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Extract Based Questions

1. “Last scene of all,

That ends this strange eventful history,
Is second childishness and mere oblivion,
Sans teeth, sans eyes, sans taste, sans everything.”
(a)Why is this stage called a ‘second childishness’ ?
(b)What is meant by “that ends this strange eventful history” ?
(c)What is meant by the word, ‘oblivion’ ?

2.“Whenever one of us shone, the Professor outshone him”.

(a)Which quality of the Professor is spoken about in the above lines ?
(b) How did the speaker benefit from the Professor as a co-trainee ?
(c) What is meant by the word, ‘outshone’ ?

3)The field and the cloud are lovers And between them I am a messenger of mercy. I quench the thirst of the
one, I cure the ailment of the other
(a)Why are the field and the cloud called lovers ?
(b)How does the rain help the field and the cloud ?
(c)What is meant by ‘ailment’ ?

4)A chap takes the trouble to study form and saves up his pocket-money to have a bet on a good thing, and
then he goes and gets let down like this. It may be funny to you, but I call it rotten. And another thing I call
rotten is you having kept it from me all this time that you were, Young Porky’, pa.
(a)What does Harold call ‘rotten’ in the above lines ?
(b)“A chap takes the trouble to study form and saves up his pocket money to have a bet on a good thing, and
then he goes and gets let down like this.” What does it tell us about Harold ?
(c)What is meant by the word, ‘rotten’ ?

5) “What could a gang of louts like us do with a man like that ?”

(a)Who is the speaker ?
(b)Which ‘gang of louts’ is referred to here ?
(c)What do you mean by ‘louts’ ?

6)So I lay in the old dentist’s chair And I gaze up his nose in despair And his drill it do whine In these
molars of mine “Two amalgum,” he’ll say, “for in there”.
(a)Why did the speaker go to the dentist ?
(b)How did the speaker feel in the dentist’s chair ?
(c)What is the meaning of ‘despair’ ?

7) And then the lover,

Sighing like the furnace, with a woeful ballad Made to his mistress’ eyebrow
(a) What does the lover do to please his beloved ?
(b) What is his state of mind ?
(c)What figure of speech is used in the second line here ?
8) Not at all. Mind you, if someone had bought it on the very day I placed it for safe, then I might have felt
sorry because I would have wondered if I hadn’t been a fool to sell it at all. But the sign has been hanging on
the gate for over a month now and I am beginning to be afraid that the day I bought it was when I was the
real fool.”
(a) How would the speaker have felt if someone had bought the villa on the very day she placed it for sale?
(b) What has been hanging on the gate for over a month now?
(c) How does the speaker feel now?

9)They want a cook in the film as well. They asked me if I knew of anybody suitable. You said just now.
Madame, that times were hard. …Would you like me to get you the engagement?

(a) Who were ‘they’ and what did they want?

(b) Who had said that “times were hard” and to whom?
(c) What did the speaker say about the ‘engagement’?

10) Then took the other, as just as fair,

And having perhaps the better claim,
Because it was grassy and wanted wear;
Though as for that the passing there
Had worn them really about the same

a)What does the phrase “having perhaps the better claim” suggest about the second path?
b)What is the significance of the word “fair” in this stanza?
c) What does the phrase “wanted wear” suggest about the second path?

Short Type Questions ( 40-60 words)

1. What are the perils talked about in the poem “ Oh ! i wished i had looked after me teeth” and how have
they been caused?
2. From where does the brook emerge and where does it go?
3. Why has the poet used the word ‘ babble’ for the brook?
4. Justify the title ‘The road not taken’.
5. What does the poet regret in the poem ‘Road not taken’?
6. What do you understand by ‘wanted wear’ according to the poem ‘Road not taken’?
7. What request does the poet make to the passerby and why?
8. Having failed to understand the meaning of the poem what does the poet wish?
9. What are the probable themes of the song being sung by the solitary reaper?
10. Explain ‘All the world’s a stage’ with reference to the poem’ The Seven Ages’.
11. In the poem ‘The Seven ages’ why does the school boy whine when he goes to school?
12. Why did Mrs. Bramble addresses her son as ‘dearie’?
13. Why was Harold called a ‘prodigy’?
14. What was grandmother’s reaction when she got the magazine in her granddaughter’s absence?
15. Who was the private quelch ? Why was he named ‘professor’ ?
16. What was the professor's ambition in the army and what did he do to achieve it?
17. What is the central idea of the chapter ‘The Man Who Knew Too Much’?
18. How did Duke react when he saw Hooper after his discharge from the hospital?
19. “It was lighting a fuse. Duke shimmied himself U-shaped in anticipation “ Explain.
20. Why was 4th January a significant day for Hooper?
21. What was John A Pescud’s opinion about best sellers?
22. John is a hypocrite.Do you agree with the statement?Elucidate.
23. Why does Jeanne want to buy a villa?
24.Why is Gaston not interested in buying the villa in the beginning?
25.Mrs. A1 Smith makes many statements about the French. Pick out any two and explain them.

LONG-TYPE QUESTIONS ( 80 -100 words)

1.The Professor’s humiliation was a consequence of his own folly. Comment with reference to
‘The Man Who Knew Too Much’
2.What message does the story “ How I taught my Grand-mother hold for the present generation ?
3) How can we say that life is a journey? Explain with reference to the poem ‘The Brook’.
4) What was the ‘next objective’ set by Chuck Hooper? How and with whose help did he
hit the target?
5) What do you think of Colonel Allyn ?
6) Elaborate the character traits of ‘The Professor’
7) Draw parallels between the character of John Pescud and Trevelyan .
8) Elaborate the majestic journey of ‘The Brook’
9) What are the stages that man goes through in the poem ‘The Seven ages’?
10) Gaston was a witty and sarcastic, with reference to the play ‘ Villa for Sale’ justify .
11) Shakespeare’s ‘Seven ages’ designates different stages of human life. Draw a parallel between two
poems to elicit the different stages of rain’s life.
12)Contrast the arrival of rain and departure of rain.
13)The use of imagery in the poem ‘ The solitary Reaper’ has a major impact on the reading
14) The language of music is Universal.Justify with reference to’ The Solitary Reaper.’
15) Krishtakka’s will is unconquerable .Justify.

Value-Based questions. ( 100-150 words)

1) “I descend and embrace the flowers and the trees in a million ways.”
How does the rain cheer up the trees and flowers ? Likewise what should man do to bring cheer to all ? In
this context, write a paragraph on the value of selflessness.

2) In ” The Man Who Knew Too Much”, the author points out the folly of flaunting one’s knowledge.
Knowledge should make one humble and subdued. What should one have besides knowledge to be
successful in life ?

3) How I laughed at my mother’s false teeth…………………….. “

Do you think it is good to make fun of the infirmities or disabilities of others ? Elaborate the value of
empathy in your answer.

4) The act of rain is selfless. Selflessness is a difficult quality to be practised. How can you be selfless in a
selfish world ?

5) How does the poem, The Brook, teach the value of generosity, courtesy and benevolence? Which values
out of these do you think are missing and need to be imbibed by our young generation?

Writing and Grammar

1. Our youngsters pay no attention to health. They are too occupied with their studies and gadgets. Write an
article on the need to pay attention to health in 100-120 words.
● age of competition
● stressful life
● craze for playing video games, mobiles, etc.
2. You are Ankush/Sudha. You are concerned about children becoming disobedient and unruly
these days. Write an article on the topic ‘How to Discipline Children’ in 100-120 words. You may
take help from these hints.


● children going astray

● force parents to do whatever they like
● disobey and even insult teachers
● needs to be disciplined through persistence, refusal and persuasion

3. Write an original story in 150-200 words, which begins like this :

One night, as I was sleeping on my bed, I heard some sound of someone entering the house by
jumping over the wall. I was terrified……………………

4) Some people prefer solo travel, while others enjoy travelling in a group. As Hema Joseph of class X-C,
write an article for your school magazine, in about 150 words, discussing the advantages and disadvantages
of each preference and examining the factors that influence these choices.

5) Space tourism, though in its early stages, is a reality. As Jagmeet Singh of class X-D, write an article for
your school magazine, in about 150 words, discussing the opportunities and challenges of space tourism, the
ethical considerations surrounding it and how it might impact society

6. The following passage there is a word omitted in each line. Write the word that is missing along
with the word that comes before and the word that comes after it in your answer sheet against the
correct blank number.

Man is the dangerous animal on the e.g. the most dangerous

earth. He can do anything for own survival. (a) ………………………………

He has eaten many animals to such extent (b) …………………………………

that the list of creatures have vanished and (c) …………………………………

others that on the verge of vanishing is a long one. (d) …………………….

7.The following passage has not been edited. There is one error in each line. Write the correct
word and the correction in the space provided against the correct blank number.
It is truth that parents are e.g. truth true

more valueable then any other (a) …….. ……..

things in the world for a child. (b) …….. ……..

They are the more precious property. (c) …….. ……..

A child depend upon them all the (d) …….. ……..

He needs them at every steps (e) …….. ……..

because they takes care of him. (f) ……..

Under the care of their parents, (g) …….. ……..

a child feel secure. (h) …….. ……..

Freshly made tea is tasty but beneficial e.g. but and

if some simple rules are observing. (a) …….. ……..

It is best to keep her separately in a (b) …….. ……..

jar If kept Open, its aroma escape (c) …….. ……..

and it looses its taste and curative (d) …….. ……..

Stale tea should not he took. (e) …….. ……..

Tea is the excellent cure for colds. (f) …….. ……..

A cup of fresh tea stimulate (g) …….. ……..

concentration or improves capacity to work. (h) …….. ……..

8) Do as directed

1. If roads do not develop along highways, there will be traffic problems.

(Rewrite the sentence using ‘unless’)
2. It has been a very long journey.
(Rewrite as an exclamatory sentence)
3. It will stand a lesson to all those who aspire to greatness.
(Rewrite as a Simple sentence)
4. John’s greatness extends beyond football.
(Rewrite as a negative sentence)
5. Start to talk right now.
(Add a question tag)
6. It is the consumer who pays for the advertising.
(Rewrite removing ‘who’)
7. The body can perform its functions only if it is abundantly supplied with all the essential nutritional
(Rewrite using ‘unless’)
8. It must be appropriately presented.
(Rewrite using the noun form of the word underlined)
9. Temperature is one of the most important physical factors.
(Use the degree of comparison)
10. The producer can save a good deal of time and money.
(Rewrite the sentence beginning with ‘A good deal of time….’)
11. Sea-water contains a lot of salt. Fresh water contains very little.
(Combine using ‘whereas’)
12. Tree-nesting birds can live only where there are trees.
(Rewrite using a conditional clause)
13. Man can express a very wide range of ideas and emotions through speech.
(Rewrite using ‘be able to’)
14. Most of us feel annoyed or hurt if somebody mispronounces our name.
(Rewrite using the noun form of the word underlined)
15. Not only was he funny-looking, but he had funny ways and notions.
(Rewrite removing the negative)
16. I feel like a song-bird whose wings have been torn off.
(Rewrite removing ‘which’)
17. George would go straight up and ask him if he really knew what he was talking about.
(Change it into direct speech)
18. Courage is sticking to your post in danger.
(Rewrite by using infinitive form of gerund)
19. One view is that women are weak; they need to be protected.
(Rewrite using the noun form of the verb underlined)
20. Harry has always condemned these practices.
(Rewrite as a negative sentence)

9. Read the following text

(1) As a high school student, studying poetry can be a rollercoaster ride. This journey is punctuated by
moments of profound appreciation for simpler pieces and intermittent frustration with more complex works.
Let's be real here -some poems are just plain confusing and no amount of re-reading seems to help decipher
the intended meaning. The puzzlement that results from such instances can be both vexing and
demotivating. If solving a riddle is what was intended, then playing Sudoku is a better option. One is led to
ponder if obscurity was the goal.
(2) Conversely, some pieces resonate with the reader's soul. stirring feelings of warmth, happiness, and
connection to the world. Often, these compositions centre on themes that are universally understood, such as
love, nature, or faith. Being able to actually understand what the poet is trying to say can feel like a little
victory and is a welcome relief after grappling with more perplexing poetry.
(3) Then there are poems that are emotionally charged; the ones that make the reader curl up in a ball and
cry or jump up and down with joy. One is left in awe of the poet's ability to convey emotion through words.
Let’s not forget the downright weird poems. These are the ones that defy categorization and leave the reader
to their own devices in attempting to interpret meaning. The author's use of figurative language and
unconventional imagery can create a sense of bewilderment that is either intriguing or off-putting.
Regardless, the reader can appreciate the uniqueness of the work.
(4) Despite the wide range of emotions and reactions that come with studying poetry, it can be a rewarding
pursuit. Not only does reading poetry allow one to appreciate the artistic beauty of the written word but also
enables one to develop crucial critical thinking and analytical skills. The process of unlocking a poem's
meaning can feel like cracking a code or solving a puzzle but the sense of accomplishment derived from
mastering a challenging piece can be deeply gratifying. Finally, impressing an English teacher with a well-
analysed poem can be a source of pride and validation.
(5) Overall, studying poetry is like a box of mixed chocolates, you never know what you're going to get. But
whether it's complex, emotional, simple, or just downright weird, there's always something to be gained
from the experience. So, let's applaud all the poets out there, for making us laugh, cry, scratch our heads, and
occasionally feel like a genius.

Answer the following questions, based on the passage above.

i Which of the following statements best describes the author's attitude towards studying poetry?
A. Finds poetry to be a frustrating and meaningless endeavor.
B. Believes that the emotional rollercoaster of studying poetry is not worth the effort.
C. Recognizes the challenges of studying poetry but also acknowledges the rewards it offers.
D. Feels that poetry is too obscure and abstract for the average person to appreciate.

ii What is the tone of the writer in the given lines from paragraph ? Rationalise your response in about 40

iii Complete the sentence appropriately. The author's use of vivid imagery in the paragraph (3), such as
"curl up in a ball and cry" and "jump up and down with joy", greatly affects the reader because

iv The passage includes some words that are opposites of each other. From the sets (a)-(e) below, identify
two sets of antonyms:

(a) intriguing and off-putting

(b) deciphering and interpreting
(c) appreciate and applaud
(d) simple and challenging
(e) emotions and feeling

v Complete the sentence appropriately. We can say that the author's tone becomes more neutral and
objective when discussing weird poems, compared to other types of poetry because __________.

vi Based on the reading of the passage, examine, in about 40 words, how studying poetry can be like
exploring a new city.

vii What is the message conveyed by Hina's experience, in the following case? Hina spends hours trying to
analyse a poem for her assignment and finally feels a sense of accomplishment and pride, once she
A. Only those with natural talent for poetry should engage with it.
B. Persistence makes studying poetry a rewarding pursuit.
C. Study of poetry is guaranteed to impress others.
D. The efforts of studying poetry is inversely proportional to the rewards gained.

viii State whether the following lines display an example of a simple / complex / emotionally charged /
downright weird , poem.

The sun rises in the east, A new day begins, a fresh start. Birds chirp, nature wakes up, A peaceful feeling in
my heart.

10.Read the passage carefully

US President Break Obama challenged the world on Tuesday to act swiftly to fight global warming
but offered no new proposals that could jump start stalled talks on a UN climate pact.
Speaking shortly after Obama at a special UN summit on global warming. Chinese President Hu
Jintau pledged to reduce the carbon intensity of his country’s economic growth.
In his speech, President Obama said time was running out to address the problem. ‘Our generation’s
response to this challenge will be judged by history, for if we fail to meet it boldly, swiftly and
together we risk consigning future generations to an irreversible catastrophe”, he said
‘The time we have to reverse this tide is running out.”
Activists hoped the United States and China would inject momentum, 2-1/9 months before
190 nations gather in Copenhagen aiming to complete a deal to slow climate change. “Failure to
reach broad agreement in Copenhagen would be moral inexcusable economically short – sighted
and politically unwise.” Ban said.

Read the questions given below and write the option you consider the most appropriate

a) President Obama’s speech on Global warming.

i) gave a new boost to the movement
ii) game a new vision to the world
iii) did not give a start to the movement.

b) According to the report, china

i) Is a major contributor to global warming because of the economic growth?
ii) has already contained the carbon intensity.
iii) does not add to the problem of global warming.
iv) Does not require to act in this direction.

c) According to the speakers

v) There is no need to panic as there is sufficient time to act.
vi) The situation has gone out of control.
vii) There is an immediate need of swift action to slow down the climate changes.
viii) The future generations will act swiftly.

d) According to the report:

i) The countries should reach a definite agreement on the issue of global warming.
ii) The countries still can negotiate and reach a definite agreement as the failure of the
summit will not make any difference.
iii) It is important for the future generations to act now as it is their life which is at stake.
iv) Failure to reach any agreement will not affect the future generations.

e) Which of the following words in the passage stands for ‘stopped’?

i) reversible
ii) stalled
iii) irreversible
iv) swiftly

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