Vendor Guide Book Diriyah Gate

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Document Name: Vendor Guidebook Approved Date: 23-Oct-23

Document Owner: Supply Chain

Version: 1.0
Document Prepared By: Procurement Excellence

Procurement Guidebook
1.0 Vendor Self Registration ....................................................................................................................... 3

2.0 Create an Ariba Account: ....................................................................................................................... 5

3.0 Filling in Vendor Registration Questionnaire ........................................................................................ 9

4.0 Logging into Ariba dashboard ............................................................................................................. 14

5.0 Accessing Vendor Registration Questionnaires from existing Ariba Account .................................. 17

6.0 Revising the Vendor Registration Questionnaire. .............................................................................. 18

8.0 Participating in RFI ............................................................................................................................... 26

9.0. Participating in RFP............................................................................................................................. 29

10.0. Declining to Participate in RFP ......................................................................................................... 34

11.0. Participating in RFP after Declining ................................................................................................. 36

12.0. Contract review ................................................................................................................................. 37

1.0 Vendor Self Registration

1.1 Go to the website

1.2. Scroll down the website page on the left side, click on supplier registration:
1.3. Click on Register as a vendor:

1.4. Fill the supplier registration request form:

1.5. Submit the request form:

1.6. The request for registration as a supplier is complete:

2.0 Create an Ariba Account:

2.1. You will receive a confirmation email form Diriyah Procurement,

2.2. You will receive another email that has a link to Ariba platform click on the link:
2.3. If you have an account login or if it is new account, click on sign up:

2.4. Fill in the company information:

2.5. Add the email you want to receive the notification and the username you wish to have:

2.6. Tell us more about your business and click on browse to select the available commodities
2.7. Click on browse to choose your service or product form the categories:

2.8. Click on Ok after choosing the service or product:

2.9. Choose service locations that you provide from the available selection:
2.10. Read and agree on the terms of use and SAP agreement then click on create account and

continue and you will have created your account:

3.0 Filling in Vendor Registration Questionnaire

3.1 Login to the Ariba account using the link

3.2 Choose the supplier Option:

3.3 Enter your credentials and click on login.

3.4 Once you click on Login, the webpage will load and choose Business Network-> Ariba Proposal

and Questionnaires.

3.5. Click on Supplier registration questionnaire:

3.6. Choose the vendor’s type and fill the supplier full Legal Name in English:

3.7 Choose your applicable categories:

3.8. Fill in the vendor address:

3.9 Fill in the company and contact person information:

3.10. Tell us more about the company’s history:

3.11. Fill in the ownership information:

3.12 Click on references to download the list:

3.13 Choose your country code from the list:

3.14. Upload the requested certificates:

3.15. Download the Non-discloser agreement and conflict of interest form then upload them signed

and stamped:

3.16. Answer the vendor declaration and submit entire response:

4.0 Logging into Ariba dashboard

4.1. Go to
4.2. Click on supplier:

4.3. Login using your username and password:

4.4. Choose your business role from the list and submit:
4.4. Click on business network:

4.5. Choose Ariba Proposals & Questionnaires:

4.5. Now the Dashboard will be available:

5.0 Accessing Vendor Registration Questionnaires from existing Ariba Account

5.1. Go to your email inbox and find Vendor Registration System Invitation email, click on the link.

5.2. Click on login:

5.3. Enter your username and password then click on click on login:

6.0 Revising the Vendor Registration Questionnaire.

6.1. You will receive an email to provide additional information, click on the link:
6.2. Enter your username and password then click on click on login:

6.3. Go to the Supplier registration questionnaire and click on Revise Response:

6.4. Modify information or upload the missing documents, by clicking on upload file:
6.5. Choose file then click on ok to upload the file:

6.6. After you provided the additional information or uploaded the missing document, click on submit

entire response:

7.0 Accessing the Vendor Registration Questionnaires:

7.1. Go to
7.2. Click on supplier:

7.3. Login using your username and password:

7.4. Click on business network:

7.5. Choose Ariba Proposals & Questionnaires:

7.6. Click on supplier questionnaires:

7.7. Choose the vendor’s type and fill the supplier full Legal Name in English:
7.8. Choose your applicable categories:

7.9 Fill in the vendor address:

7.10. Fill in the company and contact person information:

7.11. Tell us more about the company’s history:

7.12. Fill in the ownership information:

7.13 Click on references to download the list:

7.14. Choose your country code from the list:

7.15. Upload the requested certificates:

7.16. Download the Non-discloser agreement and conflict of interest form then upload them signed

and stamped:
7.17. Answer the vendor declaration and submit entire response:

8.0 Participating in RFI

8.1. When Diriyah Procurement invites you to RFI, you will receive an email invitation to participate on
your registered email address, Click on the link available in the email:

8.2. Login using your username and password:

8.3. Download the scope of work:

8.4. Click on review prerequisite:

8.5. Click on accept the terms and agreement then click on OK:
8.6. Click on attach a file to upload the estimated proposal:

8.7. Upload the proposal by clicking on choose file then click on ok:

8.8. In case of any other supporting documents, click on attached file:

8.9. Click on choose a file to upload the document then click on ok:

8.10. Click on submit entire response:

9.0. Participating in RFP

9.1. Once you are invited by Diriyah Procurement to participate in a bid, you will receive an email
through your registered email address, click on the link available in the email to access:
9.2. Login using your username and password:
9.3. Download the attachment and review the RFP documents:

9.4. after reviewing the documents, click on done:

9.5. Click on prerequisite:

9.6. Click on I accept the agreement and the check box then click on ok and submit the agreement:
9.7. Upload the requested forms and documents:

9.8. Click on attach file to upload the technical proposal and make sure not to upload pricing sheets or
commercial proposals in the technical details otherwise, you will be disqualified:
9.9. Upload the commercial proposal and commercial proposal excel sheet:

9.10. Click on submit entire response:

9.11. Click on OK:

10.0. Declining to Participate in RFP

10.1. Once you received the RFP email from Diriyah Procurement, click on the link available in the
email to access the event:

10.2. Login using your username and password:

10.3. Download all the documents in relation to the RFP and review them:

10.4. To decline the RFP after reviewing the documents, click on decline to respond:

10.5. Add the reason for declining to respond then click on ok to complete the respond:
11.0. Participating in RFP after Declining

11.1. If you have already declined to participate in an RFP changed your mind, go to the RFP email you
received initially then click on the link available in the email to access the event:

11.2. Login using your username and password:

11.3. Click on intend to respond once you access the event:

11.4. The RFP can be accessed, and you could access section 10.0 to participate in the RFP.

12.0. Contract review

12.1. You will receive an email on the registered email to review the contract terms and conditions, Click
on the link available in the email:

12.1. Login using your username and password:

12.2. Click on go back to Dashboard:

12.3. Click on vendor review:

12.4. Download the attached documents and review it, add comments if you have any:

12.5. Click on complete review:

12.6. Click on choose file to upload the updated contract document with your comments if any:

12.6. Click on OK button to complete the review:

12.7. Now the review task will disappear from your portal screen and will be sent to Diriyah
Procurement’s contract representative:

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