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Navdeep Singh (D.O.B.:1983-07-21), Passport#: U5690917
Address: VPO Chohla Sahib Pati Sahajre Ki, Tarn Taran,
PIN: 143401 Punjab, India.

I, Sarbjit Deol of Caledon, in the Province of Ontario, DO SOLEMNLY DECLARE AS

• I, Sarbjit Deol (D.O.B.: October 30, 1983, Passport# GK182606) am Citizen of Canada respectively.
(See attached Passport). My address is 2 Proctor Ave, Caledon, Ontario, L7E 4E7, Canada. Phone#:

• I, Sarbjit Deol, am working as an Office Manager in eTor Network located at 6705 Tomken Road,
Suite 225, Mississauga, Ontario, L5T 2J6. I am also a 50% owner of 2472827 Ontario Inc. (eTor
Network) and based on the company’s performance and is compensated by way of dividends from
the company.

• I, Sarbjit Deol, is inviting my First cousin Brother, Navdeep Singh, to visit Canada on a Visitor Visa
for the purpose of family reunification, tourism and spend vacation time with us at Caledon,
Ontario. Navdeep Singh will travel to Caledon, Ontario on September 14, 2023, and will leave on
October 28, 2023.

• Mr. Navdeep Singh is a regular employee of KD Network Solutions, Amritsar, Punjab and has
been working as Office Administrator since February 2022. Navdeep Singh has received vacation
approval from KD Network Solutions, Amritsar, Punjab for his travel to Canada and will resume his
services after his Canada Trip.

• I, Sarbjit Deol, undertake to ensure that I will fully support my cousin Brother: Navdeep Singh,
including food, living accommodation and any other financial expense during her temporary stay in
Canada. Air ticket expenses will be paid by himself.

• My cousin brother, Navdeep Singh has sufficient funds for this Canada Trip.

• My cousin brother will stay with me at 2 Proctor Ave, Caledon, Ontario, L7E 4E7, Canada for the
duration of their visit to Canada.

• I possess sufficient funds in my bank account to support them during this temporary visit to Canada.

• I provide guarantee that my cousin brother: Navdeep Singh will respect all conditions of their visa
and will return to India at the end of this visit.

And I make this solemn declaration conscientiously believing it to be true and knowing that it is of
the same force and effect as if made under oath.

DECLARED before me at the city of Caledon, )

in the Province of Ontario, )
This____day of July, 2023 ) _______________________
) Sarbjit Deol
____________________________ )

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