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Name: Md.

Nafis Shahrear

Id: 22-92401-1

1. Brief Introduction of the Topic/Study

1.1 Title of Study: Challenges of Customer Services in Standard Bank Limited

1.2 Profile of the organization or business establishment: Standard Bank Limited is a

private commercial bank in Bangladesh founded by Kazi Akram Uddin Ahmed
chairman of the bank and Kamal Mostafa Chowdhury is the founder vice-chairman
and director of the bank. It stands among the least proficient banks in its

1.3 Rationale of the study: This study is being proposed because it will be an important
research for business studies and it’s also much relevant with business studies. As an
MBA student now I’m working as an intern in Standard Bank Limited and in
upcoming future I can do my job in any Bank, there this study can help in my future
career too. This study can also have a great contribution for the entire Faculty
Business Administration of AIUB, because the practical experiences related with
customer servicing in a bank can be very good examples for Business Administration
faculties & students, since these will be real-life examples.

2. Statement of the Problems

The questions which would be answered by this research:
i) How challenging they feel the customer service activities in Standard Bank?
ii) Which are the biggest challenges for employees of customer service department in
this bank?
iii) How the employees of this bank have to handle the daily pressure of dealing various
iv) Are they feeling also motivated in the task of customer service?

3. Scope of Delimitation of the Study

Here for this research the location has been chosen that’s Ring Road Branch of Standard
Bank, where I’m doing my internship currently. The time duration for this study would
be about 3 weeks. The employees related with customer service department, they are
going to be involved to complete this research. The variables which will be used in this
research that is primary data mostly, and the sources of those data will be the bankers
of customer service department directly.

4. Objectives
i)Case study about various challenges the bankers in Standard Bank face regular.
ii)Knowledge about customer handling skills of the bankers, which they have gained
from their real-life job experience. That would be like what kinds problems they feel in
this job and how they have to solve or overcome those problems.

5. Methodology of the Study

In this study I’ll start my research by data collection and according to source the data
will be primary data as I will collect these directly from the bankers of customer service
department in Standard Bank. These data will be collected by surveying them through
questionnaires. Here I’ll have to collect qualitative data mainly, so statistical
presentation like graphs or tables won’t be included in this research. I’ll collect the
qualitative data from the bankers and then I’ll simply study them. After that I’ll prepare
my research report based on my study of the data.

6. Timeline of Activities
It will take about 3 weeks to complete this research.

1st week: To collect the data from all primary sources

2nd week: To study all the data
3rd week: To complete the entire report on the whole research

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