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Crime Awareness Revision

1. Which of the followings is a feature of clandestine drug labs?

A. They are usually located in an area that ensure privacy
B. They are generaly well ventilated
C. They usually have access to water, electric, and gas utilities
D. All of the above

Answer: D

2. How can evidence be protected while caring for the patient?

A. By being observant of the scene and surroundings
B. By touching only what is required for patient care
C. By being carefull not to disturb the scene
D. All of the above

Answer: D

3. When approaching a suspicious residence you should NOT:

A. Use audible and visual warning devices
B. Taking unconventional pathways
C. Making a backlighting position
D. Announce your presence before listens for sounds

Answer: B

4. One of the followings is TRUE regarding distraction and evasive tactics:

A. They can be used when retreat, cover, and concealment are available
B. Equipment may not be used to provide distraction
C. Anticipating the movement of the hostile
D. Using conventional pathways during retreat

Answer: C

5. Why remain at a safe staging area away from the scene is important?
A. If the paramedic can be seen, people will come to them
B. Entering unsafe scene adds more potential victims
C. Paramedics may be injured, taken as hostages, or even killed
D. All of the above

Answer: D
6. What does domestic violence means?
A. Violence occurs between family members
B. Violence occurs between people in a relationship
C. Violence occurs between people in a friendship
D. Violence occurs between strange people

Answer: B

7. Which of the followings is TRUE regarding paramedics observations in

a crime scene?
A. Record their observations subjectively
B. Record patient’s or bystander words without quotes
C. Avoid personal opinions that are relevant to patient care
D. None of the above

Answer: D

8. In dangerous highway encounters when reaching a vehicle you should:

A. If it’s night, turn on ambulance lights
B. Approaching the vehicle from the driver side
C. Use a two-person approach
D. Walk between the ambulance and the other vehicle

Answer: A

9. Which of the followings is FALSE regarding scene safety

A. It must continue throughout the EMS respond
B. A safe scene can become unsafe, except when the police present
C. Violence on EMS providers may occur if they are mistaken for police
D. EMS crew must have a strategic escape plan ready

Answer: B

10. Which of the followings methods helps in ensuring personal safety?

A. Avoidance and tactical retreat
B. Cover and concealment
C. Distraction and evasive maneuvers
D. All of the above
Answer: D
11. If you have taken as hostage you should:
A. Try to confront with the captor
B. Remain as calm as possible
C. Play a passive role with the captor
D. Focus on agitated resolution and escape

Answer: B

12. This method hide the body, but it’s offer less or no ballistic
A. Concealment
B. Cover
C. Distraction
D. Evasive tactics

Answer: A

13. Which of the followings is TRUE regarding violent crime scenes?

A. Many of those victims don’t require EMS response
B. Law enforcement personnel often will be at the scene first
C. Avoidance and awareness are issues for emergency responders
D. Violence on EMS causes favorable effects on personal relationship

Answer: C

14. Staging is example of which of the following personal safety methods?

A. Concealment
B. Cover
C. Avoidance
D. Distraction

Answer: C
15. One of the followings is a method of communication between the
contact and the care providers:
A. Using coded terms
B. Scratching the neck
C. Rubbing the nose
D. All of the above
Answer: D

16. Which of the followings is FALSE regarding safety issues in gang

A. All gang members are engaged in illegal activities
B. Significant number of gangs are affiliated with local extremist groups
C. The criminal activity is usually done for status or monetary benefits
D. Paramedics must be very cautions when working in gang areas

Answer: A

17. Which of the followings is FALSE regarding tactical retreat?

A. It requires immediate and decisive action
B. Retreat on foot or by a vehicle quickly
C. Choosing the mode and the route of retreat
D. The distance from danger to a safe retreat must be guided

Answer: B

18. What should the EMS crew do if the scene is unsafe?

A. They should retreat from the scene
B. They should stage at a safe location
C. They should wait arrival of law enforcement and/or other rescuers
D. All of the above

Answer: D

19. An area where no immediate threat exists but risk of danger remains
is known as the:
A. Hot zone
B. Warm zone
C. Cold zone
D. None of the above

Answer: B

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