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General Objectives

The general objective of this research work is to assess hand hygiene practices and its

perceived benefit among nursing mother in Irrua, Edo State, Nigeria.

Specific Objective

1. Identify perceived benefit of hand hygiene among nursing mothers in modern primary

health care centre in Irrua.

2. To identify the types of hands hygiene practices among nursing mothers in modern

primary health care centre in Irrua.

Research Questions

The research questions guiding the study are

1. What are the perceived benefit of hand hygiene among nursing mother in modern

primary health care centre, Irrua?

2. What are the types of hands hygiene practices among Nursing Mother in modern

primary healthcare Centre in Irrua?


Please tick (√ ) as appropriate on the scale provided below. There is no right or wrong

Section A: socio demographic factors

1. Age: 13-18 (), 19-25(), 26-35(), 36-45(), 46-50()

2. Academy Qualification: Primary School (), Secondary School () Tertiary (), None ()

3. Marital status: married (), unmarried (), Divorced ()

4. Religion: Christianity (), Islam (), Traditional belief (), others ()

5. Occupation: business (), civil servant (), self employed ()

Section B: benefits of hand hygiene

6. Is hand washing important? Yes () No ()

7. Are you always told to wash your hands? Yes () No ()

8. Do you always touch object around you? Yes () No ()

9. Poor knowledge about hand hygiene increases the chance of disease

contamination: Yes () No ()

10. Knowledge about hand hygiene is the primary means of disease prevention at

home and in hospital? Yes () No ()

11. Before the outbreak of covid-19, do you see hand washing as important as it is now?

Yes () No ()

12. Do you agree that the outbreak of covid and infection in new born has raised the level

of the awareness and practice of hand hygiene? Yes () No ()

13. Do you maintain hand hygiene before and after visiting health facility in Irrua? Yes ()

No ()

14. Do you usually maintain hand hygiene after touching object(directly or indirectly)

in health facility in Irrua? Yes () No ()

15. Do you maintain hand hygiene before and after visiting toilet? Yes () No ()
16. Do you wash your hand frequently after being attended to by the physician?

Yes () No ()

17. Regular hand hygiene prevent diarrhoea among nursing mothers: Yes () No ()

18. Do you agree that practice of hand hygiene during labour pain is difficult? Yes ()

No ()

19. Does the media has a role to play in the campaign in improve the prevalence of

hand hygiene? Yes () No ()

Section C: types of hand hygiene.

20. Do you practice routine handwashing? Yes () No ()

21. Which of the hand hygiene do you prefer? Surgical antisepsis () Antiseptic handrub ()

Antiseptic handwash () Routine handwash ()

22. Do you believe in the 5 moments of hand hygiene? Yes () No ()

23. Which of the following materials or equipment do you prefer to perform hand

washing? Soap or detergent () Warm running water () Paper towels () Alcohol ()

24. Use of Antiseptic Handrub is the best type of hand hygiene. Yes () No ()

25. Hand hygiene is the most effective, convenient, economical and simple measures to

control healthcare-associated infection. Yes () No ()

26. Lack of resources, namely soap and water, as well as inadequate sanitation

facilities are reasons I do not practice hand hygiene frequently: Yes () No ()

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