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> pastor Gn [ Rone, Owns - Even Semester Examination, 2021-22 ce, ‘Course Name : B.TECH Branch : CSE Gn ‘Semester: IV Subject: Mathematics IT G3] Time: ours : Max Marks: 100 Gms Number of Printed pages: 3 ‘Note: - Attempt all questions: All Questions carry equal marks 1. Attempt any four parts of the following (5x4 = 20) Guy @ Using Fourier integral representation, show that Qo cosa | do=: 4x20. Ore t lee 2 G> © Evaluate the Fourier Sine transform of Sc (©) Evaluate the function F(x) ifits Fourier sine transform is = « > (@)Find the Fourier transform ofthe function Qs = ts s3 SS ml a (5x4 = 20) C52 Attempt any four parts of the following G3 @ Find the Laplace transform of the function 55 Find the Laplace transform of rsinar- es (©) State Convolution theorem and hence evaluate ,-1 { : | CrP T PY cos ar c >, 2 @ Aoaly Laplece transform to solve the equation ae Seu yareos21, 150; given that y —> 2 © (© Find the inverse Laplace transform of +2. 5 3 si? +9) > c 2 ely Pro. c [R234 1 el a ~~ Q3. Attempt any two parts of the following (10 x 2 = 20) (a) Find a real root of 3x-cosx-1=0 by Newton Raphson method correct upto four decimal palces. (&) From the following table of half-yearly premium for policies maturing at different ages, estimate the premium for policies maturing at age of 46 : age: “ 45 50 55 60 74.48 | 68.48 Premium: 114.84 | 96.16 | 83.32 (©) Using Newton's divided difference formula, find a polynomial function satisfying the following data: x = a 3 (eo) 1245, 33 5 9 1335, (10 x2 = 20) Q4, Attempt any two parts of the following: (2) The table given below reveals the velocity 'V’ of a body during the time ‘t’ specified. Find its acceleration at t=1 t (seconds): 10 1.1 14.2 13 14 v(misec): 43.1 47.7 521 564 608 (b) The speed v meters per second of a car, t seconds after its starts, is shown in the following table: E] 0] [2% [3% [4 [60 [72 [8 [9 [108 [120 360 | 10.08 | 1690] 21.6 | 1854] 10.26 [540 [450 [540 [9.00 vf 0 Using Simpson's 3rd. find the distance travelled by the car in 2 minutes. (©) Use Runge Kutta method of order fourth to approximate y when x=0.1, given that y=1 at x=0 and Basay : Pram. Pickin ep Pippo at A a at yp ‘Sy Q5. Attempt any two parts of the following: (10 x2 = 20) (a) Define the coefficient of skewness and kurtosis. The first four moments of a distribution about the value 4 of the variable are -1.5, 17, ~30 and 108, Find the moments about the origin. Also find f, and B, (b) Find the least square fit of the form y = ax’ + 5x +c to the following data: * 10 12 15 2 20 2 y 4 7 23 Fr | (c) Find the regression line of y on x for the following data x T 3 4 6 8 9 7 14 y 1 2 4 4 5 7 8 9 yw 4 ee t é BEET-40S/BITT-405 Roll No. Even Semester Examination, 2021-22 Course Name : B.TECH Branch : CSE/IT ‘Semester: IV Subject : Theory of Automata & Formal Languages CITTIT, Time: 3 Hours Max Marks: 100 oY Number of ct Note: - Attempt all questions: All Questions carry equal marks Qua Q1. Attempt any four parts of the following (Sx4= 8 . (a) What is a Finite Automata? Design a FA that accepts strings contai } a) every string over alphabet {0,1} e4 (b) Give the complete hierarchy of Grammars with their recognizers as well as the form of ~~ Production rules. as (c) Differentiate between Kleene Closure and Positive Closure. } (d) Give the Mathematical definition of NFA and state main difference between NFA & DFA. (a) Remove useless symbols to simplify the given grammar: plify the given gramma « 5 >alaA|BIC Xs e + eo 3 (e) Show that following grammar is ambiguous: © S-> AB] aaB > Amal Aa o Bob a 3 Pro. > R-284 1 Gs» >» Q3. Attempt any two parts of the following (10 x2 = 20) (a) Convert the NFA given in the following table to corresponding DFA. (Consider QO as the initial state), (b) Prove that following language is not regular: (abi) (©) Construct Pushdown Automata for grammar: S>aSbb | aab Q4. Attempt any two parts of the following: (0x2 = 20) (a) Construct Pushdown Automata that recognize the language: L={wewT| we [a,b}*) (b) Construct a Turing Machine which works as a copying machine for We (a,b)". (c) Design a Turing Machine for language L= {{a"b?*\n > 0) Q5. Attempt any two parts of the following: (10x 2 = 20) (a) Design a Turing Machine which can accept a language that consist ofall strings with an even number of a’s and even number of b’s. (b) Explain Church's Thesis and Halting problem. (c) Write a short note on following: i, Universal Turing Machine ii, Decidability and Un-decidability iii, Post's Correspondence Problem (PCP) iv. Recursive function theory v. Generalized Transition graph R-284 2 & ¢ ¢ { 1 1 1 1 q ff M ‘net int ont An PHPPPPPPAPAAPASALAALP PAP [PPPLPLL LLL EA 4k POLEELELL LAS -- a 227 ap P2®raADAsDD Vee 4UHQuUuUVUUELULUE "PAP PRPAa aad BECT-102/N7 Roll No Tae |? Even Semester Examination, 2021-22 Course Name : B-TECH Semester: IV Subject : Database Management Systems me: 3 Hours May Mavks: 109) Nowber of Printed pages: 1 Note: - Attempt all questions: All Questions carry equal marks Attempt any four parts of the following (5x4 = 20) Qi. Q2 Q3. Qa. Qs. (a) Example DEMS with is architecture (b) Define DDL-and DML in context with DBMS (€) Explain Data independence with its types (B) What are the different types of integrity constraints? (©) Define E/R Model with following i. Emities and Relationships ii, Atsibutes and different types of attributes Attempt any four parts of the following (5x4 = 20) (a) Discuss Relational Algebra with suitable example. (b) Explain Tuple and Domain Relational Calculus (©) Define Normalization and is types wit relevant examples (4) What do you understand by join statement? Explain (e) Explain the Query Processing Techniques. Attempt any two parts of the following (10x 2 = 20) for concurrency contto. (a) List various locking techniqu (b) What is ransvction? Explain ACID Properties with diagram, (©) Explain concurrency control based on time-stamp ordering Attempt any two parts of the following: (10 x2 = 20) ) Discuss SQL Injection Vulnerabilities detection methods by mentioning identification tools. (b) Compare and contrast between access controls models in DBMS with examples (©) Discuss the detection method of Intrusion Detection System in DBMS and Compare the IDS with firewall Attempt any two parts of the following: (10x 2 = 20) (a) Explain Object Oriented and Object Relational Database with examples (b) What are distributed database? Explain with it importance. (c) Mlustrate data warehousing and data mining in DBMS R-266 1 f i te Lk —l, BECT-403/BITT-403 Roll No. Time: 3 Hours Max Marks: 100 Even Semester Examination, 2021-22 Course Name : B.TECH Branch ; CSE Semester: IV Subject : Software Engineering CEELELLTL Note: - Attempt all questions: All Questions carry equal marks per t-- PPPAS FAP F®AIIC AGAIN SvvVVEvU suv UL SVU / ir rae ‘Attempt any four parts of the following (5x4 = 20) (a) Define the term software, Describe i's various characteristics (6) What is the Flow Chart? How is the flow charting technique useful for software development? {) Define software criss. What ae the possible solution for present software crisis? (@)_ Explain Software Development Life Cycle. Discuss various activity during SDLC. (©) Define the following (Aspect Oriented Model (i) Agile Model ‘Attempt any four parts of the following (Sx 4= 20) (a). Describe the role ofthe following inthe successful competition of a project (a)Change Control (b) Reviews (b) What do you understand by software project estimation? Discuss various techniques use for software project estimation (©). Draw the complete DFD up to level 2 for Library Management system. (4) Given the following values, compute function point when all complexity adjustment factor (CAF) and ‘weighting factors are average. User Input = 50 User Output = 40 User Inquiries = 35 User Files = 6 External Interface = 4 (€) Discuss Various measures are used in project size estimation in detail Attempt any two parts of the following (10 x 2 = 20) (2) What are the input and ouput of system design? Desribe of Different type of system esign. (b) What is structured chart? Discuss Objectives of Using Structure Flowcharts. Describe factors affecting system complexity in detail. (©) What is the difference between the STLC (Software Testing Life Cycle) and SDLC (Software Development Life Cycle)? What is white Coste) ant st types of white box testing? 's white box testing and explain in brief all PTO. Q4. Attempt any two parts of the following: (10 x 2 = 20) (a) What is software testing? Differentiate b/w SDET, Test engineer and developer. (b) What is Test Plan and contents available in a Test Plan? What is the difference between integration testing and system testing? (©) Define the following: (i) basis path testing (ii) Verification and validation. Q5. Attempt any two parts of the following: (10 x 2 = 20) (a) What is SQA? Describe three major methodologies for SQA in detail. (b) What is CMM? Describe different level of CMM in detail. (©) Define the following: (i) Effective modular design (i) ISO 9126 Standard. R-268 2 SemMnAArnAnNHRANL A ene REET-404/RITT-404 Roll Ne a ae Even Semester Examination, 2021-22 Course Name B.TECH Branch CS Semester: 1 Subject Computer Organization & Architetore Time: 3 Hours stax Mars 100 ‘Number of Priated pages: 1 Note: ~ Attempt all questions: All Questions carry equal marks Q1. Attempt any four parts of the following (5x4= 20) (2) What you mean by buses? Explain tre tp of buses? (©) Explain synchronous & asynchronous UO techni? (©) Explain oad and store operations? (@) Whatisinswetion eel? Explain phases? (©) Explain he ems stron ye andinetion Format? 20) PECELOCPLLLLL ELS Q2._ Attempt any four parts of the following (x (a) Discuss various types of pipeline hazards? (b) What do you mean by poling explain i? (©), What do you mean by RISC & CISC? Compe the architecture of RISC & CISC? (4) Explain multi bus organization? (©) What do you mean by direct & indirect addressing modes? Give example ofeach? 2. 03, Attempt any two pats ofthe following (202 = 20) Ce Ge Wis DMA? Enlai wh pope dapat So vmaae yen i a (©) Explain the concept of virtual memory? How address translation is performed? n 3 @4. Attempt any two parts ofthe flowing: (102 = 20) eo) OG tapan greet onion de rpsiaton wih pop tego - (© Conte «32 ALU wih pope dagen? Espantow nest eet? (©) Expun whats hvcal veal miro peopanned conse ck? Wee down n 5 advantages & disadvantages? ee oe n > Q5. Attempt any two parts of the following: (10 x2 = 20) n (0) What do 3oo mea by eddeng mde By ng odes Exin al yes of adesring mde wi a 3 proper examples? si . ee > (Mal ae nena ey eRe? Fain common fmeve of ey - easy 2 (Haw the coca ot pip isinplenened eel ia computer ste? Wie down o the advantages of pipeline e Se > e = © 5-282 1 « PVVUEUUSVUUEUUUUULEUUULLDOECCEEEEOE.. ce 7 1) _ TCS-401/TIT-401 1024/1025 Even Semester Examination 2018-19 B. TECH. (ECE/CSE/IT) (SEMESTER-IV) COMPUTER ORGANIZATION Time: 03:00 Hours Max Marks :100 Note |A, 8, C, D, and E are the five sections in the question paper. Attempt four parts from A. four parts from 8, four parts from C, two parts from D. and also two parts from the section E SECTION A ‘Attempt any four questions from the following. Each question carries equal marks [4x5=20] 1. What is bus? Draw and describe the bus architecture for a digital computer 2. State the differences between serial and parallel transmission 3. What is a Von Neumann architecture? Also, discuss the Von Neumann bottleneck 4 Discuss your understanding of stack memory 5 Apply Booth's algorithm to multiply the two numbers (6);0 and (-9);0 . Assume the multiplicand and multiplier to be 5-bits each SECTIONB Attempt any four questions from the following. Each question carries equal marks (4x5=20] 1 Define the cache memory along with its significance 2 Differentiate between write-through and write-back mechanism. 3. Briefly explain the IEEE 754 standard format for floating point representation TCS-401_TIT-401/2380 (1) [P.T.0) * 6 ¢ 4, State the differences between instruction-pipeline and arithmetic-pipeline 7a - 5. What are the priority interrupts? Briefly explain any one interrupt priority scheme ae SECTION C e Attempt any four questions from the following. Each question carries equal marks. [4x5=20] ‘x 1, With a neat and clean diagram, explain the internal organization of a 2M x * dynamic G memory chip. e a 2 Perform the following operation on the 5-bit signed numbers using 2's complement > representation system. Also indicate if overflow has occurred S @ — ¢9)+¢7) 5 ©: (i) (#7) -8) <€ 3 Define exception and explain two of its kinds. e 4, Give the control sequence for the execution of instruction ADD (R3), Rt ~ 5. Define the following eS ee () Memory latency a (ii) Memory bandwidth & (ii) Hit rate a (iv) miss penalty & a SECTION D < e ‘Attempt any two questions from the following. Each question carries equal marks. « [2x10=20) J ! d c 1. What is virtual memory? With a diagram, explain how virtual memory address is . translated. TCS-401_TIT-401/2380 (2) wt SIRI LS 2 Let you have a 256 MB main memory, and a 1 MB cache memory The address space of the c/oncerned processor is 256 MB. Block size is 128 bytes and there are 8 blocks se in a cache set. With the aforementioned specification, determine the size of sub-fields ( in bits) in the : address for direct mapping, associative and set associative mapping cache schemes : 3. Explain the parallel (/O interface with a block diagram . SECTION E Write short notes on any two of the following. Each carries equal marks [2x10=20] 1. Addressing modes 2 RISC 3. Cache Coherence TCS-401_TIT-401/2380 (3) Sesue . SVVUHUVUGEUVUVLEUVEVEEEEEEOS Subject Code: TCS-403 Roll No. to be filled in your Answer Book Roll No. Ay aT i B.Tech, 8 F Brach name : Computer Science & Engineering Semester: IV 3 = Subject name : Theory of Automata & Formal Languages(Subject code: TCS-403) Fa Ci Time- 3 Hours Max marks: 100 NOTE: i, All questions are compulsory. ii, Draw diagrams wherever necessary. iii, All questions carry equal marks. QI. Attempt any FOUR parts of the following: (SX4=20) (A) Design a DFA L = { x| x does not end with 001 } (B) Construct a Moore machine to determine residue mod 3 for binary number. (©) Define the following. 1. Chomsky Normal form I. Greibach Normal form (D) Construct the context free grammar (CFG)equivalent to a regular expression (O1L+1)' (01) (E) Consider the following production: S—aAS|a A-SbA|SS| ba Find out LMD,RMD. (F) Transform the grammar with productions: S—abAB A—bAB |* B-+BAa|*|A into Chomsky normal form Q2. Attempt any FOUR parts of the following: (SX4=20) (A) Convert the given NFA to equivalent DFA 1) TCs-403 (B) Design a DFA which accepts even number of 0's and even 1’s (C)Design a Turing machine for L= {a"b"c"} where n> 1 (D) Design a PDA for the language L= {ab} where n > 1 (E) Explain P and NP class problem in detail? (F) Design a Turing machine which recognizes the set of all even length palindromes over {0,1} Q3. Attempt any TWO parts of the following: (10X2=20) (A) Write Short note on i) Decidibitity ii) Halting Problem (B) Design a Turing machine which recognizes the input language having a substring as 101 and replace every occurrence of 101 by 110. (©) Find the regular expression for the language accepted by the following automata. Q4. Attempt any TWO parts of the following: (10X2=20) (A)Give an example of language which is accepted by PDA but not by DPDA. Also design the PDA for that language (B) Consider the regular expression R (a+b)*(aa+bb)(a+b)* Which described the set of all words over Y={a,b} containing either two consecutive a’s or two b's. Construct a DFA that will accept the same set of words 2| TCs-403 a ry anne Peo CCCP ODDP ODD DO, 0 OME ee (C) Construct the minimum state automaton for the following transition diagram QS. Attempt any TWO parts of the following: (10X2=20) (A)Given a grammar, make non-deterministic finite automata and convert it to deterministic form: S08 |1A|1 A—0|0A| 1S (B) Design a DFA for following (1+01)*(0+00)(1+10)* (©)Consider following NFA with * convert it to its equivalent DFA , a b € a State P P o q @ r o P q FO FOR 3] Tcs-403 DOOM AAARMAAA ADMD vsueVHVHVOHUKUBVVOUHUVHUHHKHKE UTTARAKHAND TECHNICAL UNIVERSITY . Model question paper Subject code (TCS-404/TIT-404) Roll No. to be filled in your Answer Book Roll No. ale] B.Tech. Computer Science Engineering,4"Sem DATABASE MANAGEMENT SYSTEM Time- 3 Hours Max marks: 100 NOTE: i All questions are compulsory. ii, Draw diagrams wherever necessary. iii, Give suitable examples wherever necessary, iv. All questions carry equal marks 1. Attempt any FOUR parts of the following 5x4 (A)What do you understand by the term DBMS explain with a suitable diagram? (B) Explain the concept of E-R Diagram with example (C) Differentiate between Generalization and Specialization. (D)Discuss at least two problems that occurs because of redundancy in database. (E) Define DDL and DML in context with DBMS Seed eHUDOSHHUVYVUUYY VEOUHHOHHKHNHKHHHHDUYYUUYS. 2. Attempt any FOUR parts of the following, 5x4 (A)Explain the concept of referential integrity constraints also explain their significance in DBMS. (B) What do you understand by relational data model and what is its importance justify your answer? (C)Explain different types of join in SQL giving suitable example in brief, (D) What do you understand by functional dependency explain. Also differentiate between trivial and non-trivial functional dependency with example. (E) Explain the Union and Intersection operation in SQL with example 3. Attempt any TWO parts of the following 10x2 (A)What is Normalization? Explain the different type of normalization techniques in detail. (B)For the relation R(A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H) we have following set of functional dependencies F= (CH + G, A — BC, B+ CFH, E> A, F + EG} (i) Write down the set of all candidate keys possible for the relation. (ii) Identify the highest normal form possible for the relation (C)Explain in brief dependency preserving decomposition and loss less join decomposition. Also let R(A, B,C, D) be a functional with the following {A>B, BoC, C+D, D—B}. If we relation — scl dependencies F> decompose R into (A, B), (B, C) and (B, D) state whether the dependency is preserved or not in this decomposition 4, Attempt any TWO parts of the following 10x2 5 (A) Explain ACID properties in detail with suitable examples Also explain the importance of these properties in DBMS. (B) Differentiate between the following (i) Concurrent schedule and serial schedule. (ii) Recoverable and irrecoverable schedule (C) What do you understand by Conflict serializable schedule and View serializable schedule explain in detail with suitable example Attempt any TWO parts of the following 10x2 (A) Explain the significance of locking in database and differentiate between shared lock and exclusive lock with suitable example. (B) What do you understand by concurrency control? What is two phase locking and its types explain (C)What is deadlock? Explain various deadlock handling techniques. bi6ed Roll No. to be filled in your Answer Book > as Roll No, ~ B.Tech. > = CSE,IV 3 ro SOFTWARE ENGINEERING Fa (TCS-406/TIT-406) = = 2 Time- 3 Hours Max marks: 50 4 NOTE: a i All questions are compulsory. ii, Draw diagrams wherever necessary. - iii, All questions carry equal marks. 1. Attempt any TWOparts of the following. 5x2 (A) What is software? Discuss the Software Engineering Approach. (B) Whats software development process? How it is different from software programming? (C) Define Abstraction and Modularity of software? 7 2. Attempt any TWO parts of the following 5X2 (A) What is Software Configuration Management? Discuss SCM in detail? (B) Discuss direct and indirect measures of softwaredevelopment? (C) What is Data Flow Diagram? How can we build data flow-oriented design? 3. Attempt any TWO parts of the following 5x2 (A) What is water fall life cycle model? Discuss its advantages and disadvantages? (B) What is Software Quality Assurance? What are different methods of Software Quality Assurance? (C) What is Distributed System design? Discuss its area of application? 4. Attempt any TWO parts of the following 10X2 (A) Discuss the various stages of SDLC. (B) Discuss cohesion and coupling in software design. How they are related? (©) Explain the different ways for specifying requirement in SRS and also explain the IEEE standard for SRS. FOO IGG OI - bobdbbsddbddsdddd ob lbh o Tcs-401 CEEe- Yh go) 2050 Even Semester Examination 2017-18 B.TECH (SEMESTER-IV) COMPUTER ORGANIZATION 03:00 Hours Max Marks : 100 Note: Attempt ALL question. All Question carry equal marks. 1 Attempt any four parts of following: (5x4=20) ‘A. What do you understand by stack frames? Discuss their use in sub-routines. B. Which type of /O devices are interfaced through DMA? Explain the Bus- arbitration process used for OMA? C. Briefly distinguish between textual data, pictorial data, audio& video data. And also explain the importance of ASCII code? D. Explain the procedure to multiply Two N bit numbers using hardware and booth algorithm? E. Simplify the following Boolean function F together with the don't care conditions‘d’ in sum-of-product forms and —_product-of-sums form F(w.x.y.2)=5(0,1,2,3,7,8,10) dw.x,y,z)= 5(5,6,11,15)? F. What is decoder? Design 2 to 4-line decoder with NAND gates 2. Attempt any four parts of following: (5x4=20) ‘A. Whatis shift register? Explain the general capabilities of shift registers B. What is Cache memory? Explain different types of mappings from main memory to cache memory. Tes.401/2360 a) (PTO} VuuTh. &ugcucuuugs C. What is Asynchronous data transfer? Explain different methods used for asynchronous data transfer.? D. What is fixed point representation of integers? Explain different ways to represent signed integers? Describe SDRAM and DDR SD RAM operations for data transfer between main memory and cache memory systems. F. Differentiate between Micro operation and Macro Operation with an example. Attempt any four parts of following. (5x4=20) A Differentiate Micro programmed control and Hardwired control, B. What is the impact of the cache on overall performance of the computer?. C. What do you understand by the term peripheral? Explain with some examples? D. “Instruction Set Architecture has impact on the processors micro architecture” — support this statement with proper reasoning. E. Explain different functional units of a digital computer with neat sketch? F. Discuss the advantages, disadvantages, and applications of () Excess - 3 code (i) Gray Code (Illustrate with one example each). 4, Attempt any two parts of following: (10x2=20) A. Perform floating point addition using the numbers 0.5 and 0.4375 use the floating point addition algorithm. B. Explain the multiplication of positive numbers using array multiplier with a neat sketch, C. What is virtual memory? With the help of neat sketch explain the method of virtual to physical address translation TCS-401/2360 (2) Attempt any two parts of following, (10x2=20) ‘A. Explain the READ and WRITE operations in Associative Memory B. _ Draw the block diagram of a DMA controller and explain its functioning? c._Discuss any five key differences between subroutine and interrupt service FE routines. TCS-401/2360 , (3) 4 { 2 ° ° ° ~ ~ - y ° TCS-403 242 Even Semester Examination 2017-18 : B.Tech. (SEMESTER-IV) 7 THEORY OF AUTOMATA & FORMAL LANGUAGES ~ > Time: 03:00 Hours: Max Marks: 100 Note: Attempt all questions. > la 4 Attempt any four Questions: (4% 5 = 20) y “3 (a) Define automata? Difference between deterministic and non-deterministic 3 automata? > (b) Explain the architecture of Chomsky classification with suitable diagram? ~ (c) What do you mean by ambigous grammar, Explain with the help of a suitable > example. > (@ What are the use of identities in regular expressions, Using identities prove that ~ (1+00"1)+(1+00"1)(0+10"1)*(0+10"1)= 0"1(0+10"1)*? ~ (e) Design NFA that accepts all inputs with a triple letter like 111,000 and design ~ OFA? () Differentiate between regular grammar and regular expression. po 2 Attemptany four Questions: (4x5 = 20) ad (2) Construct a Mealy machine equivalent to tthe given moore machine? we Next Stat lext State wo Present State |_ Output | 5 input Input a=1 | r qo | gs gees nO re | mee | q | qi q2 ; 1 TCS-403/2200 “Taj | rol Attempt any two Questions (2 X 10= 20) (a) Construct a PDA of given language ()— a%b"c" om, n>=1 (ws (b) Construct a pda for the context free grammar. 0) S> aA; A> aABC\bBja; Bb; cic (wu) S> aBB, B> aS|bS|a and Test where aba‘ is acceptable or not. (c) Define pushdown automata. Construct a PDA accepting the set of all strings over {a,b} with equal no. of a's and b's and test where ababab is acceptable or not? Attempt any two Questions: (2x10 = 20) (a) Write short notes on the following () _ Recursively enumerable languages (ii), NP Complete problems. (b) Write short notes on the following () Church Thesis's (i) Post Correspondence Problem (c) Design a Turing machine of the given language. () atte wy) ab TCS-403/2200 (4) > ~ANnanonnenna LAPP ZAP PPP PCC PLCC PLP LOM eLUCCLUGLGEHUEUUUGTHULUUEHHEULYVOCEECECECCEECESE TCS-404 161 Even Semester Examination, 2017-18 B.TECH. (SEMESTER-IV) DATABASE MANAGEMENT SYSTEM Time: 03:00 Hours Max Marks : 100 Note : (i) Attempt all question. (ii) All question carry equal marks. Q1. Attempt any four parts of following: (5x4=20) (a) (b) Explain three tier architecture of DBMS in details. Explain the concept of mapping constraints. (c)__ What is the difference between specialization and generalization with respect to database? (4) Explain the distinctions among the terms primary key, candidate key and super key with suitable example. (e) Explain the difference between a weak and a strong entity set. (f) Define E-R Diagram. Draw E-R diagram with Customer, Loan and Payment sets. Q2. Attempt any four parts of following (5x4=20) (a) What is Relational Algebra? Define Relational Algebra Operation Cross product with example. (b) Whatis join? List and explain various types of joins, (c)__ What are triggers? Explain the advantages and the needs (d) What are views? How is view defined? Explain with suitable example. What are the advantages of views? (e) What is a constraint in database? Explain types of constraints with a suitable example. TCS-404/2120 (1) [P70] Qs, a4, Qs. (fy List and explain DML statements with suitable example? Attempt any two parts of following: (10x2=20) (a) (b) (2) (c) What do you mean by normalization? List various normalization techniques Explain why 4NF is a normal form more desirable than BCNF (1) Consider the relation schema R(A, B, C), which has the FDs ABC, C>A, identify the best normal form that R satisfies (INF, 2NF, 3NF or BCNF) What do you mean by Canonical Cover? Consider the following set F of functional dependencies on schema (A, B, C} ABC, BC, A>B, ABC Compute the Canonical Cover of F (i) Discuss loss less join decomposition and loss join decomposition. (ii) Consider the relation schema R(A, B, C, D, E) into (A, B, C) and (A, D, E) Show that this decomposition is a loss less decomposition, if the following set of Functional Dependencies F= { ACD, CD>E, B>D,E>A). Find out whether the dependency preserved or not. Attempt any two parts of following (10x2=20) (a) (b) (c) What is a Transaction? Explain the properties of the transaction. Explain the States of the transaction with a neat sketch, Briefly describe immediate database modification for log based recovery. Explain role of check point in log base. What is serializability? What are its types? What is a serializable schedule? Give examples. Attempt any two parts of following: (10x2=20) (a) (b) © What is locking? Explain two phase locking and its types. Explain Timestamp Based Concurrency Control Protocol What is deadlock? Explain necessary conditions for deadlock and methods for handling it. TCS-404/2120 (2) NONHHANANH HHO LE EAAH f NAAPAPPPPPPPPPPPPHN TCS-406 279 Even Semester Examination 2017-18 B.TECH. (SEMESTER-IV) SOFTWARE ENGINEERING Time: 02:00 Hours Max Marks : 50 Note: Attempt all questions. Q. 1. Attempt any four Questions: (25X4= 10) (a) Define Software Engineering. What are the various Characteristics of good software? (b) Difference between Software Product and Software Project? (©) What is a Software Crisis? Explain the various reasons of Software Crisis? (d) Explain Waterfall Model. What are the various advantages and disadvantages of waterfall? (e) Explain Prototype model. Difference between Exploratory and Throwaway model? () Explain Spiral Model. What are the various advantages and disadvantages of Spiral Modet? Q.2. Attempt any four Questions: (25X4= 10) (a) Describe Requirement Engineering process. Difference between Functional and 7 non-Functional Requirements? (b) _ What is the importance of Software Requirement Specification in software project management? List the various steps of IEEE standard of SRS? TCS-406/2000 (4) [PT0) (c) Describe Feasibility Study in Software Engineering. What are the types of Feasibility Study? (4) Explain Requirement Elicitation Process and its Techniques? (e) What is Software Maintenance? Explain its significance. Describe the various types of software maintenance? (What do you understand by Entity Relationship Diagrams? Explain with help of a suitable example Q.3. Attempt any two Questions (2X 5 = 10) (a) What is Software Quality Assurance (SQA)? Compare SEI-CMM Model with ISO 90007 (b) Define term Coupling and Cohesion. Explain the various types of Coupling and Cohesion? (c) What is Software Measurement and Metrics? Illustrate Halestead’s science of software measurement and matrices with an example? Q.4. Attempt any two Questions: (2X5= 10) (a) What is the purpose of Software Testing? What are the stages in Software Testing? Differentiate between Verification and Validation? (b) Explain Software Configuration Management(SCM)? Discuss the importance of software configuration management () Define Risk management. Explain the types of Risk Management in software engineering Q.5. Attempt any two Questions. (2X 5 = 10) () Discuss the COCOMO model with its different Types. Compute the Effort and development time if the size of the project to be about 154 KLOC? TCS-406/2000 (2) i ie sae nna a PrpstemeotCneonoannannannnnn BP OOO AAA ALA ALL cr cr (b) Define DFD and ER diagram. Draw the ER diagram for the Library Management System and Banking Management System? (c) Write short notes on any two of the following () Top Down and Bottom Up approach of S/W Design. (ii) Software Re-Engineering and Reverse Engineering, (ili) Object Oriented and Function Oriented Design. TCS-406/2000 (3) eoeeu is VUUVUUUU EY Oe" _TCS/TIT-401 182 Even Semester Examination - 2017 co Time : 03:00 Note: Attempt B.TECH. (IV-SEMESTER) MPUTER ORGANIZATION Hours Max. Marks : 100 all questions, each question carry equal marks. 1. Attempt any four parts of the following (5X4=20) (a) (®) (©) (d) (©) TCS/TIT-401/21 What is advantage of using floating point number system? Explain with an example Draw and explain functional execution of bus line using tristate buffers. Draw and explain logic circuit for executing four logical operations. What is extended memory. How many 512X4 RAM chips are needed to provide a memory capacity of 4096 bytes? Show the corresponding _ interconnection diagram also. 80 1 () Write Types of RAM? Explain in Detail 2. Attempt any four parts of the following: (5X4=20) (a) What do you understand by Arithmetic Shift microoperation; explain Arithmetic shift right operation with its steps and example (b) Discuss the principle of carry look ahead adder and design a 4-bit CLA adder and estimate the speed enhancement with respect to the ripple adder (c) Draw and explain horizontal and vertical microinstruction format (d) Explain Set associative mapping in detail (e) Explain register transfer function using proper diagram with clock diagram indicating execution of function 3. Attempt any two parts of the following: (10X2=20) (a) (b) Draw and explain 4 bit binary adder/Subtractor circuit with example Draw and explain the flowchart for division of TCS/TIT-401/2180 2 ce £: o nf heLeHN yy ta da " i ra @ VvEeVvsvVVVBKVBBVUVBVBUYUYUY. +6 4EOwW LL ws (c) (d) (e) two binary numbers using —non-restoring algorithm. Use the example of 9 to be divided by 2 What do you mean by DMA ? Why is it useful? Using suitable diagram explain the DMA operation in association with CPU What is microoperation explain with the help of example for arithmetic operations. Explain architecture of microprogrammed control with proper example Attempt any two parts of the following: (10X2=20) (a) A disk drive has 20 sectors/track, 4000 bytes/sector, 8 surfaces all together. Outer diameter of the disk is 12 cm and inner diameter is 4 cm. intertrack space is 0.1 mm. what is the number of tracks, storage capacity of the disk drive and what data transfer will be there from each surface ? the disk rotates at 3600 rpm. (b) Draw Control unit and explain its working with proper table of control transfer TCS/TIT-401/2180 3 eh; on cn ms cS (c) Draw the schematic diagram for daisy chain © polling arrangement in case of vectored interrupt © for three devices. G 5. Attempt any two parts of the following: (10X2=20) | S ! (a) Write function table for 4-bit ALU and write |e function of each function re (b) Write purpose of Microinstructions and explain © with the help of example ow (©) What is RISC and CISC ? Explain in detail any « r one of them e tT }| oo « tr cl ©] r el el TCS/TIT-401/2180 4 S. SaLealal ob ral PPL

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