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QAS14 - Solutions
CLASS SHEET Ll: Alternatively, ages are 1, 2, 4, 7, 11, 16,
22,29,37,46, 56, 67. Hence, there are
1. 51 2. [B] 3. [B] 12 terms and therefore 12 members in
4. [B] 5. [C] 6. [A] the group.
7. 2 8. [D] 9. [C]
10. 328350 4. [C] For two numbers, G2 = AH ~ 2 log G =
log A + log H. Therefore, given
CLASS SHEET L2: expression
= (log A + log H) + (log H -log A) = 2
1. [D] 2. [D] 3. [A] log H = log H2.
4. 3 5. 38 6. [C]
7. [D] 8. [E] 9. 1
10. [B] 11. [D] 12. 8 5. [B] T =.=.(2a + z -1) . T will be even if z is
13. [C] 14. [D] 15. 1
a multiple of 4.

6. The sum of 4th, 5th 6th, ih terms of the

sequence is equal to sum of first 7
numbers minus sum of first 3 numbers
1. [C] We know that AM ~ HM. For 3 positive = [6(7)2 + 7(7)] - [6(3)2 + 7(3)] = 49(6
a+b+c 3 + 1)-(54+21)=268.
real numbers, >
3 - 1 1 I
a b c 7. [C] Here 16 = 12 and 18 = 22
3 1 I 1 3 1 ~ a + 5d=12; a + 7d= 22
~15;:::--- -+-+-;:::-=- . Solving these equations we get
1 1 1 a b c 15 5
-+-+- a = - 13 and d = 5
a b c
So, the min value of sum of reciprocal
~ t; = 5r-18
ofthe given 3 real numbers is -.
5 8. [A] Here In = 2n + 3n
S; = I(2n + 3n)
2. The series is a GP series with common
ratio ..)3. Sum of n terms
= (21 + 22 + 23 + ... + 2n) + _3n_(.:-n_+_l..;..)
F3((F3f -1) =2(2n_l)+3n(n+l)
39 + 13F3 ~ 2
(F3 -1)
(F3f -1 = 13( F3 + 1)( F3 -1) = 26 ~ 9. [B]

(F3f = 27 ~ n = 6.
Alternatively, use options. [A] option is
Ss= [5:~n = [312:-1] =781

[3 -1]
obviously not possible. Checking [B], if 7
there were 6 terms, then the coefficient 2187-1
S7 = -- = = 1093
3-1 3-1
of F3 in the sum = 1 + 3 + 9 = 13,
which is same as that given in RHS.
10. [D] Original sequence is 16, 32, 48, 64 ...
3. [A] The ages are 1,2,4,7, ..... , 67. If there The new sequence is, -8, + 16, -24,
are n terms, then there are n - 1 +32 ... Sum of two successive terms is 8
difference with first difference being 1, i.e., -8 + 16 = 8; -24 + 32 = 8
next 2, then 3 and so on. Total :. For sum 368, number of pairs
difference = 1 + 2 + 3 + ... + (n - 1) =
required = 368 = 46:. Number of
n(n -1) 8
67-1 =660r ---=66 orn= 12.
2 terms= 46 x2 = 92

Roots Education QAS14S

16. [A] loglo(x - 15) = 2 - 10gioX=> IOglO(X)(X-
11. [A] 1st series = al + 3al + 9al + ... 15) = 2 => X2 - 15x - 100 = O.
2nd series = (al + 9al) + (3al + 27al) + Therefore, x = 20 or x = - 5. But, x
cannot be less than 15. Hence, x = 20.
= 10al + 30al + ... Alternatively, x has to be more than 15.
:. First term of 2nd series = 10al and The only option is [A].
common ratio = 3
17. [C] From the given equation, we get xyz =
12. [B] From 2 to 2n + 1, there are 2n terms: 16x3 or 16x2 = yz. Now, use options.
half of them are even and the other half
are odd numbers. Now, 18. [B] 4 log 2 + log 6 = log(24 X 6) = log 96.
X - Y= difference of the average of odd
numbers and even numbers = average 19. [B] Given expression
of the difference of odd and even
numbers. Since each difference of = log (5 4 30)
6 = log 100 = 2 .
consecutive odd and (previous) even
number is 1, there will be 1 appearing n
times which when divided by n gives 1. 20. [C] IOg2X + log, X2 + log, x3 = 12 ~ IOg2x
OR, 2 3
X - Y= 3+5+ ...+(2n+l) 2+4+ ... +2n + - 10g2X + - IOg2X = 12 ~ 310g2 x =
2 3
n n
= (3- 2) + (5 -4) + ...«2n + I) -(2n)) 12 ~ log2x =4 ~ x = 24 = 16.
1. [B] Since a and b represent series with
x log 100 I 2
13. [B] log, - = -- => - (log., x) = 2 infinite terms & common ratios are less
J; logx 2 1 I
=> (logJOx)2 = 4 => (log., x) = ±2 => x =
than I, a = -- and b = -- => p =
I-p I-q
1O±2= 100 or _1_. So, a possible value a-I b-I
100 and q --. Now, c =
a b
. I
OXIS-. 1

14. [C] log(xV) = a=> 310gx + 210gy = a (i)

log(X2y)= b => 210gx + logy = b (ii)
Solving (i) and (ii): logx = 2b - a

15. [A]
2. [C] - = 6 or a = 6(1 - r) and
a3 63 x(l-rl
--=648=> =648
1- r3 l-r3
=> =3
=> 2?- + 5r + 2 = 0 or r = -1/2 => a = 9.
Alternatively, use options. In [A], sum
6 18
of terms = --2 = 5· In [B], sum of

Roots Education 2 QASl4S

9 27
terms -- =- In [C], sum of
1+~ 5 6. [B] n(n + 1) ::;2500 => n ::;70. If n = 70,
3 2
9 then sum of first 70 natural numbers =
terms = --1 = 6. We need not check
1+- 70 x 71 = 2485 , which is less than 2500
2 2
[D] at all. by 15. So, the sum of three numbers
counted twice = 15 and hence smallest
of them is 4. If we take n as 69, then
3. [B] .
The given . can be wntten
senes wri as: -7 [9 sum is 2415 which is less than 2500 by
9 85, which cannot be the sum of the
+ 99 + 999 + 9999 + ... (n terms)] = three consecutive numbers counted
2[(10 - 1) + (102 - 1) + (103 - 1) + twice, as the sum of 3 consecutive
9 numbers has to be a multiple of3.
(104 - 1) + ... (n terms)] =

2(10(10n -1)
9 (10-1)
-n) 7. [B] Side of the square = 20 em. Now, the
polygon formed by joining the mid
points of the given square will also be a
square. The diagonal of the new square
= :1 (lO n
-9n-1O). will be equal to the side of the given
square => Side of new square = .fi.
2 4 6 8
4. [B] Let x = -+-3 +-5 +-7 + ...00. Hence, the perimeters of all such
10 10 10 10
Multiplying both sides by ~ , we get squares will form the series: 80, .fi'
x 2 4 6 8 40, ~ ... which is a GP with 1SI term
102 103 lO S 10 7 109 .••

Subtracting the two equations, we get . 1

as 80 an d common ra110 as .fi => a =
99x ( 1 1 1 1 )
100 = 2 10 + 103 + l()5 + lQ1 + ...00
2(1/10) 20 2000
80, r= .fi
- --=>x---
- 1- (1/1 02) - 99 - 9801 .
S = ~= 80
-x: l-r --)-
1 2 3
-+-+-+-+ ...
':)'J 1- .fi
5. Given expression = 22 4 8 16 =Y,
1 2 3 4 = x .fi +I = 80(2 + .fi).
say. Then, x = - + - + - + - + ...00 .
.fi-I .fi+l
2 4 8 16
Multiplying both sides by -, we get
8. The sequence will be 104, 109, 114, ... ,
1 1 2 3 4 999.
-x =-+-+-+-+ .... Subtracting
2 4 8 16 32 tl = 104, In = 999, d= 5
these equations, we get t; = tl + (n-1)d=> 999 = 104 + (n-
1 1 1 1 1 1)5 => n = 180.
-x=-+-+-+-+ ...
2 2 4 8 16 180
Sl80 = -- [104 + 999] = 90 x 1103 =
1/2 =1.
1-(1/2) 99270.
I 2 3 4
-+-+-+-+ ...

So, X = 2 and hence 22 4816 =2"

= 22 = 4.

Roots Education 3 QASI4S

9. [C] Let second and third term of sequence n(n+l)(2n+l)
be 'a' and 'b' respectively. Therefore, 13. > 470. Let us assume n
the sequence is: = 10, sum = 385. So, n = 11 and sum =
a b2 a' 506 and hence 6 is the number dropped
ab, a, b, -, - , 3' Now product of
b a b by mistake.
first three terms = ab x a <b =16 or ab
14. [B] From the data, common difference, d =
Also product of next three terms = 24-12
--- = 4 and hence a = 8. Therefore,
2 3
::!..Xb x~ = 1. Therefore (::!..)2 = 1 In = 4n + 4.
b a b3 ' b
Sum of squares of first n terms of the
15 15
~ ::!..= 1 or a = b. This means a = b =
series = ~)4n + 4)2 = 16l:n2 + 2n + 1 .
n=l n=!
2. Therefore, the sequence is: 4, 2, 2, 1,
1 23 = 16(n(n+l)(2n+l)+nn+
( 1) )
2, -. Therefore, sum = - 6
2 2
Now, putting n = 15, we obtain the
required sum as
10. Original sequence is: 7, 14, 21, 28, 35,
42, ... The new sequence is: 7, -7, 21, 16C5X 1: x 31 + 15x 16+ 15) = 23920
-14,35, -21, ...
Sum of successive terms is 0 + 7 + 14 +
21 ... Let p be the number of pairs. 15. [B] We know that in an AP,
Then, sum = 0 + 7 + 14 + ... = 7[1 + 2 a] + a2n= a2 + a2n-l = ... = an + an+]
= k (say)
+ 3 + ... + (p -1)] = 7p(p-l) =385 Rationalizing the denominator, the
2 given expression
(given). Therefore, p = 11 and hence n
k( Fa: - Fa:) + k(..r; -.Ja:
+ ...
al -a2 a2 -a3
3 6 9 12
11. [B] Let S = 1 + - + - + - +- + ...
5 25 125 625
6 9 12
~5S=5+3+ -+-+-
5 25 125
+ ...
= :d [(Fa:-Fa:) + (Fa: -.Ja:) + ...
3 3 3
~5S-S=7+ -+-+- + ... + (fa: -~an+I)]
5 25 125

1 1
3 ( -+2+3+'"
5 5 5
1 ) ~::n:~~
[~h~:;:: :~:~~:;
= 7 + 3 x (1/ 5) = 7 + ~ = ~
1-(1/5) 4 4

12. [C] Let 1st term of series X = a, and that of

series Y = A and their respective
common difference = d and D. We are
given a : A = 2 : 7. SI8(X) : SI8(Y)= 16. [A] Let the number of members as on
18 18 Januaryl, 2004 in S] and S2 be n each.
-(2a+17d): -(2A+17 D)=2:7 .
2 2 At the beginning of every month,
Since a : A = 2 : 7, hence d : D = 2 : 7 members of society S] are in arithmetic
and all the corresponding terms of the progression while those of S2 are in
two series is 2 : 7 geometric progression. Hence on July 1,
2004 the number of members in S] and

Roots Education 4 QAS14S

S2 are n + (7 - l)b and nr7-1 i.e., n + 6b 8 2
and nr6 respectively. - =y -6y+ 12
n + 6b = n +6(10.5 n) = 64n = nr6
~ r6=64~ r=2 ~l- 6/ +12y - 8 = 0
~ (y - 2)3 = 0 ~ y = 2 ~ u = 4
17. [A] T'; = 2m(m + 2)(m + 3) ~i = 256 ~ x = 4 (x cannot be -ve)
~ s, = ~I2m (m
+ 2)(m + 3 )]
21. [D] Sum oflog m + log( :2) + log( :: ) +

=:t[ m=l
2m(m2 +5m+6)] ... n terms such problem must be solved
by taking the value of number of terms.
= :t[ 2m
+ 10m2 + 12m] Let's say 2 and check the given option.
m=l If we look at the sum of 2 terms of the
n (n + 1) (2n + 1) given series it comes out to be log m +
+lOx 2 2
6 m
log-~Iog--=Iog mxm (m3)
n n n
Now look at the option and put number
of terms as 2, only option [D] validates
+5x the above mentioned answer.
3 11

10xll m(n+I)]2 [m3]

+ 12 x-- = 6050 + 3850 + 660 = As log [ n(n-I) ~ log -;;

18. [C] The first term which is common to the

~ log( :3)
two series is 21. The common difference
of the first and second series is 4 and 5.
22. log, a xlog; a xlog., a = log, a x logs a
So, the common difference of the series
formed from the common terms will be + logs a X log., a + log, a X logl2 a
the LCM of the common difference of Dividing both sides by log, a X logs a
the individual series, i.e., 20. Therefore, X logl2 a, we get 1
terms in the common series will be 21,
41,61, 81, ... The last term will be less --+--+--
than or equal to the smaller of 417 and IOg4a logs a log., a
466, i.e., 417. The last term will naturally => log, 8 + log, 4 + log, 12 = I =>Ioga
be 401 (as terms are 20k + I type).
(12 X 4 X 8) = I ~ a = 12 X 4 X 8 =
Therefore, if there are n terms in the
384. a can also be I. So, there are 2
common series, 401 = 21 + (n - 1)20 or n
values of a

19. Let number of elements in progression 25

23. [C] loglo 0.0025 = 10gIO-- = loglo
be n, then 10000
1000 = I + (n - I)d 25 x 4
~ (n - I) d = 999 = 33 x 37
4 x 104
Possible values ofn - I = 3,37,9,111,
27,333,999. Hence 7 progressions. = Iog., 102 -log1o (i X 104)
= 2 - 2 10gIO2 - 4
20. [B] u = (lOg2X)2 - 610g2x + 12 28 x 3
10gIO0.0768 = loglo --4-
x" = 256, Let log-x = y ~ x = 2Y
x = 2s ~uy=
II 8 ~u=- 8
10gIO15.625 = 10gIO--3-

Roots Education 5 QASl4S


15625 x 64
= lOglO ----::c-
64 X 103

= lOglO = 6 - 6 lOglO 2 - 3
2 x 103

lOglO 122.88 = lOglO --
= 12 lOglO 2 + log., 3 - 2
225 4 x 225
lOglO 2.25 = lOglO - = lOglO ---
100 4x 100
= lOglO - = 2 loglO 3 - 2 loglO 2

24. [C]

log, ~+log"

(~J + log" (~)'

+ ... + log,w

log, -+log3 -+ log, -+... (20
y y y
terms) = 20 log, -.
25. [D] i°g.,7 =3
7ylog79 = 3

iOg79Y = 3

9Y = 3 (i)
y = log, (log, x)
9Y = log, X
3 = log, X or x = 93 = 729

Roots Education 6 QAS14S

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