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WS 1.2.

3 – Integers Grade 7 MATH (AY 2023 – 2024)

Name: ___________________
I. Identify each integer being defined. Label the coordinate by placing the appropriate letter on the number line.

_______ 1. Point A: Largest negative integer _______ 6. Point F: 5 units to the right of point A

_______ 2. Point B: Least positive multiple of 3 _______ 7. Point G: opposite of point B

_______ 3. Point C: Largest prime integer < 10. _______ 8. Point H: additive inverse of point C

_______ 4. Point D: Least even natural number _______ 9. Point I: 8 units to the left of point D

_______ 5. Point E: Largest two-digit negative integer _______ 10. Point J: 15 units to the right of point E

II. Complete each statement with the appropriate symbols. Use < , > 𝒐𝒓 =.

1. |−1| + |−18| _____ |−18| − | − 1| 4. | − 16| _____ |−15| + | − 2|

2. |−4| − | − 9| _____ | − 5| 5. −|10| _____ | − 10|

3. | − 11 + 3| ______ |3 − 11| 6. | − 9 − 6| _____ 16

III. Simplify each question using the basic operations on integers.

1) −35 + 41 = ______ 7) 25 − 8 = ______

2) −22 + 18 = ______ 8) −10 − 23 = ______

3) 15 − 30 = ______ 9) −27 + (−12) = ______

4) −9 − 11 = ______ 10) −5 − (−4) + (−3) = ______

5) 40 + (−5) = ______ 11) 10 − 25 + (−8) = ______

6) −7 − (−24) = ______ 12) 21 + (−12) − (−15) = ______

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