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I Semester. B.C.A.

Degree Examination, February 2024

NEP (2021-2022 and onwards)
Computer Science
Time: 2 hours Max marks: 60
Instructions: Answer all sections

Answer any FOUR questions. Each question carries two marks (4*2=08)
1.Define Grid Computing.
2.What are the characteristics of Private cloud?
3. Define the role and benefit of virtualization in the cloud.
4.List out services provided by Amazon Web?
5.List two advantages of cloud technology in ECG Analysis.
6. Mention the applications of cloud in the scientific field.


Answer any FOUR questions. Each question carries five marks (4*5=20)

7. Briefly explain cloud service models.

8. With a neat diagram explain system architecture of the Aneka hybrid cloud architecture.
9. In the context of Aneka, Explain the application model of cloud computing.
10. What are the features of Google App engine?
11. With a neat diagram explain cloud service life cycle.
12. Write a note on ECG analysis in the cloud.


Answer any FOUR question. Each question carries eight marks. (4*8=32)

13. a) Differentiate between Distributed computing and Cloud computing.

b) Define Cloud computing? What are the characteristics of cloud computing?
14. a) List out the advantages and disadvantages of cloud computing?
b) Write a note on cloud platforms service providers.
15. a) Explain the Layered architecture of Cloud with a neat diagram.
b) What is server virtualization? Explain with an example.
16. a) Describe the major features of the Aneka in Cloud computing.
b) Write a note on Aneka SDK.
17. a) Describe the architecture of Windows Azure.
b) Briefly explain SQL Azure.
18. a) What is Jeeva? Explain the phases involved in pattern recognition.
b) Explain an online health monitoring system hosted in the cloud with a neat


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