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Tourism entrepreneurship and regional

development - International Hotel

Module Name,
Tutor Name
Academic Year/Group Bubble.
Conducting research.....................................................4
Project report.................................................................5

This project will discuss tourism entrepreneurship and regional development,

especially due to tourism. However, this topic will be analyzed and a concrete example will
be used, where the hotel company "Hotel International" will be analyzed. Entrepreneurship is
generally a challenge and is not for everyone. The future entrepreneur or entrepreneur who
already has a business, does the business not for the purpose of money and income at a higher
level, but wants to offer customers high quality services and products.
The entrepreneur wants to offer value in what he offers, and the money is as a result
of customer satisfaction. Every day, entrepreneurs face various unforeseen situations, from
hiring the right person and the responsibility to create a high-performing and reliable team to
contribute to the achievement of objectives, partnerships with other suppliers or
collaborators, customer satisfaction, thinking and generating new business ideas and many
other situations. But today, in addition to all these situations in entrepreneurship,
entrepreneurs are facing a pandemic. ( J. Bolander,2001)
This confrontation occurs because there are restrictions to fight the virus, restrictions
that limit their activity, and therefore they are forced to innovate, to create new methods so as
to respect the imposed rules, not to contribute to the spread of the virus, but to be able to
carry out their economic activity. daily, in a way that is as normal as possible and to reach
The aim of the project is to analyze entrepreneurship in tourism, to analyze the
regional development caused by tourism and what is the impact caused by Hotel International
in terms of regional development.
The first objective of the project is the analysis of entrepreneurship in tourism and the
challenges faced by entrepreneurs in tourism. Identifying the elements that contribute to the
development of regional development due to tourism is a second objective for this project.
And last but not least, the identification of the characteristic entrepreneurial elements
for Hotel International and the impact that the analyzed organization has on the regional
The purpose and objectives are important for any research, but they can be analyzed
and discussed using research questions to help find the right answers to the topic. Therefore,
a first question is whether entrepreneurs are facing changes and challenges in the tourism
business? What are those entrepreneurial challenges in tourism and how do entrepreneurs
find effective solutions? Does tourism also contribute to regional development? What impact
does Hotel International and hotel tourists have on regional development?
All these questions will be answered by the present research, and the objectives and
purpose of the research will be achieved.

Conducting research

Entrepreneurship is a very complex activity that involves a lot of sacrifices, a lot of

knowledge, it involves taking a risk in any decision taken, in any action taken, but it comes
with a great advantage, that of satisfaction when customers are satisfied and benefit of the
company's services or products.
Entrepreneurship in tourism has even greater popularity, due to the situation created
by the pandemic and due to the restrictions that prevent the tourism business from being able
to carry out its activity normally. (P. Sneha,2018)
Hotel International, one of the largest hotels in England, is facing the same problems.
The restrictions that were imposed with the advent of the virus have led to a travel ban,
regardless of its purpose and duration. The travel ban has created a massive shortage of
tourists staying at the International Hotel. Thus, business people who traveled for work and
stayed at Hotel International and not only, had to make extreme use of online services, in
order to have conferences and meetings in the online environment, meetings that normally
took place. face to face. Also, tourists traveling for vacation could not travel mainly
international trips, and many preferred to go on vacation in nearby areas. And so, the only
tourists during the pandemic were local tourists and tourists from that country.
According to table 1 in the annex, you can see the revenues that Hotel International
had in 2018 and 2019, revenues that were in a significant increase. Revenues that were due to
the growing number of tourists. In 2020, revenues have fallen sharply, and in 2021, although
revenues have been extremely low, the value is slightly lower than in 2020, and this is due to
the fact that a vaccine has already appeared to combat the pandemic, and some of the
restrictions have become lighter. For the year 2022, a recovery of tourism is expected, as the
number of vaccinated people is constantly growing and also a recovery of the economy of
each country is desired.
Regional development is influenced by the revenues and revenues that the region has
from various sources, such as: tourism, transport, infrastructure, taxes and fees of people
employed in that region, taxes and fees of all companies operating in that region, but also
other taxes regional. If companies cannot operate in such a way as to have higher revenues
and economic prosperity, if there are no more jobs offered to people, if transport and tourism
cannot operate at maximum rates and are restricted from various reasons, then we can no
longer talk about regional development. The development of these sectors, the development
of the tourism industry, the transport industry, the development of all businesses in the area, a
low unemployment rate also determine a regional development. The limitation of tourism, the
lack of tourism revenues, the prohibition of tourists to travel determine a regional economic

Project report

The main challenges facing tourism entrepreneurs are: lack of qualified staff, the
current international context and lack of interest from other investors in this industry. Since
2016, there have been a variety of challenges for tourism, especially for offline travel
agencies, due to events in Europe. Specifically, people have begun to be more reluctant, more
selective, and more demanding when choosing to travel on vacation.
For tourism it is very important the connection and a good communication with the
travel agencies through which the tourists reserve their place at Hotel International. A lack of
qualified staff to inspire the future tourist characteristics, the value of the International Hotel,
determines the loss of customers. Most of the time, the employees and the people who make
direct contact with tourists and customers of any kind are the image of the hotel. No matter
how well the tasks are done and no matter how unique the services offered by the hotel, if the
staff fails to inspire the client, to give him security and stability and confidence and certainty
that Hotel International is the best option for him, then all the effort and all the managerial
work is useless in gaining clients, mainly in the long run. However, for a regional promotion,
for a regional development it is important the existence of some funds of the country
allocated for each region. These funds should be used for regional promotions and to create
economic growth.
In terms of entrepreneurship in Hotel International, despite this pandemic situation
and despite the challenges faced by tourism due to the virus, Hotel International has set its
goals and objectives for the current year, but also long-term goals. Due to an unforeseen and
sudden pandemic, every entrepreneur and employee did not have enough time to think and
generate solutions to help them. Therefore, the development objectives strategically planned
by Hotel International in 2019 for 2020, 2021 and even 2022 have been shattered and
impossible to achieve. Thus, the tourist company had to rethink its strategies, to re-plan its
objectives that were in line with the international situation. But now that the pandemic has
taken a more positive turn after two years, Hotel International is re-establishing its goals that
may have already been met if the pandemic did not occur.
Among these objectives, which will lead to a harmonious development of the
company and therefore to economic growth for both the hotel company and the region are:
modernization of rooms, change and improvement of hotel design, use of a much higher
percentage of technology and use ecological heating and lighting systems.
Therefore, Hotel International wants to improve its customer service and make its
work more efficient. The refurbishment of the hotel rooms means that the clients will benefit
from more comfortable beds, to have work spaces customized to people's needs, to benefit
from relaxation spaces and rooms with superior comfort. Currently, the prices of
accommodation services in the International Hotel are very affordable for all categories of
clients. Table 2 in the annex presents in detail the prices set by the hotel company depending
on the type of accommodation currently preferred by tourists.
Digitization is the use of the Internet for any service needed by the customer, from:
smartphone application for customers to choose the menu for the next day, application for
customers to lock or unlock their room doors, to open or turn off the air conditioning and to
plasma TV smart that can give the tourist the opportunity to see a movie or use it in online


The present project analyzed and discussed the concept of entrepreneurship in tourism
and regional development. This theme was used in the context of the hotel company "Hotel
International". The challenges faced by tourism entrepreneurs have been identified and
analyzed, and these challenges include: lack of qualified staff, lack of international investors,
or the existence of restrictions due to the pandemic. For a harmonious regional development,
it is important that companies and every individual in that region enjoy financial prosperity.
Regarding the impact that Hotel International has on the hotel tourism in the process of
regional development, it can be specified that the tourists who benefit from the hotel services
will bring significant revenues to the company. These revenues will also be felt in the hotel
taxes paid and thus a development of the tourism industry and a development of Hotel
International determines a significant regional development.


Year £ mld
2018 80,19
2019 83,94
2020 39,47
2021 56,03

1.Revenues from 2018-2021 for Hotel International

Services Price (£)

Single Standard Ensuite 35
Double Premium Ensuite 45
Family Premium Ensuite 65
Double Executive Ensuite 55

2.Prices and services offered by Hotel International


4. United Nations World Tourism Organization’s 2015 Tourism Barometer
5. National England Tourism Organization
8. Entrepreneurship and Sustainability author Andrea Larson | Source:
9. CAPE Entrepreneurship Unit 1 – Entrepreneurship Theory author OAsis, COL’s Open
Access Repository | Source: OAsis, COL’s Open Access Repository
10. Business Basics for Entrepreneurs author Jarie Bolander | Source: The Daily MBA
11. Introduction to Entrepreneurship author James Kollie, Wilhelmina Louw, Rammuso
Monyolo, Vinah Nkambule, Maria Lashley, Raymond Oriakhi | Source: OAsis, COL’s
Open Access Repository
12. Entrepreneurship Grade 10 author OAsis, COL’s Open Access Repository | Source:
OAsis, COL’s Open Access Repository
13. Lecture Notes on Entrepreneurship author P. Sneha | Source: CHDL
14. Entrepreneurship, Innovation and Economic Growth author Pontus Braunerhjelm |
Source: Entreprenörskapsforum
15. Entrepreneurship. Lecture Notes author Commander RK Singh | Source: Mithun Jadhav

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