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Remedy to Heat

It’s understandable to feel heat by this time of the year. By this reason, I was quite intrigued by
the fact that our teacher in Entrepreneurial Mind has assigned us to investigate little problems that is
currently troubling other students in the campus. Me, on the other hand, knew partly what it was, but
still, I need to make sure and ask – aside from the fact that we were told to – other students and gain
insights to what they were troubled from. And there was a lot of it. Me and my team decided to take an
action for it, though. We could make a solar-powered mini-fan. This is also because a mini-fan’s life span
is short, so why not utilize the heat and the sun to make a longer-lasting-fan that is also environmentally
friendly? This idea isn’t good enough if others don’t agree with us, though. After all, it’s the demand
that feeds the supply. So, we asked a couple of students inside and outside campus. One of the problems
was the “rela”; students stated that these rides go tour around the campus – this is a hyperbole, by the
way – especially if the students are running late (I personally experienced this). There wasn’t a lot of
things we can do about it right now, so after giving it much thought, we disregarded the idea. The next
one is a little too relatable: Printing. Printing services are offered on inside the campus’ market, and it’s a
little far from the colleges. Students are hassled by the idea of running to the market and back to their
colleges, so, we thought of opening a printing service in each college canteens. But of course, as a
student, this idea isn’t feasible in terms of finance, and we rejected it, too. Other one is the “habal-
habal”. Unlike the rela, habal-habal’s are straight to its destination. This saves the students their time,
however, the problem was beyond our capability as students. So, like all other, rejected. The fourth one
is the lack of food availability in the CHE areas. As a student, it was possible to set-up food stalls in the
area. But we wanted to do more. By “more”, we mean something that is unique. I mean, food stalls are
everywhere these days, so we didn’t proceed with it. An of course, lastly, the heat. Due to immense heat
in classrooms in every college, there was an evident need of cooling devices, a fan. However, fan’s
batteries apparently do not last long; we came up with an idea, “We should make it solar-powered”. And
we will.

I am well familiar with the term, “Teamwork makes the dream work”, and I admit it that
sometimes, I forget what it implies. We should let others help us, and help others, too. By this interview
and investigation, I re-learned what I always forget, that keys to open doors of opportunities, are hard
work (And help from friends – or a foe).

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