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1. Introduction
2. Production of Hydrogen
3. Storage and Transport of Hydrogen
4. Environmental Benefits
5. Applications of Hydrogen across sectors
6. Global Initiatives
7. Economic potential
8. Challenges and Limitations
9. Hydrogen safety problems
10. Future outlook of hydrogen technology
Introduction to hydrogen technology

 Hydrogen technology was

actually first introduced to
the world way back in early
 It was discovered by Sir
William Grove, who
developed the first fuel cell.
 Sir William Grove is known
as “Father of Fuel Cell”.
Hydrogen Technology:
 Hydrogen technology refers to
the use of hydrogen as a clean
and versatile energy carrier
across various sectors.
 It involves using hydrogen in
various applications, such as
fuel cells, hydrogen powered-
vehicles and hydrogen
production methods.

1) Hydrogen from natural gas

2) Hydrogen from coal
3) Hydrogen from renewable energy
4) Hydrogen from biomass
Hydrogen from natural gas
 Hydrogen production from natural gas involves a process
called steam methane reforming (SMR).
1) Steam Methane Reforming (SMR)
Natural gas which is typically methane is mixed with steam and heated
in the presence of a catalyst (usually nickel) at high temperatures (700-
1100○C ) producing hydrogen and carbon dioxide as byproducts.
CH4 + H2O CO + 3H2
CO + H2O CO2 + H2
This process accounts for the majority of industrial hydrogen
production globally due to its cost effectiveness.SMR is not a zero
emission process.
Hydrogen from Natural Gas:
Hydrogen from coal
Hydrogen production from coal involves a process called
coal gasification.
1) Coal Gasification:
In this process coal is reacted with steam and oxygen at high
temperatures (700- 1100○C) and pressure to produce a mixture of gases
known as synthesis gas, or syngas.
C + H2O CO + H2
While coal gasification offers a pathway to produce hydrogen, it is
associated with environmental challenges, including greenhouse gas
Hydrogen from Coal:
Hydrogen from renewable energy

 Hydrogen production from renewable energy sources is

particularly through a process called Electrolysis.
1) Electrolysis:
In this process electricity generated from renewable sources such as
solar, wind, or hydroelectric power is used to split water molecules
(H2O) into hydrogen (H2) and oxygen (O2).This process occurs in an
electrolyzer, which consists of an anode and a cathode separated by an
This process offers zero greenhouse gas emissions during production.
Hydrogen from Renewable Energy
Hydrogen from Biomass

 Hydrogen production from biomass involves thermo

chemical or biochemical processes to extract
hydrogen from organic materials.
1) Thermo chemical processes:
 Gasification:
 Pyrolysis:
2) Biochemical processes:
 Fermentation:
 Algae Biorefineries:
Thermo chemical processes:
 Gasification:
Biomass gasification involves heating organic materials such
as wood, crop residues, or waste biomass in a controlled environment
with limited oxygen or steam. This reaction produces syngas, a mixture
of hydrogen, carbon monoxide,carbon dioxide. The syngas then be
processed to separate and purify
 Pyrolysis:
Pyrolysis is a process where biomass is heated in the absence of
oxygen to decompose it into biochar, bio-oil, and syngas through
various separation and purification techniques.
Thermo chemical Process:
Biochemical processes:

 Fermentation:
Certain microorganisms can produce hydrogen through fermentation
of biomass feedstocks. For example, dark fermentation by anaerobic
bacteria can convert organic compounds in biomass into hydrogen and
carbon dioxide. This process requires a suitable substrate, such as
sugars or organic acids.
 Algae Biorefineries:
Some species of microalgae have ability to produce hydrogen
through photosynthetic processes.Algae biorefineries utilize algea as a
feedstock for hydrogen production.
Biochemical Conversions:
Hydrogen Storage

 Hydrogen storage is a critical aspect of utilizing hydrogen as

an energy carrier.
1) Compressed gas storage:
Hydrogen is stored and compressed in high pressure tanks to pressures
ranging from 350 to 700 bar (5000 to 1000 psi).It is widely used method
but requires robust and lightweight tanks to ensure safety and
2) Liquid Hydrogen Storage:
Hydrogen can also be stored in high pressure tanks in Cryogenic liquid
state at very low temperatures(-253○C or-423○F).This method offers
higher storage densities but requires energy-intensive liquification and
Well-insulated tanks to minimize boil-off loses.
3) Metal and chemical Hydride storage:
Metal hydrides can absorb and release hydrogen through reversible
chemical reactions. Metal hydride storage offers high volumetric and
gravimetric storage densities as well as relatively low operating pressures.
However it can be slow to charge and discharge, and the materials used can
be expensive.
4)Carbon based Materials:
Some carbon-based materials, such as activated carbon or carbon nano
tubes, can absorb hydrogen molecules through physisorption.This
Method, known as adsorptive storage, offers potential for high storage,
Capacities at moderate temperatures and pressures.
5)Underground Storage:
Hydrogen can be stored underground in depleted natural reserviors ,
Salt caverns,or aquifiers.This method offers large scale and long terms
Storage options.
Transportation of Hydrogen

 Transporting hydrogen to end users or storage locations

requires careful consideration of safety and efficiency.
1) Pipeline Transport:
Hydrogen can be transported through dedicated pipelines.These
pipelines are typically made of materials such as steel or plastic.
2) Bulk Transport:
Hydrogen can be transported in bulk quantities using specialized tanker.
It is suitable for both short and long distances but need careful handling.
3) Hydrogen Carriers:
Hydrogen carriers such as chemical hydrides or ammonia can be used to
transport hydrogen in chemical bounded form.
Role of existing Infrastructure:

 The existing infrastructure plays a crucial role in the

adoption of hydrogen as an energy carrier.
The infrastructure refers to the network of pipelines , storage facilities,
and refueling stations that are needed to transport , store, and
distribute hydrogen .
 Having an established infrastructure for hydrogen can greatly
facilitate its use in various sectors such as transportation and energy
 It can make hydrogen more accessible, reliable, and cost- effective.
 However , since hydrogen infrastructure is still developing so
expending the existing infrastructure is necessary to support the
widespread use of hydrogen as a clean energy source.
Environmental Benefits:
 Environmental benefits of hydrogen technology include:
1) Zero Emissions:
Hydrogen produced from renewable energy sources emits no
greenhouse gases or pollutants and also reducing carbon emissions.
Hydrogen can help decarbonize various sectors including transportation
and industry by replacing fossil fuels with clean energy sources.
3)Circular Economy:
Hydrogen can be produced from waste streams or byproducts ,
promoting circular economy principles and minimizing waste
Applications of Hydrogen across sectors:

 Applications of hydrogen technology include sectors:

1) Applications in power sector:
2) Applications in transport sector:
3) Applications in residential sector:
4) Applications in commercial sector:
Applications of Hydrogen Technology:
Applications in Power sector:
Applications in power sector include:
 Power-to-Gas:
Excess renewable energy is converted into hydrogen through
electrolysis which can be stored and later converted back into electricity
or other energy carriers enhancing grid stability and flexibility.
 Hydrogen Combustion:
Hydrogen can be burned in gas turbines or internal combustion engines
to produce electricity, offering a low emission alternative to traditional
fossil fuels.
 Grid Balancing:
Hydrogen can provide grid services such as frequency regulation and
peak shaving, supporting grid stability and reliability in a renewable
energy dominated power system.
Applications in Transport sector:
Application of hydrogen technology in transport include:
 Fuel Cell Vehicles (FCVs):
Hydrogen fuel cells power electric motors in vehicles, offering long
range and fast refueling with water vapor as the only emission.
 Heavy Duty Vehicles:
Hydrogen is used in fuel cells for trucks, buses, and other heavy duty
Vehicles , providing zero-emission transportation for freight and public
 Maritime and Aviation:
Hydrogen can be used in fuel cells or combustion engines for ships and
aircraft, offering clean propulsion options for marine and aviation
Applications in Residential sector:
Applications in residential sector include:
 Fuel Cells:
Hydrogen fuel cells provide clean and efficient electricity generation for
residential homes offering reliable power and potential grid
 Combined Heat and Power(CHP):
Hydrogen powered CHP systems generate electricity and heat
simultaneously increasing energy efficiency and reducing overall energy
costs for homeowners.
 Hydrogen Heating Systems:
Hydrogen can be used in boilers and furnaces to provide space heating
and hot water offering a low carbon alternative to natural gas heating.
Applications in Commercial sector:
Applications in commercial sector include:
 Backup Power System:
Hydrogen fuel cells provide reliable backup power for critical
infrastructures such as data centers, hospitals and telecommunication
 Material Handling Equipment:
Hydrogen fuel cells power forklifts, pallet jacks and other industrial
vehicles in warehouses and distribution centers offering quick refueling
and zero emission operation.
 Hydrogen Refueling Stations:
Development of hydrogen refueling infrastructure to support fleets of
fuel cell vehicles used by commercial businesses such as delivery vans
and taxis.
Global Initiatives:
Global initiatives in hydrogen technology include:
 Mission Innovation:
An international initiative involving governments committed accelerating clean
energy innovation including hydrogen technology development and deployment
 Hydrogen Council:
A global CEO-led initiative comprising companies across hydrogen value chain
advocating for hydrogen as a key enabler of energy transition and development.
 European Green Hydrogen Acceleration Initiative:
European union initiative aiming to scale up the production and use of green
hydrogen particularly through electrolysis powered by renewable energy sources.
 Japans Hydrogen Society Strategy:
Japans government-led strategy promoting the adoption of hydrogen
technology across various sectors such as transportation, industry etc.
Economic Potential:
The economic potential includes:
 Job Creation:
The hydrogen sector has potential to create numerous jobs across value chain
including production, infrastructure development and technology innovation.
 Industry Growth:
Investment in hydrogen technology can stimulate economic growth by
attracting investment and driving demand for related industries.
 Export Opportunities:
Industries with robust hydrogen industries can become exporters of hydrogen
and related technologies contributing to trade balances on global scale.
 Energy Security:
Diversifying energy sources with hydrogen reduces dependence on fossil fuels
and enhancing energy security potentially reducing geopolitical risks and
volatility in energy markets.
Challenges and Limitations:
These are some challenges in hydrogen technology:
 Cost:
High upfront costs for production, storage and infrastructure hinder
widespread adoption of hydrogen technology.
 Infrastructure:
Limited hydrogen refueling infrastructure and storage facilities present
barriers to widespread deployment of hydrogen- powered vehicles.
 Storage and Transportation:
Challenges in storing and transporting hydrogen safely and efficiently,
particularly over long distances, limit its viability as an energy carrier.
 Public Perception:
Limited public awareness and acceptance of hydrogen technology, coupled
with safety concerns, pose challenges to market adoption and investment.
Hydrogen Safety Problems:
These are some safety problems in hydrogen technology:
 Flammability:
Hydrogen is highly flammable and can ignite easily in presence of air or oxygen
 Explosive Limits:
Hydrogen has a wide flammable range with limits 4% and 75% in air.
 Leak Detection:
Hydrogen is colorless, odorless, and tasteless making leak detection
Challenging without specialized equipment.
 Cryogenic Hazards:
Liquid hydrogen poses additional safety challenges due to its low temperature
(-253○C or -423○F) and potential for frostbite upon contact.
Future Outlook of Hydrogen Technology:
The more advancements in hydrogen technology in future
 Growth:
Expected to grow rapidly due to its potential to de carbonize various sectors.
 Innovation:
Advances in production, storage, and applications will drive technology
 Investment:
Rising investment and government support worldwide will accelerate
 Challenges:
Addressing cost, infrastructure, and public perception remains critical for
widespread adoption.

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