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Understanding Social Welfare: A

Search for Social Justice – Ebook PDF

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Contents vii

The Federal Role in Social Welfare 71

The Freedmen’s Bureau 71
Veterans and a Suspension of the Ethic 73
City, Town, and County: A Local Institution 75
Social Darwinism 75
The Coming of Social Insurance 76
Society, Social Values, and Modern Views of Human Nature 78

Chapter 5 America and Poverty: Two Paths: The American

Experience II 81
Overiew 81
Three Discoveries of Poverty 81
First Discovery 82
The Fading of the First Discovery 83
Second Discovery 83
Third Discovery 84
The War on Poverty 86
Eight Outcomes 87
The Skirmish against Poverty 89
Families, Children, and Poverty 89
Aid to Families with Dependent Children (“Welfare”) 90
An Old-New Path 92
Social Security 94
Contrasting Values and Aims 94
The Paths Forward 95
Human Nature and the American Dream 96

Chapter 6 Concepts for Social Welfare 99

Overview 99
What Is Social Welfare? 100
Social Policy, Social Services, and Social Work 102
Social Policy 102
Social Services 103
Social Work 103
viii Contents

Ideology, Social Policy, and Government Intervention 103

Five Routes to Social Policy 107
The Federal and Pluralist System 109
The Economic Sphere 111
Fiscal Policy 112
Monetary Policy 113
The Importance of Fiscal and Monetary Policy 114
A Tarnished Business Sector? 115
A Second Welfare System—Corporate and Individual Welfare 116
Globalization and Social Justice 117
The G. W. Bush Administration 120
Obama Administration: A Return to Federalization—Ideology or
Pragmatism? 120
The Debt Commission and Select Committee on Deficit
Reduction 122
International and National Background Features and The Search
for the Dream 123
International 123
The United States 123

Chapter 7 Examining a Social Welfare Program within the Context of

Social Justice: Structural Components, Alternative Program
Characteristics, and Evaluation 128
Overview 128
Structural Components 129
What are the Needs and Goals to Be Met? 129
What Is the Form of Benefit that the Program Produces? 130
Who Is Eligible for the Program? 130
How Is the Program Financed? 131
What Is the Level of Administration? 132
Alternative Program Characteristics 133
Residual, Institutional, Developmental, or Socioeconomic Asset
Development 133
Selective or Universal 136
Benefits in Money, Services, or Utilities 139
Public or Private 140
Central or Local 140
Lay or Professional 142
Contents ix

Evaluating the Program 143

Adequacy 143
Financing 143
Coherence 146
Latent Consequences 146
Testing for Social Justice 147
Whose Social Justice? 147
Views and Proponents 148
The Social Work Clinical Practice Sphere and Social Justice 150
Reader’s Choice 150

Chapter 8 The Welfare Society and Its Clients 153

Overview 153
Who is a Client of Social Welfare? 153
What is Poverty? 155
Understanding Poverty 155
Absolute Poverty 156
Relative Comparison Poverty 159
A Description of the Poor 160
Income and Wealth Inequality 163
Causes of Rising Inequality 164
Housing Wealth 167
Counterintuitive Statistics 167
Intergenerational Mobility 168
The Effect of Some Government Programs 169
The Near-Poor and Expectations 170
Other Views of Poverty 170
Relative Inequality 171
Lack of Power, Access, and Inclusion 172
The Underclass/Culture of Poverty Thesis 173
Strategies for Fighting Poverty 174
Social Utilities 174
Investment in Human Capital 174
Income Transfers 175
Rehabilitation 176
Aggregative and Selective Economic Measures 176
Participation and Organization 178
Ideology Revisited 178
The Second Bush Administration 179
x Contents

Tax Cuts 180

Social Security 180
Medicare 180
Starve the Beast 180
The Obama Administration 181
Ideology Once Again 183

Chapter 9 Current Social Welfare Programs—Economic Security 186

Overview 186
Social Insurance Programs 187
Social Security (OASDI) 187
Unemployment Insurance 198
Temporary Disability Insurance 202
Workers’ Compensation 203
Income Support Programs 207
Temporary Assistance for Needy Families 207
Supplemental Security Income 210
General Assistance 212
Earned Income Tax Credit 214
Socioeconomic Asset Development 216

Chapter 10 Social Welfare Programs: Sustaining the

Quality of Life 221
Overview 221
Managed Care 222
Strategies to Achieve Savings and Profits 223
Public Criticism, Courts, and Legislation 224
Halth Care Programs 225
Medicare 225
Medicaid 229
The Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act 234
Implpementation Steps began in 2010 234
Effective (2012) 235
Effective (2013) 235
Effective (2014) 235
Contents xi

Effective (2015) 237

Effective (2018) 237
How Is the New System to Be Financed? 237
Issues 238
Legal Challenges 238
Payment Advisory Board 239
Abortion 239
What is Medical Care? 240
Universal Health Care: Public or Private Auspices? 240
Nutrition Programs 240
The Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program 240
Special Supplemental Nutrition Program for Women, Infants,
and Children 242
School Lunch and Breakfast Programs 243
Housing 245
Veterans’ Benefits 248
Employment Programs 251
Personal Social Services 252
Title XX (Social Services Block Grant) 254
Defense Department Social and Mental Health Services 255
Services to Families 255
Services to Children 256
Mental Health Services 262
Corrections 264

Chapter 11 Nonprofit and Private Social Welfare 268

Overview 268
Early Patterns 269
The Nonprofit Sector 269
Types of Nonprofit Agencies 271
The Proprietary Private For-Profit Organization 272
Services of the Nonprofit and Private Sectors 272
Getting and Spending 273
Privatization 274
Private and Nonprofit Agencies as Social Welfare Programs 276
Finances, Recessions, Budgets, and Mergers 278
A Point of View 279
xii Contents

Leadership, Class, and Gender 279

Trends in Volunteering 281
Private and Public Spheres 281
Uses of Public Funds and Power 281
Tax Laws and Policy 282
Accountability 283
National Policy: Church and State 283
The Marketplace and the Nonmarket Domain 285
Family and Freinds 286
Toward the Future 287

Chapter 12 Social Work: The Emergence of a Profession 291

Overview 291
The Workers of “Good Works” 292
The Process of Professionalization 296
A Brief History of Practice and Methods 297
Development of the Professional Association 301
Social Work with Groups 302
Community Organization and Social Planning 304
Toward a Unified Profession 306

Chapter 13 Social Work: Functions, Context, and Issues 309

Overview 309
The Purposes of Social Work 310
The Professional within Complex Organizations 310
Complex Organizations and Professional Culture 311
Complex Organizations and Authority 311
The Profession and Professional Autonomy 312
Alternative Roles and Settings 312
Society, the Functions of Social Work, and Services for People 313
The Bottom Line 313
The Two Tracks of Social Work: Cause and Function 313
Generic–Specific Social Work 317
Contents xiii

Professionals and Volunteers 318

Issues Confronting the Profession 319
Multiculturalism 319
Technologies 320
Managed Care 320
Religion and Spirituality 321
Leadership 321
Sufficiency of Qualified Social Workers and Other Resources 322
Accountability 322
2010 Social Work Congress 323
Proposed Imperatives 323

Chapter 14 Social Trends Affecting Social Welfare 326

Overview 326
National Society 326
Individual and Shared Goals 327
The International Economy 328
Population Growth and Resources 329
Food Security 330
The Downside of the Upside 330
A Human/Nature Crisis and Worldwide Emergency 331
The United States: A Changing Population, a Selected Social Welfare
Agenda, and Social Justice 332
Productivity and the Service Economy 335
Ethnicity and Pluralism 336
Gender 339
Gay Men and Lesbians 340
The Place of Social Welfare in a Changing Context 345

Chapter 15 Toward the General Welfare and Social Justice 348

Overview 348
Children and Poverty 349
Adverse Effects of Poverty 350
Universal Services are Needed 352
xiv Contents

Veterans of Iraq and Afghanistan 353

Health outcomes 353
Social outcomes 354
Resources 355
Education 356
Employment and Training 356
Criticisms 356
What Should Be Done? 357
What Will it Cost? 358
Social Workers, Services, and Policy Choices 359
Elder Abuse 360
What are the Major Types of Elder Abuse? 360
What Is Known About Interventions? 361
Social Policy 362
Implications for Social Work 362
Globalization, Privatization, Socially Just Services, and the Future of
Social Welfare 363
The State of the Welfare State 363
Privatization: The Strategy of Choice 364
Managed Care 367
Drug Abuse Services 367
The Roles of Social Work 368
Issues for Social Workers 368
The Choices Before US: Social Justice and the Baby-Boomer
Generation 369
Retirement 370
Health Care 370
Technology and Social Action 371
Where We Are 373
Coda: Two Views of the Future 375

Notes 378
Index 399

As this is being written, the world is faced with serious social and economic problems. In
Europe, Greece, Italy, Spain, and Portugal are experiencing serious financial problems. It
has been necessary for members of the European Union to bail them out with loans. One
path for these nations to solve their problems consists of retreating from provisions of the
welfare state, including early retirements and generous retirement pensions. A similar phe-
nomenon is taking place among the states in the United States. There is a growing shift of
wealth to the East as China, India, Singapore, and South Korea have expanded their econo-
mies at fast paces. Accompanying economic growth is population growth and a demand
for more energy supplies, food, and water. The financial ability to eat richer diets drove up
the price of food, metals, and fuels. Thus, there is a downside to the upside of economic
growth when large numbers of people gain wealth; they then seek more and different types
of food and goods, and they place increased strains on food and other supplies.
The economic success of a farmer in China enables him to replace his bicycle for deliv-
ery of goods to market with a motorcycle, cutting his delivery time but also using gasoline
as part of a new driving force in the competition for oil. A young Indian learns English
and computer technical skills and joins the global workforce as a competitor with similar
persons in several parts of the world. There is no way to avoid these evolving events and
no Luddites can roll back the clock. Globalization is here to stay and its effects will be
long-lasting, especially regarding social welfare needs and services. These and other inter-
national forces form the background context for the United States and—in turn—influence
what issues confront the United States and what social welfare can be.
Many parts of the world are also facing non-state actors such as international busi-
nesses, tribes, religious organizations, and criminal networks. The growth of aging popula-
tions is widespread. Also, there are groups of radical Islamists that contribute to economic
and security instability. Poverty, although diminishing, remains a major problem, along
with pollution, disease, hunger, and drug and people trafficking.
More directly, forces confronting the United States establish the national context within
which social welfare must deal with problems and issues. The War on Terror continues and
uses many billions of dollars; the price of oil continues to be problematic, which in turn
raises the price of fertilizer, gasoline, and other goods and—in turn—creates shortages of
food crops that are being used to replace gasoline. There is no short-range solution for the
supply and cost of oil and gasoline, the lifeblood of our economy and civilization. Also, the
major debts of the United States are held by the Chinese, Japanese, and other sovereign
funds, and others who not only hold our IOUs but also buy into our economy. The hous-
ing bubble evolved into multitudes of foreclosures, delaying an economic recovery. Many
people lost their homes, the major part of their wealth, while others grew rich. The gap
between the lower and middle classes and the wealthy continues to widen.
The United States is slowly coming out of the Great Recession and unemployment
remains above 9 percent; fiscal national annual deficits, when combined with record
breaking national debt, are very serious problems facing the nation. There are projections
that our nation has entered a period of slow economic growth where the competition for
available funds becomes intense. Human services will have to compete for scarce funds

xvi Preface

with all other societal needs. These contextual factors do not support attempts to deal with
issues of poverty, education, and social problems in general, and, unfortunately, with the
exception of the very costly Patient Protection and Affordability Care Act, it seems un-
likely that in the foreseeable future the situation will become more supportive of efforts
to improve social and human services. Do solidarity, national morale, and social justice
require maintenance of these programs that help individuals and families take advantage of
their opportunities? What will be the way forward? There are suggestions the economy will
remain in low gear for more years. All of which suggests we have reached a time of scarce
resources for social welfare and the likelihood of constrained incremental progress. What
are the implications when the wealth created becomes less than the needs of the citizenry?
We have written a book with a point of view—one that examines social welfare issues
critically, focusing on concepts and inviting challenge and alternative interpretations. We
have striven to produce a usable textbook, one that covers detail and fact in an organized
manner and that is useful for all those concerned with our society’s social welfare and hu-
man services. The success of our work can only be judged by individual readers, whom
we hope will be challenged to reach their own conclusions about the issues discussed. We
will have succeeded if readers attain knowledge and understanding to aid them in decision
making both as professionals and as informed and inquiring citizens.
This revised edition reflects change in the social welfare system, our society, and our
world since the last edition of this text. In addition to a complete updating, we have tried to
anticipate issues and propose solutions to various social problems. Yet we have still main-
tained the main theme and focus on the impact of societal structure and change on the
nature of people’s needs and problems and the search for social justice. In this edition we
have added or augmented material on the following:
• Trends, data, and discussions are all up-to-date, including programs, income, pov-
erty, wealth, demographics, and the several welfare systems.
• The Obama administration, the financial crisis, the effort to avoid a second Great
Depression, the Troubled Asset Relief Program, and the American Recovery and
Reinvestment Act (the stimulus).
• A Return to federalization: Ideology? Or pragmatism?
• Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (ObamaCare).
• Phases of implementation, issues, and financing.
• The National Commission on Fiscal Responsibility and Reform.
• The Road Map for America: Ryan’s plans and other conservative plans for Social
Security, Medicare, and Medicaid.
• Veterans from Iraq and Afghanistan and social justice.
• Children and the life effects of poverty and social justice.
• Elder abuse and social justice.
• Issues confronting social work and social welfare.
• The 2010 Social Work Congress.
• Leadership, multiculturalism, religion, and spirituality.
• Technologies, managed care, sufficient quantity of qualified social workers and
other resources, and accountability.
• New trends in volunteering.
Preface xvii

• Expanded description of legislative process within federalism, including

• Description and data regarding the latest social welfare legislation as well as poten-
tial future directions are incorporated.
• Explicit emphasis on human rights and social justice is included throughout.
• The concept of the social minimum, a standard for social justice.
• Various perspectives on social justice and descriptions and analysis of all programs
have been updated.
• Emphasis throughout on the political and economic contexts for social welfare and
the impact of social and economic structures and globalization and its effects.
• Counterintuitive statistics about wealth are considered.
• Intergenerational mobility is discussed.
• Equality of opportunity and stronger societies.
• Were the services for workers of Krupp Industries in mid-nineteenth century
Germany the forerunners of social insurances?
• A number of new questions have been introduced for consideration by readers at
the end of each chapter.
• The paths forward are examined from several perspectives.

We are grateful to a number of persons whose reactions and advice have helped us
to improve this book: Ana Alvarez, Aaron Dolgoff, Eliana Tretiak, William Jackson,
Jr., Heejung Koh, Richard Larson, Margie Simon, Dr. Raju Varghese, Dr. Janice Wells,
Dr. Donna Harrington, Dr. Howard Altstein, Rex Rempel, Linda Neuwirth, and Janice
Wells. We also want to express our appreciation to the librarians of the Health and Human
Services Library of the University of Maryland, Baltimore, and the Milton S. Eisenhower
Library of the Johns Hopkins University.
Many people have contributed to the development of this book, including our review-
ers: Michael J. Cappel, University of Louisiana, Monroe; Mark Cederburg, University of
Kansas; George T. Patterson, Hunter College, City University of New York; and Cynthia
J. Rocha, University of Tennessee, Knoxville. We are appreciative of the support our fami-
lies have provided. Special thanks are due to Sylvia Dolgoff, who has contributed in many
ways. Finally, we want to express our deep appreciation to our students, whom we have
taught and from whom we have learned.
To communicate with the authors, contact We will
respond to your comments as soon as possible.
About the Authors

Ralph Dolgoff is professor emeritus at the School of Social Work at the University of
Maryland, Baltimore, where he also served as dean. Previously, he served as acting dean
and associate dean at the Adelphi University School of Social Work, and as senior program
specialist at the Council on Social Work Education. Dr. Dolgoff is the author of Introduc-
tion to Supervisory Practice in the Human Services and coauthor (with Frank Loewenberg
and Donna Harrington) of Ethical Decisions for Social Work Practice (Ninth Edition). He
has published widely on social and welfare services, ethics, social policy, and social work

Dr. Donald Feldstein is the former associate executive vice president of the Council of
Jewish Federations. He has had a distinguished career in Jewish Communal Service and in
social work education. He is the author of numerous monographs and articles in the previ-
ously mentioned fields.

Chapter 1
Socioeconomic Structure, Human
Needs, and Mutual Responsibility
Competition . . . is a law of nature . . . . [I]f we try to amend it, there is only one way in which
we can do it. We can take from the better and give to the worse. We can deflect the penalties
of those who have done ill and throw them on those who have done better. We can take the
rewards from those who have done better and give them to those who have done worse. We
shall thus lessen the inequalities. We shall favor the survival of the unfittest, and we shall
accomplish this by destroying liberty. Let it be understood that we cannot go outside of this
alternative: liberty, inequality, survival of the fittest, not-liberty, equality, survival of the
—William Graham Sumner1

Embedded in Sumner’s statement is a deep American belief: Those who have done well
materially are better than those who have done not so well. Those who have prospered
have done so because of their own individual talents and efforts. The corollary is that those
who have not done well have done so because of some personal defect. They are immoral,
lazy, unmotivated, or not so bright. Poor people, for example, are individually responsible
for their poverty. According to this perspective, each person is responsible for his or her
personal situation. The most important values are self-reliance and the avoidance of
dependence. One should not be a burden to family, others, or—especially—society. Essen-
tially, those who are disadvantaged, victimized, poor, or disabled somehow are responsible
for their condition; if they were better or more adequate people, they would not be in a
dependent position.

2 Chapter One

We begin this book by noting this perspective because it has had a profound and
continuing impact on the nature of social welfare in the United States and has reemerged
as a widespread force during the 1980s and 1990s. However, this emphasis on individual
responsibility is not the only driving force in U.S. social welfare, which is influenced by a
mixture of motives rather than one unified, impelling force. Altruism, a refusal to ignore
the suffering of others, a sense of fairness, and a concern for mutual aid are also essential
American values. Social welfare also functions to meet the maintenance needs of society by
preventing instability and providing for social continuity. In part, one’s views of the func-
tions of social welfare depend on one’s personal perspective, but in reality the U.S. social
welfare scene is marked by ambivalent motivations rather than one pure and straightfor-
ward intention.
The values of a society, even implicit values, can influence the nature of its social
welfare system. What are the roots and various manifestations of social welfare in U.S.
society? What drives the American tendency to focus on individual responsibility as a
major influence on social welfare policy? How are this and other values expressed in
concepts of social welfare? And what are the biases of the authors that will inform this

The Impact of Social and Economic Structures

Many Americans, including most students and practitioners in the helping professions,
have been socialized to think in a certain way—primarily to understand case situations in
individual, family, and group terms, often minimizing the effects of the multiple factors
and levels of the social environment on human behaviors and lives.
In this book, in addition to individual responsibility and effort, we want to consider
the impact of social and economic structures on us all. Although this approach is not com-
pletely explanatory, it does provide a contrasting view to the prevailing wisdom and offers
other ways of understanding what happens to people. A child who is reared in a commu-
nity which has a poor school system with few resources cannot be judged at fault when
a quality education escapes him. Similarly, people seeking employment during the Great
Recession are competing with many others. The failure to find work is not always the result
of individual effort but is also related to the number of people in one’s generation who are
seeking work, the nature of the economy, and the opportunities available. Textile workers
in North Carolina when their jobs moved overseas could not be responsible when work
opportunities in their towns became scarce.
The following studies illustrate that many social problems are associated with, influ-
enced by, and even caused by social and economic structural factors:
1. Intimate partner violence and persistent poverty co-occur at high rates and limit
coping options and have mental health consequences for those coping with both. The
stress, powerlessness, and social isolation at the heart of both phenomena combine to pro-
duce post-traumatic stress disorder, depression, and other emotional difficulties.2
2. Forty heads of household with school-age children who lived in New Orleans dur-
ing Hurricane Katrina were interviewed about their pre- and post-Katrina life as hurricane
survivors. It was found they had experienced multiple negative life events linked to their
poverty status even prior to the hurricane. Their negative life events included social isola-
tion and physical and mental health problems, high debt or financial insecurity, dangerous
neighborhoods, witnessing violence and early deaths, child abuse, being incarcerated or
observing incarceration, and teen pregnancy.3
Socioeconomic Structure, Human Needs, and Mutual Responsibility 3

3. When children grow up in poverty, they are more likely as adults to have low earn-
ings, which in turn reflect low productivity in the workforce. They are also more likely to
engage in crime and to have poor health later in life. Their reduced productive activity
generates a direct loss of goods and services to the U.S. economy. Any crimes they commit
impose large monetary and other personal costs on their victims and on taxpayers who pay
for the criminal justice system. Their poor health generates illness and early mortality that
require large health expenditures, impede productivity, and reduce their quality and quan-
tity of life. The statistical relationships between growing up in poverty and later earnings,
as well as productivity, plus estimates of the costs of crime and poor health per person were
aggregated across the total number of children growing up in poverty. The results sug-
gested that the costs associated with childhood poverty total about $500 billion per year:
Productivity and economic output are reduced by about 1.3 percent of Gross Domestic
Product (GDP); the costs of crime are increased by 1.3 percent of GDP; and health expen-
ditures are increased by 1.2 percent of GDP.4 But, the high dollar costs of eliminating child
poverty will not by themselves change the situation. The poverty situation of children can-
not be understood or changed without changes in behaviors, neighborhoods, and parents’
4. Families of children with disabilities face elevated costs of caregiving, insufficient
support from income transfer programs to offset the additional costs, and parental employ-
ment severely limited by child care and leave policies. Young children with disabilities are
significantly more likely to live in poverty than their peers without disabilities. Living in
poverty is associated with consequences such as poor physical health, diminished cogni-
tive abilities, emotional and behavioral problems, and reduced educational attainment.
Ill health is overrepresented in low-income families. Children in low-income families are
twice as likely to die before age 15 as children in families from the professional social class.
Perinatal and postnatal mortality rates, birth weight, height, dental health, respiratory ill-
nesses, traffic accidents, and deaths from fire are all related negatively to income and social
class. These problems are compounded among families receiving public assistance. Half
the families on California public assistance with special needs children had both out-of-
pocket expenses and foregone earnings. These are substantial burdens for many low-income
families with special-needs children.6

Cascading Effects
Disadvantages can cascade, that is one problem can lead to another or in some cases to
many. Lin and Harris (2008) report that “difficult but solvable problems—the lack of
dependable food, clothing, or shelter; the inability to control oneself; the presence of a
disruptive peer group; a home environment that does not or cannot support learning—
exacerbate and are exacerbated by other disadvantages.” Further, they suggest multiple disad-
vantages exist, even solutions can intensify the problems. For example, giving a child extra
help at school, paradoxically, can reinforce his parents’, his teachers’, and his own belief that
he is bad or incapable.7
Unemployment and poverty are inextricably tied to the structure of the economy.
Among these structural factors are a shift from a goods-producing, manufacturing econ-
omy to service-producing industries; the polarization of the labor market into low-wage
and high-wage sectors; increasing technology; and the dispersal of manufacturing and
other jobs to suburban and overseas locations. Although these structural factors—such as
the nature of the job market, the job preparation of potential workers, geographic factors,
4 Chapter One

and racial and other types of discrimination—affect everyone in our society, their impact
is differential on different groups, as we shall see in more detail in Chapter 8.8 For example,
the structure of jobs and wages has changed. Many industries require more able and highly
skilled workers. Such workers are generally in short supply, bidding up their wages and in-
creasing the gap between their incomes and those of workers with lower educational levels
and skills.
Poverty in the United States has become more urban, spatially concentrated, and clus-
tered with other indicators of disadvantage. The residents of neighborhoods of concen-
trated poverty who experience multiple forms of social and economic disadvantage are
disproportionately members of minority groups. Changes in the wage structure over the
past several decades have impacted negatively on noncollege-educated minorities living in
inner cities. Declining real wages overall, rising inequality in wage and income distribu-
tion, and growing numbers of low-wage jobs have been accompanied by an increase in
joblessness, especially among black minority youth in cities.9
We will return to these issues and concepts in later chapters. For now we need
to recognize the impact of structural factors such as business cycles; the shifts in the
number, types, and degrees of skilled labor required by various industries; interna-
tional trade and competition; and technological change. Additional significant factors
are discrimination, immigration, changes in the age and educational composition of
the work force, and unionization or the lack of it, as well as changes in the political

Defining Social Welfare and Social Work

Social welfare is referred to throughout this book. What is social welfare, and what do
we mean by this term? The definition is not simple and is discussed at some length at
the beginning of Chapter 6. But the reader is entitled to a brief definition early on. For
reasons explained in Chapter 6, we define social welfare as follows: all social interventions
intended to enhance or maintain the social functioning of human beings. We limit our con-
sideration, however, to the broadest parts of the social welfare system that are not clearly
the domain or territory of other fields or disciplines such as education, police, and fire
Social work is discussed in Chapters 12 and 13, where the emergence of the profes-
sion, its current functions, the context within which it operates, and other selected issues
are examined. At this point, however, it is important that the reader understand that social
work is a professional occupation that delivers social welfare services.11 Although social
workers serve preponderantly in the societal social welfare institution, they also deliver
services in a large number of societal institutions that are not within the social welfare
institution per se, including business and industry, the military, and criminal justice, as
well as educational, health, and religious institutions, among others. The reader should
keep this distinction in mind, differentiating the societal institution of social welfare from
the profession of social work.
Our aim in this book is to examine U.S. social welfare and social work. We are
mindful of the interconnections and interdependence of U.S. society, in all its aspects,
with other parts of the world. The United States in contemporary times is affected by
developments in many nations and regions far from our shores. Although the world is
a series of societal and ecological interconnections, and these systemic relationships
Socioeconomic Structure, Human Needs, and Mutual Responsibility 5

impact on the U.S. economy and general culture—including social welfare, both directly
and indirectly—our priority focus will be social welfare and social work within the U.S.

The American Myth of the Hero

For more than five centuries people have come to America: the secular Zion, the golden
nation, the land of possibilities. Leaving behind families, traditions, and the familiar,
people set out for America. Although we note these migrations to a land of dangers and
dreams, there was—of course—a major exception. In the case of African Americans, they
were forcibly taken to this land.
From the Puritans seeking religious freedom in Massachusetts to the debtors escaping
imprisonment in Georgia, the earliest American settlers were a mixture of indentured per-
sons, craft workers, paupers, businesspeople, sailors, artisans, and adventurers. They were
seeking to escape, and they were searching for new horizons beyond the ocean and beyond
the constraints of more developed societies.
The pioneers were seen as rugged individualists, self-reliant and independent.
The reality was quite different from the myth. A communitarian spirit was needed in
frontier territories and pioneering times. Settlements developed, and people became
There were, of course, courageous lone explorers and travelers but, essentially, the
movement of people from the Atlantic seaboard to the Appalachian mountains and
then gradually across the continent had to be accomplished in groups. Individualism
was valued but the building of communities required help from family and fellow
travelers. Groups were needed for protection, to include helpful skills, and to fulfill
daily chores from hunting, trapping, and farming to wagon wheel repair to law en-
forcement to health care to the care of children, all the requirements for survival and
community building.
Even the early U.S. government aided the individual with mechanisms similar to those
used today. Puritan communities paid a salaried town doctor in a sort of community-supported
medicine. New Englanders attempted to regulate wages, prices, and interest rates. Laws
were passed to ensure the quality of workmanship and goods. Public officials scrutinized
the regulation of weights and measures, as well as ferries, mills, and inns.12 In fact, the gov-
ernment during early U.S. history played an affirmative role in the economy in regard
to credit, a national bank, currency and coinage, public lands, and other matters. During
Jefferson’s first administration, the Cumberland National Road linked the eastern seaboard
with the Ohio Valley. The government also owned stock in the Chesapeake and Delaware
Canal Company, as well as in the Dismal Swamp Company of Virginia and the Chesapeake
and Ohio Canal Company. These governmental interventions had many purposes, chief
among them the encouragement of travel and trade.13
The complexity and specialization of modern society make interdependence
greater and more necessary than ever. Each of us can perform only a small fraction
of the functions necessary to help ourselves and society to survive. The astronauts are
heroic figures even while they are excellent symbols of the necessary interdependence
of “heroes.” They need each other’s skills; they are dependent on teams of scientists
and technicians. Even so, we are left with Americans still idealizing images of the self-
sufficient hero.
6 Chapter One

The American idealized myth includes the following:

1. The best people are rugged individualists who are physically strong, psychologically
independent, and able to flourish without help.
2. “Making it” is what counts and is to be respected and admired.
3. Everything is possible. Those who try hard enough, no matter how humble their
beginnings, can “make it.”
4. Humans strive for material gain. If it were not for the carrot of material gain or the
stick of hunger and deprivation, motivation for work might disappear. Other motives
are shadowy, unreal, or idealistic.
5. The corollary of all the above is that those who fail to “make it” are at least incompetent,
and perhaps even lazy and immoral (synonyms).
Although the entire mythology has created some of the strains in American life, it is
this final corollary that places personal responsibility and independence at the heart of
American values. Somehow, if things do not go well or if one fails, then one is to blame.
Although other cultures have extolled ambition and progress, it is the combination of this
striving philosophy with the corollary that people determine both their successes and fail-
ures that make American society particularly unusual. However, the mythology does not
find complete acceptance, and at different periods it is stronger or weaker. For example,
during the Great Depression of the 1930s people felt simultaneously that they were inade-
quate but also that the social system had failed them.14 The tension between individualistic
and communitarian values creates simultaneous trends away from and toward this American
mythology. These trends, discussed in Chapter 14, continue to have profound effects on
life in the United States, particularly regarding social welfare.
But, the emphasis on the individual has, from early in the United States, been mod-
ified and balanced by a community value. An astute observer of American life, Alexis
DeTocqueville, suggested early on that:
as soon as several of the inhabitants of the United States have taken up an opinion
or a feeling which they wish to promote in the world, they look out for mutual
assistance; and as soon as they have found one another out, they combine. From
that moment they are no longer isolated men . . . The Americans have combated
by free institutions the tendency of equality to keep men asunder, and they have
subdued it.15
According to the historian Frederick Jackson Turner, the idea of a constant frontier
is central to the American spirit, and it was only in the last decade of the nineteenth cen-
tury that the frontier was officially declared closed. Illustrative of this idea was the young
and vigorous Kennedy national administration that in 1960 named its program “The New
Frontier.” The idea of a constant frontier remains potent within the United States in several
forms: the reach to fulfill the American dream, to fulfill the potential of the nation and all
its citizens, to explore space, to develop the contributions of science and technology for
human betterment, and to create throughout our urban centers, suburbs, and rural areas
“user-friendly” habitats for all citizens. However, even where agreement exists as to the
goals, as we shall see later, intense disagreement fuels debate about how to achieve these
Intellectual, scientific, and religious currents have all fed this mythology. In Chapter 2
we discuss the relationship between the views of human nature in any society and its wel-
fare approach and programs. In the United States such views have been influenced by the
ideology of industrialism, the development of the Protestant ethic (particularly the Calvinist
Socioeconomic Structure, Human Needs, and Mutual Responsibility 7

strain), and social Darwinism, each contributing to our placing priority on individual
Industrialism encouraged mobility, material gain, and competition, resulting in the
amassing of capital, which was frowned on in more traditional Christian theology.
Industrialism demanded a large pool of low-paid workers and drove people from their
traditional homes and pursuits to cities. Religion and science generated a rationale and
justification for these developments. Additional support came from economics and evo-
lutionary theory. The theories of laissez-faire capitalism suggested that society functions
best and that the common good is furthered most when there is constrained governmental
interference in the affairs of the market. The market is a grand anonymous stage in which
each commodity finds its own value. If labor is underpaid, this reflects its market value.
Any attempt to interfere by regulation lessens the ultimate benefit to society.16 Social sci-
entists went further. They took the ideas of natural selection developed by Charles Darwin
and created a social equivalent. The theory of natural selection, most simply stated, is that
in nature the most fit survive and the least fit die. Similarly, according to this view, in
society, in the free market (nature), there is a natural tendency for the best (most fit) to
succeed, and any attempt to interfere with this “natural selection” only perpetuates and
gives favor to those who can contribute least.
According to these views, social welfare measures, which help the weak, only weaken
society. The kindest approach, in the long run, is to let the weak fail. Laissez-faire philoso-
phers acknowledged the value of charity, but more to foster uplifting the soul of the phi-
lanthropist than for aiding the victim. President Herbert Hoover claimed that enterprise
builds society while charity builds character.
All of these ideas and forces had their impact in shaping the American myth. They
were particularly functional to a young, vigorous, and expanding country whose growth
left many casualties, from the indigenous Native Americans to enslaved African Americans,
as well as the working poor and the waves of immigrants in each generation.
It is not our intent here to try to counter the arguments of these philosophies. They
are discussed further in Chapters 2 and 3. Many Americans reject them on face value, but
many others believe them. It is suggested that we live in a welfare society, and “they” are
expected to be able to do something about our social problems, finding approval in some
quarters and indignation in others. Most Americans believe the destitute should be helped.
But so deep and pervasive in the American psyche is the philosophy of individual responsi-
bility and competition17 that we still find ourselves, in many overt and subtle ways, repeating
the patterns that belong to ideologies many have long since rejected. Many others believe
these ideologies are true and best for each of us and for the nation.

Balancing Individual and Societal Responsibilities

An overemphasis on individual causation (personal troubles are mainly a result of personal
failures) can be harmful; similarly refusing to recognize “public issues” that must be dealt
with can be equally destructive. Some forces are beyond the control or influence of any
individual. Nonetheless, an emphasis on personal responsibility for one’s situation regard-
less of the context and structural factors in society is very much alive and very much with
us. In fact, this deeply ingrained value judgment and perception is rather ubiquitous and is
found often where least expected. For example, Peggy Say, the sister of Terry A. Anderson,
who had been snatched off the streets of Beirut and held captive in Lebanon for many
years, reported, “I won’t tell him of the accusation that ‘he shouldn’t have been there in
the first place.’”18 Every important social problem—crime, mental illness, civil disorder,
8 Chapter One

unemployment, child abuse, health care, slum housing—has been analyzed within the
framework of the responsibility of the individual. Those who experience the problem are
poorly motivated, lack information, have the wrong characteristics, have poor judgment,
or are not acculturated.
What are some of the reasons we shift responsibility from community and society
entirely to the individual? To do so serves certain purposes. It makes us feel superior;
it allows us to express our hostilities toward relatively safe objects. It also separates and
distances us from those in need and allows us subtly to defend the status quo in regard
to the poor.
The sector of the economy, the degree of unionization, the geographic part of the coun-
try one resides in—all these and other factors, as we shall see in greater detail in Chapter 8—
affect one’s well-being. Events in distant locations can have enormous implications for per-
sons and families, events over which, in this interdependent world, we often have little, if
any, control.

Human Rights, Social Justice, Social Work,

and Social Welfare
According to the Code of Ethics of the National Association of Social Workers (NASW),
the primary mission of the social work profession is “to enhance human well-being and
help meet the basic human needs of all people, with particular attention to the needs and
empowerment of people who are vulnerable, oppressed, and living in poverty.”
The mission is based in a set of core values integral to the practice of social work.
Among these values is social justice, a value expressed through this ethical principle: Social
workers challenge social injustice. The code understands social injustice as being reflected
in social conditions:
Social workers pursue social change, particularly with and on behalf of vulnerable
and oppressed individuals and groups of people. Social workers’ social change efforts
are focused primarily on issues of poverty, unemployment, discrimination, and other
forms of social injustice.
The social justice value and its underlying ethical principle are further developed in the
code’s ethical standards:
Social workers should promote the general welfare of society, from local to global levels,
and the development of people, their communities, and their environments. Social
workers should advocate for living conditions conducive to the fulfillment of basic human
needs and should promote social, economic, political, and cultural values and institu-
tions that are compatible with the realization of social justice. (Code, 6.01)
Social workers should engage in social and political action that seeks to ensure
that all people have equal access to the resources, employment, services, and
opportunities they require to meet their basic human needs and to develop fully.
(Code, 6.04)
At first glance, the concept of social justice seems simple, easily grasped, and readily
apparent to all persons, finding broad agreement. But is it? There is no one agreed-on
definition of social justice. What is social justice? What is the “general welfare” of society
and how is it measured? To whom is primary responsibility owed? When a resource is
in short supply and cannot be provided to every needy person, how does one choose
recipients? How can one choose among several disadvantaged groups? To what extent
Socioeconomic Structure, Human Needs, and Mutual Responsibility 9

should one group be deprived so that the general society is better off at least to a certain
degree? Under what circumstances can global needs take priority over the needs of the
local community? What are the basic human needs, and how does one know when they
are fulfilled?19
A simple answer to all these questions might follow jazz great Louis “Satchmo”
Armstrong’s approach. When he was asked by a young woman to explain jazz music, he
responded: “There are some people that if they don’t know, you can’t tell them,” thus sug-
gesting that one has to find the concept apparent at first view; otherwise, one won’t ever
get it. Using the Armstrong method, Miller described social justice as “how the good and
bad things in life should be distributed among the members of a human society.” When
a policy or state of affairs is attacked, critics are “claiming that a person or a category
of people enjoys fewer advantages than they ought to enjoy (or bears more of the bur-
dens than they ought to bear) given how other members of the society in question are

Beliefs about Social Justice

Some people concerned with social justice hold that historical inequities, insofar as they
affect current injustice, should be corrected so that actual inequities no longer exist.
There should be a redistribution of wealth, power, and status for the good of individuals,
communities, and society. It is the government’s responsibility (or those who hold suf-
ficient power) to ensure a basic quality of life for all citizens. On the other hand, critics
may believe that to favor one group over another is inherently unjust. Those who are
successful according to the standards of the society should not be penalized by being
compelled to support those who are not. Personal liberty is more important than gov-
ernment social policies (an idea shared by many supporters of social justice). Social jus-
tice is expensive social engineering that can only fail or create additional and different
There may be consensus (more or less) among social workers as to the meaning of
social justice. Nevertheless, people’s assumptions and views about social justice can differ,
as we’ve seen. Consequently, there may be agreement about the term social justice at a high
level of generality, but what happens when we begin to examine the term more closely and
from different perspectives?
Indeed, there are divisions in American society about values—among other issues—
concerning euthanasia, the right to die, human cloning, abortion, same-sex marriage, and
the respective responsibilities of individuals, families, and governments. In addition, im-
migrant, racial, generational, religious, sexual orientation, and ethnic and cultural groups,
among others, can clash over values.
Should society sit by when people are starving in our nation? What if it is not a ques-
tion of starvation but of a nutritionally adequate diet? Is everyone entitled to a decent
minimum of health care? What is a decent minimum of health care? Should all citizens
be helped to meet their basic needs? What are the basic needs of people? What about il-
legal immigrants? Should their needs be met? What about criminals and those who have
harmed other people? What is a decent minimally adequate standard of living?

The Social Minimum: The Standard for Social Justice

Those persons trying to understand the concept of social justice can disagree about what
constitutes the social minimum. What is the exact nature of a social minimum? What
assumptions and rationale support the idea of a social minimum? What justifications can
10 Chapter One

be offered to support the enactment of a social minimum in a society? All these questions
are the subject of debate and argument, and the answers one provides depend on many fac-
tors, including values.
White defined a social minimum as “that bundle of resources in the circumstances
of a given society which enable someone to lead a minimally decent life.”22 What is the
nature of that “bundle,” and what is a “minimally decent life”? Second, what policies and
institutions can serve to secure reasonable access to this social minimum for all members
of society?
One way of approaching these questions is to identify a set of necessary human capabili-
ties and activities. Nussbaum, among others, believed we can identify a set of vital activities
so critical that they define a life which is truly human. She defined the following capabilities
or activities as those that are central to human functioning in the world:
Life. Being able to live to the end of a human life of normal length; not dying prema-
turely, or before one’s life is so reduced as to be not worth living.
Bodily Health. Being able to have good health, including reproductive health; to be
adequately nourished; to have adequate shelter.
Bodily Integrity. Being able to move freely from place to place; to be secure against
violent assault, including sexual assault and domestic violence; having opportunities
for sexual satisfaction and for choice in matters of reproduction.
Senses, Imagination, and Thought. Being able to use the senses, to imagine, think,
and reason, and to do these things in a “truly human” way, a way informed and culti-
vated by an adequate education.
Emotions. Being able to have attachments to things and people outside ourselves; to
love those who love and care for us, to grieve at their absence; in general, to love, to
grieve, to experience longing, gratitude, and justified anger.
Practical Reason. Being able to form a conception of the good and to engage in criti-
cal reflection about the planning of one’s life. This entails protection for the liberty of
Affiliation. Being able to live with and toward others, to recognize and show concern
for other human beings, to engage in various forms of social interaction. Having the
social bases of self-respect and non-humiliation; being able to be treated as a dignified
being whose worth is equal to that of others. This entails protections against discrimi-
nation on the basis of race, sex, religion, caste, ethnicity, or national origin. The capa-
bility for love and friendship.
Other Species. Being able to live with concern for and in relation to animals, plants,
and the world of nature.
Play. Being able to laugh, to play, to enjoy recreational activities.
Control Over One’s Environment. Political. Being able to participate effectively in
political choices that govern one’s life; having the right of political participation, pro-
tections of free speech and association. Material. Being able to hold property (both
land and movable goods); having the right to seek employment on an equal basis with
others; having the freedom from unwarranted search and seizure.23
The point of the suggested list is to create a list that people from many different tradi-
tions, with many different and fuller conceptions of the “good,” can agree on as the nec-
essary basis for pursuing a good life. The list is deliberately general but refers to a life
comprising full human functioning and whose human dignity is not violated by hunger,
Socioeconomic Structure, Human Needs, and Mutual Responsibility 11

fear, or the absence of opportunity. According to Nussbaum, these attributes deserve

the same social protection that rights such as political participation and equal employ-
ment receive.
No list such as Nussbaum’s can avoid disagreement. There are many such lists, and there
are frequent value differences among them. For example, Doyal and Gough include in their
list of needs security in childhood and safe childbearing (the lowest possible maternal and
infant mortality rate).24 In regard to Nussbaum’s list, does being human really require “the
capability for connection with nature and other species”? Must you have some sense of con-
nection with animals or a sense of wonder when standing at the rim of the Grand Canyon to
be considered fully human? One can quibble over such matters, but the establishment of a
list helps us to better understand and consider what social justice might be.
However, another serious issue has to be considered regarding the social minimum.
The “bundle of resources” that makes a life human—a minimal standard of living or the
social minimum—is defined by the circumstances of a person’s society. To what extent is
the social minimum dependent on the general standards of living in one’s society? Does
this mean the social minimum in a wealthy society should be higher than in poorer societ-
ies? Is poverty a matter of absolute or relative income or wealth? What if a poor person’s
income remains constant with inflation but the incomes and wealth of those more well-off
are moving ahead by leaps and bounds? As the reader will see in Chapter 8, wealth in-
equality is large and increasing with a growing concentration of wealth at the top income
levels. It has been suggested that the poor are better off in the United States than in many
other nations. If that is true, what does criticism of the growing gap in income and wealth
between those who are wealthy and those who are poorer imply? Does this represent con-
fusion between poverty and inequality or an unacknowledged assumption about inequality
in general?
Leading a life without shame with a social minimum in any society is related to one’s
self-respect and sense of dignity. Self-respect depends on a person’s ability to maintain a
lifestyle that is sufficiently similar to his or her fellow citizens and that enables him or her
to participate in the life of his or her community. From this perspective, disabled persons
and families with children need more and poor families should be able to afford transpor-
tation, appropriate clothing, and family vacations, among other resources. Poorer persons
look inferior, and start to feel inferior, if they do not share the common experiences of their
society. One view is that it is crucial for families to have access to experiences common to
their neighbors, rather than money alone.25 A social minimum for income and wealth will
be examined in some detail in Chapter 7. In a society such as ours—the wealthiest in the
world—what should the social minimum be?

The NASW Standard: Equal Access and Rights

The NASW standard cited earlier (6.04) suggested that social justice is achieved when
“all people have equal access to the resources, employment, services, and opportunities
they require to meet their basic human needs and to develop fully.” Kallen approached
this issue from a human rights perspective and distilled from international human rights
documents a threefold theme: (1) The right of all human beings to participate in the
shaping of decisions affecting themselves and the broader society (freedom to decide);
(2) reasonable access to the economic resources that make participation possible (equal-
ity/equity of opportunity); and (3) affirmation of the essential human worth and dignity
of every person, regardless of individual qualities and/or group membership (dignity of
12 Chapter One

Toward the Social Minimum

In our society today, many disparities and contradictions hamper the achievement of the
rights cited previously and the attainment by all of a social minimum. The Preamble to
the U.S. Constitution suggests, among other activities, that we are to “promote the gen-
eral welfare” of all citizens. Yet in regard to the achievement of a broader general welfare,
many in our society lack resources. For example, our educational systems leave much to
be desired; racial, gender, ethnic, religious, sexual orientation, and other prejudices and
discrimination continue; many persons lack access to health care; issues exist about labor
fairness; there are problems regarding violence and safety, as well as child, domestic, and
elder abuse; voting rights have come under attack in recent elections; unemployment leaves
many without productive employment; many go without sufficient and appropriate housing;
some citizens do live in toxic environments; and there are many who although conscientious
and determined still lack sufficient income for their families, while “the richest are leaving
even the rich far behind.”

Equality of Opportunity
Equality of opportunity plays an important part in the search for distributive justice,
the allocation of the benefits and burdens of economic activity. The central question is,
Under what conditions is the distribution of liberties, opportunities, and goods that society
makes available to persons just or morally fair? The distribution is just and fair if it
satisfies the norm of equality of opportunity. This requires that unchosen inequalities
(matters imposed on an individual in ways that he could not have influenced or con-
trolled) be eliminated and that inequalities that arise from choices of individuals given
equal initial conditions and a fair framework for interaction should not be eliminated or
reduced. This is the concept of a “level playing field.” Justice requires leveling the play-
ing field by making everyone’s opportunities equal and then letting individual choices
and their effects dictate further outcomes.27 The ideal is a society in which people do not
suffer disadvantage from discrimination on grounds such as race, ethnicity, religion, sex,
and sexual orientation. One can understand this ideal as morally right in and of itself.
Or, one can understand that excluding persons, for example, women from the labor force
makes markets function less efficiently and can result in the loss of valuable talents so-
cially and economically.
The equality of opportunity is key. Richard Wilkinson and Kate Pickett, British public
health researchers, found that greater equality makes societies stronger.28 They suggest
that it has long been known that poor health and violence are more common in more
unequal societies. However, they studied internationally other social problems and found
they were more common in more unequal societies. The list included: level of trust, men-
tal illness (including drug and alcohol addiction), life expectancy and infant mortality,
obesity, children’s educational performance, teenage births, homicides, imprisonment
rates, and social mobility (not included for the United States). For example, inequality is
associated with lower life expectancy, higher rates of infant mortality, poor self-reported
health, low birthweight, AIDS, and depression (2009). Social mobility (moving up or
down the social ladder) is lower in more unequal countries. Homicides are more common
in more unequal societies. Among the nations studied were Australia, Austria, Belgium,
Canada, Denmark, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Ireland, Italy, Japan, Netherlands,
New Zealand, Norway, Portugal, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, United Kingdom, and the
United States.
Socioeconomic Structure, Human Needs, and Mutual Responsibility 13

Views of Social Welfare

As we proceed in this book, the reader will see that there are many different assumptions
and perspectives about social welfare—what it is and what it should be in a society. Is the
role of social welfare to be limited to dealing with the dysfunctions of a free (laissez-faire)
economy, or is it to work toward social justice and equity and a sense of fair play within a
relatively free market economy? As we shall see, there are essentially two basic positions
that will be explored in greater depth in later chapters. The first view, which has gained in
popularity over the past few decades, suggests the market is good for almost everything and
most problems can be better solved by market mechanisms than through governmental ac-
tions. In this view, there should be a minimum of government intervention. Individuals
and families should have a high degree of responsibility for themselves. When individuals
and families cannot deal with their problems, there should be limited state intervention.
However, close observation of those who publicly espouse this ideology often reveals that
they do believe in government intervention when it serves their purposes.
The second point of view suggests government has a role to play when there is a need
for it. The question concerns when the need arises. This perspective is exemplified by Les-
ter Ward (American sociologist) and by John Stuart Mill (English philosopher). Ward sug-
gested that without constraints, liberty and happiness are impossible. True individualism
seeks to maximize personal liberty but to do so requires some governmental restraints;29
laissez-faire at the extreme is incoherent and futile. Quoting Mill, Goodin stated:
Energy and self-dependence are . . . liable to be impaired by the absence of help, as
well as by its excess. It is even more fatal to exertion to have no hope of succeeding
by it, than to be assured of succeeding without it. When the condition of anyone is so
disastrous that his energies are paralyzed by discouragement, assistance is a tonic, not
a sedative.30
In succeeding chapters, the reader can follow the development of social welfare, in-
cluding who enjoys advantages and who carries undue burdens, and how the social justice
theme has played out over the centuries. In Chapter 7, we will return to an examination of
the reasons and arguments in favor of a social minimum by persons representing different
philosophical points of view. We also will introduce in that chapter the arguments against a
social minimum. The reader will be asked to decide then whether a social minimum is jus-
tified and, if so, what it should be. Finally, in Chapter 15, we will examine in detail several
issues concerning social justice: children and the effects of poverty; veterans of Iraq and
Afghanistan; elder abuse; globalization, privatization, socially just services, and the future
of social welfare; and the baby boom generation and the choices before us.

The Authors’ Perspective

The reader deserves to know something more about the biases of the authors. We move
from multiple perspectives:
1. Many problems faced by people in our society are largely caused by the institutional
structure of society and not by people’s own inadequacies or actions.
2. Although societal structures impact on individuals, people ultimately are respon-
sible for their actions and behavior, if not for their fates. There is free will within the
boundaries of the opportunities available, boundaries that are defined by both objec-
tive and subjective realities.
14 Chapter One

3. Social policies and programs can have a profoundly positive influence on society.
4. Private troubles and public issues are interrelated. Private troubles are embedded in
public issues, and public issues are often embedded in private troubles.

All of these perspectives are important. Because of the circumstances in which people
are born and raised, there are different obstacles and opportunities confronting each indi-
vidual. There are unequal capacities among people, and there are oppressive social forces.
We do not deny these factors as part of the reality that confronts each individual in re-
lation to his or her own responsibility. Moreover, people are sometimes so incapacitated
that their impairment makes it impossible for them to control their own actions; therefore,
they do not have a full measure of responsibility. These exceptions and external forces cre-
ate dilemmas for human beings, but, it seems to us, we must hold people responsible for
their actions precisely because such a claim upon them maintains their very humanity and
dignity. The question is this: To what extent are people really human without assuming
responsibility for their actions?
If one is human, one is deserving of faith in ultimate worth, in capacity to grow. But
being human implies being responsible for one’s acts in spite of adversity. There is a
patronizing element in portraying vandals as social revolutionaries, and there is racism
in suggesting that any group cannot be expected to live up to standards for responsible
We believe that poverty and other social problems derive largely from the institu-
tional arrangements of the society in which we live. These arrangements result from an
interplay between philosophical beliefs, such as those that have been reviewed here, and
the demands of our society. These factors are structural in the society and not simply the
byplay of individuals with equal opportunity making their demands felt in a free-market
economy. From the tax structure, which is much less progressive than it was in recent decades,
to the availability of social services and supports, to the punishments meted out by the
penal system, we observe vast inequalities in how people are treated by society. There is a
kind of “welfare” for the wealthy and for large industries not available to the poor. It is our
point of view, therefore, that solutions to social problems must be sought mainly in insti-
tutional and structural arrangements rather than in the rehabilitation of vast numbers of
sick, disturbed, or uncultured people. Although we believe that individuals may need and
deserve individual services, the greatest help will come to the most people through insti-
tutional change such as quality education, job creation, improved housing, and equitable
health services.
Recent rhetoric from the highest levels of the U.S. government portrayed government
as the enemy of social progress, ignoring the impact of societal structure. That rhetoric
suggests that government programs can only make problems worse; it is the voluntary
efforts of people in local communities that can really make a difference. There have been
poor government programs and exciting local voluntary programs, but this basic proposi-
tion is essentially false. Major and massive social problems have, throughout our history,
been amenable to amelioration only through major government efforts, including the
application of fiscal resources. From the Social Security system to Medicare to any number
of other significant programs, changes and improvements in the social system have come
about through major public efforts, most often national—not local.
We live in a highly complex, postindustrial society in which we are all very interdepen-
dent. We are not the mythological self-reliant, autonomous, and independent beings we are
led to believe constitute the highest order; we are, in fact, integrally dependent on others.
We cannot all repair automobiles, build roads, grow corn, and teach ourselves, and we are
Socioeconomic Structure, Human Needs, and Mutual Responsibility 15

deeply dependent on others who are, in turn, dependent on our own specialized skills and
We also believe there is an alternative reading of evolution, which leads us to coopera-
tion and survival. In nature there is competition, but there is also cooperation. There is
selfishness, but there is also mutual aid and self-sacrifice. Contrary to the argument put
forth by the social Darwinists with which we began this chapter,
animals . . . are strikingly unselfish, particularly with their own species—giving
warning of predators, sharing food, grooming others to remove parasites, adopting
orphans, fighting without killing or even injuring their adversaries. They work duti-
fully for their communities instead of being hard-bitten, self-seeking individualists.31
However, the fact that altruism is natural does not mean it is inevitable. Altruism is
in keen competition with other values and has not been socially nurtured in recent U.S.
history. Altruistic behavior depends on social structures within which we live. It is neither
essential nor a universal characteristic of human nature, and the structural choices our society
makes either support or undermine altruistic behaviors.32
We see the poor as the outcome of imperfect systems. We believe this is not the only
choice in society and that other options are available. Finally, we suggest that the middle
class is also injured by structural factors. Although economically less disadvantaged, the
middle class, too, is caught in a snare of individualism run rampant, in which blame for
personal misfortune is self-directed. Members of the middle class, often ineligible for
public welfare programs and unable to pay for private assistance, frequently believe that
their problems, too, are the result of individual failure: “If we were really equal to the
task, all things would be possible. Whatever our difficulties, they are the result of our
failures.” The overreaction to this belief system, the other side of the coin, is the tendency
among some contemporary groups to deny their own humanity, to disclaim respon-
sibility for their behavior, to despair of achieving progress when “they” don’t respond
immediately to a political campaign, or to retreat to utopias and inactivity. This is a kind
of self-victimization.
It is clear U.S. society has several predominant values in regard to social welfare, some-
times conflicting and always interdependent. An emphasis on self-reliance, individual
responsibility, and social Darwinism are strong currents in American thought. However,
U.S. society is also influenced by the value of mutual aid, the ideal of equal opportunity,
and the “second chance” philosophy.
Our social welfare system, as we will see, has been profoundly affected by the English
Poor Laws. Even so, when the pain is distributed broadly enough in our society, Americans
begin to think more in terms of improving society than of “we” and “them.”
There are several strong themes in social welfare. For example, Americans suspend
their judgmental values about persons with problems on the basis of human tragedies,
especially widespread disasters that affect persons across the board and also in regard to
special categories of persons, such as war veterans. We do suggest, however, that an em-
phasis on individual responsibility is a crucial perspective that is unduly influential in U.S.
society. A major thesis of this book is that values inform social welfare, and this theme will
be explored as we proceed.
Even though we believe that all persons in the United States are entitled to the
inalienable rights provided by the Constitution, they are entitled not on the basis of their
problematic situations but simply because they are human. We do not believe individu-
als should have to demonstrate how beaten down they are before government interven-
tion helps them out. Similarly, we do not believe that groups should have to contest with
16 Chapter One

each other over how persecuted they have been in order to qualify for necessary benefits
and resources. The basic question is, How can U.S. society ensure equal rights and equal
opportunities for all? Thus, we see societal values as having profoundly affected the social
structure in the United States, particularly in social welfare. We see humans, however
imperfectly, as being capable of adopting more humane values and of structuring a more
humane society.

In Chapter 1, we introduced the ideas of self-reliance and individual responsibility as driv-
ing forces in U.S. social welfare and suggested the importance of societal structures as they
impact on our lives. We briefly defined social welfare and social work; explored the American
myth of the hero; and introduced intellectual, scientific, religious, and socioeconomic
factors contributing to the state of U.S. social welfare. Finally, we introduced the authors’
perspectives. Students and readers are entitled to know our perspectives because of the
importance we assign to values as determinants of each person’s and our society’s views
regarding social welfare. We hope readers will be encouraged to consider how values play a
part in determining how our society deals with social welfare.
We turn now to Chapter 2, in which we review the relationship of perspectives on
human nature in any society and the approach the society takes to welfare. Early history
and examples of social welfare practices over time will be explored.
Electronic information sources are growing in importance. In the Appendix, you will
find sources of information and a timeline of significant social welfare events that you can
use to enrich your learning.

Questions for Consideration

1. Can you identify problems and issues that seem to be caused more by societal struc-
tures than by individual responsibility?
2. What is your professional view about the concept of social justice? What are your
thoughts about the NASW Code’s statements about social justice?
3. Do you think the social minimum is complete and correct? If not, how would you
change it?
4. Before you have read further in this book, what do you believe social welfare is?
5. What are your reactions to the values expressed in the authors’ perspective?
Another random document with
no related content on Scribd:
Art. 2.—Sont approuvés les Statuts susvisés, dont un original demeurera
annexé à la minute du présent; aucune modification ne pourra être apportée à ces
Statuts sans avoir été au préalable approuvée par l’Administration.
Art. 3.—Ampliation du présent arrêté sera adressée à M. le Sous-Préfet
d’Arles, chargé de la notifier au Président, M. Mistral, à Maillane, sur papier timbré
de 1 fr. 80, et d’en assurer l’exécution.

Marseille, le 4 mai 1877.

Pour expédition conforme:
Pour le préfet des Bouches-du-Rhône
en tournée de revision:
Le Secrétaire Général délégué,
Signé: A. Payelle.
Pour copie conforme:
Le Secrétaire Général,
A. Payelle.
Pour le Sous-Préfet:
Le Conseiller d’arrondissement délégué,
Signé: Emile Fassin.
Pour copie certifiée conforme:
Le Maire de Maillane,

Ce chapitre serait incomplet, si nous ne donnions la

nomenclature des Capouliés ou Grands Maîtres du Félibrige de
Le premier en date fut Mistral; vinrent ensuite Roumanille et Félix
Gras. Ce dernier, qu’une mort imprévue vient d’enlever à l’affection
de tous, a eu pour successeur M. Pierre Devoluy. Le nouveau
Capoulié, capitaine du génie, fait partie de cette série de poètes-
soldats, comme Florian, La Tour d’Auvergne et les anciens
troubadours, qui, la plume sur l’oreille et l’épée à la main,
s’élançaient à l’assaut des forteresses sarrasines et contaient
ensuite les prouesses des croisés en des dithyrambes qui les ont
Arles: Cloître de Saint-Trophime.

C’est à Arles la Romaine qu’a eu lieu l’élection, sous la

présidence de F. Mistral. Les concurrents de l’élu étaient au nombre
de cinq, et tous avaient des titres sérieux à cette distinction; c’étaient
MM. Arnavielle, le baron Guilibert, Astruc, de Berluc-Pérussis et
Alphonse Tavan; les suffrages se portèrent sur M. Pierre Devoluy,
qui n’en a triomphé qu’avec plus d’éclat.
Le nouveau Capoulié, de son vrai nom Pierre Groslong, est
surtout connu dans le monde des lettres sous son pseudonyme
Pierre Devoluy. Jeune, ardent, actif, le Félibrige, avec lui, entrera
dans une période de travail pratique, et l’éclosion d’œuvres
magnifiques devra marquer son passage au Capouliérat. Auteur de
l’Histoire nationale de la Provence et du Midi, couronnée aux Jeux
Floraux septennaux d’Arles en 1899, il avait donné précédemment,
en 1892, toute une série de poèmes français, sous le titre de Bois
ton sang.
Né en 1862, à Châtillon, dans la Drôme, le successeur du
regretté Félix Gras appartient comme ce dernier à la grande famille
républicaine. Son père, après le 2 décembre, fut enfermé, avec le
père de Maurice Faure, dans la tour de Crest, de funeste mémoire.
Plus tard, à l’Ecole Polytechnique, il se rencontra avec Cazemajou,
qui devait mourir massacré dans cette malheureuse expédition de
Binder, où le sang français rougit à nouveau cette mystérieuse terre
d’Afrique. Cazemajou était Provençal et c’est dans leur dialecte natal
que s’entretenaient les deux amis, prenant plaisir, devant les
camarades du Nord, à renouveler par des plaisanteries cordiales ou
des gamineries les luttes du temps de la fameuse croisade contre
les Albigeois. Le sentiment littéraire, l’amour des lettres qui étaient
innés chez le jeune polytechnicien ne firent que s’affirmer par la
fréquentation d’un compatriote. Cazemajou lui rappelait la Provence,
il lui apportait comme un reflet du pays natal. Aussi peut-on dire que
cette liaison fut, pour le futur capitaine du génie, admirateur des
œuvres de Mistral, la cause déterminante qui le fit s’engager dans
cette voie de la poésie où les idées s’épanouissent comme des
fleurs, où les sentiments sont l’expression la plus pure du cœur
humain. Chose curieuse à constater: sa vocation se produisit dans le
milieu le plus défavorable, dans une école qui, par son
enseignement et le but de ses études, semblait l’atmosphère la
moins propice à l’éclosion des germes poétiques. Les garnisons du
Nord exercèrent un moment leur influence calmante sur le cerveau
enfiévré de l’enfant du Midi; mais il suffit d’un retour vers la Côte
d’Azur pour que son âme s’ouvrît comme une fleur au soleil de
A partir de ce moment, le Félibrige compta un membre de plus.
Les études en prose et en vers qu’il publia alors, soit dans l’Aioli, soit
dans diverses revues provençales, attirèrent sur lui l’attention des
Majoraux et le signalèrent à leurs suffrages. Les félicitations que le
Félibrige de Paris lui adressa lors de sa nomination et la réponse si
chaude et si cordiale qui lui fut faite doivent resserrer le lien qui unit
les deux Sociétés, comme deux sœurs marchant la main dans la
main vers le même but et avec les mêmes sentiments. Pour obtenir
cet heureux résultat, le nouveau Capoulié n’aura qu’à s’inspirer de
l’exemple de son éminent prédécesseur, qui considéra les deux
Sociétés comme deux forces dont l’union nécessaire doit amener la
réalisation de nos vœux les plus chers pour notre beau pays et la
gloire de la patrie française. Les Félibres de Paris, qui ont déjà pu
apprécier les mérites de M. Pierre Devoluy et subi l’influence de son
charme, ne lui ménageront ni leur concours ni leur sympathie.
Nous ne pourrions mieux terminer ce chapitre consacré au
Félibrige de Provence qu’en citant comme un de ses plus dévoués
collaborateurs le sympathique chancelier, Paul Mariéton, directeur
de la Revue Félibréenne aujourd’hui si répandue et si estimée aussi
bien à Paris que dans le Midi.

[31] D’où son titre de Père des Félibres.
[32] M. Mariéton, dans son ouvrage: la Terre provençale (Paris,
Lemerre), cite cette observation sur l’importance du nombre 7 à
Avignon comme ayant été faite par un voyageur hollandais, qui visita
cette ville au commencement du XVIIIe siècle.
[33] Estelle, en provençal, signifie étoile.
[34] Voir, à ce sujet, les discours qu’il a prononcés comme
capoulié du Félibrige aux banquets de Sainte-Estelle (Armana
prouvençaù, 1877).
[35] Nous sommes de la grande France, franchement et
[36] Voir, sur cette question, notre brochure sur l’Utilisation des
idiomes du Midi pour l’enseignement du français (Paris, Le Soudier,
J’aime mon village plus que ton village;
J’aime ma Provence plus que ta province;
J’aime la France plus que tout.
Epigraphe des œuvres de Félix Gras (Avignon,
Roumanille, 1876).
[38] Traduction française, d’après le texte provençal (Jourdanne,
Histoire du Félibrige; Avignon, Roumanille).

Les Provençaux à Paris après 1870.—Leur groupement.—Création de la première

société méridionale.—La Cigale.—Le mouvement littéraire félibréen et la
fondation du félibrige de Paris.—Son programme.—Ses statuts.

Le mouvement félibréen se propageait avec trop de rapidité dans

le Midi pour n’avoir pas bientôt sa répercussion à Paris. Après 1871,
les Méridionaux, dont l’émigration vers la capitale avait été restreinte
jusque-là à de moindres proportions que celles des autres
provinciaux, ne purent résister à l’impulsion générale qui, à partir de
cette époque, y fit affluer non seulement les étrangers, mais aussi
les habitants des départements les plus éloignés. Bientôt leur
nombre fut assez considérable, et, parmi ceux qui s’y établirent, on
remarqua surtout des littérateurs, des hommes politiques, des
peintres, des sculpteurs et autres artistes qui venaient y chercher la
consécration de leurs talents respectifs. Emportés dans le
mouvement sans cesse croissant de la vie parisienne, perdus dans
la foule affairée et haletante, les Méridionaux, sans cesser
d’apprécier les mérites de leur nouvelle résidence, n’avaient pas
oublié le clocher natal, et le pieux souvenir de la petite patrie était
demeuré intact dans leur cœur. De là leur désir de se connaître, de
se rapprocher, afin de retrouver dans cette union comme un reflet de
la Provence. Le moment le plus favorable pour grouper toutes les
intelligences qui représentaient avec le plus d’autorité la langue, les
mœurs et les usages du Midi parut donc être arrivé, et ce fut
Maurice Faure, inconnu alors, célèbre aujourd’hui, qui devint le
promoteur du projet. Partageant ses idées et son enthousiasme, le
peintre Eugène Baudouin, qui avait emporté sur sa palette les tons
chauds et colorés des fleurs et du ciel de son pays, et Xavier de
Ricard, gentilhomme de lettres, s’étaient joints à l’inspirateur de cette
fraternelle et patriotique pensée. Ardents, infatigables, jeunes tous
trois, pleins de confiance dans l’avenir, ils virent bientôt accourir
autour d’eux les membres les plus distingués de la colonie
provençale. On y remarquait Amédée Pichot, le poète Méry, Adolphe
Dumas, qui valut à Mistral l’admiration et l’amitié de Lamartine,
Moquin-Tandon et bien d’autres. Amédée Pichot possédait à un si
haut degré le culte de la littérature méridionale qu’il fit construire,
entre Bellevue et Sèvres, une villa qui était un véritable temple élevé
en l’honneur de la muse provençale. Il le fit orner de décorations
céramiques dont l’exécution fut confiée à Balze. Elles représentaient
des scènes du Midi, qu’il ne voulut laisser à personne le soin de
caractériser par des proverbes et des vers provençaux. Tout près de
là, avenue Mélanie, J.-B. Dumas (d’Alais) fit également acte de
félibre en prenant pour devise: Ai fa moun mas; au-dessus de la
porte de la charmante villa qu’il habita jusqu’à sa mort, on peut lire
encore aujourd’hui: Mas J.-B. Dumas. Plus tard, le Félibrige de
Paris, dont nous parlerons bientôt, confia au sculpteur Truphème
l’érection, à Meudon, du buste de Rabelais, en souvenir de son
séjour dans le Midi et des provençalismes dont il sema son œuvre
Arles: Ruines du théâtre romain.

Ce fut ainsi que, d’étape en étape, les Méridionaux de Paris

fondèrent une association qui eut nom la Cigale, d’après l’emblème
des troubadours. Après avoir choisi Henri de Bornier comme
président, ils résolurent de se réunir dans un banquet mensuel, dont
le premier eut lieu en 1875, au Palais-Royal, chez Corraza. Dans
son excellent discours, l’auteur déjà célèbre de la Fille de Roland
donna à l’événement du jour une interprétation qu’il estimait exacte,
en l’élevant à la hauteur des besoins auxquels il répondait, aussi
bien au point de vue de l’art qu’à celui du groupement des intérêts et
des individualités les plus marquantes du Midi. Les premiers
Cigaliers s’étaient-ils réellement tracé un programme si complet,
avaient-ils visé un but si élevé? Évidemment non. Ils ne pouvaient
espérer de cette manifestation que la réalisation d’une partie de
leurs aspirations. Dans leur esprit, la part qui devait être faite à la
rénovation de la langue provençale avait été quelque peu négligée. Il
semble, d’ailleurs, qu’une société composée surtout d’artistes, où les
hommes de lettres et les poètes ne figuraient qu’en infime minorité,
fût peu qualifiée pour s’occuper utilement de littérature, de philologie
et de linguistique. Mais la situation ne tarda pas à se modifier. La
magnifique fête que les Cigaliers offrirent aux Félibres de Provence
à l’Hôtel-Continental, au lendemain de leur réception dans le Midi, et
à l’occasion de l’Exposition de 1878, fut le point de départ d’une
nouvelle organisation. A ce banquet, présidé par Henri de Bornier,
qui, dans une magnifique pièce de vers, salua en Aubanel, en
Roumanille et en Félix Gras[39] les représentants les plus illustres du
Félibrige, M. Bardoux, ministre de l’Instruction publique et des
Beaux-Arts, ne craignit pas de donner aux sociétés méridionales une
consécration officielle. En une improvisation chaude et brillante, il
vanta l’enthousiasme artistique et littéraire dont elles étaient nées,
sans s’arrêter aux polémiques quelquefois injurieuses, toujours
injustes, auxquelles elles avaient donné lieu. C’est à la suite de cette
solennité que Maurice Faure, profitant très habilement de ce
moment d’accalmie, encouragé par les Félibres du Midi qui s’étaient
ralliés à ses idées, projeta la création d’une seconde société
méridionale à Paris.
Avec une foi d’apôtre et une opiniâtreté qui puisait sa force dans
son ardent amour de sa chère Provence, de sa langue si
harmonieuse et si riche, de ses mœurs et de ses usages locaux,
Maurice Faure poussa son entreprise. La Cigale aurait une sœur
qui, tout en conservant l’élément artistique qui y dominait, ferait aux
travaux de philologie provençale et de littérature une part plus large.
Après s’être adjoint A. Duc (dit Ducquercy), Baptiste Bonnet, le
baron de Tourtoulon et le marquis de Villeneuve-Esclapon, Maurice
Faure proposa à ses nouveaux collaborateurs de se réunir chaque
semaine au restaurant Martin, rue Dauphine[40]. Martin était un
cuisinier marseillais qui avait su s’attirer la clientèle de ses
compatriotes en leur offrant les mets de leur pays. On y mangeait la
bouillabaisse, l’aioli, la brandade de morue, la soupo aù fiéla, la
bourrido, les paquets de La Pomme et autres plats locaux, arrosés
des vins exquis de Châteauneuf, de la Nerthe, de Lamalgue, de
Cassis, de l’Ermitage et du Saint-Pérey mousseux, tout comme sur
La Cannebière. Son enseigne était un modèle du genre; libellée en
provençal, elle empruntait au Journal de Mistral son épigraphe:
«Naoutre li boun prouvençau
Aù suffragi universaù
Vautaren per l’ôli
E faren l’aïoli[41].»

S’il est vrai, comme il a été dit, qu’une bonne table n’a pas
toujours été étrangère au succès d’une bonne cause, les Félibres de
Paris doivent avouer que le restaurateur Martin a su, par sa cuisine
exquise, amener à leur société un courant sympathique et bien des
adhérents qui auraient pu l’ignorer s’ils n’avaient été séduits par les
vapeurs embaumées qui s’échappaient de ses casseroles. Le Midi
lui doit d’avoir été, dans la capitale, le propagateur le plus habile de
sa cuisine, aujourd’hui généralement répandue et pour ainsi dire
classique dans certains établissements parisiens.
Dans un de ces banquets où régnait la plus franche gaîté et qui
était comme le rendez-vous des Provençaux, Maurice Faure forma
le noyau embryonnaire du futur Félibrige parisien. Il s’était proposé
de faire naître la nouvelle Société d’une manifestation félibréenne. Il
fut donc convenu que l’on fêterait la Sainte-Estelle, patronne du
Félibrige, en 1879, à Sceaux, en commémoration de la visite des
Félibres en 1878, et aussi comme un rappel de la fête qui leur avait
été offerte à cette occasion à l’Hôtel-Continental.
On s’est souvent demandé pourquoi les Félibres avaient choisi
Sceaux plutôt que tout autre village des environs de Paris. C’est que
Sceaux évoquait le souvenir de Florian, dont les Cigaliers, quoique
indifférents au mouvement félibréen, pouvaient cependant honorer la
mémoire et comme Cévenol et comme fabuliste français. Ce
souvenir formait, entre Cigaliers et Félibres, la base d’une entente
qui leur permettait de se réunir amicalement dans les mêmes
agapes fraternelles, d’y glorifier le Midi en commun, sans changer
leurs programmes respectifs, sans nuire au développement de leurs
aspirations légitimes. Fêter Florian à Sceaux, c’était pour chacun se
placer sur un terrain neutre. Si les Cigaliers préféraient s’exprimer en
français pour honorer la mémoire du fabuliste, les Félibres, en
employant le provençal, rendaient également hommage à l’auteur de
la romance d’Estelle et Némorin:
Ai! savés din voste vilage
Un jouine e tendre pastourel!

A ces raisons, un attrait s’ajoutait encore et militait en faveur de

ce site charmant. Une Société littéraire n’était ni déplacée ni
étrangère sous les ombrages de cette ville de Sceaux qui, sous
Louis XIV, était comme une petite Athènes, avec ses poètes, ses
savants, ses philosophes. Si, par un retour sur le passé, nous
faisons revivre dans notre imagination ce qu’en 1714 on appelait les
Nuits de Sceaux, nous assistons à ces fêtes magnifiques données
par la petite cour de la duchesse du Maine et qui brillèrent d’un éclat
assez vif pour que l’histoire n’ait pas dédaigné de les enregistrer.
Il ne pouvait en être autrement quand Malézieu, l’abbé Genest, le
marquis de Saint-Aulaire (que la duchesse appelait son Apollon et
son berger), le duc de Bourgogne, le maréchal de Polignac, de
Vaubrun, Destouches, Mme de Staal-Delaunay et tant d’autres y
dépensaient leur esprit et leur talent sans compter. Fontenelle lui-
même y fréquenta longtemps et Voltaire y composa Zadig. Enfin, au
point de vue provençal, Sceaux se trouvait rattaché au Félibrige par
le souvenir qu’y laissa Mouret (d’Avignon), comme surintendant de
la musique de la duchesse. Ce fut sous ces arbres centenaires,
dans les bosquets touffus où la rose et le jasmin l’enivraient de leurs
parfums en lui rappelant sa terre natale, qu’il composa la musique
des fameuses Nuits de Sceaux, dont les accords mélodieux firent
retentir les échos de cette demeure princière. Mais il s’affirma
surtout Méridional ardent et Félibre avant le Félibrige lorsque, l’esprit
plein des souvenirs de sa jeunesse, il composa la Provençale,
poème charmant qui eut l’honneur d’être représenté à l’Opéra, où
notre langue fit sa première apparition, accompagnée par des
galoubets et des tambourins. Quel village de la banlieue de Paris
aurait aux yeux des intéressés réuni tant de titres? C’est à bon droit
que les Méridionaux en ont fait le rendez-vous annuel de leur fête
patronale, la Sainte-Estelle.
Le premier banquet félibréen donné à Sceaux eut lieu en 1879. Il
fut présidé par le baron de Tourtoulon, l’historien de Jacques
d’Aragon, le fondateur de la Revue des langues romanes de
Montpellier. Ce président, qui avait précédemment assisté à la
fondation du Félibrige de Provence, rappelait aux convives, par sa
seule présence, les diverses étapes de cette Société, les obstacles
qu’elle avait dû surmonter, les luttes soutenues contre l’hostilité des
uns ou l’indifférence des autres, puis le succès final. Il semblait
également les prévenir que, comme les Félibres de Provence, ils
auraient leurs détracteurs, leurs malveillants et leurs sceptiques.
Mais le but à atteindre est noble: c’est le réveil de tout un passé qui
n’a pas manqué de grandeur, c’est la rénovation d’une langue dont
les œuvres littéraires ont pu inspirer les poètes et les écrivains du
Nord, et, comme l’a dit un académicien[42], marcher de pair avec la
poésie française, «la France étant assez riche pour se payer deux
A la suite de ce banquet, la Société des Félibres de Paris
(Soucieta felibrenco de Paris) se trouva constituée par les sept
membres fondateurs suivants:
Maurice Faure, publiciste, fonctionnaire;
J.-B. Amy, sculpteur;
P. Grivolas, peintre;
Ducquercy, homme de lettres;
B. Bonnet, qui devait plus tard nous donner Vido d’infan;
J. Bauquier, romanisant émérite, archiviste paléographe;
Louis Gleize, poète provençal, qui réussit également bien en
français, auteur de la chanson Mireille et mes amours, un des
grands succès des concerts.
Le programme et les statuts de la Société furent approuvés par le
Gouvernement. Nous allons les reproduire fidèlement, comme nous
l’avons fait pour ceux du Félibrige de Provence.




Article premier.—Sous le titre de «Société des Félibres de Paris (Soucieta

felibrenco de Paris)», il est créé, à Paris, une Association ayant pour objet
d’étudier le Midi de la France dans ses idiomes, ses beaux-arts, ses traditions, son
histoire; de seconder la renaissance littéraire de la langue d’Oc, et de contribuer
ainsi à l’accroissement des richesses intellectuelles de la patrie française.
Art. 2.—La Société s’interdit de toucher aux questions politiques, religieuses
et philosophiques.
Art. 3.—Elle manifeste son action par des réunions périodiques, des
assemblées générales, des fêtes, des concours, des publications ayant trait aux
dialectes méridionaux, etc.
Art. 4.—La Société se compose de Membres titulaires, de Membres
correspondants et de Membres associés.
Les Membres titulaires ne peuvent dépasser le nombre de cinquante.
Les Correspondants sont les Membres titulaires qui ont cessé de résider au
Siège de la Société. Pendant leur séjour à Paris, ils peuvent assister aux réunions
périodiques, avec les mêmes droits que les membres titulaires.
Les Membres associés, dont le nombre n’est pas limité, sont choisis parmi les
amis du Félibrige qui veulent encourager par leur concours la Société des Félibres
de Paris. Ils sont convoqués de droit aux Assemblées générales et aux fêtes
organisées par l’Association. Ils jouissent des mêmes réductions que les titulaires
et les correspondants sur le prix des publications de la Société.
Il peut être créé des Membres honoraires.
Art. 5.—L’élection des Membres titulaires et associés est faite au scrutin
secret par les Membres titulaires.
Tout candidat doit être présenté par deux Membres titulaires au moins, et
adhérer au but poursuivi par la Société en affirmant sa ferme intention de
s’associer à ses efforts.
L’élection n’est valable que si la candidature a été régulièrement annoncée
dans une séance antérieure à celle où le scrutin doit être ouvert.
Trois voix opposantes, quel que soit le nombre des votants, suffisent pour
entraîner obligatoirement le rejet de la candidature proposée.
Tout titulaire nouvellement élu doit, dans la première réunion à laquelle il
assiste, répondre par un discours en langue d’Oc aux paroles de bienvenue que
lui adresse un Membre désigné par le Bureau.

Art. 6.—Les ressources de la Société se composent des cotisations de ses
Membres, du produit des publications et des libéralités dont elle peut être l’objet.
La cotisation annuelle est fixée à 10 francs pour les Membres titulaires, les
correspondants et les associés, à 20 francs pour les Membres honoraires.
Un compte rendu financier est présenté, chaque année, par le Bureau, dans
une Assemblée générale à laquelle tous les Sociétaires sont convoqués.
Les fonds provenant des cotisations ou autres, constituant les ressources de la
Société, ne peuvent être affectés qu’à des dépenses d’administration ou de


Art. 7.—Les Membres titulaires sont exclusivement chargés de

l’Administration de la Société.
Le Bureau se compose d’un Président, de trois Vice-Présidents, d’un Trésorier
et de deux Secrétaires.
Art. 8.—Les Membres du Bureau sont pris parmi les Membres titulaires; ils
sont élus par ces derniers, pour un an, au scrutin secret, à la majorité absolue des
suffrages exprimés au premier tour, à la majorité relative au second.
Art. 9.—Le Président ne peut être élu plus de deux années de suite dans les
mêmes fonctions. Il a voix prépondérante en cas de partage.
Art. 10.—Le Bureau, sous la direction du Président, exécute les décisions
prises dans les réunions périodiques ou en Assemblée générale.
Art. 11.—Des Commissions spéciales peuvent être organisées par décision de
l’Assemblée des Membres titulaires qui délimitent leur pouvoir.
Art. 12.—Les décisions de l’Assemblée générale ou des réunions périodiques
sont valables quel que soit le nombre des Membres présents, si tous les Membres
qui doivent être convoqués ont été régulièrement avisés par le Secrétariat.
Art. 13.—Le procès-verbal des séances, tant des réunions périodiques et des
Assemblées générales que des Commissions, est tenu par l’un des Secrétaires de
la Société, ou par celui des Commissions spéciales.
Art. 14.—Le Président est suppléé, en cas d’empêchement ou d’absence, par
l’un des Vice-Présidents.


Art. 15.—Nul changement aux présents Statuts ne peut être adopté, si la

demande n’a été formée par trois Membres, et votée par la majorité absolue des
titulaires présents à la séance où la modification a été mise à l’ordre du jour.
Art. 16.—L’Assemblée des Membres titulaires a le droit de déclarer
démissionnaires les Membres de la Société qui ne se conformeraient pas aux
obligations imposées par les Statuts ou aux décisions régulièrement prises.
Art. 17.—Les dames ne peuvent être admises aux réunions périodiques des
Membres titulaires.
Art. 18.—Le Bureau peut inviter aux séances de la Société les Félibres et les
notabilités méridionales de passage à Paris.
Art. 19.—Le montant des banquets qui pourront être organisés sera toujours
payé au moyen des cotisations spéciales et personnelles des membres qui y
prendront part.

Paris, le 23 juillet 1879.

Pour copie conforme:
Le Président,
C. de Tourtoulon.

Le Programme et les Statuts de la Société des Félibres de Paris

ont été autorisés le 11 décembre 1880 par l’arrêté suivant:

RÉPUBLIQUE FRANÇAISE Société des Félibres de Paris.


Nº 33.389

Nous, Préfet de Police, sur la demande à nous adressée, le 3 novembre 1880,

par les personnes dont les noms et adresses figurent sur la liste ci-jointe,
demande ayant pour but d’obtenir l’autorisation nécessaire à la constitution
régulière d’une association fondée à Paris sous la dénomination de: «Société des
Félibres de Paris», dont le Siège serait établi rue du Regard, 10;
Ensemble les Statuts de ladite Association; vu l’article 291 du Code pénal et la
loi du 10 avril 1834;
Article premier.—L’Association organisée à Paris sous la dénomination de:
Société des Félibres de Paris, est autorisée à se constituer et à fonctionner
Art. 2.—Sont approuvés les Statuts susvisés tels qu’ils sont annexés au
présent arrêté.
Art. 3.—Les Membres de l’Association devront se conformer strictement aux
conditions suivantes:
1o Justifier du présent arrêté au commissaire de police du quartier sur lequel
auront lieu les réunions; 2o n’apporter, sans notre autorisation préalable, aucune
modification aux Statuts, tels qu’ils sont ci-annexés; 3o faire connaître à la
Préfecture de police, au moins cinq jours à l’avance, le local, le jour et l’heure des
réunions générales; 4o n’y admettre que les Membres de la Société et ne s’y
occuper, sous quelque prétexte que ce soit, d’aucun objet étranger au but indiqué
dans les Statuts, sous peine de suspension ou de dissolution immédiate; 5o se
pourvoir d’autorisations spéciales pour les fêtes organisées par la Société et
auxquelles des personnes étrangères seraient admises; 6o nous adresser, chaque
année, une liste contenant les noms, prénoms, professions et domiciles des
Sociétaires, la désignation des Membres du Bureau, sans préjudice des
documents spéciaux que la Société doit également fournir chaque année sur le
mouvement de son personnel et sur sa situation financière.
Art. 4.—Ampliation du présent arrêté, qui devra être inséré en tête des
Statuts, sera transmise au commissaire de police du quartier Notre-Dame-des-
Champs, qui le notifiera au Président de l’Association et en assurera l’exécution
en ce qui le concerne.
Fait à Paris, le 11 décembre 1880.
Le Député, Préfet de Police,
Pour ampliation:
Le Secrétaire général,
J. Cambon.
Vu pour être remis en forme de notification.
Paris, le 24 décembre 1880.
Le Commissaire de police,

Après avoir lu et comparé les Règlements et Statuts du Félibrige

de Provence et des Félibres de Paris, on constate que, s’il y a des
différences dans l’organisation, l’administration ou l’étendue des
pouvoirs, du moins le but général poursuivi par les deux Sociétés est
le même. Toutes deux s’appliquent à l’épuration de la langue
provençale et à sa propagation par des moyens pratiques; toutes
deux ont entrepris de rappeler les coutumes, jeux et usages dont la
tradition populaire est arrivée jusqu’à nous. Elles veulent également
relier la langue romane des derniers siècles des troubadours au
provençal actuel par une littérature forte, élevée, par des œuvres
poétiques de grande allure. L’exécution de cette partie du
programme, la plus difficile, est absolument nécessaire si l’on veut
donner au dialecte provençal l’éclat dont a joui le roman, et faire
oublier une période néfaste qui l’a empêché d’atteindre à la
perfection du français. Frappée de déchéance après la croisade
contre les Albigeois, la langue romane se ressentit forcément des
siècles d’obscurantisme qui s’appesantirent sur elle. Dégénérée, elle
descendit au rang des patois, et ce n’est pas trop des efforts des
lettrés méridionaux, secondés par ceux de tous les pays, pour lui
rendre une pureté de forme et d’expression digne de son ancienne
perfection et de la place qu’elle a jadis occupée dans l’histoire
littéraire de notre Provence ensoleillée.
Lorsque la Société des Félibres de Paris se fonda, on fut tenté de
la regarder comme une branche cadette, comme une annexe du
Félibrige de Provence. La publication de ses statuts suffit pour
éclairer aussitôt l’opinion. Elle démontra, en effet, clairement que, si
les deux Sociétés poursuivent un but commun, elles ne sont pas
moins absolument indépendantes l’une de l’autre. Les Félibres de
Paris ne sont rattachés à aucune maintenance; ils conservent leur
libre arbitre, et leurs décisions, aussi bien que leurs manifestations,
à Paris ou en province, n’ont pas à recevoir l’approbation ni à
craindre le veto du Félibrige du Midi.
Indépendants, ils ne sont inféodés à aucune méthode spéciale.
Très éclectiques, au point de vue linguistique, non seulement ils
admettent tous les dialectes méridionaux, mais leur organe, le Viro-
souleù, est une publication bilingue dont le succès s’affirme chaque
Accueillis tout d’abord d’une façon plutôt ironique, ils n’ont pas
tardé à obtenir un succès de curiosité. Puis leur sincérité, leur
enthousiasme débordant, l’amour qu’ils ont voué au sol natal, qu’ils
chantent et proclament dans leurs réunions et leurs fêtes, leur ont
concilié la bienveillance du Paris intellectuel. Partout, au café
Voltaire, à Sceaux, au théâtre antique d’Orange ou dans leurs
pèlerinages félibréens, il les suit, sympathique et joyeux. Il aime ces
enfants du Midi, dont l’exubérance chante la vie, dont les yeux de
flamme semblent avoir emporté un rayon de leur soleil, dont la voix
chaude et vibrante résonne comme une fanfare; c’est pour lui un
spectacle nouveau, il regarde, écoute et applaudit. Hier, c’était au
bois de Boulogne, où la petite phalange venait, sous la clarté astrale,
réciter des vers au légendaire troubadour Catelan. Puis, c’est dans
l’antique théâtre romain d’Orange que le Parisien bat des mains aux
magnifiques strophes de Pallas-Athénée, chantées par Mlle Bréval.
Les Erynnies, de Leconte de Lisle, Antigone, Œdipe roi, interprétés
par les artistes de la Comédie-Française, lui arrachent des cris
d’enthousiasme. Ah! c’est qu’ici nous ne sommes plus sous les
brumes du Nord; le ciel limpide et chaud communique ses ardeurs, il
a dégelé toutes les conventions plus ou moins protocolesques;
chacun redevient lui-même, la nature reprend ses droits. On a
souvent parlé de l’antagonisme entre les races du Nord et celles du
Midi; on a de la peine à y croire lorsqu’on suit les Félibres dans leurs
pérégrinations annuelles. C’est un spectacle digne d’intérêt que ces
races opposées et prétendues rivales, confondues, la main dans la
main, partageant les mêmes joies et les mêmes enthousiasmes. Là
où la politique est restée impuissante, les arts et la littérature ont
triomphé. Que n’a-t-on pas dit des effets de la croisade contre les
Albigeois et de l’oppression exercée par l’ancienne monarchie sur
les provinces méridionales! Eh bien, pour s’être fait attendre, la
revanche du Midi sur le Nord n’est pas moins complète. Et voilà
comment les Félibres de Paris comprennent la conquête. Ils jettent
aux quatre vents leurs poésies et leurs chansons, et leurs idées,
comme la bonne graine, germent dans cette terre de
l’intellectualisme qu’on appelle Paris. Et Paris enivré suit ces
charmeurs, qui le mènent vers les rives azurées de la Méditerranée.
Et ce pays si beau, mais presque ignoré des Parisiens jusque-là, se
peuple et se transforme. Toute la côte d’azur se couvre de riches
villas et de jardins pleins de fleurs. La colonie étrangère ajoute son
contingent et vient planter sa tente sur ces rives embaumées; les
chemins de fer qui sillonnent le littoral transportent, aux approches
de l’hiver, tout un monde qui fuit les brouillards glacés de la Seine et
de la Tamise. C’est là un commencement de décentralisation et de
cosmopolitisme de bon aloi. Les Félibres, qui y sont bien pour
quelque chose, ont eu, sur les hommes politiques préoccupés de
ces questions, une supériorité que ces derniers ne leur avaient
jamais soupçonnée.
Il est incontestable que les Félibres de Paris ont apporté à la
cause des revendications méridionales un concours assez réel pour
s’être traduit par des résultats appréciables. Grâce aux membres du
Parlement qu’ils comptent dans leurs rangs, ils ont obtenu l’appui du
Gouvernement. Le Ministre de l’Instruction publique n’a pas hésité à
faire bénéficier leurs lauréats d’un prix spécial, dont le caractère
officiel augmente la valeur. Leurs fêtes de Sceaux, présidées par les
premières illustrations littéraires de notre époque, sont le rendez-
vous des amis des lettres et des arts. Là, sous les ombrages
séculaires du parc de la duchesse du Maine, ils reconstituent les
cours d’amour de Signes et de Romanin où, jadis, un aréopage
aussi célèbre par la beauté que par l’esprit, présidé par Stéphanette
de Baulx, la comtesse de Die, Phanette de Gantelme, Hugonne de
Sabran, etc., rendait des arrêts chantés par les troubadours.
Aujourd’hui, les vers alternent avec les chansons et chaque Félibre
vient, devant la reine de la cour d’amour, présenter ses hommages
respectueux et réciter une poésie. Tous les artistes du Midi, si aimés
du public parisien, tiennent à figurer au programme. La Comédie-
Française, l’Opéra, l’Opéra-Comique, l’Odéon et le Conservatoire de
Musique prêtent leur concours. Après avoir couronné les bustes
d’Aubanel, de Florian et du regretté Paul Arène, l’un des fondateurs
du Félibrige de Paris, le cortège s’achemine vers la mairie, au milieu
des fanfares, des Sociétés de gymnastique et des détonations des
boîtes à poudre dont le fracas, se répercutant jusqu’au fond du parc,
trouble les expansions des amoureux qui s’y sont réfugiés. Mais
voici l’heure des discours. M. Charaire, le maire si accueillant de
Sceaux, M. Chateau, son successeur aujourd’hui, souhaitent en
termes émus la bienvenue aux arrivants. La réponse de M. Sextius
Michel est toujours un morceau très goûté, qui laisse deviner les
beautés plus étudiées et plus académiques de la harangue qu’il
adressera ensuite au Président.
Aimable biographe, il retrace de main de maître la carrière et les
œuvres de celui que le choix a désigné pour présider à cette fête, et
doit ainsi provoquer de sa part une réponse improvisée aussi
agréable que spirituelle. Puis, lecture du palmarès et remise des
récompenses aux lauréats. Le soir, banquet, toasts, chansons,
brindes. Le tout se termine par des illuminations, un feu d’artifice et
une farandole échevelée dans le parc, aux sons des fifres et des
tambourins, après, toutefois, l’exhibition de la Tarasque au corps

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