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for the week 12 - 20 November 2011 Thirty third Sunday of Ordinary Time (A) Saturday 6.00pm (SW) Pious List Sunday 9.30am (OLI) Parishioners 11.00am (SW) Francis Lyons 6.30pm (OLI) Pious List Weekday Masses Monday 9.00am (OLI) Margaret Cunliffe Tuesday 10.00am (SW) Deceased Members of the Legion of Mary Wednesday 9.00am (OLI) Joyce and Frank Walsh Thursday 10.00am (SW) Pious List Friday 9.00am (OLI) The Fagan Family Saturday 10.00am (OLI) Peggy Burns Christ the King (A) Saturday 6.00pm (SW) Parishioners Sunday 9.30am (OLI) Pious List 11.00am (SW) Brian Donlon 6.30pm (OLI) Theresa Chamberlain

Archdiocesan website : Parish Priest : Rev. John Gorman 01942 727271 email : Deacon : Rev. Malcolm Cunliffe 01942 725522 Parish website : Rosary Mon, Wed, Fri 8.30am; Sun 9.00am (OLI) Tues, Thurs 9.30am (SW) Confession Sat 11.00am - 12 noon (OLI); 5.15 - 5.45pm (SW). Novena Wednesday 7.30pm Holy Hour Friday 7pm - 8pm The Sanctuary Lamp will burn this week for Michael Hogan. Memorial Book 13th November Patricia Beesley Ted Pilkington Arthur James Steve Smith 19th November Margaret Fagan Arthur Shaw


Liverpool R.C. Archdiocesan Trustees Reg. Charity No. 232709

Baptism Preparation As I mentioned last week, we begin on Sunday our programme of Baptismal Preparation by welcoming 3 families preparing for the baptism of their children: Jamie and Kimberley Ford and their children Aaron, Dominic, Jak and Kian; Robin and Lucy Gibson and Baby Luke; and John and Sarah with Erin and Daniel. At the beginning of Mass we will use the Rite of Reception from the Order of Baptism as a means of welcoming them. We will also use the Renewal of Baptismal Promises (without water!) in place of the Creed. The first Preparation Session will then take place in the Parish Centre after Mass. I hope you will make them all welcome. Remembrance Sunday : Sunday is also Remembrance Sunday and the Seniors from our Middle Church will lead us in an Act of Remembrance and a minutes silence after the Offertory during the 9.30am Mass. Lamp Sunday : The Pastoral Letter from the Archbishop for, held over from last week, will be read this weekend and a and Retiring Collection taken to support the work of our priests working in South America. Coffee Morning : There will be a Coffee Morning on Wednesday of this week (November 816th) in the Parish Centre from 9.30am - 11.00am. All are welcome. Flower Arranging : Wednesday at 1.30pm in the Smith Room to prepare Christmas Pots. Please bring a pot of your choice with pebbles in the bottom or a Christmas spray with a container. Christmas Fayre : This will take place on Friday 9th December. There is a box for these at the back of church for any gifts or prizes for the Tombola and the Raffle. Many thanks. Admission to Our Ladys School : Parents of children with birth dates from 01/09/07 - 31/08/08 and who are due to start school in Sept. 2012 are asked to register their interest with the school as soon as possible. Pool of Primary/Assistant Headteachers : Once again the Diocesan Schools Dept. is looking to recruit a pool of Deputy/Assistant Headteachers in Catholic schools. Successful candidates would be considered first for any temporary vacancies which occur. See for details. Last weeks Collection ;Gift Aid : 438.00 Loose Plate : 274.98 Total : 712.98 World Mission 132.55 Many Thanks. Question of the Week : In the parable of the Talents, the Master says : Well done, good and faithful servant. You have shown yourself trustworthy in small things, I will trust you with greater. What gift has God given you? What gift have you not developed? What could you still do?

Your Parish Priest: Fr. John Gorman

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