 Did not use text to support his/her opinions.
Comments ___________________________________________________
Student Self-Assessment Checklist Student
Name: ________________________
Date: ______________________ Think about how well you are working in your group.
Place a check mark beside the skills you demonstrate in your role.
I listen attentively to others.
I express my thinking clearly and concisely.
I take turns. I encourage participation of all group members.
I show respect for alternative points of view.
I disagree agreeably.
I synthesize information from others.
I analyze ideas of others.
I remember significant information.
I identify issues.
I make connections to prior knowledge and experiences.
Short term lesson plan

Unit of a long term plan

Unit 8Travel and tourism School:
Lesson plan 87
Date: Teacher’s name:

Class: 9 Number present: Number absent:

CLIL. Community service. Volunteer

Lesson title
holidays. p.101
9.R5 deduce meaning from context in extended texts on a wide range
of familiar general and curricular topics, and some unfamiliar topics
9.R6 recognise the attitude or opinion of the writer in extended texts
on a wide range of familiar general and curricular topics
9.R7 recognise typical features at word, sentence and text level in a
wide range of written genres, including some which focus on
unfamiliar topics
objectives(s) that
9.C4 evaluate and respond constructively to feedback from others
this lesson is
9.C7 develop and sustain a consistent argument when speaking or
contributing to
9.S5 keep interaction going in basic exchanges on a growing range of
general and curricular topics
9.C1 use speaking and listening skills to solve problems creatively
and cooperatively in groups
9.C6 organise and present information clearly to others
All learners will be able to:
 Identify the theme, new grammar material, active vocabulary
and use them as the basis for discussion.
 Transfer information from the reading passage about a rule
into a graphic organizer.
 Offer constructive peer-feedback using rubric.
Lesson objectives Most learners will be able to:
 Select, compile, and synthesize informationfor an oral
Some learners will be able to:
 Respond to and discuss the topic using interpretive, evaluative and
creative thinking skills and right forms of the Grammar Tenses
describing pictures.
Love to the Motherland, cooperation, respects each other's opinion,
Value links
functional literacy.
Crosscurricular Social Science, Psychology, Geography,Information Technology,
links History, Biology.
Talking about a city sight and a brochure of visiting the sights.
Smart board for showing a presentation, getting additional
Useof ICT
information,playing the audio files.
Discuss the topic about community service: volunteer holidays.
Health and Breaks and physical activities used. Everyday classroom precautions
Safety will ensure that safety measures are provided to prevent the exposure
of electrical power cords.
Planned activities Resources
The lesson greeting. Slide (useful phrases).
Beginning Warm-up Pictures
of the Teacher suggests singing a fun song for the start of PPT
lesson the lesson.(" Stevie Wonder I Just Called To Say I
Love You").
* Learners are informed about the lesson Stevie Wonder - I Just
objectives.The teacher asks the students to give the Called To Say I Love
7 min. definitions to the words: You ... - AZ Lyrics
Volunteer/ community service/ gap year/ https://www.azlyrics.com ›
volunteer tourism/ short – term volunteer S › Stevie Wonder Lyrics
holidays. Student Book p.101.
Writing Worksheet
Slide (useful phrases).

Main Main part

Activities Do you go on holidays with your family? A Table
What are advantages and disadvantages of
advantages of tourism disadvantages of tourism

Write down your ideas. Work in groups of four,

The second team will put on a yellow hat. You’ll Pictures
15 min. try to find out only advantages. PPT
- Visiting different countries and places. Maps
- Discovering traditions and customs of
different countries.
- Broadening outlook.
- Getting new experience.
- Learning about the history and culture.
- Admiring the beautiful scenery.
- Improving knowledge of the foreign
- Meeting different people and making
friends. Student Book p.101
Have you ever thought that some people don’t
like to travel? They prefer to stay at home. They
say that traveling has many disadvantages.
You are divided into 2 teams. The first team will
put on a black hat. It means that you should think
of disadvantages.
Ex.1 p.101. Look at the photos and speak about the Cluster
people’s work. C.D. 3.20
Volunteer Family Holidays.
Voluntourism {give associations with this word.
Is it popular nowadays? Does Kazakhstan have
this program?
The teacher informs the class that they will be Writing
participating in the contest "The best volunteer’s Worksheet
project", a person who will represent a program.
The teacher divides students into groups of 3 and
distributes a set of role cards for each student with
a description of a particular role.
The teacher asks students to discuss and decide the
most desirable role for each member of the group:
volunteer, a parent, a critic, journalist,
correspondent, and narrator.
Ex.4 -5 p.101.
Next, the teacher and students review the criteria
for each role.
After reviewing criteria, students are informed that
they will be filling out a peer-evaluation.
Then the teacher asks visual and word learners to
read the text (auditory learners - listen to the
text) (5 min) to practice each of the roles and
make notes in their graphic organizers follow the
instructions in their role cards (5 min).
12 min The teacher monitors students' progress and offer Student Book p.101
support where necessary.
Then students can have a discussion to represent
all the roles. (2 min per student).
Discussion :
Task: Lead the discussion. Prepare 5 open-ended
and thought-provoking questions about the story
that your group might want to discuss. Help others
talk about the main idea, help them share their
thoughts and feelings.
1. Write 5 open-ended questions.
2. Write your responses to these questions.
3. Keep the discussion going.
1. Write more than 5 questions.
Giving the home task.
Volunteer holidays. (Presentation or retelling p.101).
W.B. p.68.
Students express their attitude to the lesson and give self-assessment using
the method: “Six thinking hats”:
Ending the Green: How can you use today's learning in different subjects?
lesson  Red: How do you feel about your work today?
6 min.  White: What have you leant today?
 Black: What were the weaknesses of your work?
 Blue: How much progress have you made in this lesson? (Now I can, I still
need to work on, I've improved in, Today I learnt... )
Yellow: What did you like about today's lesson?
Slide (Homework)
Slide "Six thinking hats"
Differentiation –
how do you plan to give more Assessment –
Critical thinking
support? How do you plan to how are you planning to
challenge the more check learners’learning?
able learners? can be achieved
Differentiation Assessment criteria: Students think
through the selection of activities, Identify the main idea in critically,
identification of learning outcomes extended talks with little exploring,
for a certain student, provision of support. developing,
individual support to learners, Apply topic related vocabulary evaluating and
selection of learning materials and in speech appropriately making choices
resources based on the individual arranging words and phrases about their own
abilities of learners. into well-formed sentences. and others’ ideas
Demonstrate the ability to
participate in a conversation.
A learner:
 selects an appropriate
 completes the task.
 uses appropriate subject-
specific vocabulary while
 discusses questions and
answers the questions within
the group.
 Observation
 Feedback on the work
 Peer-assessment

I Just Called To Say I Love YouStevie Wonder

No New Year's Day to celebrate
No chocolate covered candy hearts to give away
No first of spring
No song to sing
In fact here's just another ordinary day
No April rain
No flowers bloom
No wedding Saturday within the month of June
But what it is, is something true
Made up of these three words that I must say to you
I just called to say I love you
I just called to say how much I care
I just called to say I love you
And I mean it from the bottom of my heart
No summer's high
No warm July
No harvest moon to light one tender August night
No autumn breeze
No falling leaves
Not even time for birds to fly to southern skies
No Libra sun
No Halloween
No giving thanks to all the Christmas joy you bring
But what it is, though old so new
To fill…
Short term lesson plan

Unit of a long term plan

Unit 8Travel and tourism School:
Lesson plan 88
Date: Teacher’s name:

Class: 9 Number present: Number absent:

Lesson title Summative assessment for the 8th unit


Summative assessment for the eighth unit "Travel and tourism"

Learning objectives 9.L3 understand most of the detail of an argument in unsupported

extended talk on a wide range of general and curricular topics
9.L7 recognise typical features at word, sentence and text level of a
wide range of spoken genres
9.S3 explain and justify their own point of view on a range of
general and curricular topics
9.S4 respond with growing flexibility at both sentence and discourse
level to unexpected comments on a range of general and curricular
9.S7 use appropriate subject-specific vocabulary and syntax to talk
about an increased range of general and curricular topics
Assessment criteria Identify the position of speakers in an extended talk with some
Express thoughts about the given topic in the conversations
Apply topic related vocabulary in speech appropriately arranging
words and phrases into well-formed sentences
Level of thinking skills Application
Higher order thinking skills
Duration 20 minutes

Listening. Task 1.
Speaking. Task 2. An individual interview on the suggested topic for approximately 2 minutes
for each student.
Short term lesson plan

Unit of a long term plan

Unit 8 Travel and tourism School:
Lesson plan 89
Date: Teacher’s name:

Class: 9 Number present: Number absent:

Lesson title Unit 8. Review

9.S1 provide basic information about themselves and others at
sentence level on an increasing range of general topics
9.S3 give an opinion at sentence level on a limited range of general
and curricular topics
Learning 9.L4 understand the main points of supported extended talk on a
objectives(s) that range of general and curricular topics
this lesson is 9.R5 deduce meaning from context in short texts on a limited range of
contributing to familiar general and curricular topics
9.W1 plan, write, edit and proofread work at text level with support
on a limited range of general and curricular topics
9.W5 link without support sentences using basic coordinating
Write sentences about future plans and intentions connecting them
into paragraphs;
demonstrate respect to people’s opinions using lexical units of topic
Lesson objectives
analyse given feedback; form opinion and give constructive answers
to feedback.
Value links Cooperation, respect each other's opinion, functional literacy.
Social Science, Psychology, Geography,Information Technology.
Talking about a voluntarism.
Smart board for showing a presentation, getting additional
Useof ICT
information,playing the audio files.
Discuss experiences in different countries concerning tourism.
Health and Breaks and physical activities used. Everyday classroom precautions
Safety will ensure that safety measures are provided to prevent the exposure
of electrical power cords.
Planned Planned activities (replace the notes below with your
timings planned activities)
2 min Teacher informs learners that the aims of this lesson are Slide (objectives)
to revise the material that was taught in this unit and Slide (useful
make a project about tourism in Kazakhstan. phrases)
5 min Rules for Jeopardy game
There are 2 kinds of games. Teacher can feel free to Student's book p.102
choose any or play during the whole lesson.
1. Students play jeopardy in groups.
2. They have to choose a category and a point value. PPT Jeopardy
3. Teacher clicks on the chosen box for the question.
(The teacher may want to set a time limit for answering
the question)
4. To see if a student or group is correct, click again for
the answer.
5. Click the Back to Board button on the slide to return to
the main board.
5. If the student or team is correct, they are awarded the
point value of the question
6. Continue until all questions have been answered. The
team with the most points wins.

Ex. 1 - 3 p. 102 (Revision of vocabulary).

Revision of Grammar. Future Action.Correct form of A mind - map

expressing future actions. "Future Action"
28 min Ex. 4 - 5 ( do ex. individually)
Do this task in a table: Ex. 4 p.90
Will + v To be To be + Ving V/Vs or es
going to a graph organizer


You will listen to the dialogue and choose a correct word.
Communication: Ex.6 CD 3.21
Make a dialogue: At the travel agency. Teacher’s Book
There are some character sketches of different people. p.124
They express their attitude about travelling. Match the
sketches and the people.

An experienced traveler – опытный путешественник.
A couch potato-домосед.
1 A professor of History
2.A couch potato
3. An experienced traveller
4. Businessman

A. He likes to travel alone or with his

students. They travel from curiosity.
They like to see the beauty of the
world and learn traditions of other
countries. They think that travelling
is fascinating and enjoyable. It
broadens our mind and allows us to Worksheet
understand other people better.
B. He likes to travel alone or with his
friends. Usually he travels for
pleasure or in search of adventures.
When he travels he likes to go
sightseeing or explore unknown
places. He believes that travelling is
exciting and gives us life experience.
C. He doesn`t like to travel at all. He
believes that it`s better to stay at
home, because travelling is
dangerous, troublesome and
D. Usually he travels alone on
business. When he travels he likes to
meet new people. He thinks that
travelling is useful but sometimes it`s
a bit tiring.

Can you imagine what life is without travelling? Is it

Let’s make up cinquains about travelling. Do you remember
what is it? It is a kind of poem consisting of 5 lines (a general
word. two adjectives on the topic. three verbs. the main idea of
your “poem” (it must consist of 3-4 words) and a synonym of
the general word. Make up as many cinquains as you can. All Writing
your cinquains will be different. Read them aloud when you Worksheet
are ready.

Travelling Travelling
exciting. comfortable enjoyable. convenient
to enjoy. to relax. to to impress. to explore. to admire
visit Travel broadens your mind.
A change of scene. voyage
Travelling Travelling
fascinating. interesting picturesque. romantic
to swim. to sunbathe. to to dance. to bathe. to enjoy
walk The way to escape from everyday life.
The best way to relax. trip
Home task.
WB p.69 Slide
End FEEDBACK: Your impression!
5 min Sts. write their impression of the whole unit and share
ideas with their classmates.
3 – new words you have taught at the lesson;
2 – adjectives to describe the lesson
1 – one activity you like
Additional information
Differentiation – how do you Assessment – how are you Health and safety check
plan to give more support? planning to check learners’ Everyday classroom
How do you plan to learning? precautions will ensure that
challenge the more able  Self-assessment worksheet safety measures are provided to
learners? prevent the exposure of
 Observe learners when
Task format: Learners can electrical power cords.
participating in discussion.
contribute at their own
language level for this  Did each learner contribute Critical thinking
activity, as it is relatively to the discussion? If not, why Critical thinking on this lesson
open-ended. This gives each not? lies in understanding grammar
learner a chance to be Learners managed to understand point of these rules in English
successful. the rules and do the tasks. language and it is based on
Reflection at the end of the Learners managed to understand clarity, accuracy, precision,
lesson and teacher summary the rules and do the tasks. depth, breadth, and fairness.
provides support for progress
and achievement, and
Task format: Learners can
contribute at their own
language level for this Learners work in groups, apply
activity, as it is relatively skills and knowledge to a
open-ended. This gives each practical and cooperative task,
learner a chance to be Oral assessment and support and produce their own
successful. materials.
Reflection at the end of the
lesson and teacher summary
provides support for progress
and achievement, and
challenge to thinking and
setting future objectives.

Teacher observation checklist

Student's name ________________________________________

Positive Aspects
 Completed the individual role-card.
 Used extracts from the text to support his/her ideas.
 Asked open-ended questions.
 Listened while others talked.
 Encouraged peers to share their ideas.
 Added his/her own comments and ideas to other student's comments and ideas.

Negative Aspects
 Didn't complete the individual role-card.
 Didn't appear to be listening or interrupted when others were speaking.
 Did not use text to support his/her opinions.

Comments __________________________________________________

Student Self-Assessment Checklist Student

Name: ________________________
Date: ______________________ Think about how well you are working in your group.
Place a check mark beside the skills you demonstrate in your role.
I listen attentively to others.
I express my thinking clearly and concisely.
I take turns. I encourage participation of all group members.
I show respect for alternative points of view.
I disagree agreeably.
I synthesize information from others.
I analyze ideas of others.
I remember significant information.
I identify issues.
I make connections to prior knowledge and experiences.

Appendix 2

yes no Need Need

revising more
I understand the rule for Future Action
I did exercises for this rule without any mistakes
I understand the material about sights of Kazakhstan
I have done the report about the volunteers well

The five most common exercises at an assessment center

 1) The introduction. A round of introductions is the most common starting point at an assessment
center. ...
 2) The inbox exercise. The inbox exercise is a classic among assessment center tasks. ...
 3) Role playing. ...
 4) The presentation. ...
 5) The group discussion. ...
 Conclusion.
Short term lesson plan

Unit of a long term plan

Unit 8 Travel and tourism School:
Lesson plan 90
Date: Teacher’s name:

Class: 9 Number present: Number absent:

Lesson title
Skills Round – up.
9.C7 develop and sustain Welcome – Unit 8 argument when speaking or
a consistent
9.C10 use talk or writing as a means of reflecting on and exploring a
Learning range of perspectives on the world
objectives(s) that 9.L4 understand the main points of supported extended talk on a range
this lesson is
of general and curricular topics
contributing to
9.R5 deduce meaning from context in short texts on a limited range of
familiar general and curricular topics
9.UE17 use if / if only in third conditional structures
All students will be able to:
Revise taught material
Most students will be able to:
Demonstrate learned vocabulary about travel and tourism
Lesson objectives Some students will be able to:
Use taught vocabulary and grammar with accuracy;
promote the developments of logical, reflecting thinking, language abilities:
the ability to communicate, express views and opinion, to exchange

Value links Cooperation, respect each other's opinion, functional literacy.

Social Science, Psychology, Geography, Information Technology.
Talking about tourism and travel.
Smart board for showing a presentation, getting additional
Useof ICT
information,playing the audio files.
Discuss city’s places of interest in different countries.
Health and Breaks and physical activities used. Everyday classroom precautions
Safety will ensure that safety measures are provided to prevent the exposure
of electrical power cords.
Planned activities Resources
Beginning The lesson greeting.
of the ORGANISATION MOMENTS (WC): Slide (useful phrases).
lesson Teacher informs learners that the aims of this Pictures
lesson are to revise the material that was taught in PPT
this unit.


Activities Listening Task
PRE - LISTENING TASK: Student Book p.103.
Ex. 1 - 2 p. 102. Describe pictures in pairs.
You will listen to a conversation. Where are Annie C.D.3.22
and Jack? What are they planning?Try to Teacher’s Book
understand it, make a graph organizer in any form p.144
you like: a table, cluster, diagram, etc. and say if
the sentences are true or false.
Speaking Task. Ex.4-5. Speak about the city of
Bath/ Cambridge/ Oxford. What are you planning
to do there?

15 min.

Grammar Tables

Student Book p.103

12 min

Make a tourist leaflet for a holiday destination.

Use a plan of Ex.6. p.103.
Tourist Leaflets
In the 'Tourist Leaflet' section remember to draw a
text box first and write only within that. You will
be marked for creating text box. Within the text
box write only in bullet points.
Visit a Historical Place : Daulatabad
Location: It is situated 13 kms.away from Aurangabad.
Distance: 413 kms away from Mumbai.
How to reach: Nearest airport and Railway Station is
Aurangabad. S. T. buses from Aurangabad.
When to Visit: Best time for visit throughout the year.
Where to stay: Private hotels, MTDC hotels, Rest house.
What to See. : Chandminar Tower, Maze, Heavy
Cannon, Bibi-ka Makbara.Nearby Ajanta and Ellora caves.
Giving the home task.
Ex.6.p.103 St. B.(w)
Students express their attitude to the lesson and give self-assessment using
the method: “Six thinking hats”:
 Green: How can you use today's learning in different subjects?
Ending the
lesson  Red: How do you feel about your work today?
6 min.  White: What have you leant today?
 Black: What were the weaknesses of your work?
 Blue: How much progress have you made in this lesson? (Now I can, I still
need to work on, I've improved in, Today I learnt.)
Yellow: What did you like about today's lesson?
Slide (Homework)
Slide "Six thinking hats"

Differentiation – Assessment –
how do you plan to give more support? how are you planning to Critical thinking
How do you plan to challenge the more check
able learners? learners’learning?
Differentiation can be achieved through Assessment criteria: Students think
the selection of activities, identification 28. Identify the main critically,
of learning outcomes for a certain idea in extended talks exploring,
student, provision of individual support with little support. developing,
to learners, selection of learning 29. Apply topic related evaluating and
materials and resources based on the vocabulary in speech making choices
individual abilities of learners. appropriately arranging about their own
words and phrases into and others’ ideas
well-formed sentences.
30. Demonstrate the
ability to participate in a
A learner:
 selects an appropriate
 completes the task.
 uses appropriate
vocabulary while
 discusses questions
and answers the questions
within the group.
 Observation
 Feedback on the
 Peer-assessment
Short term lesson plan
Science and technology. Unit 9 p.p. 104 - 115 (12 hours)

Unit of a long term plan

Unit 9 Science and technology School:
Lesson plan 91
Date: Teacher’s name:

Class: 9 Number present: Number absent:

A day in cyberspace.Verbs and prepositions.

Lesson title
p.104 - p.105
9.S1 provide basic information about themselves and others at
sentence level on an increasing range of general topics
9.S3 give an opinion at sentence level on a limited range of general
and curricular topics
objectives(s) that 9.C1 use speaking and listening skills to solve problems creatively
this lesson is and cooperatively in groups
contributing to 9.C3 respect differing points of view
9.C7 develop and sustain a consistent argument when speaking or
9.C9 use imagination to express thoughts, ideas, experiences and
All learners will be able to:
identify some specific information from the text and use some target
vocabulary to describe social media and people’s communicationaccurately
in response to prompts and in production tasks.
Most learners will be able to:
Lesson objectives Select, compile, and synthesize information from the reading
passage "My morning online" for an oral presentation.
Some learners will be able to:
 Respond to and discuss the reading passage using interpretive,
evaluative and creative thinking skills.
Make an online interview.
Value links Cooperation, respect each other's opinion, functional literacy.
Crosscurricular Information Technology Social Science, Science, Psychology,
links Geography.
Talking about a holiday destination.
Smart board for showing a presentation, getting additional
Useof ICT
information,playing the audio files.
Discuss the topic concerning social media.
Health and Breaks and physical activities used. Everyday classroom precautions
Safety will ensure that safety measures are provided to prevent the exposure
of electrical power cords.
Planned activities Resources
The lesson greeting.
The teacher sets the lesson objectives, letting Slide (useful phrases).
students know what to anticipate from the lesson. Pictures
Then to create a positive learning environment the PPT
teachers asks students to start the lesson giving
each other compliments about appearance, job
Beginning performance, talent, etc. and also practice
of the accepting compliments.

Student Book p.104


Warm up.Free talk about using mass media.

By the way, do you have your mobile phones with
you? Please, show it to us. Do you often use it? Pictures
How often do you use it? When was it invented? PPT
(1983).What century is it? (The 20th century)
Look at the blackboard, there are three sentences
but one of it is not completed. Read the sentences
and complete the last one.
7 min. On the board:
The Medieval time is famous for inquisition and Slide (useful phrases).
The Renaissance is famous for its so called
“golden” age of art.
The 20th century is famous for...(developing
science and technology)
So, the theme of our lesson is Science and

Main Main part

Activities When you hear these words, Science and Student Book p. 104 -
Technology, what associations you have connected p.105.
15 min. to these words? What words do occur to your
mind? Pictures
One by one go to the board and write one word. PPT
Traveling into space robots a
computer Internet Science and Technology
Device inventions stereo system
discoveries. A table
Speak about the life
With social media Without social media
Working with the text. Lexical Work. Worksheet
What computer words are mentioned in the text?
12 min Give definitions to each word in blue. In pairs,
make a conceptual table.
Leona’s morning online My morning online

Make a conclusion about today’s modern devices.

We are living in the modern world, full of
computers, automatic devices, gadgets, cell phones
and many other different interesting and useful
things that technological progress has given us for
Science has given us possibility to fly into space
and step on the moon, to start studying different
parts of our galaxy and even farther. For example,
what wonderful pictures of our galaxy and planets
and stars surrounding Earth Hubble telescope has Writing
showed to us. Worksheet
Technology has made our life easier due to
different discoveries. For example, nowadays we
can travel with extremely high speed in different
directions: many countries have high-speed trains
which help us to feel comfortable all the way.

Student Book p.105.

Grammar: Verbs and prepositions.

Ex.2 – 4. p.105 (individually).
Ex.4. Keys:
1. posted, on; 2. Through; 3. On; 4. Opened; 5.
Commented; 6. At; 7. Turned on; 8. Wake; 9. On.
A teacher divides the class into 4 groups. Each
group should prepare some information about
benefits and problems with using social media.
Giving the home task.
W.B.p.70 – p.71
Ending the Students express their attitude to the lesson and give self-assessment using
lesson the method: “Six thinking hats”:
6 min.  Green: How can you use today's learning in different subjects?
 Red: How do you feel about your work today?
 White: What have you leant today?
 Black: What were the weaknesses of your work?
 Blue: How much progress have you made in this lesson? (Now I can, I still
need to work on, I've improved in, today I learnt...)
Yellow: What did you like about today's lesson?
Slide (Homework)
Slide "Six thinking hats"
Differentiation – Assessment –
how do you plan to give more support? how are you planning to Critical thinking
How do you plan to challenge the more check
able learners? learners’learning?
Differentiation can be achieved through Assessment criteria: Students think
the selection of activities, identification Identify the main idea in critically,
of learning outcomes for a certain extended talks with little exploring,
student, provision of individual support support. developing,
to learners, selection of learning Apply topic related evaluating and
materials and resources based on the vocabulary in speech making choices
individual abilities of learners. appropriately arranging about their own
words and phrases into and others’ ideas
well-formed sentences.
Demonstrate the ability
to participate in a
A learner:
 selects an appropriate
 completes the task.
 uses appropriate
vocabulary while
 discusses questions
and answers the
questions within the
 Observation
 Feedback on the
 Peer-assessment

Self - evaluation check list Self - evaluation check list Self - evaluation check list
Name and surname: Name and surname: Name and surname:
Form: Form: Form:
How I did my homework: How I did my homework: How I did my homework:
A mind - map: A mind - map: A mind - map:
Answers and questions: Answers and questions: Answers and questions:
(how active I was at the ( how active I was at the ( how active I was at the lesson)
lesson) lesson) very active:
very active: very active: active:
active: active: not active:
not active: not active: passive:
passive: passive: How many words have I learnt :
How many words have I How many words have I Active vocabulary:
learnt : learnt : My mark:
Active vocabulary: Active vocabulary: Teacher's mark:
My mark: My mark:
Teacher's mark: Teacher's mark:
Self - evaluation check list Self - evaluation check list Self - evaluation check list
Name and surname: Name and surname: Name and surname:
Form: Form: Form:
How I did my homework: How I did my homework: How I did my homework:
A mind - map: A mind - map: A mind - map:
Answers and questions: Answers and questions: Answers and questions:
( how active I was at the ( how active I was at the ( how active I was at the lesson)
lesson) lesson) very active:
very active: very active: active:
active: active: not active:
not active: not active: passive:
passive: passive: How many words have I learnt :
How many words have I How many words have I Active vocabulary:
learnt : learnt : My mark:
Active vocabulary: Active vocabulary: Teacher's mark:
My mark: My mark:
Teacher's mark: Teacher's mark:
Self - evaluation check list Self - evaluation check list Self - evaluation check list
Name and surname: Name and surname: Name and surname:
Form: Form: Form:
How I did my homework: How I did my homework: How I did my homework:
A mind - map: A mind - map: A mind - map:
Answers and questions: Answers and questions: Answers and questions:
( how active I was at the ( how active I was at the ( how active I was at the lesson)
lesson) lesson) very active:
very active: very active: active:
active: active: not active:
not active: not active: passive:
passive: passive: How many words have I learnt :
How many words have I How many words have I Active vocabulary:
learnt : learnt : My mark:
Active vocabulary: Active vocabulary: Teacher's mark:
My mark: My mark:
Teacher's mark: Teacher's mark:

Short term lesson plan

Unit of a long term plan

Unit 9Science and technology School:
Lesson plan 92
Date: Teacher’s name:

Class: 9 Number present: Number absent:

Lesson title The psychology of "Yes". p.106

9.C1 use speaking and listening skills to solve problems creatively
and cooperatively in groups
9.C9 use imagination to express thoughts, ideas, experiences and
Learning 9.L2 understand specific information in unsupported extended talk on
objectives(s) that a wide range of general and curricular topics, including talk on a
this lesson is limited range of unfamiliar topics
contributing to 9.L3 understand the detail of an argument in unsupported extended
talk on a wide range of general and curricular topics, including talk on
a limited range of unfamiliar topics
9.UE8 use a variety of future active and passive and future
continuous forms range of familiar general and curricular topics
Lesson objectives All learners will be able to:
 Identify the theme, be able to speak about the psychology of
“yes” for general meaning and specific information, give a short
information about the active and passive approach to life;
 Transfer information from the reading passage into a graphic
Most learners will be able to:
 Select, compile, and synthesize information from the reading
passage for an oral presentation;
Some learners will be able to:
 * Respond to and discuss the reading passage"The psychology of
"Yes"using interpretive, evaluative and creative thinking skills.
* Offer constructive peer-feedback using rubric.
Value links Cooperation, respect each other's opinion, functional literacy.
Crosscurricular Science, Psychology, Social Science,Information Technology,
links Medicine.
Talking about social media.
Smart board for showing a presentation, getting additional
Useof ICT
information,playing the audio files.
Speak about psychology of people.
Breaks and physical activities used. Everyday classroom precautions
Health and will ensure that safety measures are provided to prevent the exposure
Safety of electrical power cords.
Planned activities Resources
Beginning The lesson greeting.
of the The teacher sets the lesson objectives, letting Slide (useful phrases).
lesson students know what to anticipate from the lesson. Pictures
Then to create a positive learning environment the PPT
teachers asks students to start the lesson giving
each other compliments about appearance, job
performance, talent, etc. and also practice
accepting compliments.
Watching the pictures, the learners are asked to
predict the topic of the lesson.
Student Book p.106

7 min.

Slide (useful phrases).

Teacher's Book p.128.
Warm up.Free talk about pictures with a word
“yes”. How often do you say it? Is it possible to
say “yes” more often than “no”. The teacher gives
Sts. background information about Danny

Main Main part

Activities The teacher asks Students to watch a video on
You Tube “How to Make People Say Yes” and
15 min. speak about technique to persuade people to say
“yes”. How to Make People
One St. make a conclusion about the ways of Say Yes - YouTube
saying yes. https://
PRE - READING EXERCISE: www.youtube.com/
The teacher shows the headline of the text to watch?
students and asks them to speak about the v=RMUs9eGXtIw
problem. Ex.1
Sts. read the questions to the text to prepare the CD. 3.23.
answers after reading.
WHILE - Reading exercise:Ex.2 p.106: give the
right answers. (Pair work).
How will you react if a girlfriend or a boyfriend
leaves you?
12 min In groups, speak about optimistic and pessimistic
people. Student Book p.106

The teacher monitors students' progress and offer

support where necessary.
Then students can have a discussion to represent
all the roles. (2 min per student).
Discussion Director(Interpersonal Intelligence).
Task: Lead the discussion. Prepare 3 open-ended Pictures
and thought-provoking questions about the story PPT
that your group might want to discuss. Help others
talk about the main idea, help them share their
thoughts and feelings.
1. Write 2 open-ended questions.
2. Write your responses to these questions.
3. Keep the discussion going.
Discussion Director(Interpersonal Intelligence).
Task: Lead the discussion. Prepare 2 open-ended
and thought-provoking questions about the story
that your group might want to discuss. Help others
talk about the main idea, help them share their Writing
thoughts and feelings. Worksheet
1. Write 2 open-ended questions.
2. Write your responses to these questions.
3. Keep the discussion going.
Passage Picker(Body-Kinesthetic Intelligence).
Task: Choose a paragraph that you think your
group would like to re-read.
1. Choose an interesting or important paragraph
and write down its location.
2. Read passage aloud yourself (using body
language), or ask someone else to read it, or ask Student Book p.106
the group to read it silently and then discuss.
Write why you have chosen this paragraph.
Possible reasons for selecting the paragraph:
 important to text A Writing
 surprising Worksheet
 makes you think
 well written
 confusing
 interesting Pictures
Word Wizard (Verbal-linguistic Intelligence). PPT
Task: Find in the text 5 words or phrases that you
had difficulty reading or understand in the story.
1. Write 5 unfamiliar or puzzling words in a full Teacher's Book p.128.
sentence. (You may also find familiar word
repeated a lot).
2. Write the location of the word (e.g. Pg.58 § 4).
3. Try and guess the meaning from context.
3. Find a dictionary definition.
The STs. do Ex. 3 - 5 p.106
1. Find more that 5 phrases with look/ smell/
feel/ taste.
2. Make a list of synonyms and antonyms.
3. Create new sentences with these words.
4. Use online dictionary to find out the
pronunciation of the words.
Summariser(Intrapersonal Intelligence).
Task: Prepare a brief description of the key points
in the story.
1. Write at least 2 sentences.
2. Write in your own words.
3. Present the important events in a logical order.
1. Include the moral and meaning of the story.
2. Give your opinion of the story so that other
students can express theirs.
Illustrator(Visual-spatial Intelligence).
Task: Draw a picture related to the story.
1. Prepare an illustration.
2. Share your drawing and ask group members
what he/she thinks you have drawn and how it is
connected with the story.
3. Explain your illustration. A Writing
Options Worksheet
You can draw a character, a moment or a setting.
Connector(Logical-mathematical Intelligence).
Task: Find a part of the story that reminds you of
something you have seen, heard, done or read
about before.
1. Write at least 2 sentences. Make connections
with your own experience, another text or the
2. Give evidence from the book to support your
Use graphic organiser to record and compare your
connections to what happened in the text.
Character Analyser(Logical-mathematical
Task: Share observations about the main
1. Select 3 main characters and using adjectives
describe their characteristics.
2. Write at least 5 sentences.
 How the character is feeling and why?
 How the character reacts to different
 How the character interacts with other
Put yourself in the character's shoes and explain
the story from his (her) point of view.
Creative Exercise: Ex.6 p.106.
Find opposites in the text, make up sentences:
mean, rude, boring, negativeand optimistic.
Giving the home task.
Ending the W.B. p.72, Ex.6 p.106 retell
lesson Students express their attitude to the lesson and give self-assessment using
6 min. the method: “Six thinking hats”:
 Green: How can you use today's learning in different subjects?
 Red: How do you feel about your work today?
 White: What have you leant today?
 Black: What were the weaknesses of your work?
 Blue: How much progress have you made in this lesson? (Now I can, I still
need to work on, I've improved in, Today I learnt...)
Yellow: What did you like about today's lesson?
Slide (Homework)
Slide "Six thinking hats"

Differentiation –
how do you plan to give more Assessment –
Critical thinking
support? How do you plan to how are you planning to
challenge the more check learners’learning?
able learners? can be achieved
Differentiation Assessment criteria: Students think
through the selection of activities, Identify the main idea in critically,
identification of learning outcomes extended talks with little exploring,
for a certain student, provision of support. developing,
individual support to learners, Apply topic related vocabulary evaluating and
selection of learning materials and in speech appropriately making choices
resources based on the individual arranging words and phrases about their own
abilities of learners. into well-formed sentences. and others’ ideas
Demonstrate the ability to
participate in a conversation.
A learner:
 selects an appropriate
 completes the task.
 uses appropriate subject-
specific vocabulary while
 discusses questions and
answers the questions within the
 Observation
 Feedback on the work
 Peer-assessment

Short term lesson plan

Unit of a long term plan

Unit 9 Science and technology Lesson School:
plan 93
Date: Teacher’s name:

Class: 9 Number present: Number absent:

Language Focus. Third conditional.

Lesson title Talking about theimaginary situation in the
past. p.107
Learning 9.L6 deduce meaning from context in unsupported extended talk on a
objectives(s) that wide range of general and curricular topics, including talk on a limited
this lesson is range of unfamiliar topics
contributing to 9.L8 recognise inconsistencies in argument in extended talk on a
range of general and curricular subjects
9.C7 develop and sustain a consistent argument when speaking or
9.C9 use imagination to express thoughts, ideas, experiences and
9.L2 understand specific information in unsupported extended talk on
a wide range of general and curricular topics, including talk on a
limited range of unfamiliar topics
9.L3 understand the detail of an argument in unsupported extended
talk on a wide range of general and curricular topics, including talk on
a limited range of unfamiliar topics
9.UE17 use if / if only in third conditional structures
All learners will be able to:
 Identify the theme, give the examples of the third conditional,
use active vocabulary speaking about the positive look at life;
 Transfer information from the book about grammar into a
graphic organizer.
Most learners will be able to:
 Select, compile, and synthesize information from the reading
Lesson objectives passage for an oral presentation, usethird conditional sentences
clearly and in the correct form.
Some learners will be able to:
 Respond to and discuss the reading rules and texts using
interpretive, evaluative and creative thinking skills.
 Apply third conditional sentences to express their own
opinions and answer third conditional questions about their
own lives.
 Offer constructive peer-feedback using rubric.
Value links Cooperation, respect each other's opinion, functional literacy.
Crosscurricular Social Science, Psychology, Physics, Geography,Information
links Technology.
Talking aboutthe psychology of saying “yes”.
Smart board for showing a presentation, getting additional
Useof ICT
information,playing the audio files.
Discuss the positive view to life of people in the society.
Health and Breaks and physical activities used. Everyday classroom precautions
Safety will ensure that safety measures are provided to prevent the exposure
of electrical power cords.
Planned activities Resources
Beginning The lesson greeting.
of the The teacher sets the lesson objectives, letting Slide (useful phrases).
lesson students know what to anticipate from the lesson. Pictures
Then to create a positive learning environment the PPT
teachers asks students to start the lesson giving
each other compliments about appearance, job
performance, talent, etc. and also practice
accepting compliments.
Watching the pictures, the learners are asked to
predict the topic of the lesson.
Student Book p.107
A table

Writing Worksheet
Warm up.Free talk about the last topic. The
teacher asks Sts. in pairs find sentences with the
third conditional.
6 min. Tell the students about why you decided to become
a teacher, and about another possibility you had at
that time.
For example: ‘I decided to become an English
teacher when I was 23, because I wanted to be able
to travel around the world and work at the same
time giving knowledge to students.
If I hadn’t become an English teacher, I would
have visitedLondon.’
Main Main part
Activities Look at the rule and do Ex. 1 - 2 p.107. While
doing Ex.1. the Sts. will pay attention to the facts Student Book p.107
15 min. from the life of Danny.
A table
IF + PAST PERFECT (had +V3) – main clause
Grammar drill exercises:
Conditional sentences type 3
Panic at the bank
It was a quiet morning at the bank in Little
Rissington. The cashiers were counting money,
there were two customers in the bank and the Writing Worksheet
manager was having a cup of coffee.
Suddenly a robber ran in. He was carrying a gun.
One of the customers, an old lady, screamed and
tried to run out of the bank. She slipped and fell
13 min over. The other customer tried to pull the robber to
the floor. A cashier rang the alarm bell.
The manager telephoned the police. The robber
panicked and jumped out of the window.
A policeman arrived. First he helped the old lady
and then he chased the robber. The robber escaped.
What would/wouldn’t you have done if you had
been the following people?
 If I had been the manager, I would
 If I had been the cashier, I would
(wouldn’t) … C.D. 3.24
 If I had been the old lady, I would
(wouldn’t) …
 If I had been the second customer, I would
(wouldn’t) Student Book p.107
 If I had been the policeman, I would
(wouldn’t) …
 If I had been the robber, I would (wouldn’t) Teacher’s Book p.129
Rewrite the sentences using the third conditional
Ex.3 p.107

(Explain the importance of putting a comma after

if when it comes before the main clause)!
If Hayley hadn’t been tired, she would have
Ex.4 p.107. Complete the sentences: Pair Work.
Creative Exercises.
Optional Activity: language focus.
Giving the home task.
W.B. p.73, Ex.4 p.107 write

Students express their attitude to the lesson and give self-assessment using
the method: “Six thinking hats”:
Ending the Green: How can you use today's learning in different subjects?
lesson  Red: How do you feel about your work today?
6 min.  White: What have you leant today?
 Black: What were the weaknesses of your work?
 Blue: How much progress have you made in this lesson? (Now I can, I still
need to work on, I've improved in, Today I learnt...)
Yellow: What did you like about today's lesson?
Slide (Homework)
Slide "Six thinking hats"

Teacher observation checklist

Student's name ________________________________________

Positive Aspects
 Completed the individual role-card.
 Used extracts from the text to support his/her ideas.
 Asked open-ended questions.
 Listened while others talked.
 Encouraged peers to share their ideas.
 Added his/her own comments and ideas to other student's comments and ideas.

Negative Aspects
 Didn't complete the individual role-card.
 Didn't appear to be listening or interrupted when others were speaking.
 Did not use text to support his/her opinions.

Comments ___________________________________________________


Exercise 1. Zero Conditional

Write about George’s day. Make sentences in the Zero Conditional.
bed late  up late
If George goes to bed late, he gets up late.
up late  breakfast late
breakfast late  not catch bus
not catch bus  work on foot
work on foot  not in office before 11 a.m.
not in office before 11 a.m.  boss angry
boss angry  George work badly

Exercise 2. First Conditional

Jill and Sue are waiting at the bus-stop. They are on their way to the cinema. Put the verbs
in brackets in the proper tense.
Oh dear, the bus is late.
If the bus (not arrive) soon, we (be) late.
If we (be) late, we (miss) the beginning of the film.
If we (miss) the beginning of the film, we (not understand) the story.
If we (not understand) the story, we (be) bored.
If we (be) bored, we (fall asleep).
If we (fall asleep), we (miss) the end of the film.
Let’s not go to the cinema.

Exercise 3. Third Conditional

Read the text in the box and make sentences.
get up early catch the 8.15 train  sit by a beautiful foreign woman fall in love and marry
her  go to live in her country  work in her father's diamond business  become very rich 
go into politics
If I had got up early, I would have caught the 8.15 train.

Conditional sentences (First or Second)

Exercise 1. Look at the two underlined parts of these sentences. One part is right and the
other is wrong. Correct the wrong part.
1. When you come home tonight, we go and see Fred in hospital.
2. I’m going to visit the Colosseum when I’ll be in Rome.
3. Do you tell me what happened when I see you later?
4. It’s a pity this room is so small. If it were bigger, we can put all our furniture in it.
5. If I will see Ann, I will ask her about her exam.
6. Sam doesn’t get up early enough to catch the 7.30 train. If he would get up earlier, he
wouldn’t be late.
7. I’m sure Bill will ring you before he will go on holiday.
8. If it won’t rain soon, all the plants will die in the garden.
9. I haven’t got a bike, I’m afraid. If I have one, I would lend it to you.
10. Barbara is in bed with a fever. She would be here with us if she wouldn’t be ill.

Short term lesson plan

Unit of a long term plan

Unit 9 Science and technology Lesson School:
plan 94
Date: Teacher’s name:

Class: 9 Number present: Number absent:

Lesson title
Discussion about phobias. p.108
Learning 9.L1 understand a sequence of supported classroom instructions
objectives(s) that 9.C2 use speaking and listening skills to provide sensitive feedback to
this lesson is peers
9.S1 provide basic information about themselves and others at
sentence level on an increasing range of general topics
9.S7 use appropriate subject-specific vocabulary and syntax to talk
about a limited range of general topics
contributing to
9.R7 recognise typical features at word, sentence and text level in a
limited range of written genres
9.W1 plan, write, edit and proofread work at text level with support
on a limited range of general and curricular topics
All learners will be able to:
 Identify the theme, plot, new words in the reading passage and
use them as the basis for discussion.
 Listen to the passage and mark sentences concerning phobias;
 Listen to the passage and fill inmissing words;
Most learners will be able to:
Lesson objectives  Select, compile, and synthesize information from the reading
passage for an oral presentation.
 Provide unprepared speech to answer a variety of questions at
sentence level and in conversations with some flexibility;
Some learners will be able to:
 Respond to and discuss the reading using interpretive, evaluative and
creative thinking skills and make a mini – dialogue with new words.
Value links Cooperation, respect each other's opinion, functional literacy.
Crosscurricular Social Science, Science, Psychology, Physics,
links Geography,Information Technology.
Talking about unreal situations in the past.
Smart board for showing a presentation, getting additional
Useof ICT
information,playing the audio files.
Discuss people’s phobias.
Health and Breaks and physical activities used. Everyday classroom precautions
Safety will ensure that safety measures are provided to prevent the exposure
of electrical power cords.
Planned activities Resources
Beginning The lesson greeting.
of the The teacher sets the lesson objectives, letting Slide (useful phrases).
lesson students know what to anticipate from the lesson. Pictures
Then to create a positive learning environment the PPT
teachers asks students to start the lesson giving
each other compliments about appearance, job
performance, talent, etc. and also practice
accepting compliments.
Watching the words on the board, the learners are
asked to predict the topic of the lesson.
Student Book p.108


8 min.
Warm up.Free talk about phobia.What is it? Who
has got such illness in class?
plural noun: phobias
an extreme or irrational fear of or aversion to Pictures
something. PPT
"she suffered from a phobia about birds";
Synonyms: Slide (useful phrases).
fear, dread, horror, terror, dislike, hatred, loathing,
distaste, revulsion, repulsion.
When a person has a phobia, they will often shape
their lives to avoid what they consider to be
dangerous. The imagined threat is greater than any
actual threat posed by the cause of terror.
Phobias are diagnosable mental disorders.
The person will experience intense distress when
faced with the source of their phobia. This can
prevent them from functioning normally and
sometimes leads to panic attacks.
In the United States, approximately 19 million
people have phobias.
Main part
Ex.1 - 3 p.108. Work with abbreviations to know if Student Book p.108
the students understand parts of speech. Complete Oxford English -
the table of word – formation. English Dictionary
Main Listen to the radio programme about phobias
Activities and speak about this illness. Ex.4 - 5. CD. 3.25.
What things do the speaker’s mention?
14 min. Speak about them in groups of 3.
Ex.6 -7 are connected with a test: All about me. Is Pictures
there something which terrifies you? Every student PPT
writes this task individually on a piece of paper.
The teacher asks the students to name as many
phobias as possible especially among teenagers. Teacher’s Book
Optional Activity: Listening. p.130.

The students are given situations concerning

phobias. Try to give some advice to avoid this fear.
1. How can you cope with fear of flying? Writing
Today, flying is both the fastest and easiest mode Worksheet
of transport between countries. But many of us are
terrorized by the mere thought of boarding a plane.
12 min
Why is that, and how do we deal with this anxiety?

2. A panic attack happens because of

heightened anxiety. Anyone can have a panic
attack, but it is also a hallmark symptom of panic
disorder. It can lead to a rapid heartbeat, rapid
breathing, sweating, shaking, and other symptoms.
Giving the home task.
Ending the W.B. p.74(a table)
lesson Students express their attitude to the lesson and give self-assessment using
6 min. the method: “Six thinking hats”:
 Green: How can you use today's learning in different subjects?
 Red: How do you feel about your work today?
 White: What have you leant today?
 Black: What were the weaknesses of your work?
 Blue: How much progress have you made in this lesson? (Now I can, I still
need to work on, I've improved in, Today I learnt...)
Yellow: What did you like about today's lesson?
Slide (Homework)
Slide "Six thinking hats"

Differentiation –
Assessment –
how do you plan to give Critical thinking
how are you planning to check
more support? How do
learners’ learning?
you plan to challenge the
Differentiation can be Assessment criteria: Students think
achieved through the Identify the main idea in extended critically, exploring,
selection of activities, talks with little support. developing,
identification of learning Apply topic related vocabulary in evaluating and
outcomes for a certain speech appropriately arranging words making choices about
student, provision of and phrases into well-formed their own and others’
individual support to sentences. ideas
learners, selection of Demonstrate the ability to participate
learning materials and in a conversation.
resources based on the Descriptor:
individual abilities of A learner:
learners.  selects an appropriate answer.
 completes the task.
 uses appropriate subject-specific
vocabulary while speaking.
 discusses questions and answers
the questions within the group.
Observation/Feedback on the
Treatment includes different types of psychotherapy.

Phobias are highly treatable, and people who have them are nearly always aware of
their disorder. This helps diagnosis a great deal.
Speaking to a psychologist or psychiatrist is a useful first step in treating a phobia that
has already been identified.

If the phobia does not cause severe problems, most people find that simply avoiding
the source of their fear helps them stay in control. Many people with specific phobias
will not seek treatment as these fears are often manageable.

It is not possible to avoid the triggers of some phobias, as is often the case with
complex phobias. In these cases, speaking to a mental health professional can be the
first step to recovery.

Most phobias can be cured with appropriate treatment. There is no single treatment
that works for every person with a phobia. Treatment needs to be tailored to the
individual for it to work.

The doctor, psychiatrist, or psychologist may recommend behavioral therapy,

medications, or a combination of both. Therapy is aimed at reducing fear and anxiety
symptoms and helping people manage their reactions to the object of their phobia.
Short term lesson plan

Unit of a long term plan

Unit 9 Science and technology Lesson School:
plan 95
Date: Teacher’s name:

Class: 9 Number present: Number absent:

Language Focus.
Lesson title Defining and non - defining relative
clauses. skills
9.C1 use speaking and listening p.109to solve problems creatively
and cooperatively in groups
9.C3 respect differing points of view
9.L4 understand implied meaning in unsupported extended talk on a
wide range of general and curricular topics, including talk on a limited
Learning range of unfamiliar topics
objectives(s) that 9.L5 recognise the attitude or opinion of the speaker(s) in unsupported
this lesson is extended talk on a wide range of general and curricular topics,
contributing to including talk on a limited range of unfamiliar topics
9.S8 recount extended stories and events on a wide range of general
and curricular topics
9.R3 understand the detail of an argument- both explicitly stated and
implied - in extended texts on a wide range of familiar general and
curricular topics, and some unfamiliar topics
All learners will be able to:
 Identify the difference between the sentences with who, where,
why and which.
 Most learners will be able to:
 Select, compile, and synthesize information from the reading
Lesson objectives passage for an oral presentation;
 Produce the sentences with who, where, why and which.
Some learners will be able to:
 * Respond to and discuss the reading rules and texts using
interpretive, evaluative and creative thinking skills;
 * Apply the sentences with who, where, why and which fluently.
Value links Cooperation, respect each other's opinion, functional literacy.
Social Science, Geography,Stylistics, Literature.
Talking about phobias.
Smart board for showing a presentation, getting additional
Useof ICT
information,playing the audio files.
Discuss the people’s psychological problems.
Health and Breaks and physical activities used. Everyday classroom precautions
Safety will ensure that safety measures are provided to prevent the exposure
of electrical power cords.
Planned activities Resources
Beginning The lesson greeting.
of the The teacher sets the lesson objectives, letting Slide (useful phrases).
lesson students know what to anticipate from the lesson. Pictures
Then to create a positive learning environment the PPT
teachers asks students to start the lesson giving
each other compliments about appearance, job
performance, talent, etc. and also practice
accepting compliments.
Watching the pictures, the learners are asked to
predict the topic of the lesson.
Student Book p.109

Warm up.
Ex.1 p.109. Recognition exercise connected with
“All about me”.
1) Sentences: 1,2,4,5,6,9.10;
7 min. 2) Sentences: 3,8; Pictures
3) Sentences: 7; PPT
4) Sentences: 2.
Rules Slide (useful phrases).
1) people
2) places
3) things
4) reasons
Main Main part
Activities Relative clauses add extra information to a Student Book p.109
sentence by defining a noun. They are usually
15 min. divided into two types – defining relative
clauses and non-defining relative clauses.
Non-defining relative clauses
Look at this sentence. A Table
My grandfather, who is 87, goes swimming every
‘who is 87’ is a non-defining relative clause. It
adds extra information to the sentence. If we take
the clause out of the sentence, the sentence still has
the same meaning.
Look at some more examples.
My eldest son, whose work takes him all over the
world, is in Hong Kong at the moment.
The film, which stars Tom Carter, is released on
The car, which can reach speeds of over 300km/ph,
costs over $500,000.
B. Rule II.
Remember that defining relative clauses are used
to add important information. The sentence would
have a different meaning without the defining
relative clause. A Table
I’m going to wear the skirt that I bought in
The skirt, which is a lovely dark blue colour, only
cost £10.
The first sentence with a defining relative clause
tells us which skirt. The second sentence, with a
non-defining relative clause, doesn’t tell us which
skirt – it gives us more information about the skirt.
The context (which is missing here) makes it clear Student Book p.109
which skirt is being talked about.

Non-defining relative clauses can use most

relative pronouns (which, whose etc,) but
they CAN’T use ‘that’ and the relative pronoun
can never be omitted. Writing
Grammar Drill Exercises: Worksheet
12 min Ex.2 p.109. Join the sentences halves with relative
Ex.3 p.109. Make sentences using the phrases in
the chat. Students do this task in pairs.
Ex.4 – 5 p.109. What is the difference between
defining and non –defining relative clauses?
Find this difference in the sentences and explain
the rule.
Extra task. Creative exercise.
Ex.6. (also five – minute test, Test bank
Giving the home task.
Ending the W.B. p.77 Ex.5 -7
lesson Self-assessment.
6 min. “Five”. Children draw a picture of their hand and write the most important
things about the lesson on each finger. The thumb - something interesting,
the index finger - something difficult, the middle one - something that was
not enough, the ring finger - the mood, the little finger - the

Differentiation –
how do you plan to give more Assessment –
Critical thinking
support? How do you plan to how are you planning to
challenge the more check learners’learning?
able learners? can be achieved
Differentiation Assessment criteria: Students think
through the selection of activities, Identify the main idea in critically,
identification of learning outcomes for extended talks with little exploring,
a certain student, provision of support. developing,
individual support to learners, Apply topic related evaluating and
selection of learning materials and vocabulary in speech making choices
resources based on the individual appropriately arranging about their own
abilities of learners. words and phrases into well- and others’ ideas
formed sentences.
Demonstrate the ability to
participate in a
A learner:
 selects an appropriate
 completes the task.
 uses appropriate subject-
specific vocabulary while
 discusses questions and
answers the questions within
the group.
 Observation
 Feedback on the work
 Peer-assessment

Relative clauses

1 Underline any relative pronouns that can be left out in these sentences.
1. I think that my boss is the person who I admire most
2. Harry, who was tired, went to bed very early.
3. We're taking the train that leaves at 6.00.
4. Have you seen the book that I left here on the desk?
5. The film which we liked most was the French one.
6. My radio, which isn't very old, has suddenly stopped working.
7. The clothes which you left behind are at the reception desk.
8. The couple who met me at the station took me out to dinner.
9. Last week I ran into an old friend who I hadn't seen for ages.
10.Don't cook the meat that I put in the freezer, it’s for the dog.

2 Replace the relative pronoun underlined with “that“, where possible.

1. This is the magazine which I told you about.
This is the magazine that I told you about.
2. John's flat, which is in the same block as mine, is much larger.
3. The girl whose bag I offered to carry turned out to be an old friend.
4. The policeman who arrested her had recognised her car.
5. I work with someone who knows you.
6. We don’t sell goods which have been damaged.
7. Brighton, which is on the south coast, is a popular holiday resort
8. I don’t know anyone whose clothes would fit you.
9. There's a pub near here which serves very good meals.
10.People who park outside get given parking tickets.

3 Decide whether each sentence contains a defining or a non-defining relative

1. Everyone who got to the sales early found excellent bargains.
2. Leave the questions which you can't answer until the end.
3. Helen picked up the book, which had a green cover.
4. The guests who were late didn't have enough to eat.
5. Sue, who was extremely hungry, decided to cook some spaghetti.
6. The person I spoke to before said the repair would be free of charge.
7. My bedroom, which was rather small, looked out on a noisy street.
8. David's sister, who likes cats, offered to take one of the kittens.
9. The person who finishes first will be the winner, of course.
10.Smith, who had earlier missed a penalty, scored after twenty minutes.
Short term lesson plan

Unit of a long term plan

Unit 9 Science and technology School:
Lesson plan 96
Date: Teacher’s name:

Class: 9 Number present: Number absent:

Lesson title Reacting to news and sympathizing p.110

9.L6 deduce meaning from context in unsupported extended talk on a
wide range of general and curricular topics, including talk on a limited
range of unfamiliar topics
9.L8 recognise inconsistencies in argument in extended talk on a
range of general and curricular subjects
9.C7 develop and sustain a consistent argument when speaking or
Learning writing
objectives(s) that 9.C9 use imagination to express thoughts, ideas, experiences and
this lesson is feelings
contributing to 9.L2 understand specific information in unsupported extended talk on
a wide range of general and curricular topics, including talk on a
limited range of unfamiliar topics
9.L3 understand the detail of an argument in unsupported extended
talk on a wide range of general and curricular topics, including talk on
a limited range of unfamiliar topics
9.UE17 use if / if only in third conditional structures.
All learners will be able to:
 Understand a dialogue in which people sympathize with
 Recognize key phrases for sympathizing with someone.
 Offer constructive peer-feedback using rubric.
Most learners will be able to:
Lesson objectives  Ask for and give advice to people who you sympathize with
some support.
Some learners will be able to:
 Respond to and discuss the reading passage using interpretive,
evaluative and creative thinking skills;
 Create and act out their own dialogues on the topic.
 Offer constructive peer-feedback using rubric.
Value links Cooperation, respect each other's opinion, functional literacy.
Social Science, Psychology, Information Technology.
Talking aboutdefining and non- defining relative clauses.
Smart board for showing a presentation, getting additional
Useof ICT
information, playing the audio files.
Intercultural Discuss experiences in different countries concerning reaction to
awareness news.
Health and Breaks and physical activities used. Everyday classroom precautions
Safety will ensure that safety measures are provided to prevent the exposure
of electrical power cords.
Planned activities Resources
The lesson greeting.
The teacher sets the lesson objectives, letting Slide (useful phrases).
students know what to anticipate from the lesson. Pictures
Then to create a positive learning environment the PPT
teachers asks students to start the lesson giving
each other compliments about appearance, job
performance, talent, etc. and also practice
Beginning accepting compliments.
Watching the pictures, the learners are asked to Student Book p.110
of the Writing
lesson predict the topic of the lesson.

Warm up.Free talk about the reaction to different

7 min.

Slide (useful phrases).


The teacher asks students who they talk to when
they are feeling upset or worried.
Main Main part
Activities Ex.1 p.110. Identifying the feelings of a girl. Student Book p.110
Predicting based on the picture.
15 min. Answer:
They are chatting and Marie doesn’t feel happy.
Ex.2 p.110. Gist listening.Is Dan optimistic or CD. 3.26.
pessimistic about Marie’s situation? Pay attention
to useful speech phrases: It isn’t the end of the
world. Don’t take it too badly. It is not worth Pictures
worrying about. Cheer up! PPT
Dan is optimistic. Prove it.
Sentence completion task. Role-play. CD. 3.27.
Ex.3. Listen to the key - phrases and complete the
1. look
6. up
What will you advise to do? How will you CD. 3.28.
sympathize people?
Ex.4 p.110. Sentence completion task. Role-play.
Pronunciation practice. Speak about conditions in CD. 3.29.
these sentences.
Ex.5 - 6 p.110. Do this exercise in pairs. In pairs, Student Book p.110
12 min make new mini- dialogues using active words
combinations and key - phrases.
OPTIONAL ACTIVITY: Communication. The Teacher's Book p.132.
teacher asks students to work individually and
think of a situation which might make them
unhappy. The students move around the class and
tell each other about the situation The one student
will make a general review of some problems and
their solutions.
Giving the home task.
St.B. Ex.6p.110(w)
Ending the Students express their attitude to the lesson and give self-assessment using
lesson the method: “Six thinking hats”:
6 min.  Green: How can you use today's learning in different subjects?
 Red: How do you feel about your work today?
 White: What have you leant today?
 Black: What were the weaknesses of your work?
 Blue: How much progress have you made in this lesson? (Now I can, I still
need to work on, I've improved in, Today I learnt...)
Yellow: What did you like about today's lesson?
Slide (Homework)
Slide "Six thinking hats"
Differentiation –
how do you plan to give more Assessment –
Critical thinking
support? How do you plan to how are you planning to check
challenge the moreable learners’learning?
Differentiation can be achieved Assessment criteria: Students think
through the selection of 31. Identify the main idea in critically,
activities, identification of extended talks with little support. exploring,
learning outcomes for a certain 32. Apply topic related developing,
student, provision of individual vocabulary in speech evaluating and
support to learners, selection of appropriately arranging words making choices
learning materials and resources and phrases into well-formed about their own
based on the individual abilities sentences. and others’ ideas
of learners. 33. Demonstrate the ability to
participate in a conversation.
A learner:
 selects an appropriate answer.
 completes the task.
 uses appropriate subject-
specific vocabulary while
 discusses questions and
answers the questions within the
 Observation
 Feedback on the work
 Peer-assessment
Short term lesson plan

Unit of a long term plan

Unit 9 Science and technology Lesson School:
plan 97
Date: Teacher’s name:

Class: 9 Number present: Number absent:

Writing: An experience.
Lesson title Practicing writing about a personal experience.
9.C7 develop and sustain a consistent argument when speaking or
9.C9 use imagination to express thoughts, ideas, experiences and
9.L3 understand the detail of an argument in unsupported extended
talk on a wide range of general and curricular topics, including talk on
a limited range of unfamiliar topics
9.L4 understand implied meaning in unsupported extended talk on a
objectives(s) that
wide range of general and curricular topics, including talk on a limited
this lesson is
range of unfamiliar topics
contributing to
9.R5 deduce meaning from context in extended texts on a wide range
of familiar general and curricular topics, and some unfamiliar topics
9.R7 recognise typical features at word, sentence and text level in a
wide range of written
genres, including some which focus on unfamiliar topics
9.W1 plan, write, edit and proofread work at text level with minimal
teacher support on a range of general and curricular topics
All learners will be able to:
 * Develop speaking skills through communication about a personal
 * Improve reading skills through recognising typical features at word;
 * Understand the general writing structure of a model opinion essay.
 Use key phrases for an opinion essay.
Lesson objectives Most learners will be able to:
*Select, compile, and synthesize information from the reading
passage for an oral presentation.
 *Use key phrases for writing a story with some support.
Some learners will be able to:
* Respond to and discuss the reading passage using interpretive,
evaluative and creative thinking skills;
*Write an opinion essay building extensive sentences.
Cooperation, respect each other's opinion, functional literacy.
Value links Students will be able to understand that every work is important,
worthy and fruitful.
Social Science, Information Technology, Psychology.
Previous Talking about the reaction on the situations.
Smart board for showing a presentation, getting additional
Useof ICT
information,playing the audio files.
Discuss personal experiences of young people in different countries.
Health and Breaks and physical activities used. Everyday classroom precautions
Safety will ensure that safety measures are provided to prevent the exposure
of electrical power cords.
Planned activities Resources

Beginning Slide (useful phrases).

of the Pictures
lesson PPT

The lesson greeting.

The teacher sets the lesson objectives, letting
students know what to anticipate from the lesson.
Then to create a positive learning environment the
teachers asks students to start the lesson giving
each other compliments about appearance, job
performance, talent, etc. and also practice
accepting compliments.
7 min. Watching the words on the board, the learners are
asked to predict the topic of the lesson. Student Book p.111.
ROBOTICS/ Science Exam/ Fail/ feed up/ Writing
Robotics competition.

Warm up.Free talk about the theme, the problems

of a boy, his feelings and emotions. In pairs, Sts.
speak about this headline and give their versions.

Main part
Main Sts. read the text and make a mind - map: Student Book p.111
Activities “Personal Experience". Ex.1 p.111.
Activity 2: Read the model text again and
15 min. answer the questions. Ex.2. p.111. Pictures
Activity 3: The Sts. Are going to work with the PPT
words and key – phrases and in groups speak
about a happy ending.
Language point: Modifying comparatives.
Order the words: Ex.3. Optional Activity: Teacher’s Book p.133
Language Focus.

12 min
Creative exercise. Activate. Write a story with a
title “A happy ending”.

Giving the home task.

Ending the W.B. p.75, A composition” A happy ending”.
Students express their attitude to the lesson and give self-assessment using
the method: “Six thinking hats”:
 Green: How can you use today's learning in different subjects?
lesson  Red: How do you feel about your work today?
6 min.  White: What have you leant today?
 Black: What were the weaknesses of your work?
 Blue: How much progress have you made in this lesson? (Now I can, I still
need to work on, I've improved in, Today I learnt... )
Yellow: What did you like about today's lesson?
Slide (Homework)
Slide "Six thinking hats"

Differentiation –
Assessment –
how do you plan to give more support? Critical thinking
how are you planning to
How do you plan to challenge the more
check learners’ learning?
able learners?
Differentiation can be achieved through the Assessment criteria: Students think
selection of activities, identification of 34.Identify the main idea in critically,
learning outcomes for a certain student, extended talks with little exploring,
provision of individual support to learners, support. developing,
selection of learning materials and resources 35.Apply topic related
evaluating and
based on the individual abilities of learners. vocabulary in speech
appropriately arranging making choices
words and phrases into about their own
well-formed sentences. and others’ ideas
36.Demonstrate the ability
to participate in a
A learner:
 selects an appropriate
 completes the task.
 uses appropriate subject-
specific vocabulary while
 discusses questions and
answers the questions
within the group.
 Observation
 Feedback on the work
 Peer-assessment


Your text is interesting to read

Your text is well structured
Your English sounds fluent. You
vary your sentences in length and
You know a lot of words
You spell the words right
Your text is grammatically correct
and your sentences make sense
Short term lesson plan

Unit of a long term plan School:

Unit 9 Science and technology
Lesson plan 98
Date: Teacher’s name:
Class: 9 Number present: Number absent:

Lesson title Review 9 p.114

Summative assessment for the 9th unit
Short term lesson plan

Unit of a long term plan

Unit 9 Science and technology School:
Lesson plan 99
Date: Teacher’s name:

Class: 9 Number present: Number absent:

My Country.
Lesson title
Science and technology.p.112
9.L1 understand a sequence of supported classroom instructions
9.C2 use speaking and listening skills to provide sensitive feedback to
9.S1 provide basic information about themselves and others at
sentence level on an increasing range of general topics
objectives(s) that
9.S7 use appropriate subject-specific vocabulary and syntax to talk
this lesson is
about a limited range of general topics
contributing to
9.R7 recognise typical features at word, sentence and text level in a
limited range of written genres
9.W1 plan, write, edit and proofread work at text level with support
on a limited range of general and curricular topics
All learners will be able to:
 Develop speaking skills through communication about future cities;
 Understand a text about future cities and improve reading skills
through recognising typical features at word;
 Write some ideas about future life.
 Most learners will be able to:
Lesson objectives  Select, compile, and synthesize information from the reading
passage for an oral presentation.
Some learners will be able to:
Respond to and discuss the reading passage using interpretive,
evaluative and creative thinking skills;
Demonstrate the ability to find correct information without any
Apply topic related vocabulary in speech with grammar accuracies.
Cooperation, respect each other's opinion and the way to live,
Value links
functional literacy, love to the place you live.
Crosscurricular Science, Social Science, History, Psychology,
links Geography,Information Technology.
Talking about situations with happy ends.
Smart board for showing a presentation, getting additional
Useof ICT
information,playing the audio files.
Discuss the life in future cities in different countries of the world.
Health and Breaks and physical activities used. Everyday classroom precautions
Safety will ensure that safety measures are provided to prevent the exposure
of electrical power cords.
Planned activities Resources
The lesson greeting.
The teacher sets the lesson objectives, letting Slide (useful phrases).
students know what to anticipate from the lesson. Pictures
Then to create a positive learning environment the PPT
teachers asks students to start the lesson giving
each other compliments about appearance, job
of the
performance, talent, etc. and also practice
lesson Top 10 Futuristic
accepting compliments.
Watching the fragments from the film, the learners Movie Cities
are asked to predict the topic of the lesson. http://


Warm up.Free talk about future cities. The Venn Diagram.

teacher asks Sts. in pairs to speak about changes in
new cities.Use a Venn’s Diagram for this task:
7 min.

Student Book p.112

Compare cities: in the past/ nowadays/ in the

Main Main part
Activities Look at these words and give definitions and Student Book p.112
define parts of speech.
15 min. Ex.1 – 2 p.112. What can you say about cities of
future? Listen and read the text "Cities of the CD. 3.30.
future". While listening to the text, complete it
with the missing sentences.
Activity 2. Speak about the imaginary facts in the Pictures
present and past.Ex.3 PPT

Creative Exercise. Planning an expedition to a

future city. Make a picture of the place you are
going to visit.
Work in groups of 3; make a design of a city in
Ex.4 – 5 p.112.
Today, cities are overshadowed by multiple
threats: climate change, overpopulation, social Student Book p.112
division, and urban warfare all endanger our way
of life in urban areas. The fundamental way in
which we make sense of these uncertain futures is
through the imagination. Architects, artists,
filmmakers and fiction writers have long been
inspired to imagine cities of the future, but their
work tends to be based on scientific predictions
that separate hard evidence from flights of fancy.
In a digital age when the real and the virtual exist
together, it is important to know how the two are
12 min entangled, and how together they may help us to
think of the future.
Exploring a breathtaking range of imagined cities –
submerged, floating, flying, vertical, underground,
ruined and salvaged.

Giving the home task.

St.B. p.112 Ex.5
A Kazakh Scientist (topic)
W.B. p.76
Students express their attitude to the lesson and give self-assessment using
the method: “Six thinking hats”:
Ending the
 Green: How can you use today's learning in different subjects?
6 min.  Red: How do you feel about your work today?
 White: What have you leant today?
 Black: What were the weaknesses of your work?
 Blue: How much progress have you made in this lesson? (Now I can, I still
need to work on, I've improved in, Today I learnt...)
Yellow: What did you like about today's lesson?
Slide (Homework)
Slide "Six thinking hats"

Differentiation –
how do you plan to give more Assessment –
Critical thinking
support? How do you plan to how are you planning to
challenge the more check learners’learning?
able learners?
Differentiation can be achieved Assessment criteria: Students think
through the selection of activities, Identify the main idea in critically,
identification of learning outcomes extended talks with little exploring,
for a certain student, provision of support. developing,
individual support to learners, Apply topic related vocabulary evaluating and
selection of learning materials and in speech appropriately making choices
resources based on the individual arranging words and phrases about their own
abilities of learners. into well-formed sentences. and others’ ideas
Demonstrate the ability to
participate in a conversation.
A learner:
 selects an appropriate
 completes the task.
 uses appropriate subject-
specific vocabulary while
 discusses questions and
answers the questions within
the group.
 Observation
 Feedback on the work
 Peer-assessment
Short term lesson plan

Unit of a long term plan

Unit 9 Science and technology School:
Lesson plan 100
Date: Teacher’s name:

Class: 9 Number present: Number absent:

Summative Control work for the fourth

Lesson title
Short term lesson plan

Unit of a long term plan

Unit 9 Science and technology School:
Lesson plan 101
Date: Teacher’s name:

Class: 9 Number present: Number absent:

CLIL. Physics and chemistry: Satellites

Lesson title
and spacecraft. p.113

9.C3 respect differing points of view

9.C7 develop and sustain a consistent argument when speaking or
9.C9 use imagination to express thoughts, ideas, experiences and
9.L6 deduce meaning from context in unsupported extended talk on a
wide range of general and curricular topics, including talk on a limited
range of unfamiliar topics
objectives(s) that
9.L8 recognise inconsistencies in argument in extended talk on a
this lesson is
range of general and curricular subjects
contributing to
9.S3 explain and justify their own and others’ point of view on a
range of general and curricular topics
9.S6 link comments with flexibility to what others say at sentence and
discourse level in pair, group and whole class exchanges
9.R7 recognise typical features at word, sentence and text level in a
wide range of written genres, including some which focus on
unfamiliar topics
All learners will be able to:
 Identify the theme, plot, and new words in the reading passage
"Out of this world" and use them as the basis for discussion.
 Transfer information from the reading passage into a graphic
Lesson objectives  Offer constructive peer-feedback using rubric.
Most learners will be able to:
 Select, compile, and synthesize information from the reading
passage"Out of this world" for an oral presentation.
Some learners will be able to:
 Respond to and discuss the reading passage"Out of this world"using
interpretive, evaluative and creative thinking skills.
Value links Cooperation, respect each other's opinion, functional literacy.
Crosscurricular Science, Social Science, Psychology, Geography,Information
links Technology.
Talking about future cities.
Smart board for showing a presentation, getting additional
Useof ICT
information,playing the audio files.
Discuss explorations of space.
Health and Breaks and physical activities used. Everyday classroom precautions
Safety will ensure that safety measures are provided to prevent the exposure
of electrical power cords.

Plan of the lesson:

Planned activities Resources
The lesson greeting.
The teacher sets the lesson objectives, letting Slide (useful phrases).
students know what to anticipate from the lesson.
Then to create a positive learning environment the
teachers asks students to start the lesson giving Pictures
each other compliments about appearance, job PPT
Beginning performance, talent, etc. and also practice
of the accepting compliments.
lesson Watching the pictures, the learners are asked to
predict the topic of the lesson.

Warm up.Free talk about space and space travel. Pictures

The teacher asks Sts. in pairs to speak about films PPT
about space and space explorations and make a list
of films.
What do you know about space?
7 min.

K-W-H-L Chart.

Main Main part

Activities Look at these words, give definitions and do Student Book p.113
matching exercise.
15 min. Ex.1 – 2 p.112. Ask the students to find out
compound words. CD. 3.31.
Listen and read the text "Out of this world". While
listening to the text, complete it with the missing
words. Pictures
Activity 2. Answering true/false questions.Ex.3 PPT

The students are given dates of figures. In the
groups of 4, they try to give the event of great
importance. The winning team will be rewarded.
1957, 3000, 1990s, 200000$, $35mln, Gagarin,

Discussion : Student Book p.113

Task: Lead the discussion about the popularity of
space tourism. Prepare 5 open-ended and thought-
provoking questions about the story that your
group might want to discuss. Help others talk
about the main idea, help them share their thoughts Writing
12 min and feelings. Worksheets
1. Write 5 open-ended questions.
2. Write your responses to these questions.
3. Keep the discussion going.
Advantages of going into Disadvantages of going
space into space Whiteboard

Speak about Kazakh scientist. (Presentation of

Giving the home task.
W.B. p.77
Students express their attitude to the lesson and give self-assessment using
the method: “Six thinking hats”:
 Green: How can you use today's learning in different subjects?
Ending the
lesson  Red: How do you feel about your work today?
6 min.  White: What have you leant today?
 Black: What were the weaknesses of your work?
 Blue: How much progress have you made in this lesson? (Now I can, I still
need to work on, I've improved in, Today I learnt...)
Yellow: What did you like about today's lesson?
Slide (Homework)
Slide "Six thinking hats"

Differentiation –
how do you plan to give Assessment –
Critical thinking
more support? How do how are you planning to check
you plan to challenge learners’learning?
the more
Differentiation can be Assessment criteria: Students think
achieved through the Identify the main idea in extended talks critically,
selection of activities, with little support. exploring,
identification of learning Apply topic related vocabulary in developing,
outcomes for a certain speech appropriately arranging words evaluating and
student, provision of and phrases into well-formed sentences. making choices
individual support to Demonstrate the ability to participate in about their own and
learners, selection of a conversation. others’ ideas
learning materials and Descriptor:
resources based on the A learner:
individual abilities of  selects an appropriate answer.
learners.  completes the task.
 uses appropriate subject-specific
vocabulary while speaking.
 discusses questions and answers the
questions within the group.
 Observation
 Feedback on the work
 Peer-assessment

Let’s talk about ALIENS

Conversation cards

Do you think there are aliens Do you think we will ever see What kind of possible alien life
somewhere in the universe? aliens in our lifetime? forms can you think of?
Explain. Why or why not?

What would you say to an alien if In movies, aliens are often seen In your opinion, would aliens be
you met one? as enemies invading the Earth. more intelligent and advanced
Do you think this is a likely than humans?
scenario? If so, in what way?

Which three questions would you Do you think aliens are likely to How do you think aliens might
ask an alien if you ever had the be friendly or unfriendly? communicate?
chance? Explain.

If aliens visited Earth, what Where do you think the idea of What is your favourite film
would they say about our planet aliens from outer space came about aliens?
and people when they returned from?

What would you do if a spaceship Have you ever seen a UFO? Do you believe people who say
landed in your garden or near Do you believe the people who they were abducted (=
your house? claim to have seen one? kidnapped) by aliens?
Why or why not? Why would aliens do this?

If the government discovered Do you think we will ever be able Have you ever heard of Area 5
aliens, do you think they would to visit another planet populated What is it?
tell the public? Explain. by alien life? Do research.
Student Self-Assessment Checklist Student
Name: ________________________
Date: ______________________ Think about how well you are working in your group.
Place a check mark beside the skills you demonstrate in your role.
I listen attentively to others.
I express my thinking clearly and concisely.
I take turns. I encourage participation of all group members.
I show respect for alternative points of view.
I disagree agreeably.
I synthesize information from others.
I analyze ideas of others.
I remember significant information.
I identify issues.
I make connections to prior knowledge and experiences.

Short term lesson plan

Unit of a long term plan

Unit 9 Science and technology School:
Lesson plan 102
Date: Teacher’s name:

Class: 9 Number present: Number absent:

Project. Robots
Lesson title
9.S1 provide basic information about themselves and others at
sentence level on an increasing range of general topics
9.S3 give an opinion at sentence level on a limited range of general
and curricular topics
Learning 9.L4 understand the main points of supported extended talk on a
objectives(s) that range of general and curricular topics
this lesson is 9.R5 deduce meaning from context in short texts on a limited range of
contributing to familiar general and curricular topics
9.W1 plan, write, edit and proofread work at text level with support
on a limited range of general and curricular topics
9.W5 link without support sentences using basic coordinating
All learners will be able to:
 Recognize and use vocabulary about the robots;
 Identify the meaning of the text about robots;
 Understand the general writing structure.
Most learners will be able to:
 Select, compile, and synthesize information from the reading
Lesson objectives passage for an oral presentation;
 Provide unprepared speech to answer a variety of questions at
sentence level and in conversations with some flexibility;
 Create a project with minimal support.
Some learners will be able to:
 Respond to and discuss the reading using interpretive, evaluative and
creative thinking skills and make a project without support.
Cooperation, respect each other's opinion, functional literacy, great
Value links
wish to explore space and new lands.
Crosscurricular Science, Social Science, Psychology, Geography, Information
links Technology.
Talking about space travel.
Smart board for showing a presentation, getting additional
Useof ICT
information, playing the audio files.
Intercultural Discuss experiences and achievements in space explorations in
awareness different countries.
Health and Breaks and physical activities used. Everyday classroom precautions
Safety will ensure that safety measures are provided to prevent the exposure
of electrical power cords.
Planned activities Resources
The lesson greeting.
Teacher organizes a warm-up activity for a start of Slide (useful phrases).
the lesson. Learners look at the names of different Pictures
Beginning things which are on the classroom walls. They PPT
of the choose the things they like and go to that place. In
lesson small groups they try to give arguments and
explain why the thingthey have chosen is the best.
Learners are informed about the lesson objectives. Student Book p.115

Warm up.Free talk about the robots.Where can Slide (useful phrases).
7 min. you see robots and what their functions are.The
teacher asks Sts. in pairs to make a list of books or
films with robots.(we can assume that a lot of what
people know about robots comes from films. This
activity gives students a chance to talk about films
they have seen with robots in and to discuss
whether they believe any aspects of these films
may one day become a reality.

Main Main part

Activities The teacher asks the students to listen to a short
text and speak about the robot’s activity.
15 min. A long time ago, robots belonged to science
fiction. Children loved looking at movies with https://
robots. Today, robots are real, and they are helping www.listenaminute.co
us. In the future, we will all have robots. They will m/r/robots.html
vacuum the floor, wash the dishes, and perhaps
even drive our cars. I even think one day we’ll
have robot friends. In Japan today, robot engineers
are making robots to help old people and to keep
them company. It’s still early days. I’d say we are
another 20 to 30 years away from robots being
everywhere in our lives. What will happen to us Pictures
when the world is full of robots? There’ll be no PPT
jobs. McDonalds will be full of smiling robots.
Maybe one day we won’t be able to tell robots and
12 min humans apart. Maybe they’ll take over the world.
What do you think about robots? Would you like
to have robots as teachers? The teacher asks
students to speak about I. Asimov and his books
about robots.
A whiteboard

Isaac Asimov was an American writer and

professor of biochemistry at Boston University.
He was known for his works of science fiction and
popular science. Asimov was a prolific writer who Student Book p.115
wrote or edited more than 500 books and an Writing
estimated 90,000 letters and postcards. Worksheet

Discussion of the text” Robots”. Ex.1 p.115

In the groups of 4, the students write a short
article about robots. They also have to think about
the headline of the article. 2 students have to
choose one book of I. Asimov and write a blurb
of it.
Giving the home task: A text of I. Asimov about the future(read)
Students express their attitude to the lesson and give self-assessment using
the method: “Six thinking hats”:
 Green: How can you use today's learning in different subjects?
Ending the Red: How do you feel about your work today?
lesson  White: What have you leant today?
6 min.  Black: What were the weaknesses of your work?
 Blue: How much progress have you made in this lesson? (Now I can, I still
need to work on, I've improved in, Today I learnt...)
Yellow: What did you like about today's lesson?
Slide (Homework)
Slide "Six thinking hats"

Differentiation –
how do you plan to give more Assessment –
Critical thinking
support? How do you plan to how are you planning to
challenge the more check learners’learning?
able learners? can be achieved
Differentiation Assessment criteria: Students think
through the selection of activities, Identify the main idea in critically,
identification of learning outcomes extended talks with little exploring,
for a certain student, provision of support. developing,
individual support to learners, Apply topic related vocabulary evaluating and
selection of learning materials and in speech appropriately making choices
resources based on the individual arranging words and phrases about their own
abilities of learners. into well-formed sentences. and others’ ideas
Demonstrate the ability to
participate in a conversation
and write an article.
A learner:
 selects an appropriate
 completes the task.
 uses appropriate subject-
specific vocabulary while
 discusses questions and
answers the questions within
the group.
 Observation
 Feedback on the work
 Peer-assessment



A long time ago, robots ____________________ fiction. Children loved looking at movies with
robots. Today, robots are real, and ____________________. In the future, we will all have
robots. They will vacuum the floor, wash the dishes, ____________________ our cars. I even
think one day we’ll have robot friends. In Japan today, ____________________ making robots
to help old people and to ____________________. It’s still early days. I’d say we are another 20
to 30 years away from robots ____________________ in our lives. What will happen to us when
the world is full of robots? There’ll be no jobs. McDonalds will be ____________________.
Maybe one day we won’t be able to tell robots and humans apart. Maybe
____________________ world.


A long time ago, robots dnebelgo to science fiction. Children loved looking at vomesi with
robots. Today, robots are real, and they are helping us. In the ueufrt, we will all have robots.
They will vacuum the floor, wash the dishes, aphspre even drive our cars. I even think one day
we’ll have robot friends. In Japan today, robot eineegrsn are making robots to help old people
and to keep them cpmnoya. It’s still early days. I’d say we are another 20 to 30 years away from
robots being everywhere in our levis. What will pehnpa to us when the world is full of robots?
There’ll be no jobs. McDonalds will be full of ilmisng robots. Maybe one day we won’t be able
to tell robots and haunms apart. Maybe they’ll take over the world.


A long time ago, fiction to robots science belonged. Children loved looking at movies with
robots. Today, robots are real, and they are helping us. In the future, we will all have robots. will
the , They vacuum floor wash the dishes, perhaps even drive our cars. I even think one day robot
we’ll friends have. In Japan today, robot engineers to old are robots help people
making and to keep them company. It’s still early days. I’d say we are another
20 robots from away years 30 to being everywhere in our lives. will to when What
happen us the world is full of robots? There’ll be no jobs. McDonalds will robots
of be smiling full. Maybe one day we won’t be able apart humans and robots tell
to. Maybe they’ll take over the world.

What do you know about astronauts? How would you describe this profession?

What do astronauts do?

Everyone knows that astronauts work in space. But what do they do out there?
Some astronauts are mission specialists who fly or navigate the space shuttle. In other
words, they are pilots. Other astronauts are specialists who work with the equipment that is
launched into space, for instance conducting scientific experiments or replacing parts of
In brief, an astronaut’s tasks divide into three areas: supply, repair and research, not to
mention self-care.

A considerable amount of equipment is orbited in space. However, some are carried into
orbit in the payload bay of a space shuttle and launched by its crew. Currently, astronauts work
mostly with transport of equipment, new modules, supplies and crews for the international space

Repair and maintenance

Sometimes astronauts visit orbiting satellites for maintenance and repair. Often they work
using the space shuttle’s robotic arms, but sometimes they pull a satellite into the payload bay so
they may work more leisurely. Sometimes they put on their space suits and soar to a satellite that
is moving at a speed of seven kilometers a second or more.

Weightlessness requires astronauts to spend a considerable amount of time on exercise
and self care. Exercise in space is so important that it’s part of the job, a duty that cannot be
shirked. Astronauts exercise every day. Space shuttle astronauts, who seldom are in space for
more than two weeks at a time, exercise half an hour a day. But astronauts on the space station
must exercise two hours a day to stay healthy.
So astronauts have more than enough to keep themselves busy and seldom have time to
be bored on the job. An astronaut with spare time can just gaze out the window…

Adapted from <http://www.spacecentre.no/English/Spaceflight/Astronauts/>

2) Read the text and find:

a) What are the areas in which the astronauts’ tasks are divided?

b) Underline what astronauts do in the supply area.

c) What tools do astronauts use to do maintenance in space?

d) Do astronauts exercise? Why?

3) In your opinion, what are the positive and negative points of his job?


Artificial Intelligence (A. I.) and Robots pose some difficult questions. Do you really
1. an artificial brain can learn faster than a human brain?
2. robots have emotions?
3. robots can be smarter than humans?
4. people will be controlled by intelligent machines?
5. A. I. can make the world a better place?
6. robots can help us create a more pleasant way of life and more free time?


Arguments in favour of robots Arguments against robots
 do the heavy, repetitive work (are very  cause unemployment;
useful on production lines);  make the workplace and the world
 do the difficult and dangerous jobs (in impersonal;
space, with bombs, …);  don’t keep company;
 can help those with disabilities to be  don’t solve problems and make
more independent; decisions;
 simplify the work;  aren’t adaptable to circumstances and
 allow a considerable reduction in costs can’t handle emergency situations;
(don’t get paid);  can get smarter than humans;
 increase productivity;  can turn against humans and,
 don’t eat or sleep; consequently, control them;
 don’t get bored;  can’t recognise and express emotion
 don’t get sick or grow old (don’t die); (so, will never have true Emotional
 don’t have feelings, so, don’t get Intelligence) and, therefore, can’t help
depressed and don’t create bonds with people at an emotional level;
people, treating everyone equally;  can make people get lazy, with no will
 don’t go on strike; to learn, study or work;
 make the world a better place;  can make people get dependent on
 can simulate some aspects of human them;
 don’t need to go to school, just need to
be programmed;
 can learn faster than humans;
 can be controlled by humans;
Useful expressions:
❀ Do you really think so?
❀ I agree up to a point, but don’t you think…?
❀ I’m not sure you’re right about…
❀ But surely that can’t be right.
❀ No, I’m sorry but I disagree with you there.
❀ No, I’m afraid I can’t agree with you about that.
❀You can’t be serious!
❀You must be joking!
❀ Like I mentioned / said before…
❀ I’d just like to say…
❀In my opinion… / From my point of view…

Read the text "The Surgeon" and say what makes the end of the story unexpected.

The Surgeon
(After Isaac Asimov)
The surgeon looked up without expression. "Is he ready?"
"He is nervous," said his assistant.
"They always are... Well, it's a serious operation."
"I'll see him in this room," said the surgeon. "Has he made up his mind?"
"Yes. He wants metal; they always do."
The surgeon's face didn't change expression. He stared at his hands. "Sometimes one can
talk them out of it."
"Why bother?" said the assistant, indifferently. "If he wants metal, let it be metal."
"You don't care?"
"Why should I? Both way it’s a medical engineering problem and I'm a medical engineer.
Why should I go beyond that?"
"I care. I have to try." The surgeon pushed a small button and the door opened. The patient
moved into the room in his motorchair, the nurse stepping along beside him.
"You may go, nurse," said the surgeon, "but wait outside. I will call you." He nodded to the
assistant, who left with the nurse, and the door closed behind them. The man in the chair
watched them go. He looked worried and uncomfortable. He said, "Will we be starting today?"
The surgeon nodded. "This afternoon."
"I understand it will take weeks."
"Not the operation itself. But there are a number of small points to take care of."
"Is it dangerous?" Then, as though trying to sound friendlier, but against his will, he added,
The surgeon paid no attention to this. He said calmly, "We take our time to make it less
dangerous, and we already have all the required equipment. But I must ask you to make a
decision. It is possible to supply you with either of two types of cyber-hearts1 metal or ..."
"Plastic!" said the patient irritably. "Cheap plastic. I don't want that. I've made my choice. I
want the metal because it is better."
"It depends on the patient. In my opinion, in your individual case, it is not. And we prefer
not to call them plastic. It is a fibrous2 cyber-heart. It's made of a polymeric material designed to
imitate as closely as possible the human heart you now have in your chest."
"Exactly, and the human heart I now have in my chest is worn out, although I am not yet
sixty years old. I don't want another one like it, thank you. I want something better."
"We all want something better for you. The fibrous cyber-heart will be better. It has a
potential life of centuries."
"But it does wear out. No, I want it to be metallic, doctor. What's the matter with you? Are
you afraid I'm making myself into a robot... into a Metallo, as they call them since Metallos
became citizens?"
"There is nothing wrong with a Metallo. As you say, they are citizens. But you're not a
Metallo. You're a human. Why not stay a human?"
"Because I want the best and that's a metallic heart. And will you be the surgeon in charge?
They tell me you're the best."
The surgeon nodded. "Very well. I will do what I can to make the operation an easy one."
The door opened and the chair moved the patient out to the waiting nurse.
The medical engineer came in. "Well," he said, "I can't say what happened just by looking at
you. What was his decision?"
The surgeon bent over his desk, putting together some records. "What you predicted. He
insists on the metallic heart. It has become a real mania with people ever since Metallos became
citizens. Men have this strange desire to make Metallos out of themselves because they think that
Metallos are physically strong and powerful."
"It isn't one-sided, doc. You don't work with Metallos but I do; so I know. The last two who
came in for repairs have asked for fibrous elements... I suppose that someday we shall have
Metallos that are a kind of flesh and blood, and humans half made of metal. We have two variet-
ies of intellect on Earth now and in the near future we won't be able to tell the difference between
them. We'd have the best of both worlds; the advantages of man combined with those of robot."
"You'd get a hybrid," said the surgeon almost angrily. "You'd get something that is not both
but neither. I believe in being what one is. I wouldn't change a bit of my own structure for any
reason. I am myself; well pleased to be myself; and would not be anything else."
He had finished now and had to prepare for the operation. He placed his strong hands into
the heating oven and kept them there until they became red-hot and completely sterilized.
Though his speech had been emotional, his voice had never risen, and on its metal face there
was, as always, no sign of expression.

See how well you remember the text and choose the right item.
1. The patient had a ... problem.
a) brain b) heart c) eye
2. Before the operation the surgeon wanted to talk to the... . a) nurse b) medical engineer c)
3. The surgeon wanted to supply the patient with a ... heart, a) metallic b) fibrous polymeric c)
4. The patient wanted to get a ... heart.
a) metallic b) fibrous polymeric c) human
5. The surgeon ... the results of his talk with the patient.
a) was pleased with b) was not pleased with c) didn't care about
6. The medical engineer thought that in the near future there would be only ... on Earth.
a) humans b) robots c) hybrids of men and robots
7. The surgeon himself was... .
a) a human
b) half a man and half a robot
c) a Metallo

Answer the questions.

1. Why was the patient nervous before the operation? 2. What did the surgeon want to try and
do? 3. Why was a fibrous cyber-heart better for the patient? 4. Did the patient agree with his
doctor? 5. What was the patient's argument? 6. Who were Metallos? 7. What made Metallos
attractive for humans? 8. Was the idea of becoming human also attractive for Metallos? What
could make this idea attractive for them? 9. How did the medical engineer see the future of his
planet? 10. Why did the engineer's words make the surgeon angry? 11. Whose point of view - the
surgeon's or the engineer's — would you support? Why? 12. At what point in the story did you
begin to understand that the surgeon was not human? 13. What details in the story could make us
understand that the surgeon was a Metallo? 14. Science fiction stories tell us about impossible
things but they also help us to understand ourselves better. What does this story teach us? 15. Do
you think that hybrids of humans and robots can appear in future? Can modern engineers and
doctors make polymeric organs for the human body? Can you look at that as the first step in this

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