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Ladies and gentlemen,

Good morning,

Today, We stand before you to present and defend our research title on a
topic that is both relevant and significant in today's fast-paced world. Our
study focuses on the "Effectiveness of Time Management Strategies of CBA
Working Students for the School Year 2023-2023."

As we all know, being a college student is a demanding journey in itself. But

when you add the responsibilities of a part-time job into the mix, it can
become even more challenging. Balancing academic commitments, work
obligations, and personal life can often feel like a juggling act. That's where
the importance of effective time management strategies comes into play.

Our research aims to explore and understand the various time management
strategies employed by CBA working students and evaluate their effectiveness
in achieving a healthy work-life-study balance. We are to delve into the
different techniques and approaches that are adopted by the students to
optimize their time and maximize productivity.

Throughout this study, we will be conducting surveys such as questionnaires,

and observations to gather valuable insights from the CBA working students
themselves. We will be exploring their experiences, challenges, and successes
in managing their time effectively. With analyzing their strategies, we will be
able to identify patterns and determine the most effective approaches that
contribute to their overall success.

The findings of this research will shed light on the importance of prioritization,
goal-setting, and creating realistic schedules. We will discover the significance
of self-discipline, stress management techniques, and the utilization of
available resources. This study will surely provide practical recommendations
and actionable insights that can benefit not only working college students but
also educators, institutions, and organizations that are supporting them.

By understanding the effectiveness of time management strategies, we hope

to empower CBA working students to thrive academically, excel in their jobs,
and maintain a healthy work-life balance. We believe that this research can
contribute to the ongoing conversation on student success and well-being.

In conclusion, our research on the "Effectiveness of Time Management

Strategies of Working College Students" offers valuable insights into the
challenges faced by these individuals and provides practical solutions to
enhance their productivity and overall well-being. We are excited to share our
findings with you today and engage in a meaningful discussion about this
important topic.

Thank you for your attention, and we look forward to your questions and
feedback as we defend this research title

This theoretical framework is based on the existing theory or theories or
bodies of knowledge that are relevant to this research topic. They will help us
to situate the study within a broader context and draw upon established
theories to guide their research process.


Our conceptual framework is visualized through a Paradigm to illustrate the
relationship between variables and concepts of this study. This will identify the
relationship of our research hypotheses or research questions based on
existing theories or prior research. The framework may also include
assumptions or propositions that guide the research process.

Overall, this conceptual framework will provide us a theoretical lens through

which we can understand and investigate our topic. This will help us guide the
research process, inform data collection and analysis, and contribute to the
development of new theories or knowledge in the field.

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