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S/2021-22/STD V/ Math/ WS 8

Solve the following word problems in your notebook. The first one is done for you.

Make sure to write statements

1) A carton holds 24 packets of biscuits. Each packet has 12 biscuits. How many biscuits can be
packed in 45 cartons?

Solution : In one carton we can pack 24 × 12 biscuits.

In 45 cartons, we can pack 24 × 12 × 45 biscuits.

24 × 12 = 288

288 × 45 = 12,960

Therefore, altogether there are 12,960 biscuits.

2) Each student of class IV contributed Rs. 75 for the flood victims. If there are 368 students in
class IV, what is the total amount of money collected?

3) An orchard has 46 rows of mango trees. If there are 150 trees in each row. What is the total
number of mango trees in the orchard?

4) A truck has 673 boxes of candies. Each box has a dozen candies in it. What is the total number
of candies on the truck?

5) The National Library has 502 book shelves. In each shelf there are 44 books. What is the total
number of books in the library?

6) A showroom has 165 bicycles. Each bicycle costs Rs. 4500. What is the total cost of all the

7) The teller in the bank received 814 notes today. If the value of each note is Rs. 500, what is
the total amount of money collected by the teller?

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