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Genetic Engineering

Dhaval Varma Peruri - c0942248, Prince - c0933878, Rakesh Khanal - c0940709, Rikin

Kumar Bhaveshbhai Rai - c0937827

Communications Department, Lambton College

COM 3013 - Professional Communications

Olga Shchetyna

May 27, 2024

Genetic engineering is the process of modifying the genetic DNA code of an organism,

allowing scientists to introduce coveted traits. This technology has revolutionized many

fields, including agriculture, medicine, industry, and biotechnology. It can treat inherited

genetic conditions in the medical field by editing defective DNA or designing patient-specific

medications. Genetically modified organisms (GMO) are implemented in the agricultural

sector to boost crop productivity and enhance immunity against diseases and pests. Industrial

facilities employ this technology to fabricate biofuels, biodegradable materials, and enzymes

with increased manufacturing efficiency and eco-friendliness. The possibility of unforeseen

repercussions and the moral ramifications of altering human cells are among the ethical

issues raised by genetic engineering. Despite these obstacles, this technology has the potential

to tackle pressing problems such as disease prevention, environmental sustainability, and

food security. Society must comprehend these complexities as it negotiates the advantages

and moral dilemmas this quickly developing field presents.

This research report will explore the practical and moral inferences, including safety

issues corresponding to the implementation of genetic engineering in various industries. One

question that must be answered is, how can the advantages of genetic engineering be

optimized while reducing the possible hazards and ethical dilemmas? The significance of this

matter stems from the transformational potential that genetic engineering presents, including

the ability to treat hereditary illnesses, improve crop resilience, and tackle environmental

issues. It raises important ethical concerns about modifying human DNA, genetic privacy,

and the ecological effects of releasing GMOs into the environment. A basic summary of

genetic engineering will also be included, outlining its technological innovations in various

industries. The report will also look at case studies, assess the regulatory frameworks in

place, and consider the viewpoints of multiple stakeholders. The intention is to present a
thorough analysis that strikes a balance between encouraging developments in genetic

engineering and tackling its societal and moral challenges.

The report’s primary audience comprises the public who have never heard about

genetic engineering. It aims to educate them with a thorough introduction as well as

important insights into its uses and moral implications.

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