Blood & Vertebrata 07

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Biology – Zoology.

PGT || TGT & Others Exam

Blood – Mobile, Fluid, Motile, Concetive Tissue
Blood donation Day 1st – Oct
Contents of Blood – 1. RBCs, 2. WBCs, 3. Blood Platelets
1. R.B.C. – Formation = Erythropoisis .
Organ - Forming. Cell celled – Erythropoeitic organ.
1. Embryo – liver & Spleen.
2. Adult – Bone marrow – Red. Bone marrow
 Erythropoietin Hormone Secreted by Juxta glomerular cell of kidney Regulate –
 Vitamin 𝐵12 & follic Acid.,Vitamin C. are specially important /for final. maturation of .
R.B.C - 𝐵12 = maturinal factor
 Rate of formation 1% of total formation & 1% destroyed. ie – Nomber of RBC
are constant
 Duration of Erythropoesis is – 72 hours
Bone marow. –
Pink – foetus Red – utoto 7 – years Adult – Yellow


Birth – 70 ml. Child – 2000 ml. Adult – 4000 ml.

Mammals –Largest + RBC in mammales - Elephant
(1): smallest RBC in mammales – musk.dear (moschus ) – 2.5 cm
(2) – Largest RBC (i) Amptiuma = Salamender ≅ 𝟐𝟓𝝁𝒎
(ii) Mammals – Elephant
Machanism Bone marrow – stem cell = Myeloblast cell
Roulexux column ( Column of R.B.C )

By – Dr. Sinha Sir MO : - 9628959237

Ghost R.B.C ⇒ R.B.C with out H.b.
Set – I (M) Myeloblast = stem cell = RBC
Step – II (P) Proerythroblast cell – Largest blood cell
Step – III (Mitotic) (E) Erythroblast cell – Hb – synthesis – start
Step – IV (M) Meta erythroblast = Normoblast
Step – V (R) Reticulocytes (Immatore R.B.C)
Step – VI (Vitamin 𝐵12 ) (E) Erythrocytes
Death of R.B.C
After Life. span (120 Days) – Dead R.B.C → 𝑆𝑝𝑙𝑒𝑒𝑛 = (𝐺𝑟𝑎𝑣𝑦𝑎𝑟𝑑)

Hoem. Globin

Red. Bone Marrow for

Bilirubin (Yellow) Biliverdin (green in Non Vertebrate. )


Stercobilin Urobilinogen

Out through faeces out through. urine. Urochrome.Pigment

Ringer Solution
Type of Anemia –
A. Hypocromic Anemia – Nutritional Anaemia - Due to Deficiency of Iron
B. Macrocystic Anemia – Due to Deficiency of Folic Acid.
C. Haemolytic Anemia – Destruction of R.B.C dut to plasmodium & Snake venom.
D. Pernicious Anemia – Deficiency of vitamin - 𝐵12 .
E. Aplastic, Due to feilure of R.B.C formation.
F. Sickle shaped – genetic Disease. glutamic acid. change to valine in 6th position of 𝛽 – chain.
G. Thalassemia. due to Recessive gene . Body doesnot make proper Hb – due to Frame shift
mutation in 𝛽. chain

By – Dr. Sinha Sir MO : - 9628959237

2. W.B.C. = Leucocytes
Colourless, Nucleated, Amoeboid in shape & movment form defence system of the body
size – 8 – 15 𝜇𝑚, Nucleated,
No – 6000 – 9000/cu - 𝑚𝑚.3 R.B.C & W.B.C ratio = 600 : 1
leucopenia – Dicrease WBC in Blood :eg - folic acid deficiency &T.B.
Leukemia = Increase WBC in Blood.
life Span – short lived.
Site of formation – white Bone marrow. Lymphnode , thymus, spleen, Payer’s. patches.
process – called → 𝑙𝑒𝑢𝑐𝑜𝑝𝑜𝑖𝑒𝑠𝑖𝑠.

Granulocytes Agranulocytes
68% 32%
Granulocytes –
 grarules in cytoplasm
 Nucleus – lobed & Irregular.
 on the basis of shape of nucleus 3 – type
Property Eosinophils Bosophis Neutrophils /
Percentage 2–3% 0.5 – 1% 60 – 65 %
Stain Acidic stain – Eosin Basic stain methylene Neutral dye
Nucleus Bilobed s. shaped tribobed multinucleated
Kidney Shaped.
Life span 14 hr 8 – 12 hr 2 – 4 day
Sensitive Allergy Secretory Heparin police of the body
Anti inflamatory phagocytic. pus
forming infection
Agranulocytes –

Nongranulorcytoplasm 32% of the total W.B.C, Nonlobulated Nucleus, Produced by – lymph

gland, Spleen & thymus

By – Dr. Sinha Sir MO : - 9628959237

Lumphocytes Type Monocytes
size – 7𝜇 B – Lymphocyte 6 – 8%
20 – 25% T – Lymphocyte (Most
Powerful immunecell)
life span 3 days Largest among W.B.C
nucleus – central & round 10 – 12 days
Nucleous – horse shoe
Function - Antibody formation = Phagocytic
Immure responses Number increase during
Number increase during Viral. fever & Infection
whooping coush

3. Blood. platelet = Serotanin –

Colourless disease shaped found only in mammals orgin – megakaryocytes of bone marrow
No – 1.5 – 3.5 lakhs/cumm3 –Dicrease number . called – Thrombocytopenia. Number blew than
50,000 /𝑚𝑚3 Couses Haemorrgic Disorder called purpura.
 size – 2 – 4 um in diometer.
 life span ≃ 1 weaks.
 function – blood cloating.
Thrombocytes = spindle cell.
- spindle shaped. nucleated found in vertibrates. except – mammals help in Blood cloating
Blood clotting = coagulation.
Prevention of blood loss when an injury of blood vessels light yellow colour. secretion called
some time coagulation in blood vessel called – thrombus
Ex – encephalic & coronary thrombosis
- Embolus is the clote Transfer one place to anothers.
- Duration for normale coagulation – 3 – 8 minutes (3 – 10 Minute )

By – Dr. Sinha Sir MO : - 9628959237

Mechanism –3 – step ≡
(a) (b) (c)
Formation of Prothrombin Conversion of prothrombin Conversion of Fibrinogen
activator →Thrombin 𝑡𝑜 𝑓𝑖𝑏𝑟𝑖𝑛.
- Prothrombin – Activator : -
- During injury / Trauma.

Platelet facter 3 – ( Thromboplastin phospholipid)

𝐶𝑎++ 𝑓𝑟𝑜𝑚 𝑃𝑙𝑎𝑠𝑚𝑎 → ↓

– Prothrombinase Enzyme. (Inactivate heparin.)

↓ .

𝐶𝑎 ++
Prothrombin (Inactive) → Thrombin (active)
Thrombokinase Enzyme

Fibrinogen → fibrin → fibrin+ Blood cells → Clote//secum.
𝐶𝑎++ play. a. very Important rule in clotting

By – Dr. Sinha Sir MO : - 9628959237

Blood Coagulation Factors

 Factor I - fibrinogen
 Factor II - prothrombin

 Factor III - tissue thromboplastin (tissue factor)

 Factor IV - ionized calcium ( Ca++ )

 Factor V - labile factor or proaccelerin

 Factor VI - unassigned

 Factor VII - stable factor or proconvertin

 Factor VIII - antihemophilic factor

 Factor IX - plasma thromboplastin component, Christmas factor

 Factor X - Stuart-Prower factor

 Factor XI - plasma thromboplastin antecedent

 Factor XII - Hageman factor

 Factor XIII - fibrin-stabilizing factor

By – Dr. Sinha Sir MO : - 9628959237

Zoology – TGT || PGT & Others Exam
Comparative Charts of Vertebrate Animal
Characters Fish Dogfish Amphibia Reptilia Lizard Aves Pigeon Mammalia
(Scoliodon) Frog (Uromastix) (Columba) Rabbit
(Rana) (Oryctolagus)
1. Food Carnivorous and Carnivorous Chiefly Mainly Herbivorous,
scavenger, mainly herbivorous herbivorous feeding on green
feeding on crabs, insectivorous feeding on grasses, feeding on vegetatio. Also
lobsters, worms, , feeding on leaves seeds and grains, pulses, coprophagous.
fishes, etc. insects, fruits. Sometimes seeds, etc.
worms, on insects. Sometimes on
molluscs, etc. insects.
2. Body Cold – blooded Cold – Cold – blooded Warm – Warm – blooded.
temperature Poikilothermous blooded. Poikilothermus blooded. Homoiothermous
Poikilotherm Homoiothermo
ous us
3. Fertilization Internal, in External, in Internal, in Internal, in Internal, in
oviducts. water. oviducts. oviducts. oviducts.
4. Development Uterine, direct, External, in External, in External, Internal, in
without metamor water. oviducts. External, within shelled oviducts. Internal,
phosis. Indirect, inside egg shell. eggs. Direct uterine. Direct,
tadpole larva Direct, without without without
undergoing metamorphosis. metamorphosis metamorphosis.
metamorphos .
is to become
5. Extraembryo Extra embryonic No extra Extra embryonic Extra Extra embryonic
nic membranes embryonic membranes embryonic membranes
membranes absent membranes (chorion, amnion, membranes present (amniota).
and placenta (anamniota). (anmnoita) allantois) present Yolk sac and
Yolk sec and no developed (amniota). allantoic placenta
placenta formed. placentation. (amniota). Placenta developed.
Placenta absent. absent.
6. Parental care Not found. Not found. No parental care. Parental care Mother shows
Eggs develop by shown. Both parental care by
the heat of sun. parents feeding young on
incubate eggs milk and by
and feed young defending them
ones on against enemies.
pigeon’s milk.

By – Dr. Sinha Sir MO : - 9628959237

7. Exoskeleton Includes dermal Exoskeleton Includes horny Includes horny Includes soft fur of
placoid scales totally overlapping epidermal horny epidermal
embedded in absent to epidermal scales feathers, hair all over body
skin which is that skin covering body and claws, beaks and claws on
rough. surface is horny claws on and scales. digits.
smooth. digits.

8. Mouth Mouth small, Mouth large, Mouth wide, Mouth Mouth terminal,
ventral, terminal, terminal terminal, V – ventrally directed,
crescentic semicircular, transverse slit, shaped wide small transverse
opening bounded bounded by bounded by hard gape bounded slit bounded by
by jaws without hard immovable lips by horny beaks soft fleshy and
lips. immovable covered with without lips movable lips.
lips. scales. Upper lip clefted
and bears
9. Teeth Sharp, pointed, Small, Small, conical, Teeth absent. Teeth thecodont,
backwardly conical, acrodont, heterodont and
directed and backwardly homodont and on present on both the
homodont. pointed, both the jaws. jaws.
present on both acrodont,
jaws. homodont
and present
only on
upper jaw.
10. Gill –slits Behind each eye Gill – slits Absent in adult. Absent in Absent in adult.
present 5 vertical found in adult.
oblique gill – tadpole larva.
slits. Absent in
11. Copulatory A pair of rod – Absent. A pair of Absent. A cylindrical
organ like pelvic hemipenes in erectile penis in
claspers in male, projecting male.
male. through cloaca.
12. Scrotal sac Absent. Absent. Absent Absent Testes lie at the
base of penis in a
scrotal sac.
13. Cutaneous Skin protective Skin Skin protective Skin protective Skin protective,
respiration and sensory. Not protective and water – proof, insulating and insulating and
permeable to and without water – proof. water – proof. No
water. hence no permeable to

By – Dr. Sinha Sir MO : - 9628959237

cutaneous water, hence cutaneous No skin cutaneous
respiration serves as an respiration respiration. respiration.
organ of
14. Epidermis Epidermis many Many – Epidermis Epidermis Epidermis greatly
layered or layered or stratified with a stratified, stratified.
stratified, but stratified relatively thicker relatively Stratum corneum
simple, thin and epidermis stratum corneum thinner, and highly specialized
without a with a thin periodically shed seasonally with several
cornified stratum stratum with in bits or in one shed and modifications. No
corneum, no a thin piece. replaced. regular moulting.
moulting. stratum
corneum of
flat and dead
shed in
15. Epidermal Epidermis Epidermis is Lizard have few No skin Skin richly
glands contains rich in but no mucous glands occur glandular
numerous multicellula glands. Male in birds except containing
unicellular r mucous lizard has a single large characteristic
mucus secreting glands. Some femoral glands on preen or mammary, sweat
goblet gland amphibians thighs. Some uropygial and sebaceous
cells. have poison reptiles have scent gland on tail. glands. No mucous
Multicellular glands like or musk glands. No mucous glands present.
poison glands parotid glands present.
and luminescent glands of
glands or toad.
photophores also
occur in some
16. Dermal Dermal scales Dermal Dermal scales Dermal scales Dermal scales or
scales are present as scales are absent in are absent in plates occur only
placoid scales. absent in Uromastix, but birds. in armadillos and
frog, dermal scales, whales.
although scutes or plates,
embedded in called osteoderms,
the skin of occur in some
some lizards,
Gymnophio crocodilians and
na. turtles.
17. Epidermal Epidermal scales Both Epidermal scales Epidermal Epidermal scales
scales are absent. epidermal thin, small, over scales small, are absent in
Dermal placoid and dermal lapping and present on rabbit, but present
scales, scales absent. covering whole of lower legs, feet on the feet and
mesodermal in the body.

By – Dr. Sinha Sir MO : - 9628959237

origin, and base of tail of rats,
embedded in beak only. beavers, etc.
skin in oblique
rows all over the
18. Dermal Exoskeletion in No Exoskeleton in Exoskeletion Exoskeleton in
scales bony fishes exoskeleton other reptiles of other birds other mammals
includes dermal present in includes dermal also includes includes hoofs,
scales of four other scutes and plates scales, claws, nails, horns, etc.
types : cosmoid amphibians. in snakes, horny covering
ganoid, ctenoid crocodilians and of beaks and
and cycloid turtles, feathers.
19. Occipital Dicondylic Dicondylic. Monocondylic Monocondylic Dicondylic
20. Roof Brain completely Cranial roof Cranial roof Both frontals Cranial roof
cranium covered by made by a formed by two and parietals formed by distinct
cartilaginous pair of fused frontals and two become paired frontals
roof. No dermal frontparieta fused parietals completely and parietals and
bones. Bears l bones. No bearing a median merged into an interparietal.
anterior parietal parietal foramen. one without No parietal
fontanelle or formen. sutures and foramen.
parietal fossa. parietal
21. Foramen Posteriorly Posteriorly Posteriorly Ventrally Ventrally
magnum directed, directed. directed. directed. directed.
22. Interorbital Septum absent. Septum Septum thin. Septum thin, Septum present.
septum Cranium extends absent. Cranium does not Cranium does Cranium does not
forwards. Skull Cranium extended in front. not exteed in reach forwards.
platybasic. reaches Skull tropibasic. front, Skull Skull tropibasic.
forwards. tropibasic.
single bone,
23. Ear ossicles None. Hyomandibu Hyomandibular Hyomandibula 3 ear ossicles.
Hyomandibular lar forms a becomes r becomes Malleus from
persists. single ear columella. columella. articular, icus from
ossicle, quadrate, and
columella. stapes from
24. Upper jaw Formed by Formed by Upper jaw bones Include Include
bones palatopterygo – premaxilla, are premaxilla, premaxilla, premaxilla,
quadrate maxilla and maxilla, jugal, maxilla, jugal, maxilla, jugal,
cartilage quadratojuga pterygoid and quadratojugal pterygoid and
mandibular arch. l bones and quadrate. palatine, palatine.
quadrate pterygoid and
cartilage. quadrate.

By – Dr. Sinha Sir MO : - 9628959237

25. Lower jaw Formed by Formed by Formed by Include Include a single
bones Meckel’s Meckel’s articualr, angular, articular, membrane bone,
cartilage of cartilage and supra angular, angualr, supra- dentary.
mandibular arch 3 bones – coronoid, splenial angular,
mentomeckel and dentary splenial and
ion. dentary surrounding an dentary
and axial Meckel’s surrounding a
angulospleni cartilage. Meckel’s
al. cartilage.
26. Jaw Hyostylic. Both Autostylic. Autostylic, Upper Autostylic. Craniostylic.
suspensoriu jaws suspended Upper jaw jaw intimately Upper jaw Upper jaw fused.
m from cranium fused with fused. Articulation fused.with Dentary articulates
through cranium. between articular cranium with squamosal of
hyomandibular. Lower jaw of lower jaw and Articular skull.
articulates quadrate. articulates with
with quadrte. quadrate.
27. Teeth Not attached to Homodont homodont and Teeth absent. Heterodont and
jaw cartilages and pleurodont. thecodont. Present
but to skin. acrodont. Found on on premaxillae.
Homologous Present on premaxillae, maxillae and
with placoid premaxillae. maxillae and dentaries.
scales. maxillate and dentaries.
28. Glenoid Absent in fishes. formed Formed Formed Formed
cavity Pectoral fins Posteriorly at posterolaterally posterolaterally posteroventrally at
attached directly the junction jointly by scapula jointly by the apex of
to pectoral of scapula and coracoid scapula and scapuala
girdle. and coracoid bones. coracoid exclusively.
to receive the bones.
head of

29. Foramen Absent Absent Absent Present. Absent

triosseum Formed by the
dorsal end of
process of
scapula and
process of
Through this
tendon of
minor muscle
passes to be

By – Dr. Sinha Sir MO : - 9628959237

dorsally upon
head of
30. Hio – Absent Absent Absent A large oval Absent
ischiatic ilioischiatic
foramen foramen
anteriorly from
31. Obturator Absent Absent A small obturator Ischium and A large obturator
foramen foramen pierces pubis separated foramen separates
pubis near by a notch in pubis from
acetabulum. pigeon and by ischium.
an oval
foramen in
32. Acetabulum Absent Present on present laterally All the 3 bones Acetabulum is not
either lateral as a concave unite to form a perforated basally
side of disc. depression at the deep lateral and formed by
Formed by junction of ilium, acetabular ilium, ischium and
all the 3 ischium and pubis cavity cotyloid bones.
bones as a and receives the perforated Pubis does not
prominent head of femur. basally and participate.
cup – like covered by a
depression membrane.
into which
fits the head
of femur.
33. Cotyloid Absent Absent Absent Absent Present.

Bone Amphibia Frog Reptilia Aves Pigeon Mammalia

(Rana) Lizard (Columba) Rabbit
(Uromastix) (Oryctolagus)
1. Phalanges Short bones of 4 Short bones Short bones of 3 Short bones of
fingers. Pollex or of 5 fingers. clawless fingers. 5 clawed
thumb lacking. Phalangeal Phalangeal fingers.
Phalangeal formual 2, 3, formula 1, 2, 1 Phalangeal
formula 0. 2, 2, 4, 5, 3. Last formula 2, 3, 3,
3, 3, Terminal phalanx 3, 3
phalanx bears a horny
clawless. claw.

By – Dr. Sinha Sir MO : - 9628959237

2. Patella Absent Absent A small sesamoid Patella
bone, Patella, present at the
present at the knee – joint.
knee joint.

Characters Fish Dogfish Amphibia Reptilia Lizard Aves Pigeon Mammalia

(Scoliodon) Frog (Uromastix) (Columba) Rabbit
(Rana) (Oryctolagus)
1. Diastema Absent Absen Absent Absent A toothless space
called diastema
present between
incisor and
premolar teeth.
2. Dental Not represented. Not Not represented Not Teeth represented
formula represented. represented by a dental
formula written as
𝑖 2/1 𝑐 % 𝑝𝑚3/2 𝑝𝑚3/3 =
= 28.
3. Function of Grasping prey. Holding Gasping and __ Cutting, holding
teeth prey holding prey. and mastication
of food.

4. Tongue Small, non Large, Large, roughly Tongue large, Large, muscular,
muscular, muscular, triangualr, narrow, attached
nonglandular, sticky, muscualr, somewhat midventrally.
nonprotrusible, Anterior end glandualr, attached triangular, Groved mid –
attched at base. attached. midventrally. attached and dorsally. Anterior
Not used in food Posterior end Anteriortip free, non – tip free, rounded
capture. Taste free bifid, bifid and protrusible. and protrusible.
buds lacking. higly protrusible. Covered with Covered with 4
protrusible Covered with fine fine horny kinds of papillae
ad used for papillae having processes with containing taste
capturing taste buds. scanty taste buds.
insect prey. buds.
Covered with
few taste
5. Epiglottis Absent Absent Absent Absent An anterior
cartilaginous flap
or epiglottis guards
against food

By – Dr. Sinha Sir MO : - 9628959237

6. Stomach Large, muscular, Stomach Stomach long, Stomach Stomach large,
U – shaped or S large, broad, tubular or spindle small and bean – shaped,
– shaped. simple, like, curced divided into 2 lying trasversely
Clearly divided curved, muscular tube distinct parts: on left side.
into a logn, muscular sac, lying on left side. an anterior Distinguished into
broad, proximal on left side Cardiac and narrow, tube – 3 regions : cardiac,
cardiac stomach of body pyloric parts like glandular fundic and pyloric.
and short, cavity. indistinct pro –
narrow, distal Anterior externally. ventriculus,
pyloric stomach. cardiac and Longitudinal and a
Junction of the posterior mucous folds well posterior
two marked by a Pyloric parts developed in broad,
blind sac and a not marked cardiac part. muscular,
sphincter valve. of externally. biconvex
Longitudinal Blind sac and gizzard
mucous folds cardiac valve internally lined
well developed absent. by thick, horny
in cardiac part. epithelium
7. Sacculus Absent Absent Absent Absent Distal end of
rotundus ileum expanded
to form sacculus
8. vermiform Absent Absent Absent Absent Distally cacum
appendix ends blindly as
9. Rectal glands A tubular rectal No rectal No rectal gland. No rectal No rectal gland.
gland of gland. gland.
function opens
dorsally into
10. Salivary Absent Absent According to Buccal glands 4 kinds of
glands Keiith, a few of mouth salivary glands
mucus secreting cavity with separated
salivary glands are probably ducts lead into
present in buccal secrete mucus, buccal cavity.
cavity. but they are They secrete saliva
not salivary and an enzyme
glands. ptylin.
11. Gastric Present in Present in Present in mucous Present in Present and
glands stomach. Gastic stomach lining of stomach lining of secrete
jice contains lining proventriculus pepsinogen, renin
pepsin and HCl. secreting secreting and HCl.
pepsinogen peptic enzymes
and HCl. and HCl.
12. Liver Massive, Large, Large, dark red Large, Large, dark red
yellowish, reddish and bilobed. compact, dark and made of 5

By – Dr. Sinha Sir MO : - 9628959237

bilobed gland in brown and 3 Right lobe red and lobes right & left
abdominal – iobed: extended upto bilobed. Right central left lateral,
cavity. right, left and gonad. A minor 3rd lobe is larger. caudate and
median. lobe present spigelian
according to some

13. Gall bladder Y – shaped, Large, A subspherical gall Gall bladder Elongated, dark
thinwalled gall shperical, bladder present absent in green gall bladder
bladder attached greenish, ventrally between pigeon. embedded
to right liver – situated right and left liver ventrally in
lobe. ventrally lobes. posterior part of
between two right central lobe.
main liver
14. Type of Aquatic as it Amphibious, Aerial. as it lives Aerial or Aerial or
respiration lives i.e., aquatic permanently on pulmonary, pulmonary as it is
permanently in as well as land and breathes breathes air. terrestrial and
water aerial, as it in air. breathes in air.
lives both on
land and in
15. Syrinx Absent Absent Absent Present at Absent
lower and of
trachea and
serves for
16. Chambers Consists of a 3– 3 – chemabered 4– 4 – chambered,
linear series of 4 chambered made of 2 auricles chambered made of 2 auricles
chambers: sinus made of 2 and one made of 2 and 2 ventricles,
venosus, auricle, auricles and incompletely auricles and 2 all distinguishable
ventricle and 1 ventricle. divided ventricle, ventricles, externally.
conus, all Auricles not all faintly Ventricles not
distinguished demarcated demarcated ex – distingui
externally. But externally. ternally. Sinus shable
only auricle and Besides, venosus also externally.
ventricle are true sinus present
chambers, hence venosus and
2 – chambered. truncus
also present
17. Sinus Triangular, Triangular, Sinus venosus is Sinus venosus Sinus venosus
venosus extending dark large, bilobed, absent said to absent and merged
transversely over coloured, attached be into right auricle.
posterior region attached transversely to incorporated Their union

By – Dr. Sinha Sir MO : - 9628959237

of ventricle and dorsally over dorsal surface of into right marked externally
fused with auricles over auricles. Formed auricle. thus 3 by a groove. sulcus
pericardial wall. auricles and by the unior of 2 caval veins terminalis, and
Receives venous ventricles. precavals and 1 open directly internally by a
blood from body Receives postcaval. into right muscular ridge,
by two ducti venus blood auricle. crista terminalis, 3
Cuvieri laterally by 3 venae venae cavae open
and two hepatic cavae : two directly into right
sinuses anterior auricle.
posteriorly. precavals and
one posterior
joining at its
18. Atria or Atrium or auricle Auricles Two auricles Two auricles Two auricles
auricles somewhat somewhat divided completely divided by an completely
traingular. rectangualr. by an inter inter auricular separated by an
Undivided Do not form auricualr septum septum. Dorsal inter auricular
internally due to auricular Right auricle gives anteromedial septum Right
lack of an appendages. off a small diverticulum auricle without
interauricular Internally diverticulum from absent diverticulum.
septum divided its dorsal
completely anteromedial
into right and surface.
left auricles
by an inter
19. Chordae Cavity of Flaps of Free edges of Flaps of Free edges of
tendineae ventricle auriculo auriculo – auriculo valvular flaps
traversed by ventricular ventricular valves ventricular connected to
numerous valve attached to inner valves attached papillary muscles
muscular attached to wall ventricle by to papillary by long, tough
strands, chordae wall of firm cords, the muscles by connective tissue
tendineae giving ventricle by chordae tendineae. chordae strands, chordae
it a spongly thread like tendineae. tendineae.
texture. chordae
20. Columnae Absent Irregular Prominent ridges Bars of Small irregular
carneae strands or raised from inner muscles muscular ridgen
ridges given surface of wall of traversing projecting from
from inner verticle. cavities of wall of ventricles.
wall of ventricles.
21. Papillary Absent Absent Absent There are These are large,
muscles prominent conical, nipple
muscular shaped muscular
projections elevations from

By – Dr. Sinha Sir MO : - 9628959237

from inner inner wall of
wall of ventricles.
22. Conus or Conus arteriosus Truncus conus or truncus Conus or Conus or truncus
truncus is a stout, arteriosus is arteriosus absent truncus arteriosus absent.
arteriosus undivided, a pear – arteriosus
muscular tube shaped tube absent
given anteriorly arising
by ventricle. Its anteriorly
cavity contains 2 from right
rows of 5 a ventricle. It’s
semilunar valves cavity is
each, 3 larger divided by 3
and 2 smaller, semilunar
Spiral valve valves into a
absent. distal
and a
Latter is
divided by a
spiral valve
into cavum
um aorticum.
23. Foramen Absent Absent Present at the Absent Absent
Panizzae point of contact
where two
systemic arches
cross each other.
24. Pallium Roof of Pallium Pallium shows an Relatively poor Very well
cerebrum developed increase over that than in developed.
(pallium) poorly better than in of amphibians. mammals.
developed. fish.
25. Corpora Ventro – lateral Developed Thick well Thich, vey Comparatively less
striata walls of better than in developed. conspicuous. developed
cerebrum fish.
(corpora striata)
26. Corpus Absent Absent Absent Absent Special transverse
callosum band of neural
tissue present
inter connecting

By – Dr. Sinha Sir MO : - 9628959237

27. Lateral Also called Paracoels or Paracoels Paracoels Well developed
ventricles paracoels, lateral unbranched. unbranched and branched
spacious and ventricles
unbranched. unbranched.
28. Kidneys Adult kidneys Adult kidney Adult kidney are Adult kidney Adult kidney are
greatly elongated are small, irregualr, are small, flat, small, beanshaped
antero – elongated, attahced dorsally dorsally and attached much
posteriorly, oval, flat and and lie in pelvic attached in anteriorly and
ribbon – like flat, attached region at the base pelvic region, asymmetrically in
and attached to dorsally one of tail. Each embedded in anterior abdominal
dorsal abdominal on either side kidney is bilobed. hollows of cavity. Kidney are
wall. Each of vertibral Anterior broad pelvis. Each metanephric and
kidney has 2 column in lobes remains free kidney is not divided into
distinct parts. posterior while posterior trilobed, mae lobes.
Anterior narrow abdominal narrow lobes of anterior,
part is non – cavity. They become united middle and
excretory, are not forming a V – posterior lobes.
genital in male differentiated shaped structure. Kidneys are
but non – genital into parts and Kidneys are metanephric.
in female. are metamephric
Posterior broader mesonephric.
part is functional
kidney and
29. Uriniferous Have a special Lack a urea – Lack urea – Lack urea Absorb urea
tubules urea absorbing absorbing absorbing segment absorbing through
segment. Loop segment and and loop of Henle. segment, but glomerular
of Henle absent. loop of water filteration and
Henle. absorbing loop tubular
of Henle reabosrption and
present. also have water
absorbing loop of
30. Breading Throughout the During rainy During March & All the year All the year round
season year. season from April in northern round. specially from
july to India. Particularly January to June.
September. during spring
and summer.
31. Fertilization Internal, inside External, in Internal inside Internal, inside Internal inside
oviduct, after water, where oviduct, after some oviduct, after oviduct, after
copulation in ova and courtship much courtship mating without
water. sperms are preceding preceding courtship on land.
shed during copulation on land. copulation on
mating. 10 to 15 large, land.
dirty white shelled

By – Dr. Sinha Sir MO : - 9628959237

eggs laid in a
32. Eggs 3 to 7 small and Innumerable 10 to 15 large, Usually 2 large Miscroscopic eggs
unifomly white small eggs, dirty white shelled oval white retained inside
eggs retained half black eggs laid in a shelled eggs uteri. (Viviparous).
inside uteri. and half burrow laid in a crude
(Ovoviviparous) white, laid in (Oviparous). nest.
water in a (Oviparous).
jelly forming
a spawn

By – Dr. Sinha Sir MO : - 9628959237

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