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Presentation Group 07

Electromagnetic Spectrum

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‫ـو ًًا َّو ََ ََّّ ًَ‪ََ ََ ٝ‬زِ ِ َ‬
‫ َ‬ ‫ضيَآ ًء َّو ْال َق َ‬
‫م َر ُن ْ‬ ‫َّ‬
‫الش ْم َ‬
‫س ِ‬ ‫ج َع َ‬
‫ل‬ ‫ذ ْ‬
‫ى َ‬ ‫ه َو َّ‬
‫الـ ِ‬ ‫ُ‬

‫س َ‬
‫زَ)سوً‪ ٝ‬یونس آیت ‪(5‬‬ ‫ن َو ْال ِ‬
‫ِح َ‬ ‫السَِ ْي َ‬
‫ِ‬ ‫لِ َت ْع َل ُ‬
‫م ْوا َع ََّ َد‬

‫وہی ہے جس نے سوًج کو ًوشَی اوً چزنَّ کونوً بَزیز‬

‫اوً چزنَّکے ليے ََزليں َقرً کردیں تزکہ تم سزلوں کی‬

‫گَتی اوً حسزَ جزن لو ۔‬

‫ن ُن ْو ًًا َّو َ‬
‫ج َع َ‬
‫ل‬ ‫ل ْال َق َ‬
‫م َر فِ ْيهِ َّ‬ ‫َّو َ‬
‫ج َع َ‬

‫س َر ً‬
‫اجز‪) .‬سوً‪ ٝ‬نوح آیت ‪(16‬‬ ‫س ِ‬ ‫َّ‬
‫الش ْم َ‬

‫چزنَّ کو ًوشَی کيز اوً سوًج کو چراغ‬

The speed of light is one hundred and eighty-six thousand miles

per second. We know their benefits, that they are a lamp

for the sky in the darkness of the night, a means of protecting the

sky from the devils and showing the way in the darkness of the

sea and the sea, but when the moon is so effective

that its rise And due to the fall, great creatures like the ocean

become subject to tides, so the effect of these stars on the

universe is known only by the one who created them.

Who discover Electromagnetic Spectrum?

In 1887 Heinrich Hertz

demonstrated the existence of
the waves predicted
by Maxwell by producing radio
waves in his laboratory. It took a
bit longer for scientists to
discover the higher-energy
(shorter wavelength) light in the
electromagnetic spectrum.
 Electromagnetic Spectrum
The electromagnetic spectrum is the full range of
electromagnetic radiation organized by frequency or
The Electromagnetic (EM) spectrum is characterized by three
main characteristics:

i. Energy

ii. Wavelength

iii. Frequency
These three characteristics are interrelated and
changing one property affects the others.
The relationships between them are:

Energy and Frequency

E = hf
where h is Planck's constant.

Frequency and Wavelength

where c is the speed of light.
 Characteristics of EM waves:

 They do not require a medium for propagation.

 They propagate in vacuum with a speed of 3.0 × 10 8 m /s .

 EM waves are transverse in nature.

 They are not deflected by electric and magnetic fields.

 The range of Energy , Wavelength and
Frequency in EM spectrum .
Types of Electromagnetic Spectrum includes:-

Gamma Radiation

X-ray Radiation

Ultraviolet Radiation

Visible Radiation

Infrared Radiation

Microwave Radiation

Radio Wave
Gamma Radiations

Paul Villard, a French chemist and physicist, discovered gamma

radiation in 1900s.

In the electromagnetic spectrum Gamma radiations are:-

 High-energy electromagnetic waves
 Shortest wavelength (less than 10-11 meters)
 highest frequency (above 30 x 1018 hertz)


The basic principle of gamma

radiations is that they are high-energy
electromagnetic waves emitted by the
nucleus of an atom during certain
nuclear processes.
Gamma rays are used in
Medicine (radiotherapy)
Industry (sterilization and disinfection)
Nuclear industry

Properties and behavior of gamma radiations

 Nuclear transition:
Gamma radiation occurs when an atomic nucleus transitions from a higher energy state to a
lower energy state.
 Energy release:
This transition releases excess energy as a high-energy photon, which is the gamma
 Electromagnetic wave:
Gamma radiation is an electromagnetic wave, like light, but with much higher energy and
 Ionizing radiation:
Gamma radiation has enough energy to ionize matter, removing tightly bound electrons from
 Penetration:
Gamma radiation can travel several meters in air and several
centimeters in dense materials before being absorbed.
 High energy:
Gamma radiation has energies ranging from a few thousand
to millions of electron volts (eV).
 Short wavelength:
Gamma radiation has a very short wavelength, typically in
the range of 10-11 to 10-8 meters.
X Rays

A German physicist, Wilhelm Roentgen, discovered a new form of radiation X Rays in 1895.

What is X rays?

X-rays are a form of electromagnetic radiation, similar to visible light.

Unlike light, however, x-rays have higher energy and can pass through
most objects, including the body. Medical x-rays are used to generate
images of tissues and structures inside the body. If x-rays traveling
through the body also pass through an x-ray detector on the other side
of the patient, an image will be formed that represents the “shadows”
formed by the objects inside of the body.
Basic theory of X rays

 When a high energy electron collides with an inner shell

electron both are ejected from the tungsten atom leaving a
'hole' in the inner layer. This is filled by an outer shell
electron with a loss of energy emitted as an X-ray photon.

Basic principle of X rays :-

The reduction of energy

is caused by
absorption which is the
main principle of
traditional X-ray.
X-ray tube structure
An X-ray tube consist of a spiral filament acting as the cathode
and a water cooled block of copper as the anode. Both
electrodes are sealed off in an evacuated glass-(ceramic)-metal
cylinder. The filament made out of Tungsten wire is embedded in
a narrow steel groove (1 mm x 10 mm).
How X rays are produced?

A small increase in the filament voltage (1) results in a large increase

in tube current (2), which accelerates high speed electrons from the
very high temperature filament negative cathode (3) within a vacuum,
towards a positive tungsten target anode (4). This anode rotates to
dissipate heat generated. X-rays are generated within the tungsten
anode and an X-ray beam (5) is directed towards the patient.
Characteristic X-ray generation

When a high energy electron collides with an inner shell electron both are ejected
from the tungsten atom leaving a 'hole' in the inner layer. This is filled by an outer
shell electron with a loss of energy emitted as an X-ray photon.
Benefits of X rays

Diagnostic accuracy:
X-rays help diagnose a wide range of conditions, including
bone fractures, tumors, pneumonia, and dental problems.
X-rays are a non-invasive procedure, causing minimal discomfort
and no surgical incisions.
Quick procedure:
X-ray imaging is a relatively quick process, taking only a few
minutes to complete.
X-rays are a cost-effective diagnostic tool compared to other imaging
modalities like MRI or CT scans.
Guided treatment:
X-rays help guide medical procedures like orthopedic surgeries,
tumor treatments, and biopsies
Cancer treatment:
X-rays are used in radiation therapy to treat cancerous tumors.
Dental health :
X-rays help dentists diagnose and treat dental problems like cavities,
abscesses, and impacted teeth.
 Bone health:
X-rays aid in diagnosing bone-related conditions like osteoporosis,
bone cancer, and fractures.
 Lung health:
X-rays help diagnose respiratory conditions like pneumonia,
bronchitis, and lung cancer.
 Emergency imaging:
X-rays are often the first imaging choice in emergency
situations, like trauma cases, to quickly assess injuries.
Disadvantages of X rays

Radiation exposure:
X-rays use ionizing radiation, which can cause cell
damage and increase cancer risk.
Cancer risk:
High doses of X-ray radiation can increase the risk of cancer,
particularly in children and pregnant women.
Genetic damage:
X-ray radiation can cause genetic mutations, potentially
leading to birth defects.
Radiation burns:
High-intensity X-ray beams can cause burns and skin damage.
 Overexposure:
Repeated or excessive X-ray exposure can lead to radiation
Patient discomfort:
X-ray procedures can cause discomfort, pain, or anxiety.
Image quality:
X-ray images may be unclear or difficult to interpret, leading to
 Patient discomfort:
X-ray procedures can cause discomfort, pain, or anxiety.
 Invasive procedures:
Some X-ray-guided procedures, like biopsies or surgeries, carry
risks and complications.
 Environmental concerns:
X-ray machines and facilities require proper disposal and
radiation protection measures to prevent environmental contamination.
X-ray machines and procedures can be expensive, particularly for high-
resolution or specialized imaging.
Limited availability :
X-ray facilities and machines may not be readily available in all
locations or situations.
Bone X-ray

GI (gastrointestinal) test

Dental X-ray


CT (computed tomography) scan

Bone X-ray:
This is the most common type of X-ray, which is used to evaluate bone
GI (gastrointestinal) test:
This type of X-ray is used to evaluate the digestive system.
 Dental X-ray:
This type of X-ray is used to evaluate teeth and jaw problems.
This type of X-ray is used to evaluate breast tissue.
CT (computed tomography) scan:
This type of X-ray is used to create detailed cross-sectional images
of the body.
Ultraviolet(UV) Radiations

Ultraviolet (UV) radiations are electromagnetic waves with frequencies higher than
visible light, but lower than X-rays. They have a wavelength between 100 and 400
nanometers (nm).

Classification of UV radiations

 UVA (320-400 nm)

Penetrates deep into human skin, causing aging and wrinkles .
 UVB (290-320 nm)
Primarily responsible for causing sunburn and playing a key role in
the development of skin cancer.
 UVC (220-290 nm)
The most harmful, but largely absorbed by the Earth's atmosphere .
Comparison between UV-A & UV-B
UV radiation also has beneficial effects, such as:-

i. Vitamin D production in the skin.

ii. Treatment of certain skin conditions.

iii. Disinfection and sterilization.

Exposure to UV radiation can cause:-

i. Sunburn.

ii. Premature aging.

iii. Skin cancer- Cataracts.

iv. Immune system suppression.

Visible Radiations

Visible radiations, also known as visible light, are electromagnetic waves

that are visible to the human eye. They have a wavelength between
approximately 380 and 780 nanometers (nm)

Visible radiations characterized by the colors of the rainbow

 Violet (380-450 nm)

 Indigo (425-450nm)

 Blue (450-495 nm)

 Green (495-570 nm)

 Yellow (570-590 nm)

 Orange (590-620 nm)

 Red (620-780 nm)

Visible radiations are constructed through various natural and artificial sources

 Solar radiation (sunlight)

 Moon and Stars

 Incandescent lamps (e.g., light bulbs)

 Fluorescent lamps

 Light-emitting diodes (LEDs)

 Lasers
Visible radiations play a crucial role in our
daily lives. They are also used in various
applications, such as:

 Lighting

 Photography

 Display technology (e.g., TVs, computers)

 Optical communication (e.g., fiber optic cables)

 Medical applications (e.g., vision correction, diagnostic imaging)

 Entertainment (e.g., movies, stage lighting)

Infrared Radiation

Infrared (IR) radiations are electromagnetic waves with frequencies lower than visible
light, ranging from 300 gigahertz (GHz) to 400 terahertz (THz). They have a
wavelength longer than visible light, spanning from 780 nanometers (nm) to 1
millimeter (mm).


Thermal radiation:
IR is emitted by objects at temperatures above absolute zero (-273°C).
Heat transfer:
IR is responsible for thermal energy transfer between objects.
IR is not visible to the human eye.

Heating and cooling systems

Thermal imaging and night vision

Remote sensing and Earth observation

Medical applications (e.g., thermal therapy, cancer


Communication (e.g., IR data transmission)

Spectroscopy (e.g., chemical identification)


Sun, Earth, human body
 Artificial:
Incandescent lamps, heaters, lasers, electronic devices

Detection :

Thermal sensors and cameras

IR spectrometers
 Bolometer
 Pyrometers
Microwave Radiation

Microwave radiation is a form of electromagnetic radiation with frequencies

ranging from 300 (MHz) to 300 (GHz) and wavelengths between 30cm to 1mm.


Microwaves are usually generated

by moving electrons back and forth at
high frequency in a wire antenna or on
the inner surface of a wave guide.
Sources of microwave radiation includes:
i. Microwave ovens
ii. Satellite communications
iii. Radar system
iv. Wireless local area networks (WLANs)
v. Bluetooth devices
Microwaves are used in various applications including:

Heating and cooking:

Microwaves cause water molecules to vibrate, generating heat.
Microwaves are used in wireless communication systems, such as
satellite communications, cellular networks, and radar systems.
Microwaves are used in radar systems for navigation, surveillance, and weather
Microwaves are used to study the properties of materials and molecules.
Medical applications:
Microwaves are used in medical treatments, such as microwave ablation for
cancer treatment and microwave diathermy for physical therapy.
Industrial applications:
Microwaves are used in drying, curing, and sterilization processes.
Radio wave

Radio waves are a type of electromagnetic radiation with frequencies

between 3 Hz and 1 GHz, and wavelengths between thousands of
meters to 30cm. They are used for wireless communication,
broadcasting, and navigation.

Radio waves are classified into different types based on their frequency and wavelength:

i. Long wave (LW) - 153 kHz to 279 kHz

ii. Medium wave (MW) - 535 kHz to 1605 kHz
iii. Short wave (SW) - 2.3 MHz to 26.1 MHz
iv. Very high frequency (VHF) - 30 MHz to 300 MHz
v. Ultra high frequency (UHF) - 300 MHz to 3 GHz
vi. Super high frequency (SHF) - 3 GHz to 30 GHz
vii. Extremely high frequency (EHF) - 30 GHz to 300 GHz

 Radio broadcasting.

 Mobile phones and cellular networks.

 Wireless internet. (Wi-Fi)

 Satellite communication.

 Radar and navigation systems.

 Emergency services. (e.g., police, fire, ambulance)

 Radio astronomy.

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