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CS pin ee nse [p' jsoibgen shown in tha pia. ‘ & Tp E. Raneay, tsi a Copy far CTP, EC. Raita , a/cenartanneage: (Cael) Estat Geattotds Cievieg Bophanga Mouse 34029 eat St Sub, Reviced Detain eweed Dasied Pitt Report rovsenl a nasa Hoes 2 Ret SAR het eae et ae hief Manager (Ciwi2G, CCU's later No GU (CyWOr2N 18124 aatet re 0877 fie quoted oboe (1), 8 FSR Hor route arent 8 0 Ret vane tn terms of the LOA issued un ua rma oo Stone age 9 te Ie ‘Accordingly, 3 DPR foe the preyect pateay Poppies ker HOceHOPTPR compliance of some abserrations, revised plan was devcioped oan the Basi! Fea one 6 twigt tas svamined in May 2014 ant Oy Cf SegiMCOVSOS dated 12.15.7018 he Ss pen fot Ie Consequently, & ‘forsShivgur sedisn 8nd on submscion o te cemplance woe win sd yak 90 1 Ma T retaived korn CFTM, EG, Raita, Hajcut wae ms leh HE iL Deared CPR ens 2b15 appioval of be project va ECROPTIPMSHGIACBISOS dated 23. FEpperaton of eompliances al relevant sesenatiens Atseaet | fumished. "The proposed siding, as por te¥aes lan. wi neat ako 2 Wo Manan staan oy oteetng sath 3e Bock station, The aignant fe te ssne lowe! ri ye eonetictd nung kar ct sch ard 4 cots cl eg pest loading a {Pash 2 SLs having 2 aren flailonn has been proposed a5 Hee (03.2015 fuahot drsetirg 19 Fubail he Revised OPH 1 Rend 2 g g a [AG Naetien una one caret env sang is proposed for etech fication wit 23 KY (Gest of une work duty uEried = The ante 3 abe peiade atte loing yard fo sae a! O25 Me OPEN, as per revised: plan and on the basis fo present day cot of men mat mateiats N28 been deve a the report. @ sive) copies af a aepest 8 ercnse? foryourperusal ease, i - Thanking yu, e om \Encig as above “ ah auth 1a Roy) ie erpeitirac refsronce to CF TM E.G ag oan G oopies C7 fe ropes! Ratray, Hajpurs rater avr Encl. 6 copies of the Retort “i Manoget. 6: Railay, Ongnbes aang win feet ae eet wo inchy Gstabuts ane copy ofthe Fe inrmaten please. He Sescinee ceparancel ec hee reese " rar okeoe wine ‘eat ete RAT rr or ani 0X). R ATE KOLA THB cei," HH pn, bre nxt) 10 118, i ae tie) 6 copins af tha Repos far pent to each of the Posey ane narra 118 2 eh TA rng aearones neg ated WAPI MOST east A ss econ em SITES crore yet iene pROTECT ON ce eA AREA i Scanned with CamScanner CENTRAL COALFIELDS LIMITED JA subsidiary of Coal India Limiled| REVISED DETAILED PROJECT REPORT FOR PROVISION OF RAIL-INFRASTRUCTURE FOR THE PROPOSED | CAST ON EAST CENTRAL RAILWAY MAY 2015 Scanned with CamScanner HRITES (TREE Re tat tara ANISO S601 COMPANY RITES LTD, No RITES REO. KOLIGCLAmape! (AGoe ated serprse) Dated 20 May, 2018 OPO Suen 7O SS iy Rebs General Manager (Civah Contrat Coatiaids Lente Darshanga House Ranchi -634 078 Deas, Sub: Revised Deteled Project Repot far provision of at infiastwetue Facses 19 serve amagai oP otc Ret 1. Work Oder No. GM (C]ICIOGIMEAITES-I5 dated 09.12.2009 2 CPT, EC: Railway, Hajpur's leer No. ECRIOPTIPut S4g/ACEISDS dated 11.08.3018 3. O.COM, Pig, EC. Radway, Majurs let No ECRIOPTIPW/Sdg/ACB 805 cated 18.122014 4, CFTM. E.G, Railway, Hajipur's letter No ECRIOPTPM Sdg/ACB/505 dated 23.03.2018 We are pleased to submit the “Revised Detaled Project Report” for provision of rae ‘ctastructure to serve Amrapali OCP within CCL command area. On beng deputed vie your leter under reference (1} forthe constancy services for te wark, FSR for ihe groject wes submited in Maret 2013 and"in princple’ approval for Be same was secelved de letter quoted above (2), In complianees ef the requisio conditions. 8 DPR for the project wats submitted in Moy 2014 to obtain approtal snd on examnaion of therepcrt, Dy. COM'Plg, E Reilwer vide leer refered 2, (Gy above nas asked for compliances ofthe deparimertal atsecralians Cansequenty . 2 avieed plan wes developed on the batis of finalised plan for the upcoming Teri-Shivpur section 96d.on submission of me complences along wih revised Planto CTPM, EC. alway in March 2016, approval for te project was received wie leer under reference () trom CFTM EG, Relay, Hajpu dectng te submit Reresed Detailed Project Report wih incoreoration of ‘complances of at felevant observations. Accordingly. the Revised DPR is being furrished ‘The proposed siding wil ake nf trom Manetu station by converting the station as block station, The signment forthe loading terminal wil be cansiucted in te form of bub with provision of 2 SiLOs, having 2 discharge chules each on the leading yard provided wih 4 sets of Pre/Post Loading lines. Provision for one additonal Ine accompanying witn valoading platform for dealing of inward siore maleriats has also been hepl, a5 desiced, The tentative future works hava: also been shown in the psa = Tre enite sing is proposed for electriftcaton end one paret cabin wail be provided atthe in- plant yard for easy and Galo tin movement. ‘The cost of the project has bean undated In accordance wih itest cast of men & materiais ‘ard the same ig dotalled inthe repert. ‘Thanking you, ‘Yoors faithfully, ol Ne (Pall ‘Group Ganerat Manager (P) Pia ato ire, Siers, Eat alle WH (Biba we), 68, , a. Gg, Se ToneKT RS acme norco) ats ie HO 2 pe oe AEH, 21 ale mu ofinnngsterte Sar re ei ARTUR cononOn, SOHO ACER coo TH re uinemaesee pROSECT OFFICE ‘ieee 'AMBAPAL! OCP M-A AREA Scanned with CamScanner LIST OF CHAPTERS CHAPTER CONTENTS: Iniroducton, Conca of tha Sixiy and Traffic foctios | Chi Enginesring Ww Signal RTelecommonicalion a W | Blecical Engineering 38S | 50a V__[ Commerciar Vi_| Mechanical Engineering 56-56 Wi

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