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Stereotypes are general beliefs about groups of people because of things like their ethnicity, religion,

race, or gender. In a video by Fitzovia Youth in Action, there's a scene showing stereotypes. Two white
men talk about a Muslim woman, thinking she's a terrorist, violent, or extreme. This kind of thinking
happens in real life too. In the article wrote by Gandhi, since 9/11 happened, Americans have often
portrayed Muslims and Arabs as terrorists. They always interpret Muslim in tv shows and movies like
Homeland, Argo, and American sniper as a person who always do dangerous act. This can lead to more
aggressive and intensify the hate towards the Muslim community. To reduce this type of stereotype,
media should have carefully review their reports and reduce the misleading information towards other
people most especially in today world where information are fast. In addition, education to people can
also be a response to reduce this type of stereotype. This is one way to learn and also to communicate
toward other people. People can learn how to respectful and also promote understanding towards the
other community.

In the second scene, there is a black person who is following a woman. She thought that she will be
raped by the man. This one of the stereotypes that often experience by the black community mostly in
the country with a lot of white persons. They are often giving a representation of being violent, a
criminal, and aggressive. In order to fixed this mindset, understanding stereotypes and learning their
challenges can be useful to combat racism. In addition, fighting colorism can be useful not just for the
black community but also for everyone.

In the last scene, two boys are playing basketball when a girl asks if she can join. The boys laugh and
mock her, doubting she can even make a shot. This shows a common stereotype where boys think girls
aren't good at sports or other activities usually seen as "for boys." These stereotypes make it seem like
girls don't have the skills or strength to do as well as boys. This kind of thinking can discourage girls from
doing what they love and adds to broader unfair treatment. To stop this kind of stereotyping, people
need to think again about their ideas about girls and boys to make sure they are fair. Everyone should be
inclusive and supportive, giving both girls and boys a fair chance to join in all activities, like sports and
games, regardless of gender. Creating a supportive environment and having positive role models can
help break down these harmful stereotypes.

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