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Form Number
2802 3739 Census of India 2021 Houselisting and Housing Census Schedule Confidential
when filled
Page No.
Location State/UT District Tahsil/Taluk/ Town/ Ward Code No. Houselisting
Start Particulars P.S./Dev. Block
Village (only for Town) Block No.
Fill if the census house is used wholly or partly as a residence Fill columns 14 to 34 for normal households. Put dash (-) in case of institutional households and non-residential census houses
(If ‘1’ or ‘2’ in col. 7) Amenities available to the household

If ‘1’ or ‘2’ in col. 7, condition of this census house:

Assets possessed by the household

Rice-1/ Wheat-2/ Jowar-3/ Bajra-4/ Maize-5/ Any other-6

Information relating to the head of the household

Bathing facility available within the premises:

exclusively in possession of this household (Record 0,1,2,3..)

Availability of kitchen and LPG/PNG Connection:

with other household-2/ Public latrine-3/ No: Open-4

On mobile/smartphone-2/ On any other device-3 /No-4

Main fuel used for cooking: (If ‘1’ to ‘6’ in col. 24)

On mobile/smartphone-2/ On any other device-3/ No-4

DTH/Dish-2/ Cable connection-3/ Any other-4/No -5
Main source of lighting: Electricity-1/ Kerosene-2
Owned-1/ Rented but has own house elsewhere-2/
Line Building Census Predominant Ascertain use of Household Name of the

Yes: Bathroom-1/ Enclosure without roof-2/ No-3

Rented and doesn’t own any house-3/ Any other-4

Closed drainage-1/Open drainage-2/ No drainage-3

Do not fill

Telephone and Mobile phone/Smartphone

Yes: Exclusively for household use only -1/ Shared

Radio/ Transistor: Yes: Traditional radio set-1/

Television: Yes: Doordarshan free dish-1/ Other

Access to internet: Yes: On laptop/ Computer-1/

Bicycle and Scooter/ Motorcycle/ Moped

columns 12 and

Main cereal consumed in the household:

number number house Census house number head of the

Within premises-1/ Near the premises-2/ Away-3

material of 13 for institutional Mobile Number

Availability of drinking water source: $

Total number of persons normally

Solar-3/ Other oil-4/ Any other-5/ No lighting-6

(Municipal number household

If ‘1’ or ‘2’ in col. 20, then type of latrine

Number of married couple(s) living in
floor, wall (Write the actual use and then (Give separate

Waste water outlet connected to:

this household (Record 0,1,2,3....)
or local
and roof of choose the appropriate code serial number

Good-1 / Livable- 2 / Dilapidated-3

Ownership status of this house:

authority (For Census related

(Give code from the list below)

(Give code from the list below)

(Give code from the list below)

Main source of drinking water
the census from the list below and record to each

residing in this household

(Give code from the list below)

or census communications only)

Number of dwelling rooms #

(Give code from the list below)

the same in the box at the left household
number) house

(Give code from list below)

hand side of the column) and

Sex: Male-1/ Female-2/

SC -1/ ST - 2 / Other - 3

If SC* or ST* or Other:

Transgender person-3
write ‘999’

Laptop/ Computer:
(Give code from
for every

Access to latrine:
the respective lists

Car/ Jeep/ Van:


Yes: 1/ No-2
Yes: 1/ No-2
Floor Wall Roof Code Actual use

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34

Note: Count the number of entries and give total Total 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34

* for col. 13 Floor Wall Roof Main source of Availability of kitchen Main fuel
Scheduled Caste can be only 4 5 6 7 Use of census house 17 21 Type of latrine 24 25 30 Telephone and 31 Bicycle and Use only numerals as indicated here
drinking water & LPG/PNG Connection used for Mobile Phone/ Scooter/
from Hindus, Sikhs and Smartphone Motorcycle/
Buddhists and not from any Mud............1 Grass/ thatch/ bamboo etc. ....1 Grass/ thatch/ bamboo/ Residence............................1 Tap water from Flush/pour flush latrine Cooking in kitchen cooking Moped
other religion. Scheduled Wood/ Plastic/ polythene....................2 wood/ mud etc.............1 Residence-cum-other use...2 treated source..............1 connected to Has LPG/PNG Connection ……….........1 Firewood.............1 Yes
Tribe can be from any religion. bamboo....2 Mud/ unburnt brick.................3 Plastic/ polythene........2 Shop/ office.........................3 Tap water from Piped sewer system..........................1 Doesn’t have LPG/PNG Connection...2 Crop residue........2 Landline only.............1 Scooter/
Burnt brick..3 Wood.......................................4 Hand made tiles...........3 School/ college etc..............4 un-treated source..........2 Septic tank........................................2 Cowdung cake.....3 Mobile only Motorcycle/
# for col. 15 Cooking inside house, but not in Signature of the Enumerator with Date
Do not include kitchen,
Stone..........4 Stone not packed with mortar......5 Machine made tiles.....4 Hotel/ lodge/ Well.................................3 Other system....................................3 Coal/lignite/ Smartphone ...........2 Moped .........2
bathroom, latrine, store room, Cement.......5 Stone packed with mortar............6 Burnt brick...................5 guest house etc.............5 Hand Pump.....................4 Twin Pit latrine Has LPG/PNG Connection ……………...3 charcoal..........4 Other basic mobile...3 Both................3
passageway and verandah. Mosaic/ G.I./metal/ asbestos sheets....7 Stone...........................6 Hospital/ dispensary etc.....6 Tubewell/ borehole.........5 With slab/ventilated improved pit...4 Doesn’t have LPG/PNG Connection...4 Kerosene..............5 Both..........................4 None...............4
Include living room, bedroom, floor tiles..6 Burnt brick..............................8 Slate.............................7 Factory/ workshop/ Spring..............................6 Without slab/open pit......................5 LPG/PNG..............6 No.............................5
dining room, drawing room, Any other....7 Concrete.................................9 G.I./metal/ workshed etc....................7 River/canal......................7 Single Pit latrine Cooking in open/ outside house Electricity.............7
study room, servant’s room Any other................................0 asbestos sheets......8 Place of worship..................8 Tank/pond/lake...............8 With slab/ventilated improved pit...6 Has LPG/PNG Connection ……………...5 Bio-gas.................8
and other similar rooms. Concrete......................9 Other non-residential use...9 Packaged/bottled water ...9 Without slab/open pit......................7 Doesn’t have LPG/PNG Connection…6 Solar.....................9 Signature of the Supervisor with Date
Any other.....................0 Vacant.................................0 Other sources..................0 Service latrine Any other.............0
$ for col. 18 No cooking ................................7
‘Near the premises’ here Night soil removed by human..........8
means within 100 meters in Night soil serviced by animals..........9
Urban, within 500 meters in Night soil disposed into open drain...0
Census of India 2021 Houselisting and Housing Census Schedule Confidential
when filled
Page No.
Fill if the census house is used wholly or partly as a residence Fill columns 14 to 34 for normal households. Put dash (-) in case of institutional households and non-residential census houses
(If ‘1’ or ‘2’ in col. 7) Amenities available to the household

If ‘1’ or ‘2’ in col. 7, condition of this census house:

Assets possessed by the household

Rice-1/ Wheat-2/ Jowar-3/ Bajra-4/ Maize-5/ Any other-6

Information relating to the head of the household

Bathing facility available within the premises:

exclusively in possession of this household (Record 0,1,2,3..)

Availability of kitchen and LPG/PNG Connection:

with other household-2/ Public latrine-3/ No: Open-4

On mobile/smartphone-2/ On any other device-3 /No-4

Main fuel used for cooking: (If ‘1’ to ‘6’ in col. 24)

On mobile/smartphone-2/ On any other device-3/ No-4

DTH/Dish-2/ Cable connection-3/ Any other-4/No -5
Main source of lighting: Electricity-1/ Kerosene-2
Owned-1/ Rented but has own house elsewhere-2/
Line Building Census Predominant Ascertain use of Household Name of the

Telephone and Mobile phone/Smartphone:

Rented and doesn’t own any house-3/ Any other-4

Yes: Bathroom-1, Enclosure without roof-2/ No-3

Closed drainage-1/Open drainage-2/ No drainage-3
Do not fill

Yes: Exclusively for household use only -1/ Shared

Radio/ Transistor: Yes: Traditional radio set-1/

Television: Yes: Doordarshan free dish-1/ Other

Bicycle and Scooter/ Motorcycle/ Moped:

Access to internet: Yes: On laptop/ Computer-1/
columns 12 and

Main cereal consumed in the household:

number number house Census house number head of the

Within premises-1/ Near the premises-2/ Away-3

material of 13 for institutional Mobile Number

Availability of drinking water source: $

If ‘1’ or ‘2’ in col. 20, then type of latrine:

Total number of persons normally

Solar-3/ Other oil-4/ Any other-5/ No lighting-6

(Municipal number household

Number of married couple(s) living in

floor, wall (Write the actual use and then (Give separate

Waste water outlet connected to:

this household (Record 0,1,2,3....)
or local
and roof of choose the appropriate code serial number

Good-1 / Livable- 2 / Dilapidated-3

Ownership status of this house:

Main source of drinking water:

authority (For Census related

(Give code from the list below)

(Give code from the list below)

(Give code from the list below)

the census from the list below and record to each

residing in this household

(Give code from the list below)

or census communications only)

Number of dwelling rooms #

(Give code from the list below)

the same in the box at the left household
number) house

(Give code from list below)

hand side of the column) and

Sex: Male-1/ Female-2/

SC -1/ ST - 2 / Other - 3

If SC* or ST* or Other:

Transgender person-3
write ‘999’

Laptop/ Computer:
(Give code from
for every

Access to latrine:
the respective lists

Car/ Jeep/ Van:


Yes: 1/ No-2
Yes: 1/ No-2
Floor Wall Roof Code Actual use

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34

Note: Count the number of entries and give total Total 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34

* for col. 13 Floor Wall Roof Main source of Availability of kitchen Main fuel
Scheduled Caste can be only 4 5 6 7 Use of census house 17 21 Type of latrine 24 25 30 Telephone and 31 Bicycle and Use only numerals as indicated here
drinking water & LPG/PNG Connection used for Mobile Phone/ Scooter/
from Hindus, Sikhs and Smartphone Motorcycle/
Buddhists and not from any Mud............1 Grass/ thatch/ bamboo etc. ....1 Grass/ thatch/ bamboo/ Residence............................1 Tap water from Flush/pour flush latrine Cooking in kitchen cooking Moped
other religion. Scheduled Wood/ Plastic/ polythene....................2 wood/ mud etc.............1 Residence-cum-other use...2 treated source..............1 connected to Has LPG/PNG Connection ……….........1 Firewood.............1 Yes
Tribe can be from any religion. bamboo....2 Mud/ unburnt brick.................3 Plastic/ polythene........2 Shop/ office.........................3 Tap water from Piped sewer system..........................1 Doesn’t have LPG/PNG Connection...2 Crop residue........2 Landline only.............1 Scooter/
Burnt brick..3 Wood.......................................4 Hand made tiles...........3 School/ college etc..............4 un-treated source..........2 Septic tank........................................2 Cowdung cake.....3 Mobile only Motorcycle/ Signature of the Enumerator
# for col. 15 Cooking inside house, but not in with Date
Do not include kitchen,
Stone..........4 Stone not packed with mortar......5 Machine made tiles......4 Hotel/ lodge/ Well.................................3 Other system....................................3 Coal/lignite/ Smartphone ...........2 Moped .........2
bathroom, latrine, store room, Cement.......5 Stone packed with mortar............6 Burnt brick...................5 guest house etc.............5 Hand Pump.....................4 Twin Pit latrine Has LPG/PNG Connection ……………...3 charcoal..........4 Other basic mobile...3 Both................3
passageway and verandah. Mosaic/ G.I./metal/ asbestos sheets....7 Stone...........................6 Hospital/ dispensary etc.....6 Tubewell/ borehole.........5 With slab/ventilated improved pit...4 Doesn’t have LPG/PNG Connection...4 Kerosene..............5 Both..........................4 None...............4
Include living room, bedroom, floor tiles..6 Burnt brick..............................8 Slate.............................7 Factory/ workshop/ Spring..............................6 Without slab/open pit......................5 LPG/PNG..............6 No.............................5 Continue to
dining room, drawing room, Any other....7 Concrete.................................9 G.I./metal/ workshed etc....................7 River/canal......................7 Single Pit latrine Cooking in open/ outside house Electricity.............7 another sheet
study room, servant’s room Any other................................0 asbestos sheets......8 Place of worship..................8 Tank/pond/lake...............8 With slab/ventilated improved pit...6 Has LPG/PNG Connection ……………...5 Bio-gas.................8
and other similar rooms. Doesn’t have LPG/PNG Connection…6 Signature of the Supervisor Write ‘C’ if
Concrete......................9 Other non-residential use...9 Packaged/bottled water ...9 Without slab/open pit......................7 Solar.....................9 with Date continued to
Any other.....................0 Vacant.................................0 Other sources..................0 Service latrine Any other.............0 another sheet
$ for col. 18 No cooking ................................7
‘Near the premises’ here Night soil removed by human..........8 Write last three digits of the
Night soil serviced by animals..........9 form number of the
means within 100 meters in continued sheet
Urban, within 500 meters in Night soil disposed into open drain...0

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