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Focus on forms

 Grammar
 Saing something correctly
 No focus on meaning

Focus on form
 Communicative context
 Students can choose what they want to say, still influenced by teacher
 Talking about summer holidays for example

Focus on forms
 No communicative context
 Teaching simple past for example

 Presentation, practice, production
 Teacher presents, teacher practice and then students are supposed to produce
 Expected features of PPP:
 Teacher centered
 I-R-F
 Student-teacher interaction

 Task-based language teaching
 Students talking to each other
 Focus on communication between students
 Challenges I-R-F
 Outcome (in group projects for example)
 Focus on meaning (focus on form still possible)
 Context determines which language structures are taught

Tasks >TBLT

Classifying teacher questions

 Form: open or closed questions?
 Content: questions related to personal facts, outside facts or opinions?
 Purpose: questions that are for display or questions that are communication (often
teachers asks questions they know the answer for)
How can teachers classroom communication more effective?
 Content feedback (someone says something, you elaborate on it; student initiated talk)
 Choose relevant topics
Features of communicative classroom talk

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